Règles spéciales
Elfes Sylvestres

Aspects of Nature

Oaken Crown

Scarred Bark

Entangling Vines

Entwined Roots​

Toxic Spores


Blade Dancer

Wild Hunter

Forest Guardian




Lightning Reflexes

Model parts with this special rule have +1 to hit with their Close Combat Attacks. This does not apply if the model part would be striking at initiative 0 (for example due to a Great Weapon or the Mesmeric Allure spell). If this is the case, it strikes at its own Initiative instead.

Strider (Forest)

Models with this special rule may ignore any movement effect caused by Terrain except Impassable Terrain and Buildings and never lose their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes this special rule is only linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, the Strider rule effectis only applied in relation to the specified Terrain type.