Cult of Errahman

Cult of Errahman

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Rules and Equipments used by the army

Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Model parts with Harnessed cannot make Supporting Attacks and cannot use Weapons. Shooting Weapons carried by model parts with Harnessed can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not have Harnessed or Inanimate). A model with with at least one model part with Harnessed is considered to be mounted.
Model parts with Harnessed cannot make Supporting Attacks and cannot use Weapons. Shooting Weapons carried by model parts with Harnessed can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not have Harnessed or Inanimate). A model with with at least one model part with Harnessed is considered to be mounted.
Units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear suffer -1 Discipline. At the start of each Round of Combat, such units must take a Discipline Test, called a Fear Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit are Shaken until the end of the Round of Combat. Models that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear.
Units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear suffer -1 Discipline. At the start of each Round of Combat, such units must take a Discipline Test, called a Fear Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit are Shaken until the end of the Round of Combat. Models that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear.
Apostle Of Plague
Universal Rule. While within 12″ of the model, friendly units gain Minimised (Discipline Tests).
Apostle Of Plague
Universal Rule. While within 12″ of the model, friendly units gain Minimised (Discipline Tests).
Extra Support
Extra Support
Zau- bernovize
- Knows 1 spell. - Can select between the Learned Spell 1 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army. The Wizard selects its spells as described in Spell Selection .
Wizard Apprentice
- Knows 1 spell. - Can select between the Learned Spell 1 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army. The Wizard selects its spells as described in Spell Selection .
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Great Weapon
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Leichte Rüstung
Armor +1
Light Armour
Armor +1
Schwere Rüstung
+2 Armor
Heavy Armour
+2 Armor
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Paired Weapons
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Paired Weapons gain +1 Offensive Skill and ignore Parry. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
If the attack successfully hits with a natural to-hit roll of '6', it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks using the Hopeless Shot can only automatically wound if the first to-hit roll is a natural '6'. Note that the second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target. If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Area Attack, Battle Focus, or Penetrating), only a single hit, chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Poison Attacks
If the attack successfully hits with a natural to-hit roll of '6', it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks using the Hopeless Shot can only automatically wound if the first to-hit roll is a natural '6'. Note that the second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target. If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Area Attack, Battle Focus, or Penetrating), only a single hit, chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Impact Hits
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
Schwieriges Ziel
Hard Target
Bewegen oder Schießen
The attack may not be used if the attacking model has made an Advance Move, March Move, Reform or Pivot during the current Player Turn.
Move or Fire
The attack may not be used if the attacking model has made an Advance Move, March Move, Reform or Pivot during the current Player Turn.
Bloodpox Blades
Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Bloodpox Blades become Poison Attacks.
Bloodpox Blades
Paired Weapons. Attacks made with Bloodpox Blades become Poison Attacks.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
Bubonic Brew
Artillery Weapon. Catapult (6×6). Range 12–60″, Shots 1, Str 1, AP 10. Units that suffer one or more Health Point losses from a Shooting Attack made with this weapon count as having the Sacred Plague Dread Rot successfully cast on them.
Bubonic Brew
Artillery Weapon. Catapult (6×6). Range 12–60″, Shots 1, Str 1, AP 10. Units that suffer one or more Health Point losses from a Shooting Attack made with this weapon count as having the Sacred Plague Dread Rot successfully cast on them.
Health Point losses of the model that are caused by friendly models are ignored for Panic (including units destroyed due to attacks from friendly models). The model may use Shooting Attacks against enemy units Engaged in Combat, with the following rules and restrictions: • Friendly units Engaged in this Combat are ignored for Cover purposes (but not for drawing Line of Sight). • Roll to hit as normal against the intended target. Immediately after determining the number of hits, roll a D6 for each hit. On a roll of 4+, the hit is distributed onto a randomly chosen friendly unit Engaged with the original target. Otherwise, proceed as normal.
Health Point losses of the model that are caused by friendly models are ignored for Panic (including units destroyed due to attacks from friendly models). The model may use Shooting Attacks against enemy units Engaged in Combat, with the following rules and restrictions: • Friendly units Engaged in this Combat are ignored for Cover purposes (but not for drawing Line of Sight). • Roll to hit as normal against the intended target. Immediately after determining the number of hits, roll a D6 for each hit. On a roll of 4+, the hit is distributed onto a randomly chosen friendly unit Engaged with the original target. Otherwise, proceed as normal.
During step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence, each of the Active Player's models with Channel may add X Veil Tokens to the owner's Veil Token Pool. This Universal Rule is cumulative, adding X Veil Tokens of each independent instance of Channel to the model's total Channel value (so e.g. a model with Channel (1) and Channel (2) is treated like a model with Channel (3)).
During step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence, each of the Active Player's models with Channel may add X Veil Tokens to the owner's Veil Token Pool. This Universal Rule is cumulative, adding X Veil Tokens of each independent instance of Channel to the model's total Channel value (so e.g. a model with Channel (1) and Channel (2) is treated like a model with Channel (3)).
Units with at least one model with Scoring are considered to be Scoring Units, which are used for winning Secondary Objectives (see section XVI.2 “Scoring Secondary Objectives", page 67). Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with Scoring are marked in the Army Books with a special pennant icon: Scoring can be lost during the game: - A unit that is Fleeing loses Scoring for as long as it if Fleeing. - An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring. - A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses Scoring until the start of the following Player Turn.
Units with at least one model with Scoring are considered to be Scoring Units, which are used for winning Secondary Objectives (see section XVI.2 “Scoring Secondary Objectives", page 67). Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with Scoring are marked in the Army Books with a special pennant icon: Scoring can be lost during the game: - A unit that is Fleeing loses Scoring for as long as it if Fleeing. - An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring. - A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses Scoring until the start of the following Player Turn.
Vernichtender Angriff
Attacks & Weapons, Melee A charging model part with Devastating Charge, or using a weapon with Devastating Charge, gains the Model Rules and Characteristic modifiers stated in brackets. For example, a charging model part with Devastating Charge (+1 Strength, Poison Attacks) gains +1 Strength and Poison Attacks when it is charging. This rule is cumulative: a model part with several instances of Devastating Charge applies all Attack Attributes and Characteristics modifiers from all of them when charging.
Devastating Charge
Attacks & Weapons, Melee A charging model part with Devastating Charge, or using a weapon with Devastating Charge, gains the Model Rules and Characteristic modifiers stated in brackets. For example, a charging model part with Devastating Charge (+1 Strength, Poison Attacks) gains +1 Strength and Poison Attacks when it is charging. This rule is cumulative: a model part with several instances of Devastating Charge applies all Attack Attributes and Characteristics modifiers from all of them when charging.
Kämpft aus zusätzlichem Glied
Fight in Extra Rank
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
Cult Of Errahman
Whenever a natural ‘1’ is rolled to hit for an enemy Close Combat Attack allocated towards a model with Cult of Errahman, the model part inflicts 1 hit with Toxic Attacks on the attacking model’s unit in the same Initiative Step, before any casualties are removed. R&F models with Cult of Errahman cannot be joined by models without Cult of Errahman.
Cult Of Errahman
Whenever a natural ‘1’ is rolled to hit for an enemy Close Combat Attack allocated towards a model with Cult of Errahman, the model part inflicts 1 hit with Toxic Attacks on the attacking model’s unit in the same Initiative Step, before any casualties are removed. R&F models with Cult of Errahman cannot be joined by models without Cult of Errahman.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
Fear No Evil
While the model’s unit is Steadfast and does not suffer from Disrupted Ranks, it gains Fearless and Unbreakable. In addition, while joined by one or more Characters with Cult of Errahman, Charge, Pursuit, and Overrun Moves of the model’s unit gain Swiftstride.
Fear No Evil
While the model’s unit is Steadfast and does not suffer from Disrupted Ranks, it gains Fearless and Unbreakable. In addition, while joined by one or more Characters with Cult of Errahman, Charge, Pursuit, and Overrun Moves of the model’s unit gain Swiftstride.
Fortitude is a Special Save . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with Lethal Strike that rolled a natural 6+ to wound, or against attacks with Flaming Attacks
Fortitude is a Special Save . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with Lethal Strike that rolled a natural 6+ to wound, or against attacks with Flaming Attacks
Riese sehen, Riese machen
Das Modell erhält Infernorüstung und [b]Mal des Infernos[/b].
Giant See, Giant Do
The model gains Infernal Armour and [b]Infernal Brand[/b].
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
Inanimate - Melee Model parts with Inanimate cannot make Close Combat Attacks and cannot use Shooting Weapons. Shooting Weapons carried by model parts with Inanimate can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not have Harnessed or Inanimate).
Inanimate - Melee Model parts with Inanimate cannot make Close Combat Attacks and cannot use Shooting Weapons. Shooting Weapons carried by model parts with Inanimate can be used by other model parts of the same model (as long as they do not have Harnessed or Inanimate).
The model cannot Pursue, Declare Charges or Declare Flee as Charge Reaction. Characters can never join units with War Machines, and Characters with War Machine cannot join units at all. When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing it is Shaken until the end of the next Player Turn. War Machines that fail a Break Test are automatically destroyed. War Machines and units Engaged in Combat with them cannot make Combat Reforms. When a unit charges a War Machine, it can move into base contact by having its Front Facing contact any point of the War Machine's base (it must still maximise the number of models in base contact, see subsection II.1.A “Bases and Base Contact", page 4 and Figure 1 page 4). No Align Move is allowed. Ignore the War Machine's Facing, as it does not have any due to its round base.
War Machine
The model cannot Pursue, Declare Charges or Declare Flee as Charge Reaction. Characters can never join units with War Machines, and Characters with War Machine cannot join units at all. When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing it is Shaken until the end of the next Player Turn. War Machines that fail a Break Test are automatically destroyed. War Machines and units Engaged in Combat with them cannot make Combat Reforms. When a unit charges a War Machine, it can move into base contact by having its Front Facing contact any point of the War Machine's base (it must still maximise the number of models in base contact, see subsection II.1.A “Bases and Base Contact", page 4 and Figure 1 page 4). No Align Move is allowed. Ignore the War Machine's Facing, as it does not have any due to its round base.
Unless selected as a mount for a Character, a model with War Platform gains Not a Leader and Character, with the following exceptions: - ItdoesnotcounttowardstheCharacterscategory(forArmyListcreation). - ItcannotIssueDuels,AcceptDuelsorMakeWay. - ItcanperformSwirlingMelee. - ItdoesnotcountasCharacterregardingBodyguardandMultipleWounds. The model can join units even if it has Towering Presence, and having Chariot does not prevent it from joining units without Chariot. When joined to a unit, it must always be placed in the centre of the front rank, possibly pushing back other models with Front Rank, and must keep its position in the centre of the front rank at all times (as long as it is joined to the unit). If two positions are equally central (e.g. in a unit with an even number of models in the first rank and a War Platform replacing an uneven number of models per rank), the War Platform can be placed in either of these positions. If the War Platform cannot be placed in the centre of the the front rank (e.g. due to Mismatching Bases or the front rank being too narrow), the model cannot join the unit. This means that a War Platform can never join a unit with Mismatching Bases and that only a single War Platform can be in the same unit unless noted otherwise.
War Platform
Unless selected as a mount for a Character, a model with War Platform gains Not a Leader and Character, with the following exceptions: - ItdoesnotcounttowardstheCharacterscategory(forArmyListcreation). - ItcannotIssueDuels,AcceptDuelsorMakeWay. - ItcanperformSwirlingMelee. - ItdoesnotcountasCharacterregardingBodyguardandMultipleWounds. The model can join units even if it has Towering Presence, and having Chariot does not prevent it from joining units without Chariot. When joined to a unit, it must always be placed in the centre of the front rank, possibly pushing back other models with Front Rank, and must keep its position in the centre of the front rank at all times (as long as it is joined to the unit). If two positions are equally central (e.g. in a unit with an even number of models in the first rank and a War Platform replacing an uneven number of models per rank), the War Platform can be placed in either of these positions. If the War Platform cannot be placed in the centre of the the front rank (e.g. due to Mismatching Bases or the front rank being too narrow), the model cannot join the unit. This means that a War Platform can never join a unit with Mismatching Bases and that only a single War Platform can be in the same unit unless noted otherwise.
Leichte Truppen
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Life Is Cheap
When calculating Combat Score, halve the first 10 Health Point losses of models with Life is Cheap per unit, rounding fractions up. This does not affect Combat Score bonuses from Overkill.
Life Is Cheap
When calculating Combat Score, halve the first 10 Health Point losses of models with Life is Cheap per unit, rounding fractions up. This does not affect Combat Score bonuses from Overkill.
When a friendly model with Martyrdom is removed as a casualty, place a marker for each of the model’s initial Health Points in a Martyr Pool. At the start of any friendly Siphon the Veil, you may remove 10 or more markers from your Martyr Pool and gain 1 Veil Token for every 10 removed markers, up to a maximum of 3 Veil Tokens per Magic Phase.
When a friendly model with Martyrdom is removed as a casualty, place a marker for each of the model’s initial Health Points in a Martyr Pool. At the start of any friendly Siphon the Veil, you may remove 10 or more markers from your Martyr Pool and gain 1 Veil Token for every 10 removed markers, up to a maximum of 3 Veil Tokens per Magic Phase.
Zufällige Bewegung
The unit cannot Declare Charges and cannot move normally (Advance, March, Reform) in the Movement Phase (which also means they cannot perform Magical Moves). The model loses Swiftstride (and can never gain it), but always charges, Flees, Pursues and Overruns the distance stated in brackets. In the Movement Phase, at the end of step 2 of the the it with Random Movement moves using the rules for Pursuing units, except that they can freely choose which direction to rotate towards before rolling the Pursuit Distance, cannot move off the Board Edge and only take Dangerous Terrain Tests if they actually charge an enemy unit (they still test as normal when Fleeing, Pursuing a Broken enemy or Overrunning). Whenever a unit with Random Movement needs a March Rate (e.g. when Post-Combat Reforming), use the potential maximum value of X as its March Rate. Characters with Random Movement can only join units with Random Movement (by moving into contact with them during the Movement Phase or by being deployed inside), and units with Random Movement can only be joined by Characters with Random Movement. Units with Random Movement cannot enter Buildings. If a unit has several sets of Random Movement, use the one with the lowest average (in case of a tie, you may choose which version to use). A model with Random Movement cannot move in the same phase as it arrives on the Battlefield as Reinforcement (Dawn Assault) or Ambusher.
Random Movement
The unit cannot Declare Charges and cannot move normally (Advance, March, Reform) in the Movement Phase (which also means they cannot perform Magical Moves). The model loses Swiftstride (and can never gain it), but always charges, Flees, Pursues and Overruns the distance stated in brackets. In the Movement Phase, at the end of step 2 of the the it with Random Movement moves using the rules for Pursuing units, except that they can freely choose which direction to rotate towards before rolling the Pursuit Distance, cannot move off the Board Edge and only take Dangerous Terrain Tests if they actually charge an enemy unit (they still test as normal when Fleeing, Pursuing a Broken enemy or Overrunning). Whenever a unit with Random Movement needs a March Rate (e.g. when Post-Combat Reforming), use the potential maximum value of X as its March Rate. Characters with Random Movement can only join units with Random Movement (by moving into contact with them during the Movement Phase or by being deployed inside), and units with Random Movement can only be joined by Characters with Random Movement. Units with Random Movement cannot enter Buildings. If a unit has several sets of Random Movement, use the one with the lowest average (in case of a tie, you may choose which version to use). A model with Random Movement cannot move in the same phase as it arrives on the Battlefield as Reinforcement (Dawn Assault) or Ambusher.
Pestilent Pulpit
Universal Rule. The model knows one additional Learned Spell, and the model’s unit gains Fearless and Poison Attacks. If the models already had Poison Attacks, then they wound automatically on a successful natural to-hit roll of ‘5’ or ‘6’, unless the target has Immune (Poison Attacks).
Pestilent Pulpit
Universal Rule. The model knows one additional Learned Spell, and the model’s unit gains Fearless and Poison Attacks. If the models already had Poison Attacks, then they wound automatically on a successful natural to-hit roll of ‘5’ or ‘6’, unless the target has Immune (Poison Attacks).
Plague Flail
Halberd. The wielder gains Devastating Charge (Lethal Strike). In addition, the wielder and enemy units in base contact with one or more models using a Plague Flail suffer −1 Defensive Skill.
Plague Flail
Halberd. The wielder gains Devastating Charge (Lethal Strike). In addition, the wielder and enemy units in base contact with one or more models using a Plague Flail suffer −1 Defensive Skill.
Immer wenn das Modell einen Lebenspunkt verliert, erhält es +1 Attackewert. Immer wenn das Modell einen Lebenspunkt erhält, erleidet es -1 Attackewert.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers -1 Attack Value.
Rabid Spasms
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model would inflict 1 Toxic Attacks hit from Cult of Errahman, it inflicts 2 hits instead.
Rabid Spasms
Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Whenever the model would inflict 1 Toxic Attacks hit from Cult of Errahman, it inflicts 2 hits instead.
Um die Flagge Sammeln
All units, including Fleeing units, within 12″ of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Rally Around the Flag may reroll failed Discipline Tests
Rally Around the Flag
All units, including Fleeing units, within 12″ of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Rally Around the Flag may reroll failed Discipline Tests
Virulent Fumes
Universal Rule. Infantry models in friendly units within 6″ of the model gain Fortitude (+1, max. 4+).
Virulent Fumes
Universal Rule. Infantry models in friendly units within 6″ of the model gain Fortitude (+1, max. 4+).

Magic Items usable by the army

Alchemist's Alloy
The wearer gains +1 Armour and suffers −2 Offensive Skill.
Alchemist's Alloy
The wearer gains +1 Armour and suffers −2 Offensive Skill.
Destiny's Call
The wearer gains Aegis (4+). In addition, its Armour is set to 3 and can never be improved beyond this.
Destiny's Call
The wearer gains Aegis (4+). In addition, its Armour is set to 3 and can never be improved beyond this.
Rod of Battle
The bearer can cast a Bound Spell, Power Level (4/8): Type: Augment. Range 18″. Duration: One Turn. The target gains +1 to hit with its Close Combat Attacks.
Rod of Battle
The bearer can cast a Bound Spell, Power Level (4/8): Type: Augment. Range 18″. Duration: One Turn. The target gains +1 to hit with its Close Combat Attacks.
Basalt Infusion
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks). The wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Basalt Infusion
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks). The wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Dragon Staff
The bearer gains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks).
Dragon Staff
The bearer gains Breath Attack (Str 3, AP 0, Flaming Attacks).
Binding Scroll
One use only. May be activated after Siphon the Veil (at the end of step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence). When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its Attribute, Bound, or Learned Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Binding Scroll
One use only. May be activated after Siphon the Veil (at the end of step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence). When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its Attribute, Bound, or Learned Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Book of Arcane Mastery
Unless the bearer has Protean Magic, it knows one additional Learned Spell that it selects from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, and 4 of its chosen Path. In addition, the bearer cannot cast the Hereditary Spell.
Book of Arcane Mastery
Unless the bearer has Protean Magic, it knows one additional Learned Spell that it selects from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, and 4 of its chosen Path. In addition, the bearer cannot cast the Hereditary Spell.
Ranger's Boots
The bearer gains Strider and, unless using Flying Movement, +2″ Advance Rate up to a maximum of 10″, and +4″ March Rate up to a maximum of 20″.
Ranger's Boots
The bearer gains Strider and, unless using Flying Movement, +2″ Advance Rate up to a maximum of 10″, and +4″ March Rate up to a maximum of 20″.
Crystal Ball
The firsts Dispelling Attempt in each enemy Magic Phase gains a +2 Dispelling Modifier, provided the bearer is on the Battlefield. When using a single Magic Dice for this Dispelling Attempt, a natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ on the Magic Dice is always a failed Dispelling Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.
Crystal Ball
The firsts Dispelling Attempt in each enemy Magic Phase gains a +2 Dispelling Modifier, provided the bearer is on the Battlefield. When using a single Magic Dice for this Dispelling Attempt, a natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ on the Magic Dice is always a failed Dispelling Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.
Shield Breaker
Attacks made with this weapon gain +6 Armour Penetration, become Magical Attacks, and can never wound on to-wound rolls better than 3+.
Shield Breaker
Attacks made with this weapon gain +6 Armour Penetration, become Magical Attacks, and can never wound on to-wound rolls better than 3+.
Lucky Charm
One use only. May be activated when the bearer’s model fails an Armour Save. This failed Armour Save may be rerolled.
Lucky Charm
One use only. May be activated when the bearer’s model fails an Armour Save. This failed Armour Save may be rerolled.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer gains the Hereditary Spell during Spell Selection, always knows it in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, andcannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer gains the Hereditary Spell during Spell Selection, always knows it in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, andcannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Cleansing Light
At the start of each Round of Combat, the wielder may choose to have attacks made with this weapon become Divine Attacks and Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
Cleansing Light
At the start of each Round of Combat, the wielder may choose to have attacks made with this weapon become Divine Attacks and Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
Hero's Heart
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value while using this weapon. Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks and always have at least Strength 5 and at least Armour Penetration 2.
Hero's Heart
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value while using this weapon. Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks and always have at least Strength 5 and at least Armour Penetration 2.
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Crown of Autocracy
The model’s range of Commanding Presence (if available) is increased by 3″, up to a maximum of 18″. If the model does not have Commanding Presence, it gains Commanding Presence whose range is always set to 3″.
Crown of Autocracy
The model’s range of Commanding Presence (if available) is increased by 3″, up to a maximum of 18″. If the model does not have Commanding Presence, it gains Commanding Presence whose range is always set to 3″.
Dusk Forged
The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Saves while using this Shield. If the reroll from Dusk Forged is failed, the bearer automatically fails any Special Save against that wound.
Dusk Forged
The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Saves while using this Shield. If the reroll from Dusk Forged is failed, the bearer automatically fails any Special Save against that wound.
Crucible Of Contagion
Crucible Of Contagion
Death Cheater
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Fortitude (4+).
Death Cheater
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Fortitude (4+).
Supernatural Dexterity
The wielder gains +2 Offensive Skill and +2 Agility while using this weapon, and attacks made with it become Magical Attacks.
Supernatural Dexterity
The wielder gains +2 Offensive Skill and +2 Agility while using this weapon, and attacks made with it become Magical Attacks.
Dragonfire Gem
The bearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks). The bearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Dragonfire Gem
The bearer gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks). The bearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select from the Learned Spells 5 and 6 of its chosen Path.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select from the Learned Spells 5 and 6 of its chosen Path.
Essence of Mithril
The wearer’s Armour is set to 5 and can never be improved beyond this.
Essence of Mithril
The wearer’s Armour is set to 5 and can never be improved beyond this.
Ghostly Guard
The wearer gains +2 Armour against non-Magical Attacks.
Ghostly Guard
The wearer gains +2 Armour against non-Magical Attacks.
Willow's Ward
While using this Shield, the bearer cannot use Parry, gains +1 Armour, and Impact Hits distributed onto the bearer suffer −2 Armour Penetration.
Willow's Ward
While using this Shield, the bearer cannot use Parry, gains +1 Armour, and Impact Hits distributed onto the bearer suffer −2 Armour Penetration.
King Slayer
The wielder gains +X Attack Value while using this weapon, and attacks made with this weapon gain +X Strength, +X Armour Penetration, and Magical Attacks, where X is equal to the number of enemy Characters in base contact with the wielder’s unit. This bonus is calculated at the Initiative Step when the attacks are made.
King Slayer
The wielder gains +X Attack Value while using this weapon, and attacks made with this weapon gain +X Strength, +X Armour Penetration, and Magical Attacks, where X is equal to the number of enemy Characters in base contact with the wielder’s unit. This bonus is calculated at the Initiative Step when the attacks are made.
Lightning Vambraces
The bearer can cast Hand of Heaven (Thaumaturgy) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
Lightning Vambraces
The bearer can cast Hand of Heaven (Thaumaturgy) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
Obsidian Rock
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).
Obsidian Rock
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).
Orator’s Toga
The bearer gains Stand Behind and cannot issue Duels.
Orator’s Toga
The bearer gains Stand Behind and cannot issue Duels.
Pestilential Wrath
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Armour Penetration. In addition, attacks with a natural to-hit roll of ‘6’ made with this weapon become Divine Attacks and gain Multiple Wounds (D3).
Pestilential Wrath
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Armour Penetration. In addition, attacks with a natural to-hit roll of ‘6’ made with this weapon become Divine Attacks and gain Multiple Wounds (D3).
Plague Prophet’s Blessing
The wearer gains +1 Health Point and Fortitude (5+). Successful to-hit rolls with Close Combat Attacks against the wearer must be rerolled.
Plague Prophet’s Blessing
The wearer gains +1 Health Point and Fortitude (5+). Successful to-hit rolls with Close Combat Attacks against the wearer must be rerolled.
Potion of Strength
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn the bearer gains Crush Attack.
Potion of Strength
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn the bearer gains Crush Attack.
Potion of Swiftness
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +3 Agility.
Potion of Swiftness
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +3 Agility.
Putrid Pamphlet
The bearer’s unit must reroll natural to-hit rolls of ‘1’
Putrid Pamphlet
The bearer’s unit must reroll natural to-hit rolls of ‘1’
Sceptre of Power
One use only. A Wizard with this Artefact may add a single Magic Dice from its Magic Dice pool to one of its casting rolls or dispelling rolls, after seeing the casting or dispelling roll (note that casting rolls cannot exceed the limit of max 5 Magic Dice).
Sceptre of Power
One use only. A Wizard with this Artefact may add a single Magic Dice from its Magic Dice pool to one of its casting rolls or dispelling rolls, after seeing the casting or dispelling roll (note that casting rolls cannot exceed the limit of max 5 Magic Dice).
Talisman of Shielding
The bearer gains Aegis (5+).
Talisman of Shielding
The bearer gains Aegis (5+).
Talisman of the Void
The bearer gains Channel (1).
Talisman of the Void
The bearer gains Channel (1).
Touch of Greatness
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks. Strength modifiers from this weapon (combining both mundane and Weapon Enchantment modifiers) cannot exceed +2 (but can exceed +2 through modifiers from other sources, such as spells).
Touch of Greatness
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks. Strength modifiers from this weapon (combining both mundane and Weapon Enchantment modifiers) cannot exceed +2 (but can exceed +2 through modifiers from other sources, such as spells).
Toxic Incense
While using this weapon, the wielder gains Grind Attacks (D3) that are resolved with Toxic Attacks at Initiative Step 10.
Toxic Incense
While using this weapon, the wielder gains Grind Attacks (D3) that are resolved with Toxic Attacks at Initiative Step 10.

Magic Standards usable by the army

Aether Icon
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). If the unit contains a model with another instance of Magic Resistance, it increases that model’s Magic Resistance value by 1 instead.
Aether Icon
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). If the unit contains a model with another instance of Magic Resistance, it increases that model’s Magic Resistance value by 1 instead.
Banner of Discipline
The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. If the Battle Standard Bearer or the General is part of the bearer’s unit, it automatically passes Panic Tests instead.
Banner of Discipline
The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. If the Battle Standard Bearer or the General is part of the bearer’s unit, it automatically passes Panic Tests instead.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.
Banner of Speed
A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.
Banner of the Relentless Company
One use only. May be activated during the owner’s Movement Phase. All Infantry models in the bearer’s unit always have March Rate 15″, until the end of the Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless Company may be activated during the same phase.
Banner of the Relentless Company
One use only. May be activated during the owner’s Movement Phase. All Infantry models in the bearer’s unit always have March Rate 15″, until the end of the Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless Company may be activated during the same phase.
Flaming Standard
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat or before shooting with the bearer’s unit. The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks. If activated when Engaged in Combat, the effect lasts until the bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. If activated before shooting with the bearer’s unit, the effect lasts until the end of the phase.
Flaming Standard
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat or before shooting with the bearer’s unit. The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks. If activated when Engaged in Combat, the effect lasts until the bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. If activated before shooting with the bearer’s unit, the effect lasts until the end of the phase.
Legion Standard
A unit with one Legion Standard increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +1 (normally this means the unit can add up to 4 Full Ranks to its Combat Score). A unit with two or more Legion Standards increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +2 instead.
Legion Standard
A unit with one Legion Standard increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +1 (normally this means the unit can add up to 4 Full Ranks to its Combat Score). A unit with two or more Legion Standards increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +2 instead.
Stalker's Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker's Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Eye Of Errahman
The bearer and R&F models in the bearer’s unit gain Battle Focus. In addition, for each natural to-hit roll of ‘1’ with a Close Combat Attack made by the bearer’s unit, the bearer’s unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 3 and Armour Penetration 0 in the same Initiative Step. This is considered a Special Attack.
Eye Of Errahman
The bearer and R&F models in the bearer’s unit gain Battle Focus. In addition, for each natural to-hit roll of ‘1’ with a Close Combat Attack made by the bearer’s unit, the bearer’s unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 3 and Armour Penetration 0 in the same Initiative Step. This is considered a Special Attack.
Martyr’s Shroud
R&F models with Cult of Errahman in the bearer’s unit gain Fortitude (6+).
Martyr’s Shroud
R&F models with Cult of Errahman in the bearer’s unit gain Fortitude (6+).

Units od the army

Plague Patriarch
Plague Patriarch
Swarm Priest
Swarm Priest
Sacred Platform
Sacred Platform
Favoured Disciple
Favoured Disciple
Leprous Cauldron
Leprous Cauldron
Plague Disciples
Plague Disciples
Cult Converts
Cult Converts
Giant Plague Rats
Giant Plague Rats
Plague Swarms
Plague Swarms
Pestilent Onager
Pestilent Onager
Underworld Beast
Underworld Beast
Brute Disciples
Brute Disciples
Urban Agitators
Urban Agitators
Plague Acolytes
Plague Acolytes
Leper Monks
Leper Monks
Infected Giant
Infected Giant