Buch von Meladys
Einmal pro Magiephase darf der Träger einen einzelnen Magiewürfel nach einem Zauberversuch neu würfeln, außer bei einem Kontrollverlust. Wird eine natürliche '1' wiederholt, unterliegt der wiederholte Magiewürfel unabhängig des gewürfelten Werts des Wiederholungswurfes Verpuffung (sollte der Zauberversuch misslingen).
Bannwürfe der Armee des Trägers erhalten einen +1 Modifikator.
Diadem des Schutzes
Der Träger erhält Aegis (+2, max 4+).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind. The wearer’s loses Stubborn and Bodyguard and cannot gain either in any way; in addition the model cannot make any Supporting Attacks.
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Rod of Battle
The bearer can cast Living Steel (Alchemy) as a Bound Spell (4+), with the following change: it only affects Melee Attacks.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it).
Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal.
During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.