Priests trained in sorcery to maintain the power and authority of the Temples, prophets are said to speak the word of the Vaneb. As such, they command obedience, fear and reverence from the populace of the Blasted Plain. Prophets wear armour and bear arms, as befits the mages of such a sturdy and ferocious people. } [newpage] Def[shamuttempodef]{ The model gains access to the options below.[vspace]*{2pt} [hspace]*{0.8cm}[begin](minipage){[textwidth]-1.6cm} [startsubframetwocols] Def[tempmounts]{ [optionschoice]([b]Must[/b] choose (one choice only):)([AlCoOrder]( Taurukh Ritual=free, Bull of Shamut (IoD)=150, Great Bull of Shamut (IoD)[refsymbolBbis] [optionnewlineindent] (Wizard Master only)=380, )), } Def[tempaddoptionstwo]{ [optionschoice](One choice only:){[AlCoOrder]}( Paired Weapons=5, Great Weapon=5, Infernal Weapon=5, ), } {[renewcommand]([labels]@options){[labels]@mountsoptions} [options]([tempmounts]) }[columnbreak] [addoptions]([tempaddoptionstwo]) [closesubframetwocols] [end](minipage) [vspace]*{[prophetspacing]} } \optionalmodelrulesdef{ [modelruledef](Prophet of Shamut){[shamuttempodef]} } [vspace]*{15pt}
Global | Mar | Ava | Dis | Reglas de Miniaturas | ||
4" | 3" | 9 |
Defensivo | PV | Def | Res | Arm | ||
3 | 4 | 5 | 3 |
Ofensivo | Ata | Ofe | Fue | PA | Agi | |
Profeta | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 |