Rebaños de Bestias

Rebaños de Bestias

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Rules and Equipments used by the army

Puedes elegir no desplegar la unidad de forma normal. En su lugar el jugador puede elegir despertar al Adormecido al inicio de cualquier subfase de Resto de Movimientos: Coloca la miniatura completamente en cualquier Bosque que haya en el Campo de Batalla.
You may choose not to deploy this unit as normal. Instead the controlling player may choose to awaken the Sleeper at the start of any friendly Remaining Moves sub-phase: the Briar Beast is placed completely within any Forests feature on the table.
Before Deployment, after choosing Deployment Zones, an army that includes units with the Ambush special rule must state which of your units with this special rule will use it (starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone). Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Ambushing units. Starting from Game Turn 2, roll a dice for each Ambushing unit at the start of each of your Remaining Moves subphases. After you have rolled for all Ambushing units, each unit that rolled 3+, now enters the Battlefield from any table edge. Place the arriving unit with all of its back rank touching the Board Edge. Ambushing models are free to move in the Remaining Moves subphase, except that they may not March Move, and they must end this Movement Phase no more than twice their Movement value from the Board Edge. If an Ambushing unit has not entered the board (due to failing all its 3+ rolls) before the game ends, the unit counts as destroyed. An Ambushing Character may choose to be deployed within an Ambushing unit that it would normally be allowed to join (declare this when declaring which units are Ambushing). In that case the player rolls once for the combined unit. Until arriving on the Battlefield, Ambushing units cannot do any actions at all, and all items, rules, abilities etc. do not work while not on the Battlefield.
Before Deployment, after choosing Deployment Zones, an army that includes units with the Ambush special rule must state which of your units with this special rule will use it (starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone). Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Ambushing units. Starting from Game Turn 2, roll a dice for each Ambushing unit at the start of each of your Remaining Moves subphases. After you have rolled for all Ambushing units, each unit that rolled 3+, now enters the Battlefield from any table edge. Place the arriving unit with all of its back rank touching the Board Edge. Ambushing models are free to move in the Remaining Moves subphase, except that they may not March Move, and they must end this Movement Phase no more than twice their Movement value from the Board Edge. If an Ambushing unit has not entered the board (due to failing all its 3+ rolls) before the game ends, the unit counts as destroyed. An Ambushing Character may choose to be deployed within an Ambushing unit that it would normally be allowed to join (declare this when declaring which units are Ambushing). In that case the player rolls once for the combined unit. Until arriving on the Battlefield, Ambushing units cannot do any actions at all, and all items, rules, abilities etc. do not work while not on the Battlefield.
Arma a dos Manos
Great Weapon
Armadura Pesada
Heavy Armour
Light Armour
Light Armour
Ataques de Gigante
Cuando un Gigante ataca en Combate, en vez de atacar de forma normal, elige una Unidad en Contacto con él y tira en la tabla siguiente en función del tipo de tropa de la unidad Infantería, Bestia de Guerra, Enjambre, Máquina de Guerra, Caballería 1: Berrear 2: Saltar 3: Agarrar 4-6: Barrido Bestia Monstruosa, Infantería Monstruosa, Caballería Monstruosa, Monstruo, Monstruo Montado, Carro 1: Berrear 2-3: Aporrear 4-6: Aplastar Berrear : Ni el Gigante ni la Unidad Enemiga pueden realizar ningún Ataque de Combate en esa fase. Los ataques ya realizados (incluyendo aquellos simultáneos al mismo Paso de Iniciativa del Gigante) no se ven afectados. El bando del Gigante gana automáticamente el Combate por 2 puntos. Si dos o más Gigantes están trabados en combate y ambos obtienen un resultado de Berrear, el combate acaba en empate. Saltar : La unidad elegida sufre 1D6 Impactos con la Fuerza del Gigante. El Gigante deberá efectuar un chequeo de Terreno Peligroso. Agarrar : Elije una miniatura de la unidad en Contacto con el Gigante. La miniatura deberá superar un Chequeo de Fuerza y uno de Habilidad de Armas. Por cada chequeo que falle, la miniatura sufre 1 Impacto con la Fuerza del Gigante con Heridas Múltiples (1D3). Barrido : El Gigante hace 2D6 ataques contra la unidad elegida. Aporrear : Elije una miniatura de la unidad en Contacto con el Gigante. La miniatura deberá superar un Chequeo de Iniciativa. Si lo falla, sufre 2D6 Heridas con Poder de Penetración (6). Aplastar : Elije una miniatura de la unidad en Contacto con el Gigante. Esa miniatura sufre 1 Herida con Poder de Penetración (6). Si ninguna parte de la miniatura no había atacado aún esta Fase, no podrá hacerlo en esa Ronda de Combate. Si la miniatura ya había atacado, no podrá atacar en el siguiente Turno de Jugador. - Notas – Los Ataques del Gigante cuentan como Ataques de Combate y se ven afectados normalmente por reglas que les afecten. Después de realizar la tirada de la tabla, el Gigante puede realizar el Golpetazo de forma normal.
Giant Attacks
When a Beast Giant attacks in Close Combat, instead of attacking normally, choose an enemy unitin base contact with the Beast Giant to attack and roll on the chart below. The Beast Giant’s attack depends on the Troop Type of the target enemy unit. Against Infantry, War Beast, Swarm, War Machine and Cavalry targets: 1:​ Bellow 2:​ Jump 3:​ Grab 4-6:​ Swing Against Monstrous Beast, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariot, Monster and Ridden Monster targets: 1:​ Bellow 2-3:​ Thump 4-6:​ Smash Bellow: Neither the Beast Giant nor the chosen unit can make any further Close Combat attacks this phase. Attacks already resolved (including attacks resolved simultaneously with this attack) are not affected. The Beast Giant's side automatically wins the combat by 2. If two (or more) opposing models with Giant Attacks “Bellow”, the combat is a draw. Jump: The chosen unit suffers D6 hits using the Beast Giant's Strength. The Beast Giant musttake aDangerous Terrain (1) Test. Grab: Select a single model in the chosen unit and in base contact with the Beast Giant. This model musttake a Strength Test and a Weapon Skill Test. For each failed test, the model suffers a hit with the Beast Giant's Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3). Swing:​ The Beast Giant makes 2D6 normal Close Combat attacks against the chosen unit. Thump: Select a single model in the chosen unit and in base contact with the Beast Giant. This model must take an Initiative Test. If the test is failed, the model suffers 2D6 wounds with Armour Piercing (6). Smash: Select a single model in the chosen unit and in base contact with the Beast Giant. This model suffers 1wound with Armour Piercing (6). If no part of this model has yet attacked this phase, it cannot attack in this Round of Combat. If the model has already attacked, it cannot make attacks in the following Round of Combat. - Notes - Giant Attacks are treated as normal Close Combat attacks and are therefore affected by all rules normally affecting Close Combat attacks. After rolling on this chart, the Beast Giant may still Stomp as normal.
Divine Attacks
Successful Ward Saves taken against attacks with this special rule, or against Close Combat Attacks made by model parts with this special rule must be rerolled.
Divine Attacks
Successful Ward Saves taken against attacks with this special rule, or against Close Combat Attacks made by model parts with this special rule must be rerolled.
Aura de Locura
Las unidades enemigas en un radio de 6” de al menos una miniatura con esta regla especial tienen Liderazgo (-1).
Aura of Madness
Enemy units within 6" of one or more models with Aura of Madness suffer -1 Leadership.
Aurige Roi des Tombes
Aurige Roi des Tombes
After Deployment (including Scouts), units composed entirely of models with this special rule may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as if in the Remaining Moves subphase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have in the Remaining Moves subphase (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Movement Characteristic and no March Moves are allowed. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6” for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vangarding units.
After Deployment (including Scouts), units composed entirely of models with this special rule may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as if in the Remaining Moves subphase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have in the Remaining Moves subphase (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Movement Characteristic and no March Moves are allowed. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6” for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vangarding units.
Las unidades con esta regla pueden obtener dos configuraciones diferentes de efectos en función de si se muestran como Sobrias o Borrachas en el campo de batalla. Sobria : La unidad milagrosamente está sobria por una vez. Las miniaturas Sobrias obtienen Vanguardia y Tropas Ligeras. Una unidad que ha estado Sobria pierde la regla Unidad que Puntúa por el resto de la partida. Borracha : La unidad está increíblemente borracha. Las miniaturas Borrachas obtienen Inmune a la Psicología y Carga Atronadora. Las unidades Borrachas no pueden despearse como Acechantes. El jugador debe escoger al inicio del juego si cada unidad con esta regla aparece Sobria o Borracha.. Los Personajes Borrachos no puede unirse a unidades que contengan miniaturas Sobrias y vice-versa (las miniaturas sin la regla Borracho no se consideran ni Sobrias ni Borachas).
Units with this rule may gain one of two different sets of effects depending on whether they show up Sober or Drunk on the Battlefield. Sober: The Drunkard unit is miraculously sober for once. Sober models gain Vanguard and Light Troops. A unit that has been Sober once loses Scoring for the rest of the game. Drunk: The Drunkard unit is unbelievably drunk. Drunk models gain Immune to Psychology and Thunderous Charge. Drunk units cannot Ambush. The player must choose before the battle whether a Drunkard unit is Sober or Drunk. Drunk Characters cannot join units containing any Sober models, and vice-versa (models without Drunkard are considered neither Drunk or Sober).
Blood Offering
Units that include at least one Character with this rule may reroll failed Panic Tests at the cost of inflicting one wound with no saves of any kind allowed to a Character with this rule in the unit.
Blood Offering
Units that include at least one Character with this rule may reroll failed Panic Tests at the cost of inflicting one wound with no saves of any kind allowed to a Character with this rule in the unit.
Bodyguard (Beast Lord)
When a Character is joined to an unit with where at least one model has the Bodyguard Special Rule, that Character gains the Stubborn Special Rule. Sometimes this only works with certain Characters. When this is the case, the relevant Characters or Character types will be stated in brackets
Bodyguard (Beast Lord)
When a Character is joined to an unit with where at least one model has the Bodyguard Special Rule, that Character gains the Stubborn Special Rule. Sometimes this only works with certain Characters. When this is the case, the relevant Characters or Character types will be stated in brackets
Licor Saqueado
Un solo uso. Una unidad con una miniatura con Licor Saqueado puede pasar de Sobria a Borracha al inicio del Turno del Jugador.
Looted Booze
One use only. A unit with one or more models with this rule may change from Sober to Drunk at the beginning of any Player Turn.
Fuerza de la Carne
Cada vez que el Gortach inflija un Golpe Letal no salvado (obtenga un 6’ natural para herir con Golpe Letal), el ataque obtiene Heridas Múltiples (1D3). Si este ataque causa al menos una herida no salvada, el Gortach Recupera una Herida al final del Paso de Iniciativa en que se hizo el ataque.
Strength From Flesh
Whenever a Gortach inflicts an unsaved Lethal Strike (rolling a natural ‘6’to wound with an attack with Lethal Strike), the attack gains Multiple Wounds (D3). If this attack successfully causes one or more unsaved Wounds, the Gortach Recovers 1 Wound at the end of the initiative step.
Impact Hits (+1)
Impact Hits (+1)
Impact Hits (1)
Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1 Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly. In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.
Impact Hits (1)
Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1 Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly. In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.
Impact Hits (D3)
Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1 Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly. In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.
Impact Hits (D3)
Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1 Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly. In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.
Lethal Strike
If an Attack with this special rule, or a Close Combat Attack from a model part with this special rule rolls an unmodified '6' to wound, this Wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration Saves cannot be taken against it.
Lethal Strike
If an Attack with this special rule, or a Close Combat Attack from a model part with this special rule rolls an unmodified '6' to wound, this Wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration Saves cannot be taken against it.
Hunting Horn
All friendly units within 6" of one or more models with this special rule gain a +1" modifier to their Charge Range.
Hunting Horn
All friendly units within 6" of one or more models with this special rule gain a +1" modifier to their Charge Range.
A unit with at least one model with this special rule ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Leadership when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Leadership Tests.
A unit with at least one model with this special rule ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Leadership when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Leadership Tests.
Innate Defence (4+)
A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence, use the best available Innate Defence. Innate Defence (4+): +3 to Armour Save.
Innate Defence (4+)
A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence, use the best available Innate Defence. Innate Defence (4+): +3 to Armour Save.
All enemy units in base contact with one or more models with this special rule suffer a 1 Leadership modifier. Models that are Immune to Psychology or that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear. At the start of each Combat Round, units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear must take a Leadership Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit have their Weapon Skill reduced to 1 for the remainder of the Combat Round.
All enemy units in base contact with one or more models with this special rule suffer a 1 Leadership modifier. Models that are Immune to Psychology or that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear. At the start of each Combat Round, units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear must take a Leadership Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit have their Weapon Skill reduced to 1 for the remainder of the Combat Round.
Fly (10)
Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.
Fly (10)
Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.
Fly (8)
Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.
Fly (8)
Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.
Model parts with Frenzy have +1 Attack and are Immune to Psychology. After all charges have been declared, each of your units with one or more models (or model parts) with Frenzy must take a Frenzy Test (Leadership Test) if it did not declare a charge. If the test is failed, the unit must declare a charge against the closest viable enemy unit, if there is one. Characters are never forced to charge out of units. Units with one or more model parts with Frenzy must always pursue and overrun whenever possible. If a model part with Frenzy is ever on the losing side of a Combat Round, it immediately loses this special rule.
Model parts with Frenzy have +1 Attack and are Immune to Psychology. After all charges have been declared, each of your units with one or more models (or model parts) with Frenzy must take a Frenzy Test (Leadership Test) if it did not declare a charge. If the test is failed, the unit must declare a charge against the closest viable enemy unit, if there is one. Characters are never forced to charge out of units. Units with one or more model parts with Frenzy must always pursue and overrun whenever possible. If a model part with Frenzy is ever on the losing side of a Combat Round, it immediately loses this special rule.
Semi Ecuestre
Los Golpetazos no pueden distribuirse a una miniatura con Semi Ecuestre.
Half Horse
Stomp hits can never be distributed to a model with this rule.
Hurl Attack
Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with: Range 6-36", Strength 3[7], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)], Magical Attacks, Divine Attacks. A Cyclops that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner's Movement Phase ignores the to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.
Hurl Attack
Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with: Range 6-36", Strength 3[7], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)], Magical Attacks, Divine Attacks. A Cyclops that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner's Movement Phase ignores the to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.
Immune to Psycology
If more than half of a unit's models are Immune to Psychology, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and cannot declare a Flee reaction (unless already fleeing). Models that are Immune to Psychology are also immune to the effects of Fear.
Immune to Psycology
If more than half of a unit's models are Immune to Psychology, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and cannot declare a Flee reaction (unless already fleeing). Models that are Immune to Psychology are also immune to the effects of Fear.
Units consisting entirely of models with this special rule do not cause Panic Tests on friendly units without this special rule. Only Insignificant Characters can join units with Insignificant R&F models.
Units consisting entirely of models with this special rule do not cause Panic Tests on friendly units without this special rule. Only Insignificant Characters can join units with Insignificant R&F models.
Instinto Primitivo
Al inicio de cada Ronda de Combate, cada unidad con una o más miniaturas con Instinto Primitivo debe pasar un chequeo de Liderazgo. Si lo superan, las partes de miniaturas con Instinto Primitivo deben repetir sus tiradas para impactar fallidas en esa Ronda de Combate.
Primal Instinct
At the start of each Round of Combat, each unit with one or more models with this special rule must take a Leadership Test. If passed, model parts with this special rule must reroll failed to-hit rolls during that Round of Combat.
Units with this special rule are Immune to Psychology and automatically pass all Break Tests. Characters with the Unbreakable special rule can only join Unbreakable units. Unbreakable units can only be joined by Unbreakable Characters.
Units with this special rule are Immune to Psychology and automatically pass all Break Tests. Characters with the Unbreakable special rule can only join Unbreakable units. Unbreakable units can only be joined by Unbreakable Characters.
Lanza Ligera
Light Lance
Légions de Chars
Légions de Chars
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with this special rule are allowed to make any number of Reforms when moving in the Remaining Moves subphase, while they may still Advance or March. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model may move more than its Movement allowance (or twice that number if Marching), from its starting position to its final position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). If a model performed any action during the movement (such as Sweeping attacks), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position.If more than half the models in a unit have the Light Troops special rule, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as it remains with the unit .
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with this special rule are allowed to make any number of Reforms when moving in the Remaining Moves subphase, while they may still Advance or March. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model may move more than its Movement allowance (or twice that number if Marching), from its starting position to its final position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). If a model performed any action during the movement (such as Sweeping attacks), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position.If more than half the models in a unit have the Light Troops special rule, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as it remains with the unit .
Magic Resistance (3)
All models in a unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance add the value within brackets (3) to any Ward Save rolls (using the same rules as for adding to Armour Saves) when rolling Ward Saves against Wounds directly caused by spell effects. Magic Resistance, like most special rules, is not cumulative. Note that Magic Resistance does not grant Ward Saves for wounds caused indirectly by Spells, such as granting models rules, where this later causes damage.
Magic Resistance (3)
All models in a unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance add the value within brackets (3) to any Ward Save rolls (using the same rules as for adding to Armour Saves) when rolling Ward Saves against Wounds directly caused by spell effects. Magic Resistance, like most special rules, is not cumulative. Note that Magic Resistance does not grant Ward Saves for wounds caused indirectly by Spells, such as granting models rules, where this later causes damage.
Morts-vivants de Nehekhara
Morts-vivants de Nehekhara
Protección de la Montura (5+)
Mount’s Protection (5+)
Random Movement (3D6)
Moves in Compulsory Movements subphase. Always charge, flee, pursue and overrun 3D6.
Random Movement (3D6)
Moves in Compulsory Movements subphase. Always charge, flee, pursue and overrun 3D6.
Táctica de la Manada
Cuando tiren por una Distancia de Carga, si una unidad tiene al menos una miniatura con esta regla especial y más de la mitad de su frontal sobre el arco de flanco o retaguardia de la unidad que recibe la carga, las miniaturas de la unidad con esta regla especial obtienen Zancada Veloz para esta tirada de Distancia de Carga. Esto no se aplica en los Movimientos de Persecución.
Pack Tactics
Models with this rule gain Swiftstride as long as their unit is charging into an enemy unit ’s flank or rear.
Poisoned Attacks
If an attack with this special rule, or an attack from a model part with this special rule (both Shooting and Close Combat Attacks), rolls a successful hit with a tohit roll of an unmodified '6', this hit automatically wounds with no to wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks that need a 7+ to hit (or more) can never benefit from Poisoned Attacks. If the Attack can be turned into more than one hit (such as for a hit with Penetrating or Area Attack), only a single hit (of attacker’s choice) automatically wounds, all other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Poisoned Attacks
If an attack with this special rule, or an attack from a model part with this special rule (both Shooting and Close Combat Attacks), rolls a successful hit with a tohit roll of an unmodified '6', this hit automatically wounds with no to wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks that need a 7+ to hit (or more) can never benefit from Poisoned Attacks. If the Attack can be turned into more than one hit (such as for a hit with Penetrating or Area Attack), only a single hit (of attacker’s choice) automatically wounds, all other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Units with at least one model with the Scoring special rule are considered Scoring Units and are used for capturing Secondary Objectives. Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with the Scoring special rule are marked in the Armybooks with a special pennant icon: The Scoring special rule can be lost during the game: ● One or more models in the unit are Light Troops. ● A unit that is Fleeing loses its Scoring special rule for as long as it if Fleeing. ● An Ambushing unit that entered the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses its Scoring Special rule. ● A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses its Scoring special rule until the end of the current Player Turn.
Units with at least one model with the Scoring special rule are considered Scoring Units and are used for capturing Secondary Objectives. Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with the Scoring special rule are marked in the Armybooks with a special pennant icon: The Scoring special rule can be lost during the game: ● One or more models in the unit are Light Troops. ● A unit that is Fleeing loses its Scoring special rule for as long as it if Fleeing. ● An Ambushing unit that entered the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses its Scoring Special rule. ● A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses its Scoring special rule until the end of the current Player Turn.
Random Attacks (1D6+1)
A model part with this rule has a random number of Attacks equal to the value between brackets (before adding possible modifier to it). For example, a model with Random Attacks (D3+2) can have between 3 and 5 Attacks. These attacks ignore the limit which states that a model may have a maximum of 10 attacks.
Random Attacks (1D6+1)
A model part with this rule has a random number of Attacks equal to the value between brackets (before adding possible modifier to it). For example, a model with Random Attacks (D3+2) can have between 3 and 5 Attacks. These attacks ignore the limit which states that a model may have a maximum of 10 attacks.
Models with this special rule always gain Light Troops. Shooting at Skirmishers suffers a -1 to-hit modifier. Skirmishing models are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Line of Sight purposes, and will have the same Height as the largest fraction of the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units of Skirmishers follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a front, two flanks, a rear, can perform Supporting Attacks from the second rank, and so on . Skirmishing units can only be joined by Characters that have the same Troop Type as the unit. A Character which joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmishers for as long as it remains with the unit. The unit ceases to be Skirmishers if all models with Skirmishers are wiped out, immediately contracting their loose formation into a normal formation, without moving the centre of the front rank. Nudge any unit as normal to maintain base contact when possible . The Character is always considered Mismatched for the purpose of placement within the unit unless it has the exact same base size as the other Skirmisher models.
Models with this special rule always gain Light Troops. Shooting at Skirmishers suffers a -1 to-hit modifier. Skirmishing models are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Line of Sight purposes, and will have the same Height as the largest fraction of the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units of Skirmishers follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a front, two flanks, a rear, can perform Supporting Attacks from the second rank, and so on . Skirmishing units can only be joined by Characters that have the same Troop Type as the unit. A Character which joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmishers for as long as it remains with the unit. The unit ceases to be Skirmishers if all models with Skirmishers are wiped out, immediately contracting their loose formation into a normal formation, without moving the centre of the front rank. Nudge any unit as normal to maintain base contact when possible . The Character is always considered Mismatched for the purpose of placement within the unit unless it has the exact same base size as the other Skirmisher models.
Strider (Forest)
Models with this special rule may ignore any movement effect caused by Terrain except Impassable Terrain and Buildings and never lose their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes this special rule is only linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, the Strider rule effectis only applied in relation to the specified Terrain type.
Strider (Forest)
Models with this special rule may ignore any movement effect caused by Terrain except Impassable Terrain and Buildings and never lose their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes this special rule is only linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, the Strider rule effectis only applied in relation to the specified Terrain type.
Thunderous Charge
In the first round of a combat after a model with this rule has successfully charged, model parts with this special rule receive a +1 Strength bonus to their normal Close Combat Attacks. This Strength bonus can only be used for Attacks directed against the charged enemies.
Thunderous Charge
In the first round of a combat after a model with this rule has successfully charged, model parts with this special rule receive a +1 Strength bonus to their normal Close Combat Attacks. This Strength bonus can only be used for Attacks directed against the charged enemies.
Ward Save (5+)
Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use).
Ward Save (5+)
Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use).
Wizard Apprentice with 1 learned spell
Wizard Apprentice with 1 learned spell

Magic Items usable by the army

Aaghor's Flayed Hide
The wearer gains Regeneration (4+) and +1 Toughness, but cannot wear any Suits of Armour or Shields, and lose them if it already had it.
Aaghor's Flayed Hide
The wearer gains Regeneration (4+) and +1 Toughness, but cannot wear any Suits of Armour or Shields, and lose them if it already had it.
Ring of Fire
The bearer can cast Pyroclastic Flow from Pyromancy as a Bound Spell (Power Level 3).
Ring of Fire
The bearer can cast Pyroclastic Flow from Pyromancy as a Bound Spell (Power Level 3).
Armour of Destiny
Infantry, Cavalry and War Beasts only. Type: Heavy Armour. The wearer gains a Ward Save (4+).
Armour of Destiny
Infantry, Cavalry and War Beasts only. Type: Heavy Armour. The wearer gains a Ward Save (4+).
Armour of Fortune
Type: Heavy Armour. The wearer gains a Ward Save (5+)
Armour of Fortune
Type: Heavy Armour. The wearer gains a Ward Save (5+)
Axe of Battle
Type: Hand Weapon. The wielder has 6 Attacks when using this weapon, but can never wound on better than 3+.
Axe of Battle
Type: Hand Weapon. The wielder has 6 Attacks when using this weapon, but can never wound on better than 3+.
Wand of Stability
The bearer may add a free additional Magic Dice to one of its dispel rolls, after seeing the dispel roll.
Wand of Stability
The bearer may add a free additional Magic Dice to one of its dispel rolls, after seeing the dispel roll.
Banner of the Wild Herd
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. For the duration of this Round of Combat all Wildhorns in the bearer’s unit gain +1 Strength.
Banner of the Wild Herd
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. For the duration of this Round of Combat all Wildhorns in the bearer’s unit gain +1 Strength.
Beast-Bane Halberd
Type: Halberd. Attacks made with this weapon have Strength 5 (regardless of modifiers) and Multiple Wounds (2, Monsters, Ridden Monsters, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beasts, Chariots).
Beast-Bane Halberd
Type: Halberd. Attacks made with this weapon have Strength 5 (regardless of modifiers) and Multiple Wounds (2, Monsters, Ridden Monsters, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beasts, Chariots).
Blessed Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Divine Attacks and may reroll failed to-wound rolls.
Blessed Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Divine Attacks and may reroll failed to-wound rolls.
Bluffer's Helm
Type: None (6+ Armour Save). Successful towound rolls against the wearer must be rerolled.
Bluffer's Helm
Type: None (6+ Armour Save). Successful towound rolls against the wearer must be rerolled.
Book of Arcane Power
The bearer gains a +1 casting modifier to casting and dispel rolls.
Book of Arcane Power
The bearer gains a +1 casting modifier to casting and dispel rolls.
Hardened Shield
Type: Shield. The bearer gains an additional +1 to its Armour Save (for a total of +2) while using the shield . The bearer attacks with normal Close Combat Attacks at -3 Initiative (to a minimum of 1).
Hardened Shield
Type: Shield. The bearer gains an additional +1 to its Armour Save (for a total of +2) while using the shield . The bearer attacks with normal Close Combat Attacks at -3 Initiative (to a minimum of 1).
Lucky Shield
Type: Shield. One use only. Ignore the first hit the bearer's model suffers while using the shield . If the bearer is hit by several simultaneous attacks, the bearer chooses which attack to ignore.
Lucky Shield
Type: Shield. One use only. Ignore the first hit the bearer's model suffers while using the shield . If the bearer is hit by several simultaneous attacks, the bearer chooses which attack to ignore.
Bronze Breastplate
Type: Heavy Armour. One use only. Whenever the wearer's model suffers a hit, the item can be activated. For the duration of the Phase, the wearer's model gains a 1+ Armour Save. If the wearer’s model has Towering Presence, it gains a 2+ Armour Save instead.
Bronze Breastplate
Type: Heavy Armour. One use only. Whenever the wearer's model suffers a hit, the item can be activated. For the duration of the Phase, the wearer's model gains a 1+ Armour Save. If the wearer’s model has Towering Presence, it gains a 2+ Armour Save instead.
Dragon Mantle
Type: None. The wearer gains Innate Defence (5+).
Dragon Mantle
Type: None. The wearer gains Innate Defence (5+).
Wizard’s Hood
The wearer is a Wizard Apprentice with 2 Learned Spells (regardless if it was a Wizard before). Instead of selecting a Path as normal, the wearer uses a randomly selected Path of Magic. Randomize between all Paths available to any model from the same Armybook, excluding Bound Spells.
Wizard’s Hood
The wearer is a Wizard Apprentice with 2 Learned Spells (regardless if it was a Wizard before). Instead of selecting a Path as normal, the wearer uses a randomly selected Path of Magic. Randomize between all Paths available to any model from the same Armybook, excluding Bound Spells.
Charm of Cursed Iron
The bearer and its unit gain a Ward Save (5+) against Wounds caused by Artillery Weapons.
Charm of Cursed Iron
The bearer and its unit gain a Ward Save (5+) against Wounds caused by Artillery Weapons.
Lucky Charm
One use only. May be activated when the bearer's model fails an Armour Save. That failed Armour Save may be rerolled.
Lucky Charm
One use only. May be activated when the bearer's model fails an Armour Save. That failed Armour Save may be rerolled.
Crown of Autocracy
The bearer gains +1 Leadership. A Wizard cannot use this modifier to increase its Leadership above 9.
Crown of Autocracy
The bearer gains +1 Leadership. A Wizard cannot use this modifier to increase its Leadership above 9.
Crown of Horns
The bearer, all models in its unit and all models within range of its Inspiring Presence (if applicable) automatically pass Primal Instinct Tests.
Crown of Horns
The bearer, all models in its unit and all models within range of its Inspiring Presence (if applicable) automatically pass Primal Instinct Tests.
Mithril Mail
Type: Heavy Armour (2+ Armour Save). This Armour Save cannot be improved by any means.
Mithril Mail
Type: Heavy Armour (2+ Armour Save). This Armour Save cannot be improved by any means.
Crown of Scorn
Instead of making a dispel roll, you may use this item. The spell is automatically dispelled. In an Armylist that includes a model bearing the Crown of Scorn, friendly models cannot cast Spells (including Bound Spells) nor can any friendly models carry Arcane Items.
Crown of Scorn
Instead of making a dispel roll, you may use this item. The spell is automatically dispelled. In an Armylist that includes a model bearing the Crown of Scorn, friendly models cannot cast Spells (including Bound Spells) nor can any friendly models carry Arcane Items.
Glittering Cuirass
Type: Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Distracting.
Glittering Cuirass
Type: Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Distracting.
Dark Rain
One use only. This item is automatically activated at the start of the first Game Turn (if the bearer is not on the battlefield at this time, the item cannot be used). Its effects last until the start of the next Game Turn. During the enemy’s Shooting Phase, all Shooting Attacks suffer a -2 to-hit modifier as long as the owning player has the second Player Turn. This is decreased to a -1 to-hit modifier if the owning player has the first Player Turn.
Dark Rain
One use only. This item is automatically activated at the start of the first Game Turn (if the bearer is not on the battlefield at this time, the item cannot be used). Its effects last until the start of the next Game Turn. During the enemy’s Shooting Phase, all Shooting Attacks suffer a -2 to-hit modifier as long as the owning player has the second Player Turn. This is decreased to a -1 to-hit modifier if the owning player has the first Player Turn.
Dispel Scroll
Instead of making a dispel roll, you may use this scroll. The spell is automatically dispelled.
Dispel Scroll
Instead of making a dispel roll, you may use this scroll. The spell is automatically dispelled.
Divine Icon
The bearer's model gains Divine Attacks.
Divine Icon
The bearer's model gains Divine Attacks.
Dragonfire Gem
The bearer gains Fireborn.
Dragonfire Gem
The bearer gains Fireborn.
Dragonscale Helm
Type: None (6+ Armour Save). The wearer gains Fireborn.
Dragonscale Helm
Type: None (6+ Armour Save). The wearer gains Fireborn.
Dusk Stone
The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Saves. If it does, it cannot take Ward or Regeneration Saves.
Dusk Stone
The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Saves. If it does, it cannot take Ward or Regeneration Saves.
Obsidian Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Armour Piercing (6).
Obsidian Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Armour Piercing (6).
Sword of Strength
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength.
Sword of Strength
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength.
Giant Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +3 Strength.
Giant Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +3 Strength.
Hero's Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength. The wielder gains +1 Attack when using this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, wielder cannot have more than 4 Attacks and Strength 5 (regardless of modifiers).
Hero's Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength. The wielder gains +1 Attack when using this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, wielder cannot have more than 4 Attacks and Strength 5 (regardless of modifiers).
Ogre Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength.
Ogre Sword
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +2 Strength.
Fencer's Swords
Type: Paired Weapons. The wielder has Weapon Skill 10.
Fencer's Swords
Type: Paired Weapons. The wielder has Weapon Skill 10.
Essence of a Free Mind
The Wizard may select up to two Paths on their Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select which of the two Paths to use when generating spells.
Essence of a Free Mind
The Wizard may select up to two Paths on their Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select which of the two Paths to use when generating spells.
Estandarte Manada Salvaje
Tipo: Un solo uso. - Se puede activar al inicio de cualquier Ronda de Combate. En esa ronda, todos los Cuernosalvajes en la Unidad del Portador obtienen Fuerza (+1).
Seed of the Dark Forest
One use only. Before the battle (after moving Vanguarding units), the bearer may place a single Forest (that must be no larger than 10" in length and 6" in width) on the Battlefield more than 1" away from all enemy units and with its center within 12" of the bearer. All friendly models even partially within this Dark Forest gain a +1 modifier to their casting rolls for Augment spells, Hex spells, and Totems (this overrides the normal restriction of not adding casting modifiers to Bound Spells).
Eye of Dominance
Close Combat Attacks made by Swarms, War Beasts, Cavalry mounts, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Cavalry mounts, Chariot-pulling beasts, Monsters and Ridden Monster mounts can only hit the bearer on rolls of ‘6’. Crew and riders are unaffected.
Eye of Dominance
Close Combat Attacks made by Swarms, War Beasts, Cavalry mounts, Monstrous Beasts, Monstrous Cavalry mounts, Chariot-pulling beasts, Monsters and Ridden Monster mounts can only hit the bearer on rolls of ‘6’. Crew and riders are unaffected.
Flaming Lance
Type: Lance. Attacks made with this weapon gain Flaming Attacks.
Flaming Lance
Type: Lance. Attacks made with this weapon gain Flaming Attacks.
Type: Great Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Armour Piercing (1).
Type: Great Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Armour Piercing (1).
Gem of Fortune
Successful to-wound rolls of '6' from Ranged Attacks against the bearer's unit must be rerolled, unless the hit was distributed onto a model with Towering Presence.
Gem of Fortune
Successful to-wound rolls of '6' from Ranged Attacks against the bearer's unit must be rerolled, unless the hit was distributed onto a model with Towering Presence.
Obsidian Rock
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).
Obsidian Rock
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).
Gourd of Beetles
The bearer can cast Swarm of Insects from Shamanism as a Bound Spell (Power Level 4).
Gourd of Beetles
The bearer can cast Swarm of Insects from Shamanism as a Bound Spell (Power Level 4).
Obsidian Nullstone
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (3).
Obsidian Nullstone
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (3).
Pillager Icon
All friendly units within 12" of the bearer comprised entirely of Razortusks or single model Chariots, excluding Characters, gain Vanguard.
Pillager Icon
All friendly units within 12" of the bearer comprised entirely of Razortusks or single model Chariots, excluding Characters, gain Vanguard.
Jack's Pickaxe
cannot be taken by models with Towering Presence. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength. Against models with Towering Presence, attacks made with this weapon also gain Multiple Wounds (2) and count as having a Strength equal to the Toughness of their target when rolling to wound (ignore all other Strength modifiers except the ones granted by this weapon when attacking models with Towering Presence).
Jack's Pickaxe
cannot be taken by models with Towering Presence. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength. Against models with Towering Presence, attacks made with this weapon also gain Multiple Wounds (2) and count as having a Strength equal to the Toughness of their target when rolling to wound (ignore all other Strength modifiers except the ones granted by this weapon when attacking models with Towering Presence).
King Slayer
Type: Hand Weapon. The wielder gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack when attacking with this weapon for each enemy Character in base contact with the wielder's unit (this bonus is calculated and in effect at the Initiative step when the attacks are made).
King Slayer
Type: Hand Weapon. The wielder gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack when attacking with this weapon for each enemy Character in base contact with the wielder's unit (this bonus is calculated and in effect at the Initiative step when the attacks are made).
Razor Blade
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Armour Piercing (1).
Razor Blade
Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Armour Piercing (1).
Leeching Blade
Type: Hand Weapon. Before the wielder rolls a Panic Test (note, not before re-rolling it) it may choose to immediately lose 1 Wound. If so, the Panic Test is automatically passed.
Leeching Blade
Type: Hand Weapon. Before the wielder rolls a Panic Test (note, not before re-rolling it) it may choose to immediately lose 1 Wound. If so, the Panic Test is automatically passed.
Shielding Scroll
Instead of making a dispel roll, you may use the scroll. All models affected by the spell gain a Ward Save (4+) against the spell.
Shielding Scroll
Instead of making a dispel roll, you may use the scroll. All models affected by the spell gain a Ward Save (4+) against the spell.
Sprout of Rebirth
The bearer gains a Regeneration (4+).
Sprout of Rebirth
The bearer gains a Regeneration (4+).
Potion of Strength
May be activated at the start of any phase or Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +2 Strength.
Potion of Strength
May be activated at the start of any phase or Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +2 Strength.
Potion of Swiftness
May be activated at the start of any phase or Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +3 Initiative.
Potion of Swiftness
May be activated at the start of any phase or Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +3 Initiative.
Sceptre of Power
The bearer may add a single Magic Dice from its Dice Pool to a casting roll, after seeing the casting roll. Note that this cannot exceed the limit of max 5 Magic Dice used to cast spells.
Sceptre of Power
The bearer may add a single Magic Dice from its Dice Pool to a casting roll, after seeing the casting roll. Note that this cannot exceed the limit of max 5 Magic Dice used to cast spells.
Skull Splitter
Type: Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 4, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Shots (4). Shooting Attacks made with this weapon ignore Ballistic Skill and all to-hit modifiers, and instead hit on 4+.
Skull Splitter
Type: Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 4, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Shots (4). Shooting Attacks made with this weapon ignore Ballistic Skill and all to-hit modifiers, and instead hit on 4+.
Talisman of Shielding
The bearer gains a Ward Save (6+).
Talisman of Shielding
The bearer gains a Ward Save (6+).
Talisman of Greater Shielding
The bearer gains a Ward Save (5+).
Talisman of Greater Shielding
The bearer gains a Ward Save (5+).
Talisman of Supreme Shielding
The bearer gains a Ward Save (4+).
Talisman of Supreme Shielding
The bearer gains a Ward Save (4+).
The Impaler
Only Characters without Ambush. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks with this weapon gain +2 Strength in the Round of Combat directly after the wielder has charged into combat. This modifier is only applied to attacks directed against the charged enemies. The weapon can be shot using the rules for a Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon: Range 18", Strength 3[color=#0000ff][6][/color] , Armour Piercing (6), [color=#0000ff][Multiple Wounds (D3)][/color] . Shots from the weapon never suffer negative to-hit modifiers.
The Impaler
Only Characters without Ambush. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks with this weapon gain +2 Strength in the Round of Combat directly after the wielder has charged into combat. This modifier is only applied to attacks directed against the charged enemies. The weapon can be shot using the rules for a Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon: Range 18", Strength 3[color=#0000ff][6][/color] , Armour Piercing (6), [color=#0000ff][Multiple Wounds (D3)][/color] . Shots from the weapon never suffer negative to-hit modifiers.

Magic Standards usable by the army

Aether Icon
The bearer can make Dispel Attempts as if it was a Wizard Master.
Aether Icon
The bearer can make Dispel Attempts as if it was a Wizard Master.
Banner of Discipline
The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.
Banner of Discipline
The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.
Banner of Speed
The bearer's unit gains +1 Movement.
Banner of Speed
The bearer's unit gains +1 Movement.
Rending Banner
All non-character models in the bearer’s unit gain Armour Piercing (1).
Rending Banner
All non-character models in the bearer’s unit gain Armour Piercing (1).
War Standard
The bearer's unit adds +1 to the Combat Score of any combat they are involved in.
War Standard
The bearer's unit adds +1 to the Combat Score of any combat they are involved in.
Stalker's Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider and Swiftstride.
Stalker's Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider and Swiftstride.
Flaming Standard
The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.
Flaming Standard
The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.
Gleaming Icon
One use only. Must be activated the first time the bearer's unit fails a Leadership Test. The unit may reroll the failed test.
Gleaming Icon
One use only. Must be activated the first time the bearer's unit fails a Leadership Test. The unit may reroll the failed test.
Icon of the Relentless Company
One use only. Activate at the start of any of your Remaining Moves sub-phases. Infantry models in the bearer's unit can triple its Movement when Marching instead of doubling it this turn. This March Move cannot be longer than 15" and cannot be used in Game Turn 1 if the unit has used Vanguard or Scout.
Icon of the Relentless Company
One use only. Activate at the start of any of your Remaining Moves sub-phases. Infantry models in the bearer's unit can triple its Movement when Marching instead of doubling it this turn. This March Move cannot be longer than 15" and cannot be used in Game Turn 1 if the unit has used Vanguard or Scout.

Units od the army

Señor de las Bestias
Beast Lord
Beast Chieftain
Beast Chieftain
Caudillo Centauro
Centaur Chieftain
Caudillo Minotauro
Minotaur Chieftain
Señor de la Guerra Minotauro
Minotaur Warlord
Carro Razortusk
Razortusk Chariot
Carro Incursor
Raiding Chariot
Manada de Mestizos
Mongrel Herd
Cazadores Mestizos
Mongrel Raiders
Manada de Cuernosalvajes
Wildhorn Herd
Bestia de Espino
Briar Beast
Mastines Salvajes
Feral Hounds
Manada de Cuernolargos
Longhorn Herd
Carro Incursor
Raiding Chariot
Razortusk Chariot
Razortusk Chariot
Manada Razortusk
Razortusk Herd
Gigante Bestial
Beast Giant