

Appel de la Nature : tous les Magiciens qui connaissent au moins un sort de Druidisme (sauf Sorts liés) connaissent automatiquement le Sort appris "Le Trône de chêne" en plus de leurs autres sorts.

(1) Fountain of Youth

lancement Type Durée
6+ Augment Focused
Portée 12"

When resolving the spell, choose one of the following effects:
• Recover 1 Health Point of a Character in the target unit.
• Raise 4 Health Points of Standard Height R&F models without Tall in the unit.
• Raise 2 Health Points of any other models in the unit.

(2) Entwining Roots

lancement Type Durée
(5+){8+} Hex
Portée 18"
One Turn

The target suffers (-1){-2} Offensive Skill, (-1){-2} Defensive Skill, and (-1){-2} to hit with Shooting Attacks.

(3) Healing Waters

lancement Type Durée
8+ Augment
Portée 18"
One Turn

The target gains Fortitude (6+) and Fortitude (+1, max 3+).

(4) Master of Earth

lancement Type Durée
(7+)(8+) Hex Damage
Portée (6")(18")

The target suffers 2D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Magical Attacks.

(5) Stone Skin

lancement Type Durée
9+ Augment
Portée 18"
One Turn

Melee Attacks against the target can never wound on better than 5+.

(6) Summer Growth

lancement Type Durée
12" Ground
Portée 11+

Friendly units within 6″ of the target point Raise D3 Health Points. Models with Towering Presence and Characters Raise 1 Health Point instead.