Reglas Especiales
Elfos Silvanos

Sylvan Longbow

Sylvan Longbow

Shooting Weapon
0-55 Models with Sylvan Longbow per Army.
Longbow. Attacks made with a Sylvan Longbow gain Armour Penetration 1 and Quick to Fire. Also, when shooting from Short Range, their Strength is set to 4.

Sylvan Blades

Sylvan Blades

Close Combat Weapon
Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Sylvan Blades gain +1 Armour Penetration.

Aspects of Nature

Entangling Vines

Oaken Crown

Scarred Bark

Toxic Spores


Blade Dancer

The model gains Aegis (6+), Dances of Cenyrn (see Blade Dancer unit), and Fearless. The model's unit gains Swiftstride. The model may only join or be joined by other Blade Dancer Kindred Characters and units of Blade Dancers. It cannot use any Shooting Weapons nor benefit from Armour (neither mundane nor enchanted). Models on foot only

Forest Guardian

The model gains +1 Attack Value and +1 Armour. Models on foot only


The model gains Master Archer and Scout. The Shots of a Sylvan Longbow wielded by the model are set to 3. If wielded by a Forest Prince, its Shots are set to 4 instead. Models on foot only. Cannot be taken by the Battle Standard Bearer


The model's Advance Rate is set to 6' and its March Rate is set to 18'. It gains +1 Attack Value, +1 Resilience, Fear, Hard Target (1), Swiftstride, and Vanguard. The model may never join units or be joined by other Characters. Models on foot only

Wild Hunter

The model gains +1 Attack Value, -2 Defensive Skill, Battle Focus, Devastating Charge (+1 Att, Fear), Fearless, Frenzy, and Light Troops. Models mounted on Elven Horse or Great Elk only


Clearing Spirits

The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops, and Skirmisher.

A Shepherd and its Flock

The model cannot join a unit that contains another model with this rule.

Forest Walker

The model gains Strider (Forest). If a unit comprised entirely of models with Forest Walker starts a Round of Combat with more than half of its models with the centre of their bases inside a Forest, then all model parts without Harnessed must reroll to-wound rolls of '1' with their Close Combat Attacks for the duration of that Round of Combat.

Tree Singing

Each model with Tree Singing may discard 1 Veil Token once per friendly Magic Phase, immediately after Siphon the Veil. If so, choose a Forest Terrain Feature within 24" of the model with Tree Singing that is not in contact with any unit. Move this Forest in a straight line up to 6". This movement stops immediately before moving into contact with any units or any Terrain Features other than Open Terrain. Each Forest may only be moved with Tree Singing once per Magic Phase.

Big Brother

Bone Break Dancer

Universal Rule.
At the start of each Round of Combat, choose one of the dances listed below and apply its effects until the end of the Round of Combat. The model cannot choose this dance again until after one of the following has happened:
• The model is no longer Engaged in Combat.
• The model has chosen a different dance.

Belly Dancing
+2 Offensive Skill and +2 Defensive Skill.

+1 Armour Penetration and Lethal Strike.

Tap Dancing
Stomp Attacks (D6+2).

The Twist
Enemy units in base contact do not receive any Rank Bonus to their Combat Score.

Heath Hunters

The model loses Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) and Scoring, and gains Sylvan Longbow (3+), Feigned Flight, Light Troops, and Vanguard.

Dances of Cenyrn

At the start of each Round of Combat, units consisting entirely of models with this rule must choose one of the dances listed below and apply its effects until the end of the Round of Combat. The unit cannot choose this dance again until after one of the following has happened: • The unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. • The unit has chosen a different dance.

Elven Cloak

Armour Equipment
When combined with Light Armour, the wearer gains +1 Armour.

Emboldening Boughs

A unit with more than half of its models with Emboldening Boughs gains Stubborn while more than half of the unit's models are inside a Forest with the centre of their bases.

Sylvan Spirit

The model gains Fearless and Magical Attacks. Models with Sylvan Spirit can only join or be joined by models with Sylvan Spirit.

Forest Dweller

While the model’s unit is within 3″ of Forest Terrain, the model gains Stubborn. If the model’s unit already contains Stubborn, the unit is considered Steady when rolling Break Tests.

Forest’s Thorns

Melee, Shooting
The model’s part Standard Melee Attacks and Shooting Attacks from Short Range have their AP set to at least 3.
Note: A Pathfinder Character with Paired Weapons and Spirit of the Whirlwind has AP 3 with its Standard Melee Attacks (Forest’s Thorns does not increase it to AP 5)

Giant Club

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Feigned Flight, Light Troops, and Strider (Forest).

Giant Sentinel

Universal Rule.
The model gains Poison Attacks and Sapling Bow (4+)

Heath Lancers

The model gains Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str) and Shield.

Herald of Sura

Universal Rule.
While the model’s unit consists entirely of Cavalry models, place a Forest Terrain Feature underneath the unit (this can be substituted by placing a marker next to the unit). This Forest always extends to the edges of unit’s Unit Boundary (even if the unit moves or changes formation).

Master Archer

Immediately before shooting with a Sylvan Longbow, all models with Master Archer in a unit may choose to gain either +2 Armour Penetration or +2 to hit until the end of the phase.

Meeting of Minds

Universal Rule.
The model gains Tree Singing. In addition, if the model starts a Round of Combat with the centre of its base inside a Forest, then the mount must reroll to-wound rolls of ’1’ with its Close Combat Attacks for the duration of that Round of Combat.

Poisoned Thorn

Shooting Weapon.
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 1, Quick to Fire.


Root And Snare

When an enemy unit performs any of the following actions, it suffers D6 hits with Str 3 and AP 3:
• The enemy unit successfully Charges a unit containing Root and Snare in contact with a Forest.
• The enemy unit comes in contact (after not being in contact) with a Forest which is in contact with a unit containing Root and Snare.
Resolve the hits at the end of the move or action that triggered them. No unit can be affected by Root and Snare more than once in each Player Turn (including from different units containing Root and Snare).

Sylvan Beats

The Forest Follows

Immediately after determining who deploys first (after step 1 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), you must place a single Forest Terrain Feature:
• Entirely within your half of the Battlefield
• Not in contact with any other Terrain Feature except Open Terrain
• More than 6″ away from the centre of the board when playing Hold the Ground, and more than 6″ away from the centre of any marker used for the Secondary Objective.
If both players are fielding Sylvan Elves, the player that selected their Deployment Zone places their Forest first.
This Terrain Feature may not be larger than 27 cm in length and 19 cm in width. All Forests on the Battlefield are considered Dangerous Terrain (1) for all units except those with Strider or Strider (Forest).