
As hordes of rats scamper in treadmills to propel a Doomwheel, warpstone generators spark into life, unleashing lethal bolts of warp lightning across the battlefield.

At the end of every Shooting phase, after all shooting has been resolved, place up to three small (3") blast templates so that their central hole is within 6" of this model. Once placed, each template will scatter D6". Any model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath a template’s final position risks being hit and suffering a single hit, the Strength of which is determined by rolling an Artillery dice. Each hit has an AP of -2.

If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled when rolling to determine the Strength of a template, this model suffers the brunt of the warp lightning bolt. The template is removed and any models hit by it are left unharmed, but this model loses a single Wound.