[WIP] Unit Card Generator
@jarnalyrkar started a project for creating a unit card generator.
In short, he wants to be able to print out decently looking unit cards using the browser and locally stored images.
- You can choose a Ninth Age rule version, then an army, then a specific version of that army.
- You can then select an "army color", which will be the base color for all the cards, or add a color per card.
- It lists out all unit entries for that army, with name, stats, special rules, and other meta data.
- You may then upload an image to all cards, and position it to your liking, or override per card.
- You may also uncheck a card if you don't want to print it for whatever reason.
- Necessary styles for printing are in place.
- Tested in Firefox and Chrome.
Not implemented:
- Support for multiple versions of stat-blocks
Don't hesitate to try it ;)