model rules
Beast Herds


Black Wing

The model is a Conclave (Black Wing Totem).

Blooded Horn

The model is a Conclave (Blooded Horn Totem).


Shots 1, Range 24″, Str 3, AP 0. First 3 ranks shoot.

Hurl Attack

Shots 1, Range 36″, Area Attack (12).

Primal Instinct

At the start of each Round of Combat, units with one or more models with this rule must take a Discipline Test. If the test is passed, all models must re-roll failed To-Hit rolls during this Round of Combat.

Raiding Chariot

The model is mounted (see Bestiary).

Throwing Weapons

Shots 2, Range 8″, Str and AP as User, no Aim modifier for Long Range nor Moving and Shooting.