Araby (Revision-24)

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Sunstrike The spell shoots in a straight line from the caster's base. Each model under the line takes a S 5 hit with Flaming Attacks.
Mf 9+/12++
Alcance 18"/36"
The spell shoots in a straight line from the caster's base. Each model under the line takes a S 5 hit with Flaming Attacks.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Sand Storm Remains in Play. Affects all units (friend and foe) within range. No units within the sand storm can use missile weapons, and war machines cannot fire. No units may be targeted by any missile attack. Flying units are restricted to their ground movement. Enemy units affected cannot march in their next movement phase.
Mf 12+/18++
Alcance 12"/18"
Remains in Play. Affects all units (friend and foe) within range. No units within the sand storm can use missile weapons, and war machines cannot fire. No units may be targeted by any missile attack. Flying units are restricted to their ground movement. Enemy units affected cannot march in their next movement phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Sand Storm (Bound Spell) Remains in Play. Affects all units (friend and foe) within range. No units within the sand storm can use missile weapons, and war machines cannot fire. No units may be targeted by any missile attack. Flying units are restricted to their ground movement. Enemy units affected cannot march in their next movement phase.
Mf 5++
Alcance 12"
Remains in Play. Affects all units (friend and foe) within range. No units within the sand storm can use missile weapons, and war machines cannot fire. No units may be targeted by any missile attack. Flying units are restricted to their ground movement. Enemy units affected cannot march in their next movement phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Sand Blast Causes D6/2D6 S 2 hits. The target reduces all their movement by half (rounding up) in their next movement phase.
Mf 8+/13++
Alcance 18"/36"
Causes D6/2D6 S 2 hits. The target reduces all their movement by half (rounding up) in their next movement phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Shifting Sands Whenever a spell from the Lore of the Desert is cast on an enemy unit, that unit must re-roll 6’s for their charge distance, when fleeing and when pursuing until the start of the next Arabyan magic phase.
Mf -+
Whenever a spell from the Lore of the Desert is cast on an enemy unit, that unit must re-roll 6’s for their charge distance, when fleeing and when pursuing until the start of the next Arabyan magic phase.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Quicksand All models in the unit must take an I test. Those that fail must then take an armour save. If passed, they are dragged down into the sand and are removed as casualties, with no save allowed. Models without armour count as passing on a 6. This spell has no effect on models with the Fly, Ethereal or Strider.
Mf 11+/14++
Alcance 18"/36"
All models in the unit must take an I test. Those that fail must then take an armour save. If passed, they are dragged down into the sand and are removed as casualties, with no save allowed. Models without armour count as passing on a 6. This spell has no effect on models with the Fly, Ethereal or Strider.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Mirage Remains in Play. Place a marker within 24" and Line of Sight of the target. While the spell is in effect, the target must turn and move directly towards the marker as fast as possible in the Movement phase, or target it with any missile weapons. If the marker is within charge range, the unit must declare a charge against it just as if it was an enemy unit. The spell is immediately dispelled if the target reaches the marker, has lost Line of Sight to it at the start of their Movement phase, hits it with any missile weapons or is engaged in close combat.
Mf 10+/12++
Alcance 24"/48"
Remains in Play. Place a marker within 24" and Line of Sight of the target. While the spell is in effect, the target must turn and move directly towards the marker as fast as possible in the Movement phase, or target it with any missile weapons. If the marker is within charge range, the unit must declare a charge against it just as if it was an enemy unit. The spell is immediately dispelled if the target reaches the marker, has lost Line of Sight to it at the start of their Movement phase, hits it with any missile weapons or is engaged in close combat.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Dancing Scimitar Causes D6/2D6 S 4 hits. Roll a D6 after resolving the damage; on a 3+, the Dancing Scimitar moves to another unengaged enemy unit within 8". Keep rolling until you make an unsuccessful attempt or run out of enemy units. Note that any unit cannot get hit more than once by the same Dancing Scimitar each turn.
Mf 8+/10++
Alcance 24"/48"
Causes D6/2D6 S 4 hits. Roll a D6 after resolving the damage; on a 3+, the Dancing Scimitar moves to another unengaged enemy unit within 8". Keep rolling until you make an unsuccessful attempt or run out of enemy units. Note that any unit cannot get hit more than once by the same Dancing Scimitar each turn.

Hechizo Hereditario

Lanzamiento Tipo Duración Efecto
Curse of the Genie The target must re-roll all successful To Wound rolls until the start of the caster’s next magic phase.
Mf 6+/8++
Alcance 24"/48"
The target must re-roll all successful To Wound rolls until the start of the caster’s next magic phase.

Army Organisation



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