The Sacrifice: When casting a non-Bound Spell from this Path, immediately after the casting roll, but before any Dispelling Attempt, the Active Player may choose the Caster’s unit or another friendly unengaged unit within 24″. A unit may only be chosen once per phase. The chosen unit suffers X hits that wound automatically with Armour Penetration 10 and Magical Attacks, and with no saves of any kind allowed, where X is determined by the Discipline value of the largest fraction of models in the unit, ignoring all Discipline modifiers. In case of a tie, use the lower value: • 0 to 4: 3 hits • 5 to 7: 2 hits • 8 to 10: 1 hit Any Health Point loss from The Sacrifice that would remove the last model of the chosen unit as a casualty is discarded. These Health Points losses never cause Panic Tests. If at least one Health Point loss was caused, the spell is cast with the {amplified} version. In that case, use any text marked with {}.
(1) Aliento de Corrupción
[Potenciación], Enfocado
Dura un Turno
The target gains Breath Attack (Magical Attacks, Toxic Attacks). [This spell may only target Characters, Champions, and single model units.] {If the Breath Attack is used as a Shooting Attack, its range is increased to 18″.}
(2) Mano de Gloria
[Potenciación], Enfocado
Dura un Turno
The target <<, all models in its unit when the spell is cast, and Raised models in the unit>> gain Aegis (6+) and Aegis (+1, max 3+). {This spell may only target Characters, Champions, and single model units.}
(3) Podredumbre Interior
The target suffers -1 Offensive Skill and -1 Defensive Skill. {The Caster gains +1 Offensive Skill and +1 Defensive Skill.}
(4) Pentagrama de Dolor
|Maldición|, |Directo|, [Universal], |Daño|
The target suffers D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Magical Attacks. [The Caster's unit is unaffected.] {If one or more unsaved wounds are caused with this spell, the Caster Recovers 1 Health Point.}
(5) Marca de Fatalidad
Maldición, Daño, Directo
The target suffers 1 hit with Strength 10, Armour Penetration 10, Multiple Wounds (D3), and Magical Attacks. {If the target is within 12" of the Caster, the spell targets a single Character or Champion joined to the target unit.}
(6) La Llamada del Sepulcro
Maldición, Daño, Directo
The target suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 5, Armour penetration 2, and Magical Attacks. {The hits gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.}