Catégories d'objects magiques
Orcs & Goblins

Arme Magique

Lame de Géant

Les attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'un bonus de +3 en Force.

Epée Sanglante

Le Porteur a +3 Attaques.

Lame d'Obsidienne

Aucune sauvegarde d'armure ne peut être tentée contre les blessures infligées avec cette arme.

Lame Ogre

Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'un bonus de +2 en Force.

Epée des guerres éternelles

Le porteur a +2 Attaques.

Lame d'Escrimeur

Paire d'armes. Le porteur a CC 10.

Epée tueuse de Héros

Le porteur a un bonus de +1 en Force et +1 Attaque pour chaque personnage ennemi en contact avec lui ou son unité.
Ces bonus sont calculés au début de chaque round de combat et restent valables jusqu'à la fin de celui-ci.

Epée voleuse de sorts

Un Sorcier perdant au moins 1 PV à cause de cette arme perd un sort (déterminé aléatoirement) par PV perdu.

Epée de vive mort

Le porteur frappe toujours en premier.

Epée de bataille

Le porteur a +1 Attaque.

Epée Berserk

Le porteur est frénétique et ne perd jamais cette frénésie.

Epée de puissance

Les attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'un bonus de +1 en Force.

Lame d'or vif

Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette épée le sont avec une Initiative de 10.

Epée de frappe

Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette arme bénéficient d'une bonus de +1 pour toucher.

Lame de morsure

Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette épée sont perforantes.

Epée relique

Les Attaques au corps à corps effectuées avec cette épée blessent toujours sur 5+, à moins qu'elles ne le fassent normalement sur un meilleur résultat.

Lame Hurlante

Le porteur provoque la peur.

Epée du tourmenteur

Un monstre ou un personnage pendant au moins 1 PV à cause de cette arme souffre de stupidité pour le reste de la bataille.

Malédiction du guerrier

Un monstre ou un personnage perdant au moins 1 PV à cause de cette arme perd définitivement 1 Attaque par PV perdu (jusqu'à un minimum de 1 Attaque).

Armure Magique

Armure du destin

Armure lourde. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable de 4+.

Heaume du trompeur

Améliore la sauvegarde d'armure de 1 point. Tout jet pour blesser réussi contre le porteur doit être relancé.

Armure de fer argent

Confère une sauvegarde d'armure de 2+ ne pouvant être améliorer d'aucune manière.

Armure de bonne étoile

Armure lourde. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable de 5+.

Heaume de la discorde

Améliore la sauvegarde d'armure d'un point. Au début du corps à corps, choisissez une figurine en contact socle à socle avec le porteur, elle doit effectuer un test de CD, en cas d'échec, elle ne pourra porter aucune attaque durant cette phase et sera touché automatiquement.

Armure resplandissante

Armure légère. Inflige un malus de -1 à l'ennemi pour toucher au corps à corps.

Bouclier de Ptolos

Bouclier. La sauvegarde du porteur est de 1+ contre les tirs.

Bouclier arcanique

Bouclier. Confère une résistance à la magie de 1.

Armure du bienheureux

Armure lourde. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable à +6.

Heaume du dragon

La sauvegarde 'armure du porteur est amélioré de 1 point. Confère une sauvegarde invulnérable à 2+ contre les attaques enflammées.

Bouclier enchanté

Bouclier. La sauvegarde d'armure du porteur est améliore de deux points.

Bouclier ensorcelé

Bouclier. Une seule utilisation. Sur un 2+, la première touche subit par le porteur est annulée.


Talisman de préservation

The Talisman of Preservation grants the bearer a 4+ ward save.

Pierre d'obsidienne

The Obsidian Lodestone grants Magic Resistance (3).

Talisman d'endurance

The Talisman of Endurance grants the bearer a 5+ ward save.

Amulette d'obsidienne

The Obsidian Amulet grants the bearer Magic Resistance (2).

Pierre de l'aube

The bearer re-rolls failed armour saves.

Amulette d'opale

One use only. The Opal Amulet bestows a 4+ ward save against the first wound suffered by the bearer, after which its power fades and it cannot be used again during the game.

Bague d'obsidienne

The Obsidian Trinket grants Magic Resistance (1).

Talisman de protection

The Talisman of Protection grants the bearer a 6+ ward save.

Graine de renaissance

The bearer of the Seed of Rebirth has the Regeneration (6+) special rule.

Gemme de dracocide

The bearer of the Dragonbane Gem has a 2+ ward save against Flaming Attacks.

Pendentif en plume d'aigle

This item grants the bearer a 5+ ward save against wounds caused in close combat by models that have the Fly special rule.

Pierre de chance

One use only. The Luckstone allows the bearer to re-roll a single failed armour save.

Objet Cabalistique

Livre d'Ashur

The bearer receives a +1 bonus on attempts to cast and dispel.

Parchemin de rebond

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Feedback Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell.
The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, roll a dice for every dice used to cast the spell. The casting Wizard takes a wound for every result of 5+ rolled, with no armour saves allowed.

Parchemin vampire

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Leeching can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, the bearer of the scroll adds a number of dispel dice to his pool equal to the number of dice used to cast the spell (remember that your dispel pool cannot exceed 12 dice).

Parchemin maudit de Sivejir

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Hex Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but a portion of the spell’s energy is transformed and redirected at the caster. The enemy wizard can resist the spell’s effects by rolling equal to or under his wizard level on a D6. If he fails, an amphibian transformation takes hold and he becomes a small, slimy toad!
Whilst transformed, the wizard cannot channel or cast spells, all of his magic items and mundane equipment (armour, weapons, etc.) temporarily stop working and all of his characteristics are reduced to 1 (except for his wounds, which are unaffected). His controlling player can roll a D6 at the start of each of his subsequent magic phases; the spell dissipates on a roll of 4+ and the wizard returns to his normal form (but still attempts to eat flies for several days afterward).

Parchemin de pouvoir

One use only. A Power Scroll can be used when the Wizard makes a casting attempt. During that casting attempt, the casting value of the spell is halved (rounding up). You cannot choose to cast a boosted version of a spell when using a Power Scroll.

Baguette de Jais

One use only. The bearer can increase one of his casting results by an additional +D6, after other casting dice have been rolled. This extra power dice can contribute to casting a spell with irresistible force (and a miscast).

Bâton interdit

One use only. The forbidden rod adds +D6 dice to the power pool at the start of the caster’s own magic phase, but also inflicts D3 wounds on the bearer (with no armour saves allowed).

Bâton de sorcellerie

The bearer receives a +1 bonus on attempts to dispel.

Badine du trompeur

One use only. Declare you are using this item at the start of one of your magic phases. For the duration of the phase, when one of the bearer’s spells is dispelled by an enemy wizard, roll a D6. On a 5+, that wizard suffers a wound with no armour saves allowed.

Baguette tellurique

One use only. If the wizard rolls on the miscast table he can re-roll the result.

Parchemin de dissipation

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a wizard who has a dispel scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This automatically dispels the enemy spell; no dice roll is required. Note that even a dispel scroll will not help if the spell has been cast with irresistible force. Note also that a dispel scroll cannot be used to dispel spells that remain in play other than at the moment they are cast.

Pierre de pouvoir

One use only. The Wizard can declare that he is using the power stone immediately before casting a spell. If he does so, two extra dice are added to the power dice that he is going to roll (you still need to roll at least one dice from the power pool).

Sceptre de stabilité

One use only. The bearer can choose to increase one of his dispel results by an additional +D6, after his other dispel dice have been rolled. This extra dispel dice can contribute to dispelling with irresistible force.

Bâton cataliseur

The Wizard adds +1 to all of his channeling attempts.

Parchemin de protection

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Shielding can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but the target of the spell is granted a 4+ ward save against any wounds
caused by the spell.

Objet enchanté

Chapeau de sorcier

The wearer is treated as being a Level 2 Wizard who can use a randomly chosen Battle Magic lore. However, he also has the Stupidity special rule.

Forteresse pliable de Fozzrik

After deployment zones have been agreed, but before the armies have been deployed, place a watchtower building (or scratch-built structure of a similar size) in your deployment zone to represent the Folding Fortress. This is treated as a standard building.
If you do not have a suitable building to place, you cannot use Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress.

Tapis d'arabie

Infantry or monstrous infantry models on foot only. The owner of this magical carpet has the Fly special rule. However, he cannot join units.

Couronne de commandement

The bearer of the Crown of Command has the Stubborn special rule.

Potion de soin

One use only. The Healing Potion can be drunk at the start of the controlling player’s turn. The imbiber immediately recovers D6 Wounds lost in the battle.

Torque du fléau des plumes

Flying creatures (and their riders) must re-roll successful rolls to hit against the bearer (and any unit he is with) in close combat.

Anneau rubis de ruine

Bound spell (power level 3). The Ruby Ring of Ruin contains the Fireball spell.

Masque terrifiant de AAAH!

The wearer of this mask causes Terror. However, other models can never use his Leadership.

Potion de force

One use only. The Potion of Strength can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Strength until the end of the turn.

Potion d'endurance

One use only. The Potion of Toughness can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Toughness until the end of the turn.

L'autre badine du trompeur

Models in base contact with the bearer (friends and foes) must re-roll successful ward saves.

Icône du fer maudit

The character (and any unit he is with) gain a 6+ ward save against war machine weapons.

Potion d'impétuosité

One use only. The Potion of Foolhardiness can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has the Immune to Psychology and the Devastating Charge special rules until the end of the player turn.

Potion de célérité

One use only. The Potion of Speed can be drunk at the start of any player’s turn. The imbiber has +3 Initiative until the end of the turn.