model rules



This Wizard knows the first and second spells of its chosen Path of Magic.


This Wizard knows the first spell of its chosen Path of Magic.

Area Attack

When this attack hits, it is multiplied into the number of hits indicated in parenthesis, to a maximum equal to the number of models in the enemy unit. A single one of these hits has Strength 7, AP 4 and Multiple Wounds (D3). All other hits have Strength 3, AP 0 and no Multiple Wounds.
Hits from Area Attack into a Combined Unit are all resolved against the R&F models, unless otherwise stated.


Breath is a Special Attack which can only be used once during the game. If a model has more than one Breath, it can only use one Breath in a single phase. It can be used either as a Shooting Attack with Range 6″ (may March and Shoot) or as a Melee Attack at the model’s Agility (declare the use at the start of its Agility Step).
Breath causes D6+3 hits at the Strength and AP as indicated in parentheses.

Commanding Presence

Friendly units within 12″ of a non-fleeing model with this rule may use the Discipline of this model instead of their own Discipline. Effects modifying the Discipline of the model with this rule are applied before borrowing its Discipline. This borrowed Discipline can then be further modified (for example by the Combat Score difference).


This Wizard knows the spell(s) indicated in brackets.

Devastating Charge

In the first round of a combat after a model with Devastating Charge has successfully charged, it gains the bonus(es) indicated in parentheses.


Units in contact with one or more models causing Fear suffer −1 Discipline. Units with Fear are immune to the effects of Fear.


If half or more of a unit’s models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and cannot declare a Flee reaction (unless already fleeing), and is immune to the effects of Fear.

Fight in Extra Rank

Models with Fight in Extra Rank can make Supporting Attacks from an additional Rank. This rule is cumulative, allowing an additional Rank to make Supporting Attacks for each instance of this rule.


A unit composed entirely of models with Fly ignores all Terrain Features and units during Charge, Failed Charge, Advance and March moves, except for the Charged unit during a Successful Charge move. It must follow the Unit Spacing (see page 14 ) rules at the end of the move and is normally affected by the effects of the Terrain Feature from which it starts or ends its movement.



Grind is a Melee Special Attack which is resolved at Agility 0 and inflicts a number of automatic hits as indicated in parentheses. These hits are resolved at the model’s Strength and AP, unless indicated otherwise.


Impact is a Melee Special Attack which must only be made during the first Round of Combat after successfully charging, and only against an enemy unit in the model’s Front Facing. This attack is resolved at Agility 10 and inflicts a number of automatic hits as indicated in parentheses. These hits are resolved at the model’s Strength and AP, unless indicated otherwise.

Light Troops

Units with Light Troops are treated as single model units. They are allowed to make any number of Pivots when performing an Advance or March move, they are allowed to shoot even if they Marched, and always count as having 0 ranks. Characters gain Light Troops while joined to a unit with Light Troops.

Lightning Reflexes

Models with Lightning Reflexes rule have +1 to hit with their Melee Attacks.


This Wizard knows all three spells of its chosen Path of Magic.

Monstrous Support

Models with Monstrous Support may make up to 3 Supporting Attacks instead of 1.

Multiple Wounds

Unsaved Wounds caused by attacks with Multiple Wounds are multiplied into the value indicated in parentheses. The amount of Wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the Target (ignoring Wounds suffered previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (3) attack wounds a model with 2 Health Points, this is reduced to 2 Wounds.


If the attack successfully hits with a natural Hit roll of ‘6’, it automatically wounds with no Wound roll needed. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.


Stomp is a Melee Special Attack which must only be made against enemy units in 20×20 or 25×25mm bases. This attack is resolved at Agility 0 and inflicts a number of automatic hits as indicated in parentheses. These hits are resolved at the model´s Strength and AP, unless indicated otherwise.


When the unit fails a Break Test, it does not Flee. Instead, it suffers a Wound (without any saves allowed) for each point by which it failed the test.


When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range or a Flee / Pursuit / Overrun Distance, it rolls 3D6 and discards the lowest D6 rolled.


The model can never join a unit or be joined by a Character. When drawing Line of Sight to and from models with Towering, ignore all intervening models without Towering. For the purposes of Steadfast, Towering single models count as having 1 rank.


Undead cannot March unless their move starts within 12″ of a Friendly model with Commanding Presence.
At the end of the phase in which the General is removed as a casualty, Undead units must pass a Discipline Test or lose a number of Health Points equal to the amount by which the test was failed, with no saves of any kind allowed.


Units with Unstable automatically pass all Break Tests. When an Unstable unit loses a combat, it suffers a Wound (without any saves allowed) for each point of Combat Score by which it lost the combat.


After Deployment and before the first turn starts, units composed entirely of models with Vanguard may perform a 6″ move. The move is performed as a combination of Advance Move and/or Pivots, as in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have such as Wheeling.
If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn if their side has the first turn.

War Machine

War Machines cannot Declare Charges, March, Pursue or Declare any Charge Reaction other than Hold. They can only shoot if they did not move in the Movement Phase. War Machines have round bases, which means they have no Flank or Rear facings / arcs and can draw Line of Sight from any point on their bases, in any direction.
When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing it may not shoot in its next Shooting Phase.
When a unit charges a War Machine, follow the same rules as for normal Charge Moves, except that the charging unit can move into base contact anywhere. Ignore the War Machine’s facing and ignore maximizing number of models in base contact, but you must still contact the War Machine with the charging unit’s Front Facing.
When fighting a War Machine in combat, all models that can draw an uninterrupted line straight forward from any point on their base to the War Machines base can attack it. Models in the second rank can make supporting attacks as normal. War Machines that Break from combat are automatically destroyed.

War Platform

The character can be joined to units with smaller base size, by replacing the appropriate number of R&F models. The combined size of the replaced models must match the size of the War Platform. The Character does not contribute to the number of Ranks of the combined unit.
The Character must be placed in the centre of the unit’s front rank and may not Swap Places .