
(1) Rune of Revocation

lancement Type Durée
3+ Universal
Portée 18"
One Turn

Ignore all other spell effects on the target from spells with Duration: One Turn. The target unit gains Magic Resistance (2), which is also applied to friendly spells.

(2) Rune of Reckoning

lancement Type Durée
3+ Universal
Portée 18"
One Turn

Friendly models in the target unit gain Hatred (Melee). Melee Attacks by friendly models towards the target gain Hatred.

(3) Rune of Oaths

lancement Type Durée
3+ Universal
Portée 18"
One Turn

Friendly models in the target unit gain Zeal (Melee). Melee Attacks by friendly models towards the target gain Zeal.

(4) Rune of Resolve

lancement Type Durée
3+ Augment
Portée 18"
One Turn

The target gains Swiftstride, and until the end of the Player Turn it also gains Light Troops.

In addition, the target may perform a 4″ Magical Move

(5) Rune of Gleaming

lancement Type Durée
4+ Augment
Portée 18"
One Turn

The target gains Distracting (1), Hard Target (1).

(6) Rune of Resilience

lancement Type Durée
4+ Augment
Portée 18"
One Turn

To-wound rolls against the target suffer a -1 modifier.