Pirates of Sartosa

Correspondance des traductions avec la VO

Règles et Équipements utilisés par l'armée

Combat Resolution Bonus If a unit includes a standard bearer, it adds +1 to its combat result.
Standard Bearer
Combat Resolution Bonus If a unit includes a standard bearer, it adds +1 to its combat result.
Almost Loyal
As long as a Pirate Captain or Pirate Lord is in the unit, the Mates are Stubborn.
Almost Loyal
As long as a Pirate Captain or Pirate Lord is in the unit, the Mates are Stubborn.
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle. Instead, from Turn 2 onwards, the controlling player rolls a dice at the start of their turn for each unit of their Ambushers that have yet to arrive. On a 1 or 2, the Ambushers have been delayed – roll for them again next turn. On a 3 or more, the unit of Ambushers arrives, and will enter the board during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. If the Ambushers do not turn up for the entire game, they are assumed to have got lost, and are treated as having fled the battle for the purposes of determining the victor. Arriving Ambushers enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, and move on using the rules for reinforcements. Note that a character may only join a unit deploying with Ambushers if they also have the same rule. In addition, for every Core unit that deploys as Ambushers in your army, you are required to include at least one other Core Unit that is not Expendable (described later in this chapter) and that does not deploy using the Ambushers rule (for more information, see the Choosing Your Army chapter).
Ancestral Grudge
Dwarfs always have Hatred (Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Hobgoblins).
Ancestral Grudge
Dwarfs always have Hatred (Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Hobgoblins).
Anchor Smash
Rather than attacking normally, a Sea Giant may make a special attack. If this Attack Hits, it is resolved at S 10 with Multiple Wounds (D6).
Anchor Smash
Rather than attacking normally, a Sea Giant may make a special attack. If this Attack Hits, it is resolved at S 10 with Multiple Wounds (D6).
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
A unit containing one or more Fear-causing models gains +1 to its Combat Resolution score. If the Unit Strength of all Fear-causing models is double or more, the Combat Resolution score is increased by +2. Note that the bonus from Fear is otherwise not cumulative for having multiple units with Fear involved in the same combat. If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain Immunity (Fear), and thus the Combat Resolution bonus of their Fear-causing enemies is ignored for that unit.
Any man who falls behind is left behind
Giacchino and any unit he is with have Swiftstride when fleeing.
Any man who falls behind is left behind
Giacchino and any unit he is with have Swiftstride when fleeing.
Aquatic models can move within any area of water on the battlefield as if it were open ground. They are still subject to any special effects that specific terrain may have. The models can march, claim rank bonus and be steadfast even when in water. If every model in a unit is Aquatic, and the majority of the unit is within water terrain, enemies shooting at that unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.
Aquatic models can move within any area of water on the battlefield as if it were open ground. They are still subject to any special effects that specific terrain may have. The models can march, claim rank bonus and be steadfast even when in water. If every model in a unit is Aquatic, and the majority of the unit is within water terrain, enemies shooting at that unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.
Blessed of Manann
Aranessa and any unit she is with may re-roll one D6 when charging and pursuing enemies. In addition, Aranessa may re-roll one roll To Hit or To Wound each round of close combat, and has a Ward save (5+).
Blessed of Manann
Aranessa and any unit she is with may re-roll one D6 when charging and pursuing enemies. In addition, Aranessa may re-roll one roll To Hit or To Wound each round of close combat, and has a Ward save (5+).
Blood Rage
Whenever a unit of Norse makes a successful charge (including Pursuit and Overrun), the unit is subject to Frenzy in the following first round of close combat.
Blood Rage
Whenever a unit of Norse makes a successful charge (including Pursuit and Overrun), the unit is subject to Frenzy in the following first round of close combat.
For every successful Wound caused (after saves) by a Son of Stromfels, it may make an additional attack. These additional attack do not generate any further attacks.
For every successful Wound caused (after saves) by a Son of Stromfels, it may make an additional attack. These additional attack do not generate any further attacks.
Booming Voice
Friendly units may use the Captain’s LD if they are within 6". If they are the Army General, their Inspiring Presence is increased by 6" instead.
Booming Voice
Friendly units may use the Captain’s LD if they are within 6". If they are the Army General, their Inspiring Presence is increased by 6" instead.
A unit with a Bosun roll 3D6 for LD tests, except Break tests, and discard the highest dice.
A unit with a Bosun roll 3D6 for LD tests, except Break tests, and discard the highest dice.
If a Flammable model is attacked with a Flaming Attack, all failed To Wound rolls made by the attackers may be re-rolled.
If a Flammable model is attacked with a Flaming Attack, all failed To Wound rolls made by the attackers may be re-rolled.
Cannon Tower
This follows all the rules for normal Cannons, except that it may move and fire. In case the cannon rolls a Misfire, the Turtigon suffer D3 Wounds with no armour save allowed.
Cannon Tower
This follows all the rules for normal Cannons, except that it may move and fire. In case the cannon rolls a Misfire, the Turtigon suffer D3 Wounds with no armour save allowed.
Captain of the Heldenhammer
If Jaego Roth is included your army, you may fire an additional D3 shots when using Naval Bombardment.
Captain of the Heldenhammer
If Jaego Roth is included your army, you may fire an additional D3 shots when using Naval Bombardment.
"Follow Me!" A unit that is accompanied by a champion may re-roll failed LD tests in the following scenarios: • Attempting to March when within 8" of enemy units. • Attempting to Redirect a Charge. • Reforming from Defeat after losing a round of close combat. • Restraining from Pursuit
"Follow Me!" A unit that is accompanied by a champion may re-roll failed LD tests in the following scenarios: • Attempting to March when within 8" of enemy units. • Attempting to Redirect a Charge. • Reforming from Defeat after losing a round of close combat. • Restraining from Pursuit
Combustible Breath
Grog Lubbers can spit grog as a Stand and Shoot reaction as soon as their enemies come into base contact with them, and in Close Combat after all normal attacks have been resolved. Each attack with Combustible Breath causes an automatic S 3 hit with Flaming Attacks on all models in base contact.
Combustible Breath
Grog Lubbers can spit grog as a Stand and Shoot reaction as soon as their enemies come into base contact with them, and in Close Combat after all normal attacks have been resolved. Each attack with Combustible Breath causes an automatic S 3 hit with Flaming Attacks on all models in base contact.
Course rapide
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result. When charging, units entirely made of models with Swiftstride and M 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their M value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 2D6. Swiftstride M6 or lower Charging: M + 2D6 Failed Charge: 2D6 Fleeing/Pursuing: 2D6 Swiftstride M7 or more Charging: M + 3D6 (discard the lowest) Failed Charge: 3D6 (discard the lowest) Fleeing/Pursuing: 3D6 (discard the lowest)
Due to their size, Hell-Hammer Cannons (or any of its variants) may not be moved after deployment, but may pivot on the spot as normal.
Due to their size, Hell-Hammer Cannons (or any of its variants) may not be moved after deployment, but may pivot on the spot as normal.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted.
Dirty Fighting
When it is their turn to attack, a unit with this rule may attempt to blind or distract the enemy once per close combat phase. Roll a D6; on a 4+ the distraction is successful. The enemy unit will then suffer -1 to their WS for the remainder of the turn. Roll the rest of your attacks as normal afterwards.
Dirty Fighting
When it is their turn to attack, a unit with this rule may attempt to blind or distract the enemy once per close combat phase. Roll a D6; on a 4+ the distraction is successful. The enemy unit will then suffer -1 to their WS for the remainder of the turn. Roll the rest of your attacks as normal afterwards.
Dreading Presence
A unit joined by Exmelin gains Parry (6+). If they already have a Parry save, it is increased by +1. This rule has no effect on any characters in the unit.
Dreading Presence
A unit joined by Exmelin gains Parry (6+). If they already have a Parry save, it is increased by +1. This rule has no effect on any characters in the unit.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Models that cause Terror also cause Fear. In addition, the following rules apply. Fear-causing models or models with Immunity (Fear) treat Terror-causing monsters as causing Fear, rather than Terror – this is an exception to the rule that makes Fear-causing creatures immune to Fear. Terror-causing models have Immunity (Fear/Terror). Run for Your Lives! If a Terror-causing creature declares a charge, the target unit must immediately take a Panic test. If the test is passed, all is well and the unit can declare charge reactions normally. If the test is failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction. Note that, if the target unit is not allowed to take any charge reaction (if, for example, the Terror-causing unit charged as a result of a pursuit or a random move), then the target does not take this test. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a Psychology test to overcome its terror first. If the test is failed, it may not declare the charge against the Terror-causing unit, but may choose to declare a charge against another unit following the rules for Redirecting a Charge. If the Psychology test is passed, the unit may declare the charge as normal.
Festooned with Pistols
In close combat, all attacks made by Powder Monkeys are resolved at S 4 with Armour Piercing (1).
Festooned with Pistols
In close combat, all attacks made by Powder Monkeys are resolved at S 4 with Armour Piercing (1).
Field Surgeon
Exmelin may be placed in the rear rank of any unit he joins. At the start of his turns, he can try to "tend to" the wounded of his unit. Roll a D3; this is the number of models previously slain during the battle that may be added back into the unit.
Field Surgeon
Exmelin may be placed in the rear rank of any unit he joins. At the start of his turns, he can try to "tend to" the wounded of his unit. Roll a D3; this is the number of models previously slain during the battle that may be added back into the unit.
Fiery Breath
The Turtigon have a S 4 Breath Weapon with Flaming Attacks.
Fiery Breath
The Turtigon have a S 4 Breath Weapon with Flaming Attacks.
Fly (6)
Flying models follow the rules for Skirmishers. However, they cannot use Feigned Flight, and if they have a Unit Strength above 2 and/or a close combat armour save better than 4+, they cannot use Vanguard. Moving Flyers Flight is represented by a swoop equal to the number in the brackets instead of using the model's normal M value. Note that any equipment or rules that affect the model's regular M will also affect its Fly move, unless specified. The flyer starts off on the ground, takes off, flies to where it wishes to go, and then lands. Flyers, therefore, begin and end their movement on the ground. Units made up entirely of models that can fly can move or charge normally on the ground, using their M value, or instead choose to fly. A unit that flies can move over other units and terrain as it does so, treating the entire move as taking place over open ground. It may not finish the move on top of another unit or in impassable terrain. Models that Fly can make a flying charge over intervening units and terrain as long as they can draw Line of Sight to their target as normal. A unit that makes a flying charge does so using its Fly move as its M characteristic, using Swiftstride. Flying March A unit that is flying can march as normal, doubling its flying move. Flee and Pursue Flyers always move on the ground when attempting to flee or pursue.
Fly (6)
Flying models follow the rules for Skirmishers. However, they cannot use Feigned Flight, and if they have a Unit Strength above 2 and/or a close combat armour save better than 4+, they cannot use Vanguard. Moving Flyers Flight is represented by a swoop equal to the number in the brackets instead of using the model's normal M value. Note that any equipment or rules that affect the model's regular M will also affect its Fly move, unless specified. The flyer starts off on the ground, takes off, flies to where it wishes to go, and then lands. Flyers, therefore, begin and end their movement on the ground. Units made up entirely of models that can fly can move or charge normally on the ground, using their M value, or instead choose to fly. A unit that flies can move over other units and terrain as it does so, treating the entire move as taking place over open ground. It may not finish the move on top of another unit or in impassable terrain. Models that Fly can make a flying charge over intervening units and terrain as long as they can draw Line of Sight to their target as normal. A unit that makes a flying charge does so using its Fly move as its M characteristic, using Swiftstride. Flying March A unit that is flying can march as normal, doubling its flying move. Flee and Pursue Flyers always move on the ground when attempting to flee or pursue.
Giant Parrot
In the first round of combat, the parrot gives all enemies in base contact with Krusher -1 To Hit unless they can pass a LD test.
Giant Parrot
In the first round of combat, the parrot gives all enemies in base contact with Krusher -1 To Hit unless they can pass a LD test.
Hard Stuff
At the start of their turn, roll a D6 and consult the Grog Lubber Table.
Hard Stuff
At the start of their turn, roll a D6 and consult the Grog Lubber Table.
Hatred (Norse)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Norse)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Warriors of Chaos)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Hatred (Warriors of Chaos)
A model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of combat. Sometimes a model will only Hate a specific foe. Where this is the case, the type of foe will be expressed in the brackets. In the case an enemy hates a certain faction, they have Hatred against all models from that army book. In addition, they must also re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
Immunisé (Psycologie)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Immunity (Psychology)
Models with Immunity ignore the effects of the rule(s) in the brackets. Note that the model only ignores the effects of the rule itself unless the attack is also listed as being non-physical. The physical attack still causes damage as normal. Immunity can also include Panic, Fear and Terror. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Models that are Immune to all three above effects have Immunity (Psychology). This also includes automatically passing any Psychology tests they might need to take (such as many spell effects or special rules that would otherwise force a unit to take a Psychology test).
Impact Hits (1)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (1)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Impact Hits (D6)
The number of Impact Hits is shown in brackets after the rule. If a creature is granted two sets of Impact Hits, use the highest set, rather than a total, before rolling. If a unit contains more than one model that inflicts a random amount of Impact Hits, always roll separately for each model. Impact Hits are only made on the turn the model makes a successful charge into close combat, and only against the unit the model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of the close combat, before challenges are issued and attacks of any other kind are made. They hit a unit in base contact and are randomised as Automatic Hits. If the model is in base contact with more than one unit, randomise the Impact Hits between them as evenly as possible. If the model with Impact Hits is not in base contact with the enemy, no Impact Hits are inflicted. Impact Hits roll to wound using the S of the model making the Impact Hits. Any armour saves taken are done using the close combat value of the armour, and Parry saves may not be taken. Any Wounds caused by Impact Hits are counted towards combat resolution. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Models with this rule have Immunity (Psychology) and pass Break tests automatically. However, they may never choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable (even if a character is Unstable or was to become temporarily Unbreakable for some reason).
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Unstable units are Unbreakable, and suffer one extra Wound for every point they have lost of the round of combat by, with no saves of any kind permitted against these wounds. If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do. Unlike Unbreakable units, Unstable characters may join Unstable units. If an Unstable unit also contains Unstable characters, the controlling player first allocates wounds to the unit, then divides any remaining wounds (if any) as equally as possible amongst the characters.
Killing Blow
If a model with Killing Blow rolls a 6 to wound in close combat, they automatically slay their opponent – regardless of the number of wounds on the victim's profile. Armour saves and regeneration saves cannot be taken against a Killing Blow. Ward saves may be taken as normal. Killing Blow is only effective against Infantry, Cavalry and War beasts. Against other troop types, a successful Killing Blow only inflicts one Wound which Ignores Armour saves and Regeneration. Note that if a Killing Blow attack wounds automatically, then Killing Blow does not come into play. Unless otherwise specified, Killing Blow applies only to close combat attacks. For the purposes of combat resolution, successful Killing Blows score the same amount of Wounds as the slain model had remaining until the point of the Killing Blow was inflicted. Unless specified, Killing Blow only applies to the model's normal Close Combat attacks.
Killing Blow
If a model with Killing Blow rolls a 6 to wound in close combat, they automatically slay their opponent – regardless of the number of wounds on the victim's profile. Armour saves and regeneration saves cannot be taken against a Killing Blow. Ward saves may be taken as normal. Killing Blow is only effective against Infantry, Cavalry and War beasts. Against other troop types, a successful Killing Blow only inflicts one Wound which Ignores Armour saves and Regeneration. Note that if a Killing Blow attack wounds automatically, then Killing Blow does not come into play. Unless otherwise specified, Killing Blow applies only to close combat attacks. For the purposes of combat resolution, successful Killing Blows score the same amount of Wounds as the slain model had remaining until the point of the Killing Blow was inflicted. Unless specified, Killing Blow only applies to the model's normal Close Combat attacks.
A character within 6" of a unit with a Look- Out may re-roll failed "Look out, Sir!" tests, and characters in the unit may use the rule even if they are below 5 models.
A character within 6" of a unit with a Look- Out may re-roll failed "Look out, Sir!" tests, and characters in the unit may use the rule even if they are below 5 models.
Loss of Heads
Once the Turtigon is reduced to 3 W, the number of A drops to 2. In addition, the strength of the Turtigon’s breath weapon is reduced to S 2.
Loss of Heads
Once the Turtigon is reduced to 3 W, the number of A drops to 2. In addition, the strength of the Turtigon’s breath weapon is reduced to S 2.
Maiden's Chant
In the shooting phase, a unit of Dark Maidens may target one enemy unit within 18" and their line of sight. The unit must take a LD test with a -2 modifier. For every point above their LD the test shows, the enemy unit suffer 1 Wound with no save of any kind allowed.
Maiden's Chant
In the shooting phase, a unit of Dark Maidens may target one enemy unit within 18" and their line of sight. The unit must take a LD test with a -2 modifier. For every point above their LD the test shows, the enemy unit suffer 1 Wound with no save of any kind allowed.
Massive Beak
The Turtigons normal attacks have Armour Piercing (1) and Killing Blow.
Massive Beak
The Turtigons normal attacks have Armour Piercing (1) and Killing Blow.
Master Gunner
A unit with a Master Gunner joined can re-roll 1's when rolling To Hit with handguns and pistols. If he is part of a War Machine crew, that war machine may re-roll one Artillery Dice per game.
Master Gunner
A unit with a Master Gunner joined can re-roll 1's when rolling To Hit with handguns and pistols. If he is part of a War Machine crew, that war machine may re-roll one Artillery Dice per game.
Masters and Idlers
Masters and Idlers are upgrades for certain units, and should always be placed in the front rank if possible. They follow the rules for normal Command Group models, and may not be attacked separately. After the Champion, a Master or Idler is always the last model to be removed from a unit. You may have one Master and Idler of each sort for every Pirate Captain or Pirate Lord in your army.
Masters and Idlers
Masters and Idlers are upgrades for certain units, and should always be placed in the front rank if possible. They follow the rules for normal Command Group models, and may not be attacked separately. After the Champion, a Master or Idler is always the last model to be removed from a unit. You may have one Master and Idler of each sort for every Pirate Captain or Pirate Lord in your army.
"Stand Fast!" The side that has a musician in its front rank of one or more of its units wins any drawn close combat by 1, unless the opposing side has a musician also, in which case they cancel each other out. "Form on Me!" If a fleeing unit has a musician, it may re-roll its LD test whenever it attempts to rally. Fast Cavalry and Skirmishers that have fled using Feigned Flight automatically rallies. Swift Reform A unit that is not fleeing and not engaged in combat can make a swift reform during the Remaining Moves sub-phase if it has a musician. A swift reform is treated exactly like a reform manoeuvre, however the following exceptions apply:  A unit performing a swift reform may not change their formation by decreasing or increasing their ranks. The unit may only turn on the spot by pivoting like a lone model.  A unit that has made a swift reform can immediately make a full normal move, even though a reform would normally prevent it from doing so. Note that a unit that carries out a swift reform cannot march.  A unit that has made a swift reform can still shoot, although it will count as moving, whether or not it moves further after the reform has been completed. This means that it will suffer the -1 modifier for moving and firing, and will not be able to shoot Move or Fire weapons.
"Stand Fast!" The side that has a musician in its front rank of one or more of its units wins any drawn close combat by 1, unless the opposing side has a musician also, in which case they cancel each other out. "Form on Me!" If a fleeing unit has a musician, it may re-roll its LD test whenever it attempts to rally. Fast Cavalry and Skirmishers that have fled using Feigned Flight automatically rallies. Swift Reform A unit that is not fleeing and not engaged in combat can make a swift reform during the Remaining Moves sub-phase if it has a musician. A swift reform is treated exactly like a reform manoeuvre, however the following exceptions apply:  A unit performing a swift reform may not change their formation by decreasing or increasing their ranks. The unit may only turn on the spot by pivoting like a lone model.  A unit that has made a swift reform can immediately make a full normal move, even though a reform would normally prevent it from doing so. Note that a unit that carries out a swift reform cannot march.  A unit that has made a swift reform can still shoot, although it will count as moving, whether or not it moves further after the reform has been completed. This means that it will suffer the -1 modifier for moving and firing, and will not be able to shoot Move or Fire weapons.
Natural Armour (2+)
The hide of some creatures forms a kind of natural armour that grants the model an armour save. The resulting armour save will be stated in brackets. Natural Armour can be combined with other armour as normal.
Natural Armour (2+)
The hide of some creatures forms a kind of natural armour that grants the model an armour save. The resulting armour save will be stated in brackets. Natural Armour can be combined with other armour as normal.
Natural Armour (6+)
The hide of some creatures forms a kind of natural armour that grants the model an armour save. The resulting armour save will be stated in brackets. Natural Armour can be combined with other armour as normal.
Natural Armour (6+)
The hide of some creatures forms a kind of natural armour that grants the model an armour save. The resulting armour save will be stated in brackets. Natural Armour can be combined with other armour as normal.
A unit with a Navigator may re-deploy itself up to 12" after all other units have been positioned, but before Scouts placed on the table.
A unit with a Navigator may re-deploy itself up to 12" after all other units have been positioned, but before Scouts placed on the table.
One Bullet, One Shot
Before the start of the game, choose one enemy character on the table. Once during the game, Giacchino may take a special shot with Sniper against the chosen model. This shot is resolved with Killing Blow.
One Bullet, One Shot
Before the start of the game, choose one enemy character on the table. Once during the game, Giacchino may take a special shot with Sniper against the chosen model. This shot is resolved with Killing Blow.
Orc Animosity
Units with this rule must roll a D6 and consult the orc animosity chart in the Charge subphase after all other charges have been declared, unless they have declared a charge, are already in combat, fleeing, or have less than 5 models.
Orc Animosity
Units with this rule must roll a D6 and consult the orc animosity chart in the Charge subphase after all other charges have been declared, unless they have declared a charge, are already in combat, fleeing, or have less than 5 models.
Pirate Princess
All friendly units may re-roll failed Fear and Panic tests within 12" of Carmen.
Pirate Princess
All friendly units may re-roll failed Fear and Panic tests within 12" of Carmen.
Pistolier Extraordinaire
Fleur has Multiple Shots (2), which gives her a total of 4 shots with her brace of pistols.
Pistolier Extraordinaire
Fleur has Multiple Shots (2), which gives her a total of 4 shots with her brace of pistols.
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Poisoned Attacks
A model with Poisoned Attacks gains a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls. Armour saves are modified by the Strength of the attack as normal. Unless otherwise stated, a model with this rule has both Poisoned shooting and close combat attacks (though any spells cast by the model or special attacks are unaffected).
Princess of Parries
Estella has Parry (6+). If Estella has a higher WS than her attacker she gains +1 on her Parry rolls.
Princess of Parries
Estella has Parry (6+). If Estella has a higher WS than her attacker she gains +1 on her Parry rolls.
If Fleur is killed, Estella will be subject to Hatred and Frenzy for the remainder of the game.
If Fleur is killed, Estella will be subject to Hatred and Frenzy for the remainder of the game.
One unit in the army may choose between being equipped with Light Armour or gain Armour Piercing (1).
One unit in the army may choose between being equipped with Light Armour or gain Armour Piercing (1).
Units entirely composed of models with this rule do not need to pass a LD test in order to march, regardless of the proximity of enemy units.
Units entirely composed of models with this rule do not need to pass a LD test in order to march, regardless of the proximity of enemy units.
Sea Legs
All models with this rule may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
Sea Legs
All models with this rule may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
Sea Shanty Singer
For the purposes of the rules, a Sea Shanty Singer follows the rules for a musician.
Sea Shanty Singer
For the purposes of the rules, a Sea Shanty Singer follows the rules for a musician.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
Skirmish Formation Skirmishers are deployed in a 'loose' formation, where the models are not placed in base contact, but are positioned roughly 1/2" apart. The models in the unit must still face the same direction and the unit will still have a front, two flanks and a rear. All Skirmishers in a unit do not count as blocking each other’s Line of Sight (note that they still count as blocking Line of Sight for other units). As long as you can draw a Line of Sight from the front rank to the target, the second and subsequent ranks may fire too. When moving Skirmishers, you should measure from the location of each model before it moves and place it anywhere within its M Allowance (or double its M Allowance if it is marching), except when there is a unit or impassable terrain in the way, the distance moved must include the distance required to move around these obstacles. Skirmishers and Charging If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. This happens 'for free' at the moment both units move into base contact. The unit immediately forms up in base contact around the centremost model in the front rank (the Skirmishers' controlling player can choose which if the front rank has an even number of models) that is also in base contact with the enemy. The number of ranks, files and the formation's facing do not alter as the Skirmishers tighten up – all that happens is that models that were previously spaced out are now in base contact with one another. This has the effect of rendering the Skirmishers' loose formation into a regular shape so that other units can fight them in the normal way. If the Skirmishers are not in base contact with an enemy in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, the controlling player must move them apart so that they readopt their loose formation. Vanguard Skirmishers have Vanguard. Free Reform A unit of Skirmishers moves, wheels, marches and charges just like other troops. However, unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move. The unit may do this even if it marches, provided that no model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double its M value. Feigned Flight A unit of Skirmishers that chooses Flee as a charge reaction does not cause Panic from fleeing through friendly units and may re-roll failed rally tests in its next Compulsory Movement Phase (unless it is forced to Flee again from another source). In addition, it is then also free to move during the remaining moves part of the Movement phase. The unit is also free to shoot as normal (but always counts as having moved). Note that if the flee move of the Skirmishers do not take them beyond the charge reach of their enemies, the unit suffers casualties as normal. Remember that Feigned Flight does not apply to models with Fly. Fire on the March Skirmishers can shoot even if they marched or reformed earlier in the turn (providing their weapon doesn't have Move or Fire). However, the normal -1 To Hit penalty for moving and shooting still applies. Light Troops All shots aimed at a unit of two or more Skirmisher models with an individual Unit Strength of 2 or less suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers always counts as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus. In addition, they cannot be Steadfast regardless of their Unit Strength (unless they also have Stubborn). Characters A character model that joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmisher as long as they stay with the unit. Characters may only join Skirmishers with the same Troop Type as them.
Spearfisher's Net
At the start of each round of close combat, Aranessa may target one enemy model in base contact. Roll to Hit against the target; if successful, that model is ensnared and suffers -D3 to its Attacks this round.
Spearfisher's Net
At the start of each round of close combat, Aranessa may target one enemy model in base contact. Roll to Hit against the target; if successful, that model is ensnared and suffers -D3 to its Attacks this round.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
A model with this rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks (including Breath Weapons). A Stomp has Always Strikes Last, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits, at the model's Strength, on one enemy Infantry, War Beasts or Swarm unit in base contact with the model and are randomised as Automatic Hits. Unless specified, any rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps.
Strange and Confused
At the start of your Movement phase, roll a D6 and consult the Strange and Confused Table.
Strange and Confused
At the start of your Movement phase, roll a D6 and consult the Strange and Confused Table.
Strength Bonus (1)
Models with this rule gain a S bonus to all their close combat attacks (including Impact Hits and Stomps) equal to the number in the brackets in the first round of each new close combat they are involved in. Note that any attack made with a weapon that gives Strength Bonus only applies to attacks made with the weapon itself. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Strength Bonus.
Strength Bonus (1)
Models with this rule gain a S bonus to all their close combat attacks (including Impact Hits and Stomps) equal to the number in the brackets in the first round of each new close combat they are involved in. Note that any attack made with a weapon that gives Strength Bonus only applies to attacks made with the weapon itself. This rule is cumulative with other sources of Strength Bonus.
Buccaneers have Dodge (6+) in close combat.
Buccaneers have Dodge (6+) in close combat.
Swivel Guns
Flying Galleys are armed with 2 Swivel Guns, which may fire to either its front or flank arcs even if the model has moved that turn. They do not suffer To Hit penalties for moving and shooting.
Swivel Guns
Flying Galleys are armed with 2 Swivel Guns, which may fire to either its front or flank arcs even if the model has moved that turn. They do not suffer To Hit penalties for moving and shooting.
Tail Whip
Sea Serpents get to make a Stomp Attack, except they only inflict 1 Hit.
Tail Whip
Sea Serpents get to make a Stomp Attack, except they only inflict 1 Hit.
The Battle Standard Bearer
Unless specified otherwise, the model that carries the battle standard cannot be the General. Unlike normal standards, the battle standard is lost if the bearer is slain. If a Battle Standard Bearer is in a unit, Refuses a Challenge and is subsequently moved to the rear of its unit, it loses Hold Your Ground until the end of the turn. Note, however, that if the Battle Standard Bearer has a magic standard its effects continue to apply as normal. Combat Resolution Bonus A battle standard adds +1 combat resolution in a close combat if it is in a friendly unit. Hold your Ground! Friendly models within 12" of the Battle Standard Bearer re-roll failed Panic and Break tests. This ability cannot be used if the Battle Standard Bearer is also fleeing. If your Battle Standard Bearer has a Line of Sight value of 5 or more, then the range of their Hold Your Ground ability is increased by 6".
The Battle Standard Bearer
Unless specified otherwise, the model that carries the battle standard cannot be the General. Unlike normal standards, the battle standard is lost if the bearer is slain. If a Battle Standard Bearer is in a unit, Refuses a Challenge and is subsequently moved to the rear of its unit, it loses Hold Your Ground until the end of the turn. Note, however, that if the Battle Standard Bearer has a magic standard its effects continue to apply as normal. Combat Resolution Bonus A battle standard adds +1 combat resolution in a close combat if it is in a friendly unit. Hold your Ground! Friendly models within 12" of the Battle Standard Bearer re-roll failed Panic and Break tests. This ability cannot be used if the Battle Standard Bearer is also fleeing. If your Battle Standard Bearer has a Line of Sight value of 5 or more, then the range of their Hold Your Ground ability is increased by 6".
The Surgeon's Mate
Once a game, Exmelin rolls a D6 when using Field Surgeon.
The Surgeon's Mate
Once a game, Exmelin rolls a D6 when using Field Surgeon.
Whenever a Swivel Gunner rolls a 1 to Hit when shooting, roll another D6: On a 1, the Swivel Gunner suffers a S 4 hit.
Whenever a Swivel Gunner rolls a 1 to Hit when shooting, roll another D6: On a 1, the Swivel Gunner suffers a S 4 hit.
Will of Steel
Captain Roth and any unit he is with may re-roll any failed LD tests. When fighting in challenges, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit.
Will of Steel
Captain Roth and any unit he is with may re-roll any failed LD tests. When fighting in challenges, he may re-roll all failed rolls To Hit.

Objets magiques utilisables par l'armée


Bannières magiques utilisables par l'armée


Unités de l'armée

Master Gunner
Master Gunner
Pirate Lord
Pirate Lord
Sorcerer Lord
Sorcerer Lord
Hell-Hammer Cannon
Hell-Hammer Cannon
Tripple Barrel Cannon
Tripple Barrel Cannon
Ironfist Mortar
Ironfist Mortar
Aranessa Saltspite, the Queen of Tides
Aranessa Saltspite, the Queen of Tides
Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill
Krusher the Anchorman
Krusher the Anchorman
Doctor "Doc" Exmelin
Doctor "Doc" Exmelin
Fleur and Estella
Fleur and Estella
Carmen Sicilieri, the Pirate Princess
Carmen Sicilieri, the Pirate Princess
Jaego Roth, Captain of the Heldenhammer
Jaego Roth, Captain of the Heldenhammer
Giacchino de Falco, the Crazed Captain
Giacchino de Falco, the Crazed Captain
Special Characters
Special Characters
Pirate Captain
Pirate Captain
Pirate Sorcerer
Pirate Sorcerer
First Mate
First Mate
Special Characters
Special Characters
Deck Gunners
Deck Gunners
Pirate Crew
Pirate Crew
Ship's Mates
Ship's Mates
Powder Monkeys
Powder Monkeys
Grog Lubbers
Grog Lubbers
Dwarf Sea Dogs
Dwarf Sea Dogs
Norse Reavers
Norse Reavers
Wokou Raiders
Wokou Raiders
Sons of Stromfels
Sons of Stromfels
Deck Cannon
Deck Cannon
Swivel Gunners
Swivel Gunners
Orc Freebooterz
Orc Freebooterz
Sea Serpent Riders
Sea Serpent Riders
Dark Maidens
Dark Maidens
Flying Galley
Flying Galley
Hell-Hammer Cannon
Hell-Hammer Cannon
Sea Giant
Sea Giant
Turtigon Battle Platform
Turtigon Battle Platform