Bastiones Enanos

Bastiones Enanos

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Rules and Equipments used by the army

¡Te vienes conmigo!
Para poder usar este Atributo de Ataque, la unidad [b]debe[/b] ser al menos tan ancha como profunda al inicio de la Ronda de Combate (tener tantas columnas como filas, o más). Los Ataques Cuerpo a Cuerpo realizados por miniaturas con este Atributo de Ataque [b]nunca[/b] pueden herir peor que a 4+. Además, cuando una miniatura con este Atributo de Ataque es retirada como baja durante la Fase de Melé debido a un Ataque de Melé enemigo, [b]deberá[/b] inmediatamente, antes de ser retirada, realizar un único Ataque Cuerpo a Cuerpo con las siguientes reglas y restricciones: El ataque [b]siempre[/b] se resuelve con Fuerza 5 y Penetración de Armadura 2. El propietario [b]debe[/b] elegir una de las siguientes opciones: 1. Asignar el ataque contra la miniatura que causó la baja. 2. Asignar el ataque contra una miniatura de Tropa en la unidad de la miniatura que causó la baja. En dicho caso, el impacto se distribuye contra la unidad. En cualquier caso, la miniatura con ¡Te vienes conmigo! se considera en contacto con peana con la miniatura atacada, y las miniaturas cuentan como Trabadas en los mismos Encaramientos que sus unidades. Este Atributo de Ataque no se puede usar por miniaturas retiradas como baja debido a Impactos por Carga.
Yer comin' with me!
In order to use this Attack Attribute, the unit [b]must[/b] be at least as wide as it is deep at the start of the Round of Combat. Close Combat Attacks made by models with this Attack Attribute can [b]never[/b] wound on worse than 4+. In addition, when a model with this Attack Attribute is removed as a casualty during the Melee Phase due to an enemy Melee Attack, it [b]must[/b] immediately, before removal, perform a single Close Combat Attack with the following rules and restrictions: • The attack is [b]always[/b] resolved with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 2. • The owner [b]must[/b] choose one of the following options: 1. The attack is allocated towards the model that caused the casualty. 2. The attack is allocated towards a R&F model in that model's unit. The hit is distributed onto the unit. In either case, the model with Yer comin' with me! is considered in base contact with the attacked model, and the models count as Engaged in the same Facings as their units. • This Attack Attribute cannot be used for casualties caused by Impact Hits.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Model parts with Harnessed cannot make Supporting Attacks and cannot use Weapons. Shooting Weapons carried by model parts with Harnessed can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not have Harnessed or Inanimate). A model with with at least one model part with Harnessed is considered to be mounted.
Model parts with Harnessed cannot make Supporting Attacks and cannot use Weapons. Shooting Weapons carried by model parts with Harnessed can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not have Harnessed or Inanimate). A model with with at least one model part with Harnessed is considered to be mounted.
Units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear suffer -1 Discipline. At the start of each Round of Combat, such units must take a Discipline Test, called a Fear Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit are Shaken until the end of the Round of Combat. Models that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear.
Units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear suffer -1 Discipline. At the start of each Round of Combat, such units must take a Discipline Test, called a Fear Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit are Shaken until the end of the Round of Combat. Models that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear.
Arma a Dos Manos
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Great Weapon
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Arma de Mano
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Hand Weapon
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Armadura de Placas
+3 Armor
Plate Armour
+3 Armor
Armadura Pesada
+2 Armor
Heavy Armour
+2 Armor
Armas Emparejadas
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Paired Weapons
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Ataques Mágicos
The attack doesn't have any special effects. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Otherworldly. Model parts with Magical Attacks apply it also to their Special Attacks (such as Stomp Attacks, Impact Hits and Breath Attack).
Magical Attacks
The attack doesn't have any special effects. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Otherworldly. Model parts with Magical Attacks apply it also to their Special Attacks (such as Stomp Attacks, Impact Hits and Breath Attack).
Ataques Pulverizadores
A model part with Grind Attacks resolves these attacks at its own Agility. It must choose an enemy unit in base contact with it. The chosen enemy unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the model part’s own Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits , it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). When several model parts in the same unit have Grind Attacks and when X is a random number (e.g. Grind Attacks (2D3)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Grind Attacks
A model part with Grind Attacks resolves these attacks at its own Agility. It must choose an enemy unit in base contact with it. The chosen enemy unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the model part’s own Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits , it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). When several model parts in the same unit have Grind Attacks and when X is a random number (e.g. Grind Attacks (2D3)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Justo antes de la batalla (durante el Paso 7 de la Secuencia de la Fase de Despliegue), la miniatura puede Atrincherar una única Máquina de Guerra amiga. La Máquina de Guerra cuenta como que está en Cobertura Pesada. La Máquina de Guerra pierde esta Cobertura Pesada de forma permanente si realiza un Movimiento de Avance o Marcha, o un Movimiento Aleatorio.
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), the model may Entrench a single friendly War Machine. The War Machine counts as being in Hard Cover. The War Machine loses this instance of Hard Cover permanently if it performs an Advance or March Move or a Random Movement.
Stomp Attacks
Impactos por Carga
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Impact Hits
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
Objetivo Difícil
Hard Target
Mover o Disparar
The attack may not be used if the attacking model has made an Advance Move, March Move, Reform or Pivot during the current Player Turn.
Move or Fire
The attack may not be used if the attacking model has made an Advance Move, March Move, Reform or Pivot during the current Player Turn.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
During step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence, each of the Active Player's models with Channel may add X Veil Tokens to the owner's Veil Token Pool. This Universal Rule is cumulative, adding X Veil Tokens of each independent instance of Channel to the model's total Channel value (so e.g. a model with Channel (1) and Channel (2) is treated like a model with Channel (3)).
During step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence, each of the Active Player's models with Channel may add X Veil Tokens to the owner's Veil Token Pool. This Universal Rule is cumulative, adding X Veil Tokens of each independent instance of Channel to the model's total Channel value (so e.g. a model with Channel (1) and Channel (2) is treated like a model with Channel (3)).
Inmune a Golpetazos
Cannot be Stomped
Unidad que Puntúa
Units with at least one model with Scoring are considered to be Scoring Units, which are used for winning Secondary Objectives (see section XVI.2 “Scoring Secondary Objectives", page 67). Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with Scoring are marked in the Army Books with a special pennant icon: Scoring can be lost during the game: - A unit that is Fleeing loses Scoring for as long as it if Fleeing. - An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring. - A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses Scoring until the start of the following Player Turn.
Units with at least one model with Scoring are considered to be Scoring Units, which are used for winning Secondary Objectives (see section XVI.2 “Scoring Secondary Objectives", page 67). Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with Scoring are marked in the Army Books with a special pennant icon: Scoring can be lost during the game: - A unit that is Fleeing loses Scoring for as long as it if Fleeing. - An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring. - A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses Scoring until the start of the following Player Turn.
Golpe Letal
If the attack wounds with a natural to-wound roll of 6+, its Armour Penetration is set to 10 and the target of the attack cannot take a Regeneration save against it.
Lethal Strike
If the attack wounds with a natural to-wound roll of 6+, its Armour Penetration is set to 10 and the target of the attack cannot take a Regeneration save against it.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
Zancada Veloz
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
Cuanto más grandes…
La miniatura obtiene Carga De- vastadora (Zancada Veloz) para Cargas contra unidades que contengan al menos una miniatura de Altura Grande o Gigantesca.
The bigger they are…
The model gains Devastating Charge (Swiftstride) for Charges against units that contain at least one Large or Gigantic model.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
Disparo Rápido
Quick to Fire
At step 8 of the Pre-­Game Sequence (after Spell Selection) an army that includes units with Scout must state which of its units with Scout will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non-Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18" away from any enemy units. This is decreased to 12" if the Scouting unit is deployed entirely within a Forest, Ruins, Field, Building, or Water Terrain Feature. Scouting units that are deployed outside their player's Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first.
At step 8 of the Pre-­Game Sequence (after Spell Selection) an army that includes units with Scout must state which of its units with Scout will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non-Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18" away from any enemy units. This is decreased to 12" if the Scouting unit is deployed entirely within a Forest, Ruins, Field, Building, or Water Terrain Feature. Scouting units that are deployed outside their player's Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first.
Muro de Hierro
La miniatura obtiene [b]Égida (5+, contra Ataques Cuerpo a Cuerpo)[/b]. Esta Salvación Especial solo puede usarse contra ataques de enemigos Trabados por el Encaramiento Frontal de la unidad.
Wall of Iron
The model gains [b]Aegis (5+, against Close Combat Attacks)[/b]. This Special Save can only be used against attacks from enemies Engaged in the model's unit's Front Facing.
Yunque Rúnico
Cada Yunque de Poder puede elegir hasta 3 Runas de Batalla diferentes.
Runic Anvil
Each Anvil of Power may select up to 3 different Battle Runes.
Once per Shooting Phase, an unengaged Engineer may select a single War Machine within 6″ that has not fired yet to gain the following effects: - Replace the Aim of one of the War Machine's Artillery Weapons with the value given in brackets (X+). - You may reroll the roll on the Misfire Table. - You may reroll the dice (all of them or none) for determining the number of hits of a Flamethrower Artillery Weapon.
Once per Shooting Phase, an unengaged Engineer may select a single War Machine within 6″ that has not fired yet to gain the following effects: - Replace the Aim of one of the War Machine's Artillery Weapons with the value given in brackets (X+). - You may reroll the roll on the Misfire Table. - You may reroll the dice (all of them or none) for determining the number of hits of a Flamethrower Artillery Weapon.
Runa de Ingeniería
La miniatura añade +4 a cualquier tirada en la Tabla de Problemas.
Engineering Rune
Add +4 to the model's rolls on the Misfire Table.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
Forge Gun
Shooting Weapon. Range 18″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks, always hits on 2+.
Forge Gun
Shooting Weapon. Range 18″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks, always hits on 2+.
Forge Repeater
Shooting Weapon Range 18″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 2, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire
Forge Repeater
Shooting Weapon Range 18″, Shots 4, Str 5, AP 2, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Hatred (against Gigantic) and Sturdy
Giant See, Giant Do
Universal Rule. The model gains Hatred (against Gigantic) and Sturdy
Grabados Rúnicos
En el paso 8 de la Secuencia Previa al Juego (después de la Selección de Hechizos), cada unidad de Guardianes del Bastión [b]debe[/b] elegir uno de los siguientes efectos, que se aplican durante el resto de la partida: +1 Fuerza y +1 Penetración de Armadura Vanguardia +2 Agilidad
Runic Engravings
At step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), each Hold Guardian unit must choose one of the following effects, which is applied for the duration of the game: • +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration • Vanguard • +2 Agility
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
Mantener la Línea
Hold the Line
The model gains Fearless and its unit automatically passes all Break Tests. Characters with Unbreakable can only join units consisting entirely of models with Unbreakable. Units with one or more models with Unbreakable can only be joined by Characters with Unbreakable.
The model gains Fearless and its unit automatically passes all Break Tests. Characters with Unbreakable can only join units consisting entirely of models with Unbreakable. Units with one or more models with Unbreakable can only be joined by Characters with Unbreakable.
No un Líder
The model cannot be the General.
Not a Leader
The model cannot be the General.
Máquina de Guerra
The model cannot Pursue, Declare Charges or Declare Flee as Charge Reaction. Characters can never join units with War Machines, and Characters with War Machine cannot join units at all. When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing it is Shaken until the end of the next Player Turn. War Machines that fail a Break Test are automatically destroyed. War Machines and units Engaged in Combat with them cannot make Combat Reforms. When a unit charges a War Machine, it can move into base contact by having its Front Facing contact any point of the War Machine's base (it must still maximise the number of models in base contact, see subsection II.1.A “Bases and Base Contact", page 4 and Figure 1 page 4). No Align Move is allowed. Ignore the War Machine's Facing, as it does not have any due to its round base.
War Machine
The model cannot Pursue, Declare Charges or Declare Flee as Charge Reaction. Characters can never join units with War Machines, and Characters with War Machine cannot join units at all. When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing it is Shaken until the end of the next Player Turn. War Machines that fail a Break Test are automatically destroyed. War Machines and units Engaged in Combat with them cannot make Combat Reforms. When a unit charges a War Machine, it can move into base contact by having its Front Facing contact any point of the War Machine's base (it must still maximise the number of models in base contact, see subsection II.1.A “Bases and Base Contact", page 4 and Figure 1 page 4). No Align Move is allowed. Ignore the War Machine's Facing, as it does not have any due to its round base.
Tropas Ligeras
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Majestuosidad de los Grandes Reyes
El alcance de la Presencia de Mando de un General montado en un Trono de Guerra se [b]establece[/b] en 18".
Majesty of High Kings
The range of Commanding Presence of a General mounted on a War Throne is [b]set[/b] to 18".
Maestría de Herrería Rúnica
Los Ataques Cuerpo a Cuerpo de miniaturas en la misma unidad que una o más miniaturas con Maestría de Herrería Rúnica obtienen +1 Penetración de Armadura.
Rune Craft Mastery
Close Combat Attacks from models in the same unit as one or more models with Rune Craft Mastery gain +1 Armour Penetration.
Maestro de Armas
Weapon Master
Resistencia a la Magia
Magic Resistance
Muro de Escudos
Mientras usen un Escudo, la miniatura obtiene [b]Aegis (6+, contra Ataques Cuerpo a Cuerpo)[/b]. Esto se mejora a [b]Aegis (5+, contra Ataques Cuerpo a Cuerpo)[/b] si el atacante está Cargando. Esta Salvación Especial solo se puede usar contra ataques de enemigos Trabados por el Encaramiento Frontal de la unidad.
Shield Wall
While using a Shield, the model gains [b]Aegis (6+, against Close Combat Attacks)[/b]. This is improved to [b]Aegis (5+, against Close Combat Attacks)[/b] if the attacker is Charging. This Special Save can only be used against attacks from enemies Engaged in the model's unit's Front Facing.
Presencia Imponente
The model gains Tall and can never be joined or join a unit (unless it is a War Platform). A model with Towering Presence increases its Rally Around the Flag and Commanding Presence ranges by 6".
Towering Presence
The model gains Tall and can never be joined or join a unit (unless it is a War Platform). A model with Towering Presence increases its Rally Around the Flag and Commanding Presence ranges by 6".
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
La parte de miniatura obtiene [b]Carga Devastadora (+1 Fue, +1 PA)[/b] y Gran Puntería.
The model part gains [b]Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)[/b] and [b]Steady Aim[/b].
Whirling Chains of Doom
Close Combat Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 10 (regardless of the wielder’s Agility). A model with this weapon cannot be joined by Characters.
Whirling Chains of Doom
Close Combat Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 10 (regardless of the wielder’s Agility). A model with this weapon cannot be joined by Characters.

Magic Items usable by the army

Rune of Craftsmanship
A weapon engraved with this Rune follows the rules for Great Weapons instead of the original weapon's rules (this does not prevent the weapon from being engraved with additional Runes).
Rune of Craftsmanship
A weapon engraved with this Rune follows the rules for Great Weapons instead of the original weapon's rules (this does not prevent the weapon from being engraved with additional Runes).
Rune of Denial
One use only. The player may choose to use this Rune instead of performing a Dispelling Attempt. The spell is automatically dispelled.
Rune of Denial
One use only. The player may choose to use this Rune instead of performing a Dispelling Attempt. The spell is automatically dispelled.
Rune of Destruction
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune gain [b]Multiple Wounds (D3)[/b].
Rune of Destruction
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune gain [b]Multiple Wounds (D3)[/b].
Rune of Devouring
One use only. The player may choose to use this Rune instead of performing a Dispelling Attempt. The spell is cast as normal but the Caster may not cast it again for the rest of the game, even if the bearer is removed as a casualty. Spells dispelled by a Rune of Revocation and Attribute Spells are not affected.
Rune of Devouring
One use only. The player may choose to use this Rune instead of performing a Dispelling Attempt. The spell is cast as normal but the Caster may not cast it again for the rest of the game, even if the bearer is removed as a casualty. Spells dispelled by a Rune of Revocation and Attribute Spells are not affected.
Rune of Dragon's Breath
The bearer gains [b]Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks)[/b]. A single friendly Rune of Dragon's Breath may be used per Round of Combat.
Rune of Dragon's Breath
The bearer gains [b]Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks)[/b]. A single friendly Rune of Dragon's Breath may be used per Round of Combat.
Rune of Fire
May be activated at the start of any phase or Round of Combat. If so, attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune become [b]Flaming Attacks[/b] until the end of the phase.
Rune of Fire
May be activated at the start of any phase or Round of Combat. If so, attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune become [b]Flaming Attacks[/b] until the end of the phase.
Rune of Fury
For each Rune of Fury engraved on a weapon, the wielder gains +1 Attack Value while using it.
Rune of Fury
For each Rune of Fury engraved on a weapon, the wielder gains +1 Attack Value while using it.
Rune of Grounding
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Melee Phase. All spells with Duration One Turn that affect any of the following units come to an end: • The bearer's unit • Enemy units in base contact with the bearer
Rune of Grounding
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Melee Phase. All spells with Duration One Turn that affect any of the following units come to an end: • The bearer's unit • Enemy units in base contact with the bearer
Rune of Harnessing
The Channel value of enemy model parts within 24' of the bearer's model (the value within brackets) is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Rune of Harnessing
The Channel value of enemy model parts within 24' of the bearer's model (the value within brackets) is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Rune of Iron
The wearer of an armour engraved with: • A single Rune of Iron gains +1 Armour. • Two or more Runes of Iron gains +2 Armour.
Rune of Iron
The wearer of an armour engraved with: • A single Rune of Iron gains +1 Armour. • Two or more Runes of Iron gains +2 Armour.
Rune of Kinship
The bearer gains [b]Ambush[/b] and [b]Scout[/b].
Rune of Kinship
The bearer gains [b]Ambush[/b] and [b]Scout[/b].
Rune of Lightning
If the wielder scores at least one successful hit with a weapon engraved with one or more Runes of Lightning (consider each set of simultaneous attacks separately), each enemy unit that was hit suffers an additional D3 hits for each instance of this Rune. The hits are considered Special Attacks and are resolved with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and [b]Magical Attacks[/b].
Rune of Lightning
If the wielder scores at least one successful hit with a weapon engraved with one or more Runes of Lightning (consider each set of simultaneous attacks separately), each enemy unit that was hit suffers an additional D3 hits for each instance of this Rune. The hits are considered Special Attacks and are resolved with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and [b]Magical Attacks[/b].
Rune of Mastery
One use only. A single Rune of Mastery may be activated immediately before the bearer attempts to cast a Bound Spell. Add (+2/+2) to the Power Level of this Bound Spell for this Casting Attempt.
Rune of Mastery
One use only. A single Rune of Mastery may be activated immediately before the bearer attempts to cast a Bound Spell. Add (+2/+2) to the Power Level of this Bound Spell for this Casting Attempt.
Rune of Might
For each Rune of Might engraved on a weapon, attacks made with it gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
Rune of Might
For each Rune of Might engraved on a weapon, attacks made with it gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
Rune of Mining
After Determining Deployment Zones (at the end of step 6 of the Pre-Game Sequence), choose a Terrain Feature on the Battlefield. As long the bearer is on the Battlefield, all friendly models may treat this as Open Terrain when making Advance Moves or March Moves, but [b]must[/b] still follow the Unit Spacing rule at the end of their movement.
Rune of Mining
After Determining Deployment Zones (at the end of step 6 of the Pre-Game Sequence), choose a Terrain Feature on the Battlefield. As long the bearer is on the Battlefield, all friendly models may treat this as Open Terrain when making Advance Moves or March Moves, but [b]must[/b] still follow the Unit Spacing rule at the end of their movement.
Rune of Penetration
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with one or more Runes of Penetration gain +3 Armour Penetration.
Rune of Penetration
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with one or more Runes of Penetration gain +3 Armour Penetration.
Rune of Precision
The wielder of a weapon engraved with this Rune gains [b]Lightning Reflexes[/b].
Rune of Precision
The wielder of a weapon engraved with this Rune gains [b]Lightning Reflexes[/b].
Rune of Quickening
For each Rune of Quickening engraved on a weapon, the wielder gains +3 Agility while using it.
Rune of Quickening
For each Rune of Quickening engraved on a weapon, the wielder gains +3 Agility while using it.
Rune of Readiness
One use only. May be activated at the end of the Charge Phase, immediately after all Charge Moves have been resolved. If the bearer's unit was successfully Charged during this phase, it may perform a Combat Reform (following the normal rules for Combat Reforms).
Rune of Readiness
One use only. May be activated at the end of the Charge Phase, immediately after all Charge Moves have been resolved. If the bearer's unit was successfully Charged during this phase, it may perform a Combat Reform (following the normal rules for Combat Reforms).
Rune of Resistance
Successful to-wound rolls against the model of the wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune [b]must[/b] be rerolled.
Rune of Resistance
Successful to-wound rolls against the model of the wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune [b]must[/b] be rerolled.
Rune of Retribution
Whenever the wearer of an armour engraved with one or more Runes of Retribution rolls a successful Shield Wall Aegis Save against enemy Melee Attacks (including Shield Wall stacked with Rune of Shielding), the wearer immediately inflicts a hit with the Strength and Armour Penetration of the saved attack on the model that caused the wound, before any casualties are removed, distributed onto the model's Health Pool. This is considered a Special Attack.
Rune of Retribution
Whenever the wearer of an armour engraved with one or more Runes of Retribution rolls a successful Shield Wall Aegis Save against enemy Melee Attacks (including Shield Wall stacked with Rune of Shielding), the wearer immediately inflicts a hit with the Strength and Armour Penetration of the saved attack on the model that caused the wound, before any casualties are removed, distributed onto the model's Health Pool. This is considered a Special Attack.
Rune of Returning
A weapon engraved with this Rune can be used as a Shooting Weapon with Aim 2+ and the following profile: . Shooting Attacks made with this weapon are affected by all Runic Weapon Enchantments on the engraved weapon (even if the effects are normally restricted to Close Combat Attacks).
Rune of Returning
A weapon engraved with this Rune can be used as a Shooting Weapon with Aim 2+ and the following profile: . Shooting Attacks made with this weapon are affected by all Runic Weapon Enchantments on the engraved weapon (even if the effects are normally restricted to Close Combat Attacks).
Rune of Shielding
The bearer gains [b]Aegis (+1, max. 4+)[/b]. The Aegis from this Rune [b]only[/b] stacks with itself and/or Shield Wall.
Rune of Shielding
The bearer gains [b]Aegis (+1, max. 4+)[/b]. The Aegis from this Rune [b]only[/b] stacks with itself and/or Shield Wall.
Rune of Smashing
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune that are allocated towards a model with Resilience 5 or more have their Strength [b]set[/b] to 10 and their Armour Penetration [b]set[/b] to 10.
Rune of Smashing
Attacks made with a weapon engraved with this Rune that are allocated towards a model with Resilience 5 or more have their Strength [b]set[/b] to 10 and their Armour Penetration [b]set[/b] to 10.
Rune of Steel
The wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune [b]must[/b] reroll failed Armour Saves.
Rune of Steel
The wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune [b]must[/b] reroll failed Armour Saves.
Rune of Storms
One use only. May be activated at the start of the opponent's Player Turn. Choose a single enemy unit within 24' of the bearer. The Advance Rate and March Rate of all models with Fly in that unit (both for Ground and Flying Movement) are halved, rounding fractions up. The effect lasts until the end of the Player Turn.
Rune of Storms
One use only. May be activated at the start of the opponent's Player Turn. Choose a single enemy unit within 24' of the bearer. The Advance Rate and March Rate of all models with Fly in that unit (both for Ground and Flying Movement) are halved, rounding fractions up. The effect lasts until the end of the Player Turn.
Rune of the Courage
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. For the duration of the phase, the bearer gains [b]Stubborn[/b].
Rune of the Courage
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. For the duration of the phase, the bearer gains [b]Stubborn[/b].
Rune of the Forge
The wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune gains [b]Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks)[/b].
Rune of the Forge
The wearer of an armour engraved with this Rune gains [b]Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks)[/b].

Magic Standards usable by the army

Aether Icon
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). If the unit contains a model with another instance of Magic Resistance, it increases that model’s Magic Resistance value by 1 instead.
Aether Icon
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). If the unit contains a model with another instance of Magic Resistance, it increases that model’s Magic Resistance value by 1 instead.
Banner of Discipline
The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. If the Battle Standard Bearer or the General is part of the bearer’s unit, it automatically passes Panic Tests instead.
Banner of Discipline
The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. If the Battle Standard Bearer or the General is part of the bearer’s unit, it automatically passes Panic Tests instead.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.
Banner of the Relentless Company
One use only. May be activated during the owner’s Movement Phase. All Infantry models in the bearer’s unit always have March Rate 15″, until the end of the Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless Company may be activated during the same phase.
Banner of the Relentless Company
One use only. May be activated during the owner’s Movement Phase. All Infantry models in the bearer’s unit always have March Rate 15″, until the end of the Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless Company may be activated during the same phase.
Flaming Standard
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat or before shooting with the bearer’s unit. The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks. If activated when Engaged in Combat, the effect lasts until the bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. If activated before shooting with the bearer’s unit, the effect lasts until the end of the phase.
Flaming Standard
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat or before shooting with the bearer’s unit. The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks. If activated when Engaged in Combat, the effect lasts until the bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. If activated before shooting with the bearer’s unit, the effect lasts until the end of the phase.
Legion Standard
A unit with one Legion Standard increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +1 (normally this means the unit can add up to 4 Full Ranks to its Combat Score). A unit with two or more Legion Standards increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +2 instead.
Legion Standard
A unit with one Legion Standard increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +1 (normally this means the unit can add up to 4 Full Ranks to its Combat Score). A unit with two or more Legion Standards increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +2 instead.
Stalker's Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker's Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Runic Standard of Dismay
Units Charging the bearer's unit suffer -2' Advance Rate for their Charge Range roll.
Runic Standard of Dismay
Units Charging the bearer's unit suffer -2' Advance Rate for their Charge Range roll.
Runic Standard of Shielding
All friendly units within 6' of the bearer gain [b]Aegis (5+, against Shooting Attacks)[/b].
Runic Standard of Shielding
All friendly units within 6' of the bearer gain [b]Aegis (5+, against Shooting Attacks)[/b].
Runic Standard of Steadiness
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Movement Phase. The bearer's unit gains [b]Quick to Fire[/b] until the end of the Player Turn.
Runic Standard of Steadiness
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Movement Phase. The bearer's unit gains [b]Quick to Fire[/b] until the end of the Player Turn.
Runic Standard of Swiftness
The bearer's unit gains [b]Vanguard[/b].
Runic Standard of Swiftness
The bearer's unit gains [b]Vanguard[/b].
Runic Standard of the Anvil
Friendly units Charging enemy units Engaged in Combat with the bearer's unit [b]must[/b] reroll failed Charge Range rolls in the Charge Phase.
Runic Standard of the Anvil
Friendly units Charging enemy units Engaged in Combat with the bearer's unit [b]must[/b] reroll failed Charge Range rolls in the Charge Phase.
Runic Standard of the Hold
A unit with one or more Runic Standards of the Hold counts as having an additional Full Rank for the purpose of Steadfast and Disrupted.
Runic Standard of the Hold
A unit with one or more Runic Standards of the Hold counts as having an additional Full Rank for the purpose of Steadfast and Disrupted.
Runic Standard of Wisdom
The bearer may select a single Battle Rune during Spell Selection. This Battle Rune can be cast by the bearer and has Range Caster's Unit.
Runic Standard of Wisdom
The bearer may select a single Battle Rune during Spell Selection. This Battle Rune can be cast by the bearer and has Range Caster's Unit.

Units od the army

Señor del Clan
Herrero Rúnico
Runic Smith
Yunque de Poder
Anvil of Power
Dragon Seeker
Porteadores de Escudo
Shield Bearers
Trono de Guerra
War Throne
Guerreros del Clan
Clan Warriors
Tiradores del Clan
Clan Marksmen
Guardia Real
King's Guard
Vigías de las Profundidades
Deep Watch
Vengeance Seeker
Guardianes del Bastión
Hold Guardians
Destructor de Agravios
Grudge Buster
Guardianes de la Forja
Forge Wardens
Cópteros a Vapor
Steam Copters
Artillería de Campo
Field Artillery
Giant Dwarf
Giant Dwarf