Steam Cannonade

Powered by the channelled pressure of the Iron Daemon’s furnace, a steam cannonade is a twin barrelled organ gun used to blast a lethal storm of red-hot shrapnel and curse-laden shot into the ranks of the enemy.

R S AP Special Rules
Steam Cannonade 18" 5 -1 Armour Bane (1), Cannonade, Cumbersome
Notes: When shooting with a steam cannonade, follow the normal Shooting phase sequence.

Cannonade: When shooting with a steam cannonade, roll two Artillery dice before making any rolls To Hit. The number of shots fired is equal to the total of both Artillery dice:

• If a Misfire is rolled on one of the Artillery dice, all shots fired from the steam cannonade this turn suffer an additional -1 To Hit modifier (instead of rolling on a Misfire table).
• If a Misfire is rolled on both of the Artillery dice, no shots are fired and this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table).

After determining the number of shots, roll To Hit for each as normal, using the crew’s Ballistic Skill and applying all appropriate modifiers.