Crusader’s Lance (60 pts)

Royaume de Bretonnie - Croisade d'Errance

In the hands of young Bretonnian heroes throughout the kingdom’s many errantry wars, this keen lance has struck down scores of Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen.

R S AP Special Rules
Crusader’s Lance Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (2), Furious Charge, Hatred (all enemies), Magical Attacks

Notes: The Crusader’s Lance may only be taken by a model in an Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘monster’ only. The Crusader’s Lance can only be used during a turn in which the wielder charged. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge), the model must use its hand weapon instead.