model rules
Highborn Elves



The model is mounted on Elven Horse and gains Devastating Charge (+1Att, +2Str, Fear).

Elven Bolt Thrower

Shots 6, Range 48″, Str 4, AP 2.

Fiery Heart

The model is mounted on Dragon. It replaces its Paths of Magic with Alchemy and Pyromancy.

Fleet Officer

The model is mounted on Flying Beast and is the General. Friendly units within its Commanding Presence range have their Martial Discipline apply also to Panic Tests.


Shots 1, Range 30″, Str 3, AP 0. First 3 ranks shoot.

Martial Discipline

When taking a Discipline test to Redirect a Charge, do a Combat Pivot or a Rally Test roll 3D6 and discard the highest D6 rolled.