model rules
Saurian Ancients


Born Predator

To-Hit rolls of ’1’ of Melee attacks with this rule must be rerolled.


The model is mounted (see Bestiary).


When the unit takes a Discipline test, roll 3D6 and discard the highest D6 rolled.


The model is an Adept (Druidism, Shamanism).

Poisoned Javelin

Shots 1, Range 12″, Str 3, AP 0, Poison, no Aim modifier for Moving and Shooting.

Protean Magic

Instead of its normal spells, the model knows the spell n°1 from Alchemy, Divination, Druidism, Evocation and Pyromancy.


The model is mounted (see Bestiary).


Aim (3+), Shots 1, Range 8″, ignores all Aim modifiers. Causes 1D3 hits (max 3D3) with Str 4, AP 1 for each rank in the target unit (each file if shooting from the flank).


Aim (4+), Shots 2D3, Range 18″, Str 4, AP 2, no Aim modifier for Moving and Shooting. May not March & Shoot.