Manada de Cuernosalvajes
+ 9 pts/miniatura adicional
15-50 miniaturas
Rarity: Regular
Horns are symbols of great pride to fighting beasts, and those who have proven themselves worthy in battle are given a title that is normally translated as Wildhorn. Tough and hardy, they are veterans of raid and ambush. When the warherd is brought to battle, they form large mobs that stampede towards the enemy.
Global | Mar | Ava | Dis | Reglas de Miniaturas | ||
5" | 5" | 7 |
Defensivo | PV | Def | Res | Arm | ||
1 | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Ofensivo | Ata | Ofe | Fue | PA | Agi | |
Cuernosalvaje | 1 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 3 |