

Correspondance des traductions avec la VO

Règles et Équipements utilisés par l'armée

À sang froid
Frappe toujours en dernier
Always Strikes Last
Âme de marbre
Soul of Stone
Aphorisme apaisant
Becalming Cogitation
Arc géant
Giant Bow
Vassal magique
Arcane Vassal
Arche de Sotek
Ark of Sotek
Arme de base
Portée : CaC Force : Util. Règles Spéciales : -
Hand weapon
Arme Lourde
Portée : CaC Force : +2 Règles Spéciales : Arme à de mains, frappe toujours en dernier
Great Weapon
Armour Piercing
Armure légére
Confère à son porteur une Svg d'armure de 6+
Light armour
Attaques Empoisonnées
Poisoned Attacks
Empathie avec la bête
Attuned To The Beast
Balayage furieux
Thunderous Bludgeon
Bâton Stellaire
The Stellar Staff
Chevaucheur skink
Beast Rider
Langue du Serpent
Blade of the Serpent’s Tongue
Blessures multiples
Multiple Wounds
Frénésie de sang
Blood Frenzy
+1 à la sauvegarde d'armure.
Bouclier des Anciens
Shield of the Old Ones
Bouclier des Éons
The Shield Of Aeons
Bouclier mineur des Anciens
Minor Shield of the Old Ones
Bouclier suprême des Anciens
Supreme Shield Of The Old Ones
Cavalerie Volante
Flying Cavalry
Clé de la Chambre D'Éternité
The Key To The Eternity Chamber
Masse Cobra de Mazdamundi
Cobra Mace Of Mazdamundi
Confabulation télépathique
Telepathic Confabulation
Convergence harmonique
Harmonic Convergence
Coup Fatal
Killing Blow
Crachat de venin
Spit Venom
Crachat enflammé
Spout Flames
Défense impénétrable
Impervious Defence
Devoir sacré
Sacred Duty
Drop Rocks
Equipage Du Howdah
Howdah Crew
Étendard Solaire d'Hexoatl
Sunburst Standard Of Hexoatl
Gardiens d'éternité
Eternity Guardians
Protecteur d'éternité
Eternity Warden
Première génération
First Generation Spawning
Guide Des Forêts
Forest Strider
Frère de couvée
Garde du corps ultime
Ultimate Bodyguard
Génération sacrée de Xhotl
Sacred Spawning of Xhotl
Sarbacanes géantes
Giant Blowpipes
Masque d'Or Mortuaire
Golden Death Mask
Grande Cible
Large target
Guérison transcendantale
Transcendent Healing
Main des Dieux
Hand of Gods
Heaume du Premier Gardien
The Helm Of The Prime Guardian
Hérault des évènements cosmiques
Herald of Cosmic Events
Meute de chasse
Hunting Pack
Ils sont partout !
They're Everywhere!
Immunisé au Poison
Immune To Poison
Immunisé à la psychologie
Immune to Psychology
Touche D'impact
Impact Hits
Une unité entièrement composée de figurines indémoralisables est immunisée à la psychologie et réussit automatiquement ses tests de moral, quelles que soient les circonstances ! Les personnages n'étant pas indémoralisables ne peuvent pas rejoindre une unité qui l'est (même s'ils le momentanément pour une raison ou autre, comme un sort par exemple).
Réaction de défense instinctive
Instinctive Defence
Javeline de Lustrie
Lustrian javelins
Javelines de Lustrie
Lustrian Javelin
L'esprit du seigneur Kroak
The Spirit of Lord Kroak
Lame des Temps Jadis
The Blade Of Ancient Skies
Lance du Révéré Tlanxla
Revered Spear of Tlanxla
Lance légère
Maître Du Savoir
Seigneur-mage d'Hexoatl
Mage-lord of Hexoatl
Palanquin de prêtre-mage
Mage-Priest Palanquin
Maitre des cieux
Master of Skies
Maitre des serpents
Master Of Snakes
Maitre prédateur
Master Predator
Masque des Cieux
Mask of Heavens
Masse d'Ulamak
The Mace Of Ulumak
Masse des Étoiles
The Star-stone Mace
Mer de serpent
Tide Of serpents
Oeil des Anciens
The Eye of the Old Ones
Palanquin des constellations
The Palanquin of Constellations
Peau Écailleuse
Scaly Skin
Plaque de Sotek
Plaque of Sotek
Predatory Fighter
Projection d'épines
Shoot Barbs
Prophéte de Sotek
Prophet Of Sotek
Rugisment primal
Rugisment primal
Sarbacane Dorée de P'Toohee
The Golden Blowpipe Of P’Toohee
Tir précis
Les unités tenaces sont toujours indomptables, qu'elles aient plus de rangs que l'ennemi ou non. Si un personnage rejoint une unité tenace, il gagne cette règle spéciale tant qu'il reste en son sein. Si un personnage tenace rejoint une unité, celle-ci est tenace tant qu'il reste avec elle.

Objets magiques utilisables par l'armée

Amulette d'obsidienne
The Obsidian Amulet grants the bearer Magic Resistance (2).
Obsidian Amulet
The Obsidian Amulet grants the bearer Magic Resistance (2).
Amulette d'opale
One use only. The Opal Amulet bestows a 4+ ward save against the first wound suffered by the bearer, after which its power fades and it cannot be used again during the game.
Opal amulet
One use only. The Opal Amulet bestows a 4+ ward save against the first wound suffered by the bearer, after which its power fades and it cannot be used again during the game.
Anneau rubis de ruine
Bound spell (power level 3). The Ruby Ring of Ruin contains the Fireball spell.
Ruby ring of Ruin
Bound spell (power level 3). The Ruby Ring of Ruin contains the Fireball spell.
Tapis d'arabie
Infantry or monstrous infantry models on foot only. The owner of this magical carpet has the Fly special rule. However, he cannot join units.
Arabyan carpet
Infantry or monstrous infantry models on foot only. The owner of this magical carpet has the Fly special rule. However, he cannot join units.
Armure du destin
Armure lourde. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable de 4+.
Armour of Destiny
Heavy armour. The Armour of Destiny grants the wearer a 4+ ward save.
Armure de bonne étoile
Armure lourde. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable de 5+.
Armour of Fortune
Heavy armour. The Armour of Fortune grants the wearer a 5+ ward save.
Armure de fer argent
Confère une sauvegarde d'armure de 2+ ne pouvant être améliorer d'aucune manière.
Armour of Silvered Steel
The Armour of Silvered Steel grants its wearer a 2+ armour save that cannot be improved by any means.
Armure du bienheureux
Armure lourde. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable à +6.
Gambler's armour
Heavy armour. The Gambler’s Armour grants the wearer a 6+ ward save.
Armure resplandissante
Armure légère. Inflige un malus de -1 à l'ennemi pour toucher au corps à corps.
Glittering scales
Light armour. Enemies suffer a -1 to hit penalty when attempting to strike the wearer in close combat.
Badine du trompeur
One use only. Declare you are using this item at the start of one of your magic phases. For the duration of the phase, when one of the bearer’s spells is dispelled by an enemy wizard, roll a D6. On a 5+, that wizard suffers a wound with no armour saves allowed.
Trickster's shard
One use only. Declare you are using this item at the start of one of your magic phases. For the duration of the phase, when one of the bearer’s spells is dispelled by an enemy wizard, roll a D6. On a 5+, that wizard suffers a wound with no armour saves allowed.
Bague d'obsidienne
The Obsidian Trinket grants Magic Resistance (1).
Obsidian Trinket
The Obsidian Trinket grants Magic Resistance (1).
Baguette de Jais
One use only. The bearer can increase one of his casting results by an additional +D6, after other casting dice have been rolled. This extra power dice can contribute to casting a spell with irresistible force (and a miscast).
Wand of jet
One use only. The bearer can increase one of his casting results by an additional +D6, after other casting dice have been rolled. This extra power dice can contribute to casting a spell with irresistible force (and a miscast).
Baguette tellurique
One use only. If the wizard rolls on the miscast table he can re-roll the result.
Earthing rod
One use only. If the wizard rolls on the miscast table he can re-roll the result.
Bâton cataliseur
The Wizard adds +1 to all of his channeling attempts.
Channeling staff
The Wizard adds +1 to all of his channeling attempts.
Bâton de sorcellerie
The bearer receives a +1 bonus on attempts to dispel.
Staff of sorcery
The bearer receives a +1 bonus on attempts to dispel.
Bâton interdit
One use only. The forbidden rod adds +D6 dice to the power pool at the start of the caster’s own magic phase, but also inflicts D3 wounds on the bearer (with no armour saves allowed).
Forbidden rod
One use only. The forbidden rod adds +D6 dice to the power pool at the start of the caster’s own magic phase, but also inflicts D3 wounds on the bearer (with no armour saves allowed).
Epée Berserk
Le porteur est frénétique et ne perd jamais cette frénésie.
Berserker Sword
The bearer has the Frenzy special rule and can never lose his Frenzy.
Lame de morsure
Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette épée sont perforantes.
Biting Blade
Close combat attacks made by the Biting Blade are Armour Piercing.
Livre d'Ashur
The bearer receives a +1 bonus on attempts to cast and dispel.
Book of Ashur
The bearer receives a +1 bonus on attempts to cast and dispel.
Bouclier arcanique
Bouclier. Confère une résistance à la magie de 1.
Shield. The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1).
Bouclier de Ptolos
Bouclier. La sauvegarde du porteur est de 1+ contre les tirs.
Shield of Ptolos
Shield. The bearer has a 1+ armour save against shooting attacks.
Bouclier enchanté
Bouclier. La sauvegarde d'armure du porteur est améliore de deux points.
Enchanted shield
Shield. The bearer counts his armour save as being two points higher than normal, rather than the usual one point that a shield would normally grant.
Bouclier ensorcelé
Bouclier. Une seule utilisation. Sur un 2+, la première touche subit par le porteur est annulée.
Charmed shield
Shield. One use only. The first hit suffered by the bearer of the Charmed Shield is discounted on a roll of 2+.
Chapeau de sorcier
The wearer is treated as being a Level 2 Wizard who can use a randomly chosen Battle Magic lore. However, he also has the Stupidity special rule.
Wizarding hat
The wearer is treated as being a Level 2 Wizard who can use a randomly chosen Battle Magic lore. However, he also has the Stupidity special rule.
Cor De Kygor
Usage unique. Le porteur peut sonner le Cor de Kygor au début de n'importe laquelle de ses phases de Mouvement. Lorsqu'il le fait, tous les monstres, les monstres montés, les bêtes monstrueuses, les montures de cavalerie monstrueuses, les montures de cavalerie, les bêtes des chars et les bêtes de guerre amis à 12 ps ou moins du porteur ont la règle spéciale frénésie jusqu'au début de leur prochaine phase de Mouvement. Le Cor de Kygor n'a aucun effet sur les cavaliers.
The Horn Of Kygor
One use only. The bearer of the Horn of Kygor can sound it at the start of any of his Movement phases. If he does so, all friendly monsters, monster mounts, monstrous beasts, monstrous cavalry mounts, cavalry mounts, chariot beasts and war beasts within 12" of the bearer have the Frenzy special rule until the start of their next Movement phase. Note that the Horn of Kygor has no effect on riders, just their mounts.
Couronne de commandement
The bearer of the Crown of Command has the Stubborn special rule.
Crown of command
The bearer of the Crown of Command has the Stubborn special rule.
Cube de Ténèbres
Usage unique. Lorsqu'un sort ennemi a été lancé avec succès, un sorcier avec le Cube de Ténèbres peut l'utiliser au lieu de tenter de dissiper le sort avec des dés de dissipation. Dans ce cas, jetez ID6 ; sur 2 + le sort est automatiquement dissipé - sinon ses effets sont résolus normalement. Dans tous les cas, jetez ID6 séparé pour chaque sort restant enjm actuellement actif; sur 2 + , ce sort cesse automatiquement.
Cube Of Darkness
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard with the Cube of Darkness can use it instead of attempting to dispel the spell using dispel dice. If he does so, roll a D6; ontherollofa2+ the spell is automatically dispelled- otherwise the spell is resolved as normal. In either case, roll a separate D6 for every Remains in Play spell currently in effect; on a 2+ that spell automatically ends.
Pierre de l'aube
The bearer re-rolls failed armour saves.
The bearer re-rolls failed armour saves.
Parchemin de dissipation
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a wizard who has a dispel scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This automatically dispels the enemy spell; no dice roll is required. Note that even a dispel scroll will not help if the spell has been cast with irresistible force. Note also that a dispel scroll cannot be used to dispel spells that remain in play other than at the moment they are cast.
Dispell scroll
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a wizard who has a dispel scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This automatically dispels the enemy spell; no dice roll is required. Note that even a dispel scroll will not help if the spell has been cast with irresistible force. Note also that a dispel scroll cannot be used to dispel spells that remain in play other than at the moment they are cast.
Gemme de dracocide
The bearer of the Dragonbane Gem has a 2+ ward save against Flaming Attacks.
Dragonbane Gem
The bearer of the Dragonbane Gem has a 2+ ward save against Flaming Attacks.
Heaume du dragon
La sauvegarde 'armure du porteur est amélioré de 1 point. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable à 2+ contre les attaques enflammées.
The wearer counts his armour save as being one point higher than normal. The wearer has a 2+ ward save against Flaming Attacks.
Epée de bataille
Le porteur a +1 Attaque.
Sword of Battle
The wielder has +1 Attack.
Epée de frappe
Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'une bonus de +1 pour toucher.
Sword of Striking
Attacks made with the Sword of Striking receive a +1 bonus to hit.
Epée de puissance
Les attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'un bonus de +1 en Force.
Sword of Might
Close combat attacks made with this sword are resolved at +1 Strength.
Epée de vive mort
Le porteur frappe toujours en premier.
Sword of Swift Slaying
The wielder of the Sword of Swift Slaying has the Always Strikes First special rule.
Epée des guerres éternelles
Le porteur a +2 Attaques.
Sword of Strife
This wielder of the Sword of Strife has +2 Attacks.
Epée du tourmenteur
Un monstre ou un personnage pendant au moins 1 PV à cause de cette arme souffre de stupidité pour le reste de la bataille.
Tormentor sword
A monster or character that suffers an unsaved wound from the Tormentor sword has the Stupidity special rule for the rest of the game.
Epée relique
Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette épée blessent toujours sur 5+, à moins qu'elles ne le fassent normalement sur un meilleur résultat.
Relic sword
Attacks made with the Relic Sword will always wound on a 5+, unless they would normally need a lower result.
Epée Sanglante
Le Porteur a +3 Attaques.
Sword of Bloodshed
The wielder has +3 Attacks.
Epée tueuse de Héros
Le porteur a un bonus de +1 en Force et +1 Attaque pour chaque personnage ennemi en contact avec lui ou son unité. Ces bonus sont calculés au début de chaque round de combat et restent valables jusqu'à la fin de celui-ci.
Sword of Anti-Hereos
The bearer has +1 Strength and +1 Attack for every enemy character in base contact with him or his unit. These bonuses are calculated at the start of each round of close combat and last until its end.
Epée voleuse de sorts
Un Sorcier perdant au moins 1 PV à cause de cette arme perd un sort (déterminé aléatoirement) par PV perdu.
Spellthieving Sword
A Wizard that suffers unsaved wounds from the Spellthieving Sword loses one of his spells (determined randomly) for each unsaved wound.
Torque du fléau des plumes
Flying creatures (and their riders) must re-roll successful rolls to hit against the bearer (and any unit he is with) in close combat.
Featherfoe Torc
Flying creatures (and their riders) must re-roll successful rolls to hit against the bearer (and any unit he is with) in close combat.
Parchemin de rebond
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Feedback Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, roll a dice for every dice used to cast the spell. The casting Wizard takes a wound for every result of 5+ rolled, with no armour saves allowed.
Feedback scroll
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Feedback Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, roll a dice for every dice used to cast the spell. The casting Wizard takes a wound for every result of 5+ rolled, with no armour saves allowed.
Lame d'Escrimeur
Paire d'armes. Le porteur a CC 10.
Fencer's Blades
Paired weapons. The bearer has Weapon Skill 10.
Forteresse pliable de Fozzrik
After deployment zones have been agreed, but before the armies have been deployed, place a watchtower building (or scratch-built structure of a similar size) in your deployment zone to represent the Folding Fortress. This is treated as a standard building. If you do not have a suitable building to place, you cannot use Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress.
Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress
After deployment zones have been agreed, but before the armies have been deployed, place a watchtower building (or scratch-built structure of a similar size) in your deployment zone to represent the Folding Fortress. This is treated as a standard building. If you do not have a suitable building to place, you cannot use Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress.
Lame de Géant
Les attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'un bonus de +3 en Force.
Giant Blade
Close combat attacks made with this sword are resolved at +3 Strength.
Lame d'or vif
Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette épée le sont avec une Initiative de 10.
Gold Sigil Sword
Attacks from the Gold Sigil Sword are made at Initiative 10.
Graine de renaissance
The bearer of the Seed of Rebirth has the Regeneration (6+) special rule.
Seed of Rebirth
The bearer of the Seed of Rebirth has the Regeneration (6+) special rule.
Potion de soin
One use only. The Healing Potion can be drunk at the start of the controlling player’s turn. The imbiber immediately recovers D6 Wounds lost in the battle.
Healing Potion
One use only. The Healing Potion can be drunk at the start of the controlling player’s turn. The imbiber immediately recovers D6 Wounds lost in the battle.
Heaume de la discorde
Améliore la sauvegarde d'armure d'un point. Au début du corps à corps, choisissez une figurine en contact socle à socle avec le porteur, elle doit effectuer un test de CD, en cas d'échec, elle ne pourra porter aucune attaque durant cette phase et sera touché automatiquement.
Helm of Discord
The wearer counts his armour save as being one point higher than normal. In addition, at the start of each Close Combat phase, choose an enemy character in base contact with the bearer or his unit. That character must immediately take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the character succumbs to the helm’s sibilant whispers of malice and jealousy. In this Close Combat phase, the victim cannot make attacks and is hit automatically.
Heaume du trompeur
Améliore la sauvegarde d'armure de 1 point. Tout jet pour blesser réussi contre le porteur doit être relancé.
Trickster's Helm
The wearer counts his armour save as being one point higher than normal. Any successful roll to wound made against the wearer of the Trickster’s Helm must be re- rolled.
Heaume Sacré du Stégadon d'Itza
La sauvegarde d'armure du porteur du Heaume Sacré du Stégadon compte comme étant supérieure d'un point à la normale. De plus, cet objet confère à son porteur un bonus de + 1 en Endurance et la règle spéciale touches d'impact (1D3).
Sacred Stegadon Helm Of Itza
The wearer of the Sacred Stegadon Helm counts his armour save as being one point higher than normal. Furthermore, the Sacred Stegadon Helm grants the wearer +1 Toughness and the Impact Hits (D3) special rule.
Icône du fer maudit
The character (and any unit he is with) gain a 6+ ward save against war machine weapons.
Ironcurse Icon
The character (and any unit he is with) gain a 6+ ward save against war machine weapons.
L'autre badine du trompeur
Models in base contact with the bearer (friends and foes) must re-roll successful ward saves.
The other trickster's shard
Models in base contact with the bearer (friends and foes) must re-roll successful ward saves.
Lame d'Obsidienne
Aucune sauvegarde d'armure ne peut être tentée contre les blessures infligées avec cette arme.
Obsidian Blade
Armour saves cannot be taken against wounds caused by the Obsidian Blade.
Lame des Réalités Multiples
Aucune sauvegarde d'armure ou ;'.vulnémble n'est permise contre Je. hlessures causées par la Lame des Réalités Multiples.
The Blade of Realities
No armour or ward saves can be taken against Wounds caused by the Blade of Realities.
Lame Hurlante
Le porteur provoque la peur.
Shrieking blade
The bearer causes Fear.
Lame Ogre
Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'un bonus de +2 en Force.
Ogre Blade
Close combat attacks made with this sword are resolved at +2 Strength.
Lame Piranha
Les attaques du porteur ont les règles spéciales blessures mulliplcs (iD3) et perforattt.
The Piranha Blade
The wielder has the Multiple Wounds (D3) and Armour Piercing special rules.
Pierre de chance
One use only. The Luckstone allows the bearer to re-roll a single failed armour save.
One use only. The Luckstone allows the bearer to re-roll a single failed armour save.
Malédiction du guerrier
Un monstre ou un personnage perdant au moins 1 PV à cause de cette arme perd définitivement 1 Attaque par PV perdu (jusqu'à un minimum de 1 Attaque).
Warrior bane
A monster or character that suffers unsaved wounds from Warrior Bane permanently loses one Attack for each unsaved wound (to a minimum of Attacks 1).
Manteau de Plumes
Personnage skink à pied uniquement. Le porteur a les règles spéciales vol et résistance à la magie (1).
The Cloak of Feathers
Skink character on foot only. The wearer of the Cloak of Feathers has the Fly special rule. In addition, the wearer has the M agic Resistance (1) special rule.
Masque terrifiant de AAAH!
The wearer of this mask causes Terror. However, other models can never use his Leadership.
The Terrifying mask of EEE!
The wearer of this mask causes Terror. However, other models can never use his Leadership.
Pierre d'obsidienne
The Obsidian Lodestone grants Magic Resistance (3).
Obsidian Lodestone
The Obsidian Lodestone grants Magic Resistance (3).
Oeuf De Quango
Usage unique. Œuf de Quango peut être brisé au début de n'importe quelle phase de Corps à Corps. Désignez une unité ennemie en contact socle à socle avec le porteur ou son unité, jetez ID6 et consultez le tableau ci-dessous pour découvrir ce qui se produit. Toute blessure infligée compte dans le résultat de combat.
The Egg Of Quango
One use only. The Egg of Quango can be cracked open at the start of any Close Combat phase. Nominate one enemy unit in base contact with the bearer or his unit, roll a D6 and consult the table below to find out what happens. Any Wounds inflicted count towards combat results.
Parchemin de pouvoir
One use only. A Power Scroll can be used when the Wizard makes a casting attempt. During that casting attempt, the casting value of the spell is halved (rounding up). You cannot choose to cast a boosted version of a spell when using a Power Scroll.
Power scroll
One use only. A Power Scroll can be used when the Wizard makes a casting attempt. During that casting attempt, the casting value of the spell is halved (rounding up). You cannot choose to cast a boosted version of a spell when using a Power Scroll.
Parchemin de protection
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Shielding can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but the target of the spell is granted a 4+ ward save against any wounds caused by the spell.
Scroll of shielding
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Shielding can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but the target of the spell is granted a 4+ ward save against any wounds caused by the spell.
Parchemin maudit de Sivejir
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Hex Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but a portion of the spell’s energy is transformed and redirected at the caster. The enemy wizard can resist the spell’s effects by rolling equal to or under his wizard level on a D6. If he fails, an amphibian transformation takes hold and he becomes a small, slimy toad! Whilst transformed, the wizard cannot channel or cast spells, all of his magic items and mundane equipment (armour, weapons, etc.) temporarily stop working and all of his characteristics are reduced to 1 (except for his wounds, which are unaffected). His controlling player can roll a D6 at the start of each of his subsequent magic phases; the spell dissipates on a roll of 4+ and the wizard returns to his normal form (but still attempts to eat flies for several days afterward).
Sivejir's hex scroll
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Hex Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but a portion of the spell’s energy is transformed and redirected at the caster. The enemy wizard can resist the spell’s effects by rolling equal to or under his wizard level on a D6. If he fails, an amphibian transformation takes hold and he becomes a small, slimy toad! Whilst transformed, the wizard cannot channel or cast spells, all of his magic items and mundane equipment (armour, weapons, etc.) temporarily stop working and all of his characteristics are reduced to 1 (except for his wounds, which are unaffected). His controlling player can roll a D6 at the start of each of his subsequent magic phases; the spell dissipates on a roll of 4+ and the wizard returns to his normal form (but still attempts to eat flies for several days afterward).
Parchemin vampire
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Leeching can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, the bearer of the scroll adds a number of dispel dice to his pool equal to the number of dice used to cast the spell (remember that your dispel pool cannot exceed 12 dice).
Scroll of Leeching
One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Leeching can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, the bearer of the scroll adds a number of dispel dice to his pool equal to the number of dice used to cast the spell (remember that your dispel pool cannot exceed 12 dice).
Pendentif en plume d'aigle
This item grants the bearer a 5+ ward save against wounds caused in close combat by models that have the Fly special rule.
Pigeon plucker pendant
This item grants the bearer a 5+ ward save against wounds caused in close combat by models that have the Fly special rule.
Pierre de pouvoir
One use only. The Wizard can declare that he is using the power stone immediately before casting a spell. If he does so, two extra dice are added to the power dice that he is going to roll (you still need to roll at least one dice from the power pool).
Power stone
One use only. The Wizard can declare that he is using the power stone immediately before casting a spell. If he does so, two extra dice are added to the power dice that he is going to roll (you still need to roll at least one dice from the power pool).
Plaque de Domination
Objet de sort (niveau de puissance 3). Contient un sort de malédiction ciblant tous les sorciers ennemis à 1 8 ps ou moins. Toutes ces cibles ont la règle spéciale stttpiditéjusqu'au début de la prochaine phase de Magie du lanceur.
Plaque of Dominion
Bound spell (power level 3). The Plaque of Dominion contains a hex spell that targets all enemy Wizards within 18". The targets of this spell have the Stupidity special rule until the start of the caster’s next Magic phase.
Potion d'endurance
One use only. The Potion of Toughness can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Toughness until the end of the turn.
Potion of Toughness
One use only. The Potion of Toughness can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Toughness until the end of the turn.
Potion d'impétuosité
One use only. The Potion of Foolhardiness can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has the Immune to Psychology and the Devastating Charge special rules until the end of the player turn.
Potion of Foolhardiness
One use only. The Potion of Foolhardiness can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has the Immune to Psychology and the Devastating Charge special rules until the end of the player turn.
Potion de célérité
One use only. The Potion of Speed can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Initiative until the end of the turn.
Potion of Speed
One use only. The Potion of Speed can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Initiative until the end of the turn.
Potion de force
One use only. The Potion of Strength can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Strength until the end of the turn.
Potion of Strength
One use only. The Potion of Strength can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Strength until the end of the turn.
Sceptre de stabilité
One use only. The bearer can choose to increase one of his dispel results by an additional +D6, after his other dispel dice have been rolled. This extra dispel dice can contribute to dispelling with irresistible force.
Sceptre of stability
One use only. The bearer can choose to increase one of his dispel results by an additional +D6, after his other dispel dice have been rolled. This extra dispel dice can contribute to dispelling with irresistible force.
Talisman d'endurance
The Talisman of Endurance grants the bearer a 5+ ward save.
Talisman of Endurance
The Talisman of Endurance grants the bearer a 5+ ward save.
Talisman de préservation
The Talisman of Preservation grants the bearer a 4+ ward save.
Talisman of Preservation
The Talisman of Preservation grants the bearer a 4+ ward save.
Talisman de protection
The Talisman of Protection grants the bearer a 6+ ward save.
Talisman of Protection
The Talisman of Protection grants the bearer a 6+ ward save.

Bannières magiques utilisables par l'armée

Bannière de la flamme éternelle
Models in a unit with the Banner of Eternal Flame have Flaming Attacks.
Banner of Eternal Flame
Models in a unit with the Banner of Eternal Flame have Flaming Attacks.
Bannière de rapidité
Models in a unit with the Banner of Swiftness have +1 to their Movement characteristic.
Banner of Swiftness
Models in a unit with the Banner of Swiftness have +1 to their Movement characteristic.
Bannière de guerre
A unit with this banner adds +1 to its combat result.
War banner
A unit with this banner adds +1 to its combat result.
Bannière du carnage
A unit with this Magic Standard can re-roll its charge distance dice.
Rampager's standard
A unit with this Magic Standard can re-roll its charge distance dice.
Bannière du jaguar
Toutes les figurines de l'unité brandissant la Bannière du Jaguar ont la règle spéciale rapide.
The Jaguar Standard
All models in a unit with the Jaguar Standard have the Swiftstride special rule.
Bannière en peau de Skaven
Les figurines de l'unité brandissant la Bannière en Peau de Skaven gagnent les règles spéciales frénésie et haine (skavens) . Cependant, toutes les figurines issues de Warhammer, Skavens gagnent la règle spéciale haine lorsqu'elles attaquent le porteur.
Skavenpelt Banner
All models in a unit with the Skavenpelt Banner gain the Frenzy and Hatred (Skaven) special rules. However, all models from Warhammer: Skaven gain the Hatred special rule while attacking the bearer.
Bannière épouvantail
A unit with the Scarecrow Banner causes Fear in models with the Fly special rule.
Scarecrow Banner
A unit with the Scarecrow Banner causes Fear in models with the Fly special rule.
Bannière Hurlante
A unit with this banner causes Terror in its enemies.
Wailing banner
A unit with this banner causes Terror in its enemies.
Etendard de discipline
Models in a unit with the Standard of Discipline have +1 Leadership, but cannot use the General’s Inspiring Presence special rule.
Standard of Discipline
Models in a unit with the Standard of Discipline have +1 Leadership, but cannot use the General’s Inspiring Presence special rule.
Etendard du ranger
A unit with the Ranger’s Standard has the Strider special rule.
Ranger’s Standard
A unit with the Ranger’s Standard has the Strider special rule.
Etendard en os de liche
Models in a unit with the Lichebone Pennant have Magic Resistance (1).
Lichebone Pennant
Models in a unit with the Lichebone Pennant have Magic Resistance (1).
Etendard tranchant
Models in a unit with the Razor Standard have the Armour Piercing special rule.
Razor Standard
Models in a unit with the Razor Standard have the Armour Piercing special rule.
Oriflamme de lumière
One use only. A unit with the Gleaming Pennant can re-roll its first failed Leadership test.
Gleaming Pennant
One use only. A unit with the Gleaming Pennant can re-roll its first failed Leadership test.

Unités de l'armée

Seigneur Mazdamundi
Lord Mazdamundi
Seigneur Kroak
Seigneur Kroak
Prêtre-mage Slann
Slann Mage-priest
Sang Ancien Saurus
Saurus Oldblood
Cold One
Cold One
Stégadon Ancestral
Ancient Stegadon
Prêtre Skink
Skink Priest
Vétéran Scarifié Saurus
Saurus Scar-Veteran
Chef Skink
Chef Skink
Guerriers Saurus
Saurus Warriors
Cohorte De Skins
Skink Cohort
Tirailleurs Skinks
Skink Skirmishers
Gardiens du Temple
Temple Guard
Nuées des jungles
Jungle Swarms
Skinks Caméléon
Chameleon Skinks
Monteurs de Sang-froid
Cold One Riders
Monteurs de Téradon
Terradon Riders
Monteurs d'Entérodactyles
Ripperdactyl Riders
Stégadon Ancestal
Ancient Stegadon
Meutes de chasse de salamandres
Salamander Hunting Pack
Meutes de chasse de razordons
Razordon Hunting Pack