9ThBuilder è disponibile in diverse lingue.

Per impostazione predefinita, se il contenuto non è disponibile nella lingua scelta, verrà visualizzato automaticamente il contenuto in inglese.

Compose and archive your favorite armies!

What can you do?

You can now use all the features of 9ThBuilder without having to create an account first. Be careful however, your lists are linked to your local session and therefore will not be available on another browser and may be lost if you delete your cache or your session."

Who are we?

A passionate of Battle since many years. I took the 9Th Builder since several years, creates a mobile application and helps the 9Th Age administration. Helped by Kaos War who greatly contributed to enter army lists and for the new homePage. 9Th Builder is an effective and easy-to-use tool for creating your army lists and sharing them. It does not generate any income :)


[WIP] Unit Card Generator


@jarnalyrkar started a project for creating a unit card generator.

In short, he wants to be able to print out decently looking unit cards using the browser and locally stored images.

- You can choose a Ninth Age rule version, then an army, then a specific version of that army.
- You can then select an "army color", which will be the base color for all the cards, or add a color per card.
- It lists out all unit entries for that army, with name, stats, special rules, and other meta data.
- You may then upload an image to all cards, and position it to your liking, or override per card.
- You may also uncheck a card if you don't want to print it for whatever reason.
- Necessary styles for printing are in place.
- Tested in Firefox and Chrome.

Not implemented:
- Support for multiple versions of stat-blocks

Don't hesitate to try it ;)


Builder update & news feature


I have updated the builder, this will solve a very old bug when a unit is created and solve some display bug.

For T9A, some informations now directly imported from Army book or appendices as Spell, ....

Now it's possible to see maps and soon an editor for them will come ;)


V3 Public Test - 6


All armies have been updated.

Only spells remain to be updated.


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