Casting | Type | Duration | ||
8+/12++ |
Range 12" |
Instant |
If this spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more, the target friendly unit gains a +D3 modifier to one of the following characteristics (to a maximum of 10). If this spell is cast with a casting result of 12 or more, the target friendly unit gains a +D3 modifier to two of the following characteristics (to a maximum of 10). This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.
• Movement
• Weapon Skill
• Initiative
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
9+/12++ |
Range Self |
Instant |
If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, a single friendly unit that has the Necromantic Undead special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. If this spell is cast with a casting result of 10 or more, every friendly unit that has the Necromantic Undead special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. This spell lasts until the end of this turn.
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
10++ |
Range 12" |
Instant |
Place a unit of 2D3 Risen Zombies on the battlefield anywhere completely within 12" of this model, but not within 1" of any enemy models. This unit cannot declare a charge during the turn in which it was raised:
Risen Zombie 4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 2
Troop Type: Regular infantry
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 2D3
Equipment: Hand weapons
Special Rules: Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers, the Newly Dead
Note that Risen Zombies are not worth any Victory Points