

miniatura individual Rarity: Common
Max 700 pts
Max 4 Miniaturas/Ejército

Priests trained in sorcery to maintain the power and authority of the Temples, prophets are said to speak the word of the Vaneb. As such, they command obedience, fear and reverence from the populace of the Blasted Plain. Prophets wear armour and bear arms, as befits the mages of such a sturdy and ferocious people. } [newpage] Def[shamuttempodef]{ The model gains access to the options below.[vspace]*{2pt} [hspace]*{0.8cm}[begin](minipage){[textwidth]-1.6cm} [startsubframetwocols] Def[tempmounts]{ [optionschoice]([b]Must[/b] choose (one choice only):)([AlCoOrder]( Taurukh Ritual=free, Bull of Shamut (IoD)=150, Great Bull of Shamut (IoD)[refsymbolBbis] [optionnewlineindent] (Wizard Master only)=380, )), } Def[tempaddoptionstwo]{ [optionschoice](One choice only:){[AlCoOrder]}( Paired Weapons=5, Great Weapon=5, Infernal Weapon=5, ), } {[renewcommand]([labels]@options){[labels]@mountsoptions} [options]([tempmounts]) }[columnbreak] [addoptions]([tempaddoptionstwo]) [closesubframetwocols] [end](minipage) [vspace]*{[prophetspacing]} } \optionalmodelrulesdef{ [modelruledef](Prophet of Shamut){[shamuttempodef]} } [vspace]*{15pt}

Global Mar Ava Dis Reglas de Miniaturas
4" 3" 9
Defensivo PV Def Res Arm
3 4 5 3
Ofensivo Ata Ofe Fue PA Agi
Profeta 2 4 4 1 2

Enchantment options

(solo a pie)

65 pts
30 pts
70 pts
40 pts
40 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
30 pts
70 pts
40 pts
40 pts

Armour Enchantments

70 pts
40 pts
40 pts

Magic options

150 pts


70 pts

(0-1 objetos por Unidad, 0-1 objetos por Unidad)

50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts

(0-1 objetos por Unidad, 0-1 objetos por Unidad)

45 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts

Potions and Scrolls

50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Command group options

Max one General by Army Max 1 entry
30 pts
One Leader Skills Max 1 entry
30 pts
One Leader Skills Max 1 entry
One Leader Skills Max 1 entry


hasta 100 pts
30 pts

(solo a pie)

30 pts

(solo a pie)

30 pts

(solo a pie)

15 pts
75 pts
40 pts
30 pts
25 pts
70 pts
50 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
5 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
5 pts
45 pts
5 pts
5 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
5 pts
70 pts
50 pts
50 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
5 pts
80 pts
55 pts
50 pts
45 pts
25 pts

Mount options

Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry

(0-2 por Ejército)

150 pts
380 pts
40 pts
300 pts
75 pts

The Broken Isles - Specialist Skills

25 pts
25 pts
40 pts