

(1) Fountain of Youth

Casting Type Duration
6+ Augment Focused Replicable
Range 24"
One Turn
*Alternatively, the range can be set to 6″ and be measured from a Forest, Hill, Water, Impassable, or Field Terrain Feature.

Raise 1 HP in the target's Health Pool.

No model can Raise more than 1 HP per turn from this spell.

(2) Entwining Roots

Casting Type Duration
7+ Hex
Range 24"
One Turn
*Alternatively, the range can be set to 6″ and be measured from a Forest Terrain Feature.

The target suffers -2″ Cha and -2″ Mob, both to a minimum of 2″.

In addition the target suffers -2 Agi to a minimum of 1.

(3) Veil of Mist

Casting Type Duration
9+ Hex
Range 24"
One Turn
*Alternatively, the range can be set to 6″ and be measured from a Water Terrain Feature.

All units within 12″ of the target suffer - 1 to hit with Shooting Attacks and a - 1 modifier to their Casting Rolls.

(4) Shower of Rocks

Casting Type Duration
9+ Hex Damage
Range 24"
One Turn
*Alternatively, the range can be set to 6″ and be measured from a Hill Terrain Feature.

The target suffers 2D3+1 hits with Str 3, AP 1, and Magical Attacks. If the target contains a Rank-and-File model with Light Troops, these hits are instead resolved with Str 4, AP 2, and Magical Attacks.

(5) Stone Skin

Casting Type Duration
11+ Augment
Range 24"
One Turn
*Alternatively, the range can be set to 6″ and be measured from a Impassable Terrain Feature.

The target gains +1 Res. In addition, Melee Attacks allocated towards it never wound on better than 4+.

(6) Quicksand

Casting Type Duration
Range 24"
One Turn
*Alternatively, the range can be set to 6″ and be measured from a Field Terrain Feature.

The target suffers - 1 to-hit with its Melee Attacks. The first time in each Player Turn that it performs a Move (See Definitions and Terminology Chapter), each of its Health Pools must take a Dangerous Terrain(6+) Test.