Skirmish Screen

In battle, Skinks swarm around the legs of Kroxigor. When the enemy draws near, the Kroxigor charge through the Skinks, who instinctively know to get out of their way.

A unit with this special rule can draw a line of sight over or through friendly units of Skink Skirmishers and can move through friendly units of Skink Skirmishers that are in Skirmish formation. If this unit’s move would result in it ending up ‘on top’ of a friendly Skink Skirmisher, simply nudge that model aside, by the smallest amount possible, to make space for this unit. Whilst in Skirmish formation units of Skink Skirmishers can treat friendly models with this special rule that are within 1" of one or more of the unit’s models as a part of the unit for the purposes of unit coherency.