Domaine de la Magie Noire

(0) Doombolt (Signature Spell)

lancement Type Durée
Portée 24"

Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy unit. Any enemy model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit (as described on page 95) and suffering a single Strength 3 hit with an AP of -2.

(1) Word Of Pain

lancement Type Durée
Portée 18"

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength and Toughness characteristics (to a minimum of 1). This spell may target an enemy unit engaged in combat.

(2) Stream Of Corruption

lancement Type Durée
Portée Combat

Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the caster’s base edge and the broad end is over a unit they are engaged in combat with. Any model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit (as described on page 95) and suffering a single Strength 3 hit with an AP of -1.

(3) Infernal Gateway

lancement Type Durée
Portée 12"

This spell can only target friendly characters, but may target characters engaged in combat. If the target friendly character is not fleeing, you may immediately remove it from the battlefield and replace it anywhere within 12" of its original location, but not within 6" of any enemy models.

(4) Phantasmagoria

lancement Type Durée
Portée 12"

Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in play, the template does not move and is treated as dangerous terrain. Enemy units that end their movement within 12" of the template must immediately make a Panic test. Those that fail will Fall Back in Good Order or flee directly away from the template. Those that pass (or that do not have to make the test) become subject to the Impetuous special rule whilst they remain within 12" of the template.

(5) Battle Lust

lancement Type Durée
Portée 12"

Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit gains the Frenzy and Hatred (all enemies) special rules.

(6) Soul Eater

lancement Type Durée
Portée Combat

A single enemy model the caster is engaged in combat with suffers a single Strength 3 hit with the Multiple Wounds (3) special rule and with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).