Reglas Especiales
Reino De Equitania

Heroic Traits





The model gains Musician and is a Wizard Apprentice that chooses Divination as its Path of Magic.


The model is a Wizard Adept that chooses Witchcraft as its Path of Magic. Counts as two Heroic Traits

Knightly Principles


Duels issued by the model must (if possible) be accepted by an enemy Character, unless a Champion accepts first. In addition, while fighting a Duel, the model part's Close Combat Attacks gain +2 Armour Penetration. Attack Attribute. One of a Kind


In the Melee Phase, if the model's unit is the target of an Orison while Engaged in Combat, add one Orison Token to the owner's Orison Token pool. In addition, Ordo Minister becomes 0-3 per Army. Universal Rule. One of a Kind


The model gains Distracting. This instance of Distracting cannot be used in the First Round of Combat. Personal Protection. One of a Kind


The model gains Commanding Presence that only friendly models with Ordeal may benefit from. In addition, Knight Banneret becomes 0-3 per Army. Universal Rule. One of a Kind


While Located in the Charged unit's Front Arc, the model gains Devastating Charge (+2' Adv). While Engaged with an enemy unit's Front Facing, the model part gains Devastating Charge (+2 Att). Attack Attribute. One of a Kind


Whenever another model in the model's unit suffers an unsaved wound due to an enemy Melee Attack, the model part must perform a single Close Combat Attack at Initiative Step 0. If this is not possible, the effect is ignored. The number of these bonus attacks that the model part performs can never be higher than 3 per Round of Combat. Attack Attribute. One of a Kind


The model gains Fearless and the model's part Close Combat Attacks gain Multiple Wounds (2, against Fear). Attack Attribute. One of a Kind


Apoyo de la Montura

La parte de miniatura ignora Contenidos a efectos de Ataques de Apoyo.

Entrenamiento de Tiro

Durante un Turno de Jugador en que la miniatura no se haya movido, si la unidad de la miniatura tiene al menos una Fila Completa, la miniatura obtiene dos Disparar con Filas Adicionales.

Band of Brothers

Universal Rule.
Unless Charging out of the unit, Characters joined to units with one or more Court Knights gain Devastating Charge (+1″ Adv).


Universal Rule.
While the model is joined to a unit with at least one
Full Rank, it gains Stand Behind.

Big Brother

Bound to the Land

Universal Rule.
The model gains Ambush. In addition, when declaring if the model will Ambush (during step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence), you must declare that the model Ambushes from a Field or Water Terrain Feature instead of the Board Edge. If so, follow the rules for Ambush but replace all instances of “Board Edge” in the rules for Ambush with “edge of any Field or Water Terrain”

Caballeros de la Corte

La miniatura obtiene Guardaespaldas (Santo o General con Valentía). Además, a menos que estén Cargando fuera de la unidad, los Personajes unidos a unidades con una o más miniaturas con Caballeros de la Corte obtienen Carga Devastadora (+1" Ava).

Guerreros de Renombre

La miniatura obtiene Penitencia y Lanza.

Champion of the Green Knight

Universal Rule.
The Fey Rider gains Bastard Sword. The model gains Stubborn and counts as a Champion for the purpose of Issuing and Accepting Duels.

Chosen of the Snow Childe

Universal Rule.
The Fey Rider gains +1 Attack Value for each enemy model in base contact with it and its attacks ignore Parry.


The model gains Aegis (+1, against Magical Attacks, max. 4+)


The model gains Aegis (+1, max. 5+) with the following condition: Its unit must be Engaged in the same Combat as at least one other friendly unit containing one or more models with Courage or Honesty.
Units consisting entirely of models with Ordeal are ignored by units with more than half of their models with Courage for the purpose of Panic Tests.

Courtier of the Dawn

Universal Rule.
The model gains +3 Attack Value, Fly (8″, 16″), and Gallantry (2). Model parts (friend or foe) with Harnessed Engaged in the same Combat as the model gain +1 to hit.

Courtier of the Dusk

Universal Rule.
The model is a Wizard Adept that must choose Druidism or Witchcraft as its Path of Magic and that cannot select the Hereditary Spell. In addition, the Casting Value of spells that target the model and/or any unit Engaged in the same Combat as the model (friend or foe) is reduced by 1.

Defensa Incondicional

Las unidades enemigas en contacto con peana con una o más miniaturas con Defensa Incondicional no cuentan como si estuvieran Cargando a efectos de Carga Devastadora.

Expert Bowmen

Universal Rule.
The model gains Accurate if it did not move during this Player Turn.


Fey Spirit

The model gains Fearless and Magical Attacks. Models with Fey Spirit can only join or be joined by Damsels or
models with Fey Spirit.

Field and Stone

Universal Rule.
The model gains Bound to the Land (Field), and the Fey Rider gains Large Flail.

Forest Guide

Universal Rule.
The model’s unit gains Magical Attacks and Strider (Forest)

Freedom of Flight

Universal Rule.
The model’s Armour can never be improved beyond 5.


During Army List creation, the unit gains a Gallantry value that corresponds to the value stated in brackets (X).
Multiple instances of Gallantry (X) in the same unit do not stack. The sum of the Gallantry values of all units on the
Army List is restricted to 1 per 650 Army Points, rounding fractions up (this means that e.g. a 4500 pts army can
contain units with a combined Gallantry value of up to 7).

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Insignificant, Serf, and Light Armour.

Golpe de Justicia

Las tiradas para herir fallidas con Ataques Cuerpo a Cuerpo de la miniatura contra los que el objetivo tenga una Salvación Especial deben repetirse.


Al inicio del paso 7 de la Secuencia Previa a la Partida (Selección de Hechizos), añade 1 Marcador de Bendición a tu Reserva de Marcadores de Bendición por cada miniatura con Ordenado en tu Lista de Ejército.

Hooded Men

Universal Rule.
The model gains Hard Target (1) and Skirmisher and loses Throwing Weapons (5+)


Universal Rule.
The model must always choose Flee as a Charge Reaction if possible despite having Fearless, and never becomes Shaken after passing a Rally Test. The Reform after Rallying does not prevent the model from moving.

Knight Banneret

0–2 Models with Knight Banneret per Army.
The model gains the following rules:
• The model gains +1 Health Point, up to a maximum of 3.
• The model may take a single Banner Enchantment from this Army Book, for which it is considered to have a Special Item allowance with no limit.
• When calculating Combat Score, the model adds +1 to its side’s Combat Score.
• The model can be chosen as the model that suffers the penalties for refusing a Duel. If so, it does not add +1 to its side’s Combat Score.

Knighted Giant

Universal Rule.
The model gains Devastating Charge (+3 Str, +3 AP), Impetuous, Oath of Fealty, Heavy Armour, and loses Insignificant and Serf

Knights Forlorn

Universal Rule.
The model loses Ordeal and gains Courage and Bastard Sword. In the First Round of Combat, enemy units in base contact do not count as Charging for the purpose of Devastating Charge.

Lance Formation

Close Combat
The model gains Fight in Extra Rank, and its maximum number of Supporting Attacks is increased by 1. If more than half of a unit’s models have Lance Formation and the unit is 3 or 4 models wide, it counts as being in Line Formation and only needs to be 3 models wide in order to form Full Ranks.

Lights in the Mist

Universal Rule.
The model may perform a Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 1 and Armour Penetration 0. Enemy units suffering one or more hits with Grind Attacks or Sweeping Attacks from Friar’s Lantern suffer the following effects until the end of the next Player Turn:
• −2″ Advance Rate, to a minimum of 3″
• −2″ March Rate, to a minimum of 3″
• −2″ Pursuit Distance


The model gains Aegis (+1, max. 4+) with the following restriction: The effect can only be used against wounds against which the model cannot take or would automatically fail its any Armour Saves. Units with more than half of their models with Courage ignore friendly units consisting entirely of models with Ordeal for the purpose of Panic Tests.

Ordo Minister

0–2 Models/Army.
The model gains +1 Health Point, up to a maximum of 3. At the start of each friendly Magic Phase, the model’s unit, or a model inside the model’s unit, may Raise 1 Health Point with the following restrictions:
• No single unit can Recover or Raise more than 1 Health Point per Player Turn from this ability.
• Champions cannot be Raised by Ordo Ministers.
A unit that Recovered or Raised Health Points this way cannot be targeted by Fountain of Youth (Druidism) in the same Magic Phase.

Ordo Wardens

Universal Rule.
The model loses Ordeal and gains Orison (0), Honesty, and Great Weapon.


At the start of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence (Spell Selection), each model with Orison (X) adds X Orison Tokens to its owner’s Orison Token pool. Any player’s Orison Token pool can never contain more than 6 Orison Tokens. At the start of any phase or Round of Combat, one or more Orison Tokens can be removed from the Orison Token pool. For each removed token, choose one friendly non-Fleeing unit within 8” of any friendy non-Fleeing model with Orison (X).
The chosen unit gains one of the following effects:
• Holy Strike: Model parts without Harnessed gain +1 to hit with their Close Combat Attacks.
• Holy Shield: Aegis (+1, max. 4+).
• Holy Wrath: Fear; any model that already has Fear gains Terror instead.
Several instances of an effect on the same model are not cumulative, and a single unit can only be the target of one Orison per phase unless specifically stated otherwise. The effects last until the end of the phase.


Universal Rule.
The Equitan Lord model part gains Divine Attacks.
The model gains Not a Leader, Honesty, Orison (1),
and loses Courage.

Preparar el Terreno

Al desplegar la unidad, puedes situar un Muro con su centro en un radio de 2" de la unidad, y que no esté en contacto con ningún otro Elemento de Terreno a excepción de Terreno Abierto. Este Muro puede tener hasta 8" de largo y 1" de ancho, y sigue las reglas habituales para Muros, con la excepción de que proporciona Cobertura Ligera en lugar de Cobertura Pesada

Prepared Position

Universal Rule.
Enemy models in base contact with one or more Lowborn Archers must take a Dangerous Terrain (2) Test immediately after successfully Charging a nonFleeing unit of Lowborn Archers in its Front Facing.



Universal Rule.
While Engaged in Combat, the model’s Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll.

Relic Bearer

Universal Rule.
The model gains Honesty, and loses Ordeal and Shield. In addition, the Casting Value of friendly spells that target one or more friendly units within 12” of one or more Relic Bearers is reduced by 1.

Sacred Relic

Universal Rule.
The model must be deployed in a Standard Height Infantry unit and can never voluntarily leave it. The model’s unit gains the following rules:
• Fight in Extra Rank
• The unit’s Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll.
• At the start of every Magic Phase, if the unit is Engaged in Combat, add one Orison Token to your Orison Token pool


One of a Kind. Cannot be taken by the Battle Standard Bearer.
Model parts without Harnessed gain Orison (+1) and Fearless. The model part gains +1 Attack Value, +1 Offensive
Skill, +1 Defensive Skill, its Discipline is set to 9, and its Special Item allowance is increased by 50 pts, up to a
maximum of 200 pts. In addition, the model is always under the effect of the Orisons Holy Strike, Holy Shield, and
Holy Wrath. This does not prevent the model’s unit from being the target of an Orison.

Solemn Oath

Universal Rule.
The model gains Bodyguard (Duke, General with Sainted). In addition, the unit’s Champion gains Knight Banneret for free, and the Knight Banneret Duplication Limit is increased to 0-3 Models with Knight Banneret per Army.

Stream and Springs

Universal Rule.
The Fey Rider gains a Bastard Sword and the model gains Bound to the Land (Water Terrain), Aegis (+1, against Melee Attacks), and Stubborn. In addition, the model counts as a Champion for the purpose of Duels that must issue and accept Duels whenever possible (this cannot be prevented by issuing a Duel with another friendly model first unless that model also must issue a Duel whenever possible).

Sworn Companions

Universal Rule.
While joined by a model with Sainted or a General with Courage, the model’s unit gains Fearless. In addition, there must be fewer than 3 models with Sworn Companions in the unit before hits can be distributed onto Characters with the same Type and Height.

The Blessing

Unit profiles in this Army Book contain an additional Characteristic, which corresponds to the units’ Aegis Saves, shortened Aeg. This Characteristic is treated as if the unit has the Personal Protection Aegis (X+) written on its profile, where X is the Aeg Characteristic value. Not having an Aeg value does not prevent a unit from being the target of an Aegis modifier. A model from the Kingdom of Equitaine Army Book with Courage, Ordeal, or Honesty that is Fleeing can never use any Aegis Save.

The Quest

During Pre-game Selections, choose a unit entry from the opponent’s Army Book, which cannot be a Character mount (but can be a Character entry). Mark all units in the opponent’s Army List that are of the chosen unit entry with a Quest Marker.
Model parts with The Quest gain Lethal Strike ((towards units containing a model marked by Quest Marker)) and Zeal (towards units containing a model marked by Quest Marker).

Traits of a Hero

Universal Rule.
The Folk Hero model part must choose at least 1 and up to 2 different Heroic Traits.

Vow of Redemption

Universal Rule.
Units with at least one model with Vow of Redemption:
• Gain Stubborn while having at least as many files as they have ranks.
• Cannot be joined by Characters other than Folk Heroes with Cleric.

Warden of the Hooded Man

Universal Rule.
The model gains Terror. The Fey Rider gains Lance and its attacks gain Multiple Wounds (2, against Large, Gigantic).

Water Spirits

Universal Rule.
The model gains Strider (Water Terrain) and Scout with the following restriction: At least half the models of the model’s unit must be deployed fully inside Water Terrain or the owner’s Deployment Zone.
In addition, Melee Attacks that are Flaming Attacks from enemy units Engaged with the model lose Flaming Attacks.
Units with more than half of their models with Water Spirits are Stubborn if more than half of their models are inside a Water Terrain with the centre of their bases. In addition, Water Terrain is Covering Terrain for models with Water Spirits inside them and contributes to Soft Cover.