Reglas Especiales
Cónclave Vampírico

Ancestral Blood Powers






Greater Blood Powers

Arcane Knowledge


Crimson Rage

Ghoul Lord

Storm Caller

Lesser Blood Powers

Bestial Bulk

Eternal Duellist

Flying Horror

Mesmerising Gaze

Monster Hunter

Mysteries of The Night

Supreme Lich

Unbreakable Will


Unholy Appetite

After a Round of Combat in which at least one attack with Unholy Appetite caused an unsaved wound, all attacks with Unholy Appetite from models in the same unit must reroll failed to-hit rolls until the end of the next Player Turn.

Ashes to Ashes

At the end of any phase in which the Master is removed as a casualty, every unit in the army with one or more models with Ashes to Ashes must pass a Discipline Test or lose a number of Health Points equal to the amount by which the test was failed, with no saves of any kind allowed. These Health Point losses are allotted following the rules for Unstable, except that they can never be allotted to models that do not have Ashes to Ashes. The number of Health Points lost is reduced by 1 if the unit is within range of Rally Around the Flag. At the end of the Player Turn in which the Master was removed as a casualty, a new Master may be selected. In order to do so, nominate a friendly Wizard Character that either has Vampiric or has chosen Evocation. This Character becomes the new Master. At the start of each friendly Player Turn after the army's Master has been removed as a casualty and no new Master has been selected, every unit with Ashes to Ashes must once again pass a Discipline Test or lose Health Points as described above.

Aura of Undeath

During its Shooting Phase, the model part can make a Shooting Attack that targets all enemy units within 12" of the model (including those Engaged in Combat and outside Front Arc and/or Line of Sight). This attack can be used even if the Altar is Engaged in Combat. The targets suffer D6 hits with a Strength equal to the current Game Turn number and Armour Penetration 2.

Necromantic Aura

All friendly units within 6" of one or more models with Necromantic Aura reduce the number of Health Point losses caused by Ashes to Ashes and Unstable by 1.


Undead units consisting entirely of models with Autonomous may perform March Moves as normal, even when outside the range of Commanding Presence of any friendly models. The unit must still pass a Discipline Test in order to do so if within 8" of non-Fleeing enemy units.


The model can Raise Health Points above a unit's starting size for the units stated within brackets. However, units cannot be increased beyond twice their starting size or beyond the maximum unit size written in their unit entry. A unit's starting size is the size of the unit as written on the Army List or the size of the unit when it is Summoned.

Barrow Giant

Universal Rule.
The model gains a Halberd and Multiple Wounds (2, against Standard)

Big Brother

Blood Magic

The first time each Magic Phase that the bearer fails a Casting Roll for a Learned Spell, the bearer may reroll all Magic Dice for this Casting Roll. If this option is used, the bearer chooses a Character in its unit to lose 1 HP.

Unliving Shield

Enemy models cannot allocate Close Combat Attacks towards a Necromancer as long as they can allocate attacks towards a model with Unliving Shield in the same unit as the Necromancer. This rule cannot be used if there are also models with Vampiric in the same unit as the Necromancer.

Extended Chassis

The Dark Coach's base size is changed to 50×150 mm, and its Undead Mounts' Attack Value is set to 2.

Unholy Conduit

Friendly units within 6" gain Autonomous.

Chill of the Grave

Enemy units within 6" of one or more models with Chill of the Grave suffer -2 Agility and -2 Defensive Skill.

Chilling Shriek

A model with this Special Attack can use it as 1. a Shooting Attack, and as 2. a Special Attack when Engaged in Combat. 1. Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has Range 8" and March and Shoot. 2. The attack is made at the model part's Agility. Declare that you are using Chilling Shriek when allocating attacks. If used, the model part cannot perform any Close Combat Attacks. Choose a single unit in base contact as the target. Regardless of whether it is used as a Shooting or Melee Attack, the Chilling Shriek inflicts 1 hit for each Health Point the model with Chilling Shriek currently has. These hits always have Strength 10, Armour Penetration 10, and Magical Attacks. When rolling to wound with this attack, use the enemy's Discipline instead of its Resilience.

The Dead Arise

0-1 per Army. The model can cast The Dead Arise as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8). The Dead Arise: Range 12", Type Ground, Duration Instant. Summon a unit listed in the Awaken (X) Universal Rule of the Caster (declare which before casting) with a number of Health Points corresponding to the Reanimated value of the unit. All models must be placed within the spell's range, with at least one model touching the target point. All upgrades except Command Group Options are allowed. The unit loses Scoring (if it had it).

First Raised

Ghoul Champions gain Swift Reform.

Storm of Wings

Enemy units in base contact with one or more models with Storm of Wings suffer -1 Offensive Skill and -1 Defensive Skill.

Ghostly Form

The model gains Ghost Step and Magical Attacks. R&F models with Ghostly Form can only be joined by Characters with Ghostly Form.

Lash of Souls

The model can cast Pentagram of Pain (Occultism) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Gates of the Netherworld

Whenever a model with Gates of the Netherworld successfully casts Arise!, after resolving the spell's effect, choose a friendly unit with a Reanimated value and within 12" of the Caster. This unit, or a single Character inside the unit, Raises 1 Health Point. No unit can be chosen more than twice per Magic Phase by Gates of the Netherworld.

Ghoul Giant

Universal Rule.
The model gains Poison Attacks and Unholy Appetite.

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Ashes to Ashes, Fearless, and Undead.

Great Monstrous Revenant

The Monstrous Revenant gains Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP) and its base size is changed to 60×100 mm.

No Rest for the Wicked

All R&F models in friendly units within 6" gain Fortitude (6+). Ghasts in friendly units within 6" gain Fortitude (4+) instead. In addition, all R&F models in friendly units that count towards Core within 6" of one or more Cadaver Wagons gain Fortitude (+1, max. 5+) during their First Round of Combat.

Master of Undeath

One Character in the Vampire Covenant army must be nominated to be the Master. At the start of the game, the General is always the Master.

Meeting of Minds


A unit consisting entirely of models on foot with Reaper: • Ignores all other units during Advance Moves and March Moves , but it must follow the Unit Spacing rule at the end of its move. • Can make a Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 5, Armour Penetration 10, and Magical Attacks for each model with Reaper in the unit.

Wail of Woe

A model with this Special Attack can use it as 1. a Shooting Attack, and as 2. a Special Attack when Engaged in Combat. 1. Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has Range 8", March and Shoot, and inflicts D6+2 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Magical Attacks. 2. The attack is made at the model part's Agility. Declare that you are using Wail of Woe when allocating attacks. If used, the model part cannot perform any Close Combat Attacks. Choose a single unit in base contact as the target. The target unit suffers D3+1 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Magical Attacks.



Some unit profiles contain the additional Characteristic Reanimated, shortened Rea, which determines the number of Health Points Raised with Arise! (Hereditary Spell) and The Dead Arise (Bound Spell).

Soul Tether

Unnatural Activity

Friendly Units Within 6″ Of One Or More Models With Unnatural Activity Gains +2 Off And +2 Agi

Unnatural Activity


At the end of each Melee Phase, check and resolve the following effects for all models with Vampiric: • Character - If at least one attack with Vampiric made by the Character caused an unsaved wound against enemy units, the Character can make a single Vampiric roll. If successful, the Character Recovers a single Health Point. • R&F model - If at least one attack with Vampiric made by a R&F model in the unit caused an unsaved wound against enemy units, the unit can make a single Vampiric roll. If successful, the unit Raises a single Health Point. A Vampiric roll is successful if the D6 scores X+, where X is the number stated within brackets. Use only the best value if a unit or Character has multiple parts with this Attack Attribute that each caused unsaved wounds. A roll of '1' on a Vampiric roll is always a failure and a '6' is always a success. Models with Towering Presence suffer a -2 modifier to their Vampiric rolls.

Zombie Giant

Universal Rule.
The model gains Stubborn, its Reanimated is set to D6+1, and its Offensive Skill and Defensive Skill are set to 1.
The model does not count as a model with Towering Presence for the purpose of Arise! (Hereditary Spell).