Scraplauncher Catapult

Despite its appearance, a Scraplauncher catapult is a devastating engine of destruction that launches bundles of broken weapons and shards of scrap-metal into the tightly packed ranks of the enemy.

R S AP Special Rules
Scraplauncher 12-48" 3 (4) - (-2) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (2)

Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 5" blast template and the Scraplauncher Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (2) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template.

Scraplauncher Catapult Misfire Table
D6 Result
1 Kerr-unch! The Scraplauncher comes apart in a shower of metal and wood. The
model is destroyed and immediately removed from play.

2-3 Snap! With an ear-splitting crack, the arm of the catapult snaps cleanly in two.
The model cannot shoot with this weapon for the remainder of the game.

4-6 Splang! The Scraplauncher sprays debris in all directions, but mainly straight up.
The model does not shoot this turn and cannot shoot with this weapon during the next round