Lore Of High Magic

(0) Drain Magic (Signature Spell)

lancement Type Durée
Portée Self

Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, enemy Wizards that are within 24" of the caster’s model when attempting to cast a spell must increase that spell’s casting value by 2.

(1) Walk Between Worlds

lancement Type Durée
Portée Self

Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the caster and any unit they have joined gain the Ethereal and Reserve Move special rules.

(2) Fiery Convocation

lancement Type Durée
Portée 18"

Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy unit. Once placed, the template will scatter D3+1". Any enemy model whose base lies underneath the template’s final position risks being hit (as described on page 95) and suffering a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -2. These hits have the Flaming Attacks special rule.

(3) Tempest

lancement Type Durée
Portée 12"

Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in play, the template does not move and is treated as dangerous terrain. Whilst within 6" of the template, enemy units treat open ground as difficult terrain and difficult terrain as dangerous terrain.

(4) Corporeal Unmaking

lancement Type Durée
Portée Combat

A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in combat with suffers D3 Strength 5 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

(5) Fury Of Khaine

lancement Type Durée
Portée 12"

Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit gains the Extra Attacks (+1) special rule. This spell may target a friendly unit engaged in combat.

(6) Shield Of Saphery

lancement Type Durée
Portée 18"

Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit gains a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. If this spell is cast, the effects of any other Enchantment previously cast on the target unit immediately expire.