model rules
Kingdom of Equitaine



The model gains Fly and Apprentice (Shamanism).


The model gains Adept (Druidism, Witchcraft).

Expert Longbow

Shots 1, Range 30″, Str 3, AP 0, no Aim modifier for Long Range if the unit did not move this turn. First 3 ranks shoot.

Ordo Wardens

Models with this rule update their characteristics to: Attack Value 1, Off 4, Str 6, AP 3, Agi 0.


The model gains Fear, Lightning Reflexes, +1 Att, +1 Off, +1 Def and improves Aegis by 1 (to max. 4+).

Stalwart Defense

Enemy units in base contact with one or more models with this rule do not count as Charging for the purpose of Devastating Charge.


The model is mounted (see Bestiary).


The model is mounted (see Bestiary).