Règles spéciales
Anciens Sauriens

Magnetic Short Bow

Magnetic Short Bow

Range 18″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 1, Volley Fire, Lodestone.

Arcane Mastery

Eidetic Mastery

Eternal Mastery

One of a Kind.
The model’s Casting Rolls for Learned Spells gains a +1 modifier.

Farseeing Mastery

One of a Kind.
Learned Spells cast by the model gain +6″ Range. Aura Spells gain +3″ Range instead.

Forbidden Mastery

One of a Kind.
The model knows two additional Apprentice or Adept Spells that it must select from Occultism or Pyromancy.
Casting Rolls for these spells suffer a −1 modifier.

Invasive Mastery

One of a Kind.
Once per friendly Magic Phase, the model may choose a spell that was successfully cast by an enemy Wizard during the previous Magic Phase. Bound Spells and Hereditary Spells cannot be chosen. The model knows the chosen spell until the end of the phase.

Veil Mastery

One of a Kind.
The model gains Channel (2).

Howdah Devices

Carved Wisdom

Engine of The Ancients (3+)

Lodestone Shield

Magnetic Great Bow (3+)

Monolith of Vitalism

Suncatcher Crystal

Venomous Fortress


Prédateur en chef

La figurine gagne Exclusif (Meute de raptors, Chevaucheurs de raptor) et Plateforme de guerre. Les figurines ordinaires de l'unité de la figurine gagnent Frénésie et Sans peur. Les Bêtes de taille Standard et les éléments de figurine ayant Harnaché dans l'unité de la figurine gagnent Ardeur guerrière.

Aerial Assault

Special Attack.
Units consisting entirely of models with Aerial Assault may perform a Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 1 for each model in the unit.

Aerial Assault

Special Attack.
Units consisting entirely of models with Aerial Assault may perform a Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 1 for each model in the unit.


Prédateur suprême

La figurine gagne Charge dévastatrice (+2" MS) lorsqu'elle charge une unité entièrement composée de figurines avec Présence Imposante.

Art of War

Universal Rule.
While using a mundane weapon, the model is subject to the following rules corresponding to its weapon:
• Great Weapon: Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +1 to wound.
• Halberd: The model gains Distracting.
• Tooth and Claw: The model gains +1 Attack Value for each enemy model in base contact with it (including the model it is fighting a Duel with if applicable), up to a maximum of +3.

Big Brother

Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.


Toutes les figurines ordinaires qui se trouvent dans une unité contenant au moins deux figurines avec cette règle gagnent Sans peur et Tenace.



La figurine gagne Cible difficile (1), Éclaireur et Embuscade.


Universal Rule.
Once per Player Turn, at the start of the Shooting Phase (1) or at the start of the Melee Phase (2), you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool.
If so, models with Cantrips in the unit gain the corresponding effect:
1. Shooting Phase: Throwing Weapons (5+).
2. Melee Phase: Paired Weapons.
The effects last until the end of the next Charge Phase.

Closely Guarded

Universal Rule.
The model can never issue or accept Duels or be chosen as the model that suffers the penalties for refusing a Duel. Unless mounted, apply the following additional rules:
• The model gains Strider and Stand Behind.
• The model must be deployed inside a unit of Tegu Warriors, Tegu Guards, or Elder Caimans and cannot voluntarily leave this unit.

Combat Artist

The model gains Tooth and Claw, Attached and Exclusive (Skink Warriors, Caiman Warriors).
Its base size is changed to 40×40 mm.

Combat Legend

The model gains Great Weapon, Halberd, and Tooth and Claw, as well as Exclusive (Caiman Elders) and Weapon Master.
While using a Melee Weapon without a Weapon Enchantment, add the following rules:
• Great Weapon: +2 Att, +1 to wound with attacks made by the weapon.
• Halberd: +2 Att, Distracting (1).
• Tooth and Claw: +3 Att.

Combat Master

The model gains Great Weapon, Halberd, and Tooth and Claw, as well as Attached, Exclusive (Tegu Warriors), and Weapon Master

Combined Strength (x)

At step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), each unit with Combined Strength may be merged with a unit from one of the unit entries in brackets (X), forming a single unit called a Compound Unit. No unit can be merged with more than one other unit. In this context, the unit with Combined Strength is referred to as Guest Unit and its models as Guest Models, and the unit it is merged with is referred to as Host Unit and its models as Host Models.
Guest Models lose any Champion upgrade and Banner Enchantment until the end of the game, and, while part of a Compound Unit, they gain Fight in Extra Rank.
Guest Models follow the rules for Matching Bases (see Front Rank), with the exception that Infantry Guest Models do not have to be placed as far forwards as possible, while non-Infantry Guest Models must always be placed in the first rank, possibly pushing back other models with Front Rank.
The original units of a Compound Unit are treated separately for the purpose of Victory Points. For all other purposes, each Compound Unit is treated as a single unit. Host and Guest Models in the same unit do not share a common Health Pool even though they all are R&F models of the same unit. Instead, each group has their own Health Pool (lost Health Points are never passed between the Health Pools, and any excess Health Point losses are ignored). Guest Models are not forced to choose the same Close Combat Weapons in close combat as the Host Models in their Compound Unit.
Distributing Hits: For the purpose of distributing hits onto a Compound Unit, Guest Models are considered as Characters with a different Type/Height combination that all share the same Health Pool.
Allocating Attacks: Swirling Melee cannot be used against Compound Units. Otherwise, Close Combat Attacks can be allocated as normal towards different Health Pools in base contact. Alternatively, R&F models that could allocate Close Combat Attacks towards any model in the Compound Unit, and R&F models that could not allocate Close Combat Attacks due to models in Duels, may instead choose to allocate Close Combat Attacks towards one of the following:
• The Health Pool of the non-Champion Host Models.
• The Health Pool of the Guest Models; these Close Combat Attacks suffer −1 to hit unless one or more Guest Models are in base contact with the attacker.

Communal Bond

Units with more than half of their models with Communal Bond are subject to the following rules:
• They gain Swift Reform.
• Their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll while within range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence.
• R&F models with Scoring and R&F models in Compound Units gain Commanding Presence with the following rules and restrictions: its range is set to 8″, and the models may choose to set their Discipline to the highest Discipline value available in the unit for the purpose of this instance of Commanding Presence.

Containment Field

Personal Protection.
Attacks made by enemy units in base contact with one or more models with Containment Field suffer −1 to wound if they are Special Attacks and/or Magical Attacks.

Corrosive Spitter

Universal Rule.
The model gains Poison Attacks. In addition, the model gains Breath Attack (Str 2, AP 3) with the following exceptions: Instead of 2D6 hits, the target suffers a number of hits equal to the number of models with Corrosive Spitter in the unit. Only a single model in each unit may use this Breath Attack once per game.

Enclave Wizard

The Champion is a Wizard Adept with the following additional rules:
• The model gains +1 Health Point, up to a maximum of 3.
• The model selects a number of spells given in the unit entry from the predetermined spells also given in the unit entry. This overrides the Spell Selection rules for Wizard Adepts.
• If applicable, the model’s base size is changed to the base size stated in brackets (X).

Feeding Frenzy

Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
The model part gains Devastating Charge (+D3 Att) until the end of the Combat after successfully Charging a unit marked with Prey Scent.

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains +1 Armour and Cold Blooded.

Grasp of The Immortal

Universal Rule.
At the start of each friendly Magic Phase, the model may choose to lose all instances of Channel (X) and gain a +1 Casting Modifier. The effects last until the end of the Magic Phase. A natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ for Casting Attempts with a single Magic Dice is always a failed Casting Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.

Great Protector

Universal Rule.
The model’s unit gains Cannot be Stomped, and R&F models in the unit gain Parry

Guiding Mastery

One of a Kind.
At the start of each friendly Player Turn, the model may choose a friendly unit with Magnasaur within 12″. The unit must reroll failed Charge Range rolls, with Duration: One Turn.

High Altitude

Universal Rule.
One use only. At the start of any friendly Player Turn, you may remove an unengaged, non-Fleeing Pouakai Sky Tyrant from the Battlefield. Starting with the next friendly Player Turn, the unit is treated like a unit that declared that it will be deployed using the Ambush rule at step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence. If the unit has not re-entered the Battlefield from High Altitude before the end of the game, it counts as destroyed.

Hunt Leader

Universal Rule.
R&F models in the model’s unit gain Frenzy and Fearless. Standard Beasts and model parts with Harnessed in the model’s unit gain Battle Focus.


Close Combat, Shooting
Attacks with Lodestone are subject to the following rules when rolling to hit:
• Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Armour 3 or more gain +1 to hit.
• Shooting Attacks made against a unit with more than half of its models with Armour 3 or more gain +1 to hit.

Maddening Mastery

One of a Kind.
The model gains Deafening Clamour and Horror


Marking Lure

Units hit by one or more attacks with Marking Lure gain a Scent Marker until the end of the game.

Master Strategist

Universal Rule.
While joined to a unit consisting entirely of Skink Warriors, Skink Hunters, or Skink Guerillas, the unit gains Vanguard and Feigned Flight.


No more than two models with Mentor can ever be joined to the same unit.

Mystifying Mastery

One of a Kind.
The first failed Dispelling Roll during each enemy Magic Phase must be rerolled.

Pack Hunter

In the Charge Phase, units with more than half of their models with Pack Hunter may reroll failed Charge Range rolls if their Charge is part of a Combined Charge

Path of Destruction

Special Attack.
The number of hits from the model’s Stomp Attacks is set to 4D3. For the purpose of Stomp Attacks, the model ignores Cannot be Stomped and considers all enemy models without Towering Presence to be of Standard Height. If the model’s Stomp Attacks are distributed onto a Large unit, the number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.

Predator Senses

Close Combat
Right before the battle (during step 7 of the Deployment Phase Sequence), if your Army List contains one or more models with this rule, you must mark a single unit from your opponent’s Army List with Prey Scent. In addition, in the Melee Phase, the model part must reroll failed to-hit rolls against models in units that are marked with Prey Scent.


Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.


Universal Rule.
The model’s base size is changed to 100×150 mm and its Health Points are set to 7.


Special Attack.
The model gains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks). This Breath Attack is not limited to being used only once per game and can only be used once per Player Turn.




Skink Companion

Universal Rule.
The Saurian Giant model part gains Poison Attacks. The model gains the following additional model parts:
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Model Rules
Skink Crew (6) 1 2 3 0 4 March and Shoot, Poisoned Javelin (4+)


La figurine ne peut jamais rejoindre une unité ou être rejointe par un Personnage.

Spearback – Shoot Spikes (4+)

Shooting Weapon.
Range: 18″, Shots 2D6, Str 4, AP 2, Quick to Fire. This weapon may not be used if the model performed a March Move in this Player Turn. The model must declare Stand and Shoot as a Charge Reaction if possible, but it does not suffer the −1 to-hit modifier for it.


The Very Earth Trembles

Universal Rule.
The model is a Musician. The range of the model’s March to the Beat, and to enemy units that are required to take a March Test due to the model, are both extended to 18″.


Venomous Tide

Universal Rule.
All models in enemy units must take a Dangerous Terrain (1) Test after completing a Charge Move against a unit that contains one or more models with Venomous Tide (even if that unit is Fleeing).

Vitalist Combat

Attack Attribute – Close Combat.
If allocated towards a Standard Height model, the attack gains +1 to wound.

Walking Mountain

Universal Rule.
Enemy units do not gain any Flank or Rear Bonuses for being Engaged in the model’s Flank or Rear Facing. The model never benefits from Cover. In addition, the model always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests, and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.