

Thaumaturgy is the Path of Miracles. It focuses on calling for the divine intervention of the gods and their servants. The will of the gods is unknowable, and their aid can rarely be relied upon, yet those who make their power subject to the whims of their deities can achieve the mightiest of effects. Often haughty and judgemental, Thaumaturges are the agents of their gods, bearing their connection to the divine openly and daring others to cross them.

Divine Intervention: When resolving the effects of a Thaumaturgy spell, roll a D6:
• On a ‘5’ or ‘6’: Apply the “Blessing” effects, marked with a “✠”.
• On a ‘1’: Apply the “Admonition” effects, marked with a “×”

(1) Smite The Unbeliever

Casting Type Duration
7+ Hex Missile Damage
Range 24"

The target suffers D6 hits with Str 4 5, AP 2, and Magical Attacks.
✠ : These hits are instead resolved with Str 7.
× : These hits are instead resolved with Str 3.

(2) Light of Faith

Casting Type Duration
6+ Hex
Range 24"
One Turn

The target immediately suffers 2D6 hits with Str 2, AP 0, Magical Attacks, and Divine Attacks.
✠ : The target gains Minimise Flee rolls.
× : The target gains Maximised Flee rolls.

(3) Weight of Judgement

Casting Type Duration
9+ Hex
Range 24"
One Turn

The target’s Agi is set to 1.

✠ : Enemy* units in the same combat† as the target has their Agi set to 1.
× : Friendly* units in the same combat† as the target has their Agi set to 1.

*From the perspective of the caster.
†At the time of casting the spell.

(4) Holy Affliction

Casting Type Duration
10+ Hex
Range 24"
One Turn

The target suffers −1 to wound.
✠ : The target suffers −1 AP.
× : The target gains +1 AP

(5) Rain of Fire

Casting Type Duration
11+ Damage Universal
Range 24"

The target suffers D3+1 hits, and all units within 3″ of the target suffer 1 hit. These hits are resolved with Str 9, AP 4, Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
✠ : Increase the number of hits each unit suffers from this Spell by 1.
× : Decrease the number of hits each unit suffers from this Spell by 1.

(6) Wrath of God

Casting Type Duration
11+ Ground
Range 48"

Place a marker on the target point. Instead of rolling for Divine Intervention when the spell is cast, do it at the start of each subsequent Magic Phase.

✠ : Each unit within 2D6″ from the center of the marker suffers 2D6 with Str 5, AP 2, and Magical Attacks. Then remove the marker.
× : The opponent may move the marker in any direction up to 3″.