Terrors of the Wild


miniatura individual Rarity: Uncommon
Max 3 Miniaturas/Ejército

The rarest and riskiest womb markings are the titan beasts: behemothic brutes sometimes as large as an adult giant. Of these, the cyclops are wisest and most insightful. Their enchanted eye perceives much and can see far – both literally and metaphorically, so it’s said. Their calm demeanour and mighty throwing arms are invaluable when the herd needs to overcome fortified holdfasts.

Global Mar Ava Dis Reglas de Miniaturas
7" 7" 8
Defensivo PV Def Res Arm
6 2 5 0
Ofensivo Ata Ofe Fue PA Agi
Cíclope 5 2 6 3 3