Indiscriminate Hunger

A Troll Hag’s appetite is both ravenous and indiscriminate. In battle, they will scoop up handfuls of enemy warriors or bite chunks of flesh from hulking monsters.

During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Troll Hag that is engaged in combat may choose to make an ‘Indiscriminate Hunger’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:
- If this test is failed, the Troll Hag scoops warriors into her gaping maw or sinks her filthy fangs into the flesh of a monster. The target unit immediately loses a single Wound.
- If this test is passed, the enemy manages to avoid the grasping Troll Hag. This attack has no effect.

Each time an enemy unit loses a Wound as a result of an Indiscriminate Hunger attack, the Troll Hag recovers a single lost Wound.