
Åsklanders (v2023 beta 1)

Sort héréditaire

lancement Type Durée Effet
H Frostbite If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1 Armour. If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers −1 Armour. {This spell may target two units instead of one (declare the additional target before the Casting Attempt).}
Mf 5++ Universal
Portée 24"
One Turn
If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1 Armour. If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers −1 Armour. {This spell may target two units instead of one (declare the additional target before the Casting Attempt).}

Sort héréditaire

lancement Type Durée Effet
H Frostbite (Boosted) If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1 Armour. If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers −1 Armour. {This spell may target two units instead of one (declare the additional target before the Casting Attempt).}
Mf 8++
Portée 24"
One Turn
If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1 Armour. If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers −1 Armour. {This spell may target two units instead of one (declare the additional target before the Casting Attempt).}

Organisation de l’armée



(40% Max)



(25% Min)



(No Limit)

Terrors of the Wild

Terrors of the Wild

(30% Max)