
When a model with Mage-Priest Palanquin joins a unit whose front rank contains five or more models with Guardians, it must be placed in the second rank, rather than the first. If the unit's front rank is ever reduced to four or fewer models with Guardians, the model with Mage-Priest Palanquin must immediately move to the front rank (displacing rank and file models if necessary).

A model with Mage-Priest Palanquin who is in base contact with a model with Guardians is considered to be the same Troop Type as them for the purpose of 'Look Out Sir!', and cannot be targeted separately from the rest of the unit. If this combined unit is hit by a bolt thrower, the shot always hits the model closest to the bolt thrower that has Guardians. If this hit results in a casualty, resolve a hit against the next model in the bolt's path each time a casualty is caused.