model rules
Sylvan Elves


Dances of Cenyrn

At the start of each Round of Combat, choose which effect to apply to all R&F models for that Round:
• Aegis (3+), -1 Str, and -1 AP
• +1 Att
• +2 AP
• Fear, Enemy units in contact have 0 Rank Bonus
The unit cannot choose this dance again until a different dance is chosen or it is no longer Engaged in Combat.

Elven Horse

The model is mounted (see Bestiary).

Great Elk

The model is mounted (see Bestiary).

Impaling Roots

Shots 4, Range 12″, Str 4, AP 1, no Aim modifier for Moving and Shooting, may March & Shoot.

Sylvan Longbow

Shots 1, Range 30″, Str 3, AP 1, no Aim modifier for Moving and Shooting.


The model is mounted (see Bestiary).