Reglas Especiales
Kanes Ogros

Iron fist

Iron Fist

Close Combat Weapon
The wielder gains +1 Armour, +1 Attack Value, and Parry, unless using another weapon. This weapon cannot be enchanted with Weapon Enchantments from the List of Common Special Items.

Brace of Ogre Pistols

Brace of Ogre Pistols

Shooting Weapon
Range 24″, Shots 2, Str 4, AP 2, Quick to Fire. Counts as Paired Weapons in close combat.

Ogre Crossbow

Ogre Crossbow

Shooting Weapon
Range 30″, Shots 1, Str 2 [5], AP 1 [3], Area Attack (1×5).

Big Names

Cult Leader

The range of the bearer's Commanding Presence or Rally Around the Flag is always 18'. General or Battle Standard Bearer only


Gut Roarer

The bearer gains Channel (1) and Fear. Shamans only



The bearer gains Weapon Master, Plate Armour, Great Weapon, Halberd, Iron Fist, and Paired Weapons. The bearer cannot take Weapon Enchantments. Great Khans and Khans only





The bearer loses Not a Leader and must be the General. Its Special Item allowance is increased to 150 pts. Another Mammoth Hunter in the army may be the Battle Standard Bearer for 50 pts; this Battle Standard Bearer gains Scrapling Lookout while joined to Yeti units. The Core limit is reduced to Min. 20%.� The army may not include any Great Khans, Khans, Bruisers, Mercenary Veterans, Bombardiers, or Thunder Cannons. Mammoth Hunters become 0-4 Units/Army. Mammoth Hunters only. One of a Kind


Animal Master

The model gains Commanding Presence, but only units of Sabretooth Tigers may benefit from it.

Rally Around The Flag

Freezing Aura

The model can cast Chilling Howl (Shamanism) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8). Enemy units within 9" of one or more Frost Mammoths suffer -3 Agility. The roll for Flee Distance of enemy units that Break from Combat while in base contact with one or more Frost Mammoths is subject to Minimised Roll.

Living Avalanche

The model's Impact Hits gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.


Each unit of Mercenary Veterans may be given up to two of the upgrades listed below (the upgrades must be written on the Army List). The models gain: • Accurate • Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) • Lethal Strike • Magic Resistance (2) • Plate Armour • Poison Attacks • Swiftstride • Vanguard Each upgrade may only be taken by a single unit of Mercenary Veterans in your army.

Big Brother

It's a Trap!

Each unit of Scrapling Trappers may place a Trap Counter: • Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), on a single Terrain Feature other than Open Terrain that the unit was deployed in or was in contact with at any point during its Vanguard move • Once during each friendly Movement Phase, on a single Terrain Feature other than Open Terrain that the unit was in contact with during an Advance Move, March Move, or a Reform in this phase If an enemy unit performs an Advance Move, March Move, Reform, Pivot, Charge Move, Failed Charge Move, Pursuit Move, or Flee Move inside or into contact with a Terrain Feature with one or more Trap Counters, remove all Trap Counters in that particular Terrain Feature. Each model in the unit must take a Dangerous Terrain (1) Test. These tests are not considered to be caused by the Terrain Feature; any Dangerous Terrain Tests that would normally be caused by the Terrain Feature still need to be taken.

Leader of the Pack

The Mammoth Hunter's base size is changed to 50×50 mm. As long the model is joined to a unit of Sabretooth Tigers, the unit (including the Mammoth Hunter) gains Swift Reform and Vanguard, and the Mammoth Hunter counts as being a Standard Beast for the purposes of distributing hits, except for Stomp Attacks.

Mountain Hide

When a model with Mountain Hide suffers a wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds (X), halve X, rounding fractions up.


If on foot, the model can only join units of Yetis and Sabretooth Tigers; ignore the Insignificant rule for joining units. If mounted, it cannot join any unit. A model with Loner cannot join a unit containing any other Characters, and Characters cannot join a unit containing a model with Loner.

Sons of the Avalanche

The model part gains Impact Hits (1). If its unit has 2 or more Full Ranks, the model part gains Impact Hits (2). A Character with Sons of the Avalanche instead gains Impact Hits (D3), or Impact Hits (D3+1) if its unit has 2 or more Full Ranks. In addition, the model is immune to the effects of Fear from enemy models.

Touch of Frost

Enemy units suffer -1 Agility for each unit of Yetis in base contact with them.

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Sons of the Avalanche and counts as a Character for the purpose of Sons of the Avalanche.
The model is a Musician. The range of the model’s March to the Beat, and to enemy units that are required to take a March Test due to the Slave Giant, are both extended to 18″.


Cannot be taken by the General.
Attached. The bearer and its unit gain Fearless and Unstable.

Scrapling Lookout

If a unit includes a Standard Bearer or a Battle Standard Bearer with Scrapling Lookout, there must be fewer than 3 R&F models before hits can be distributed onto Characters with the same Type and Height as the unit.


Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.


Cannot be taken by Mammoth Hunter.
Commanding Presence (12″, Scrapling). As long as the model is joined to a unit of Scraplings, the model counts as being Height 1 for the purposes of allocating Ranged Attacks.

Troll Stew Cauldron

Universal Rule.
The model gains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 1) and Fortitude (5+). If the model has used this Breath Attack, it regains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 1) at the end of a Melee Phase during which the bearer caused at least four Health Point losses against enemy units with Close Combat Attacks and Stomp Attacks.
