Chuck Wagon

The Chuck Wagon is placed in the second rank of a unit of Pantry Guards and must stay with the unit at all times. Should the unit be destroyed, another friendly unit may capture it by moving into base contact with it. If an enemy unit captures an unguarded Chuck Wagon, it is automatically destroyed, and gives the enemy an additional 100 Victory Points.

The Chuck Wagon gives all Halflings within 12" "Hold Your Ground!". If a Master Chef accompanies the Chuck Wagon by being in the same unit, the range is increased to 18". In addition, any unit accompanied by a Chuck Wagon is Stubborn.

If the Chuck Wagon is destroyed, any unit of Halflings within 12" of it must take a Panic test. From then on, all Halfling units will Hate the enemy unit responsible for the heinous act.

The Chuck Wagon is pulled by a Aurochs. It may attack enemies to its front like a Chariot mount.