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Compose and archive your favorite armies!

What can you do?

You can now use all the features of 9ThBuilder without having to create an account first. Be careful however, your lists are linked to your local session and therefore will not be available on another browser and may be lost if you delete your cache or your session."

Who are we?

A passionate of Battle since many years. I took the 9Th Builder since several years, creates a mobile application and helps the 9Th Age administration. Helped by Kaos War who greatly contributed to enter army lists and for the new homePage. 9Th Builder is an effective and easy-to-use tool for creating your army lists and sharing them. It does not generate any income :)


V3 Public Test - 5

Happy new Year !!

I am adding the last version of each army released the 24/12 :

- Vermin Swarm (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Warriors of the Dark Gods (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Vampire Covenant (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Undying Dynasties (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Orcs and Goblins (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Ogre Khans (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Kingdom of Equitaine (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Infernal Dwarves (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Empire of Sonnstahl (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Beast Herds (V3 Public Test - 5)
- Dwarven Holds (V3 Public Test - 5)




It's now possible to made a pairing for all games ont he 9thbuilder :) (T9A, OldWorld, ....)

Happy new Year :)


V3 Public Test - 4

Following armies have been updated :
- Beast Herds
- Daemon Legions
- Dread Elves
- Dwarven Holds
- Empire of Sonnstahl
- Highborn Elves
- Kingdom of Equitaine
- Ogre Khans
- Orcs and Goblins
- Saurian Ancients
- Sylvan Elves
- Undying Dynasties
- Vampire Covenant
- Vermin Swarm
- Warriors of the Dark Gods



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