*Pick Up And…

Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And… attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:
• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.

Next, roll a D6:
• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks.
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must make another Initiative test.

This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until the target unit is destroyed.

Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting rank of the enemy unit.