The model follows the rules for Ambush with the following exception: When its unit enters the Battlefield, the owner may choose to apply the rules for Special Ambush (within 6" of an enemy model with Channel).
For each Fortitude Save the model fails against enemy Melee Attacks, the model immediately inflicts 1 hit with Toxic Attacks on the model that caused the wound, before any casualties are removed, distributed onto the model's Health Pool.
Unit profiles in this Army Book contain an additional Characteristic, which corresponds to the units’ Aegis Saves, shortened Aeg. This Characteristic is treated as if the unit has the Personal Protection Aegis (X+) written on its profile, where X is the Aeg Characteristic value. Not having an Aeg value does not prevent a unit from being the target of an Aegis modifier.
The model gains Grind Attacks (X), and can make Grind Attacks as Supporting Attacks, ignoring the maximum number of Supporting Attacks. When the model is not Engaged in Combat, X is set to 1. At the start of each Round of Combat that the model's unit is fighting, except for the First Round of Combat, X is increased by 1 (e.g. Grind Attacks (1) becomes Grind Attacks (2)).
Enemy units within 6" of one or more models with Avert Your Gaze suffer -2 Discipline when taking Combat Reform tests.
Si l'attaque est allouée à une figurine qui a la même taille que l'attaquant, elle gagne +1 pour toucher et +1 pour blesser.
Charge Range rolls in the Charge Phase of Charges against units that consist entirely of models with Towering Presence are subject to Maximised Roll. In addition, the model's Impact Hits gain Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence).
Enemy units in base contact with one or more models with Writhing Nightmares suffer -1 Discipline.
Units in base contact with the bearer loses “Devastating Charge”
The model counts as Gigantic for the purpose of determining the number of Full Ranks.
At the start of the Initiative Step in which the model's Close Combat Attacks will be performed, choose one model part from each enemy model in base contact and add their Attack Value Characteristics, excluding any modifiers, to the Attack Value of Kuulima's Deceiver. At the end of each Round of Combat, the model's Attack Value is set to 1.
The model cannot join units with other Characters and other Characters cannot join its unit. The model must issue a Duel whenever possible (this cannot be prevented by issuing a Duel with another friendly model first). This duel must (if possible) be accepted by a Character unless a Champion accepts first. In addition, when fighting a Duel, the model gains Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds (2).
For each Health Point loss the model causes with Close Combat Attacks against enemy units, roll a D6 at the end of the Initiative Step. For each rolled 4+, the model gains +1 Health Point. When the model has 18 Health Points or more, all units within 9" immediately suffer 2D6 hits with Toxic Attacks, and the model is removed as a casualty.
At the start of each friendly Player Turn, you may choose one friendly unit within the Commanding Presence range of the model with Greater Dominion. All R&F models in the chosen unit must reroll failed Aegis Save rolls of '1' until the end of the next Player Turn.
The model's Close Combat Attacks allocated towards models equipped with Close Combat Weapons other than Hand Weapons (regardless if they are using them or not) gain +2 Offensive Skill.
The model must reroll natural to-wound rolls of '1' with its Melee Attacks.
The model gains +2 Defensive Skill while its unit is in base contact with an enemy Scoring Unit.
The model gains Stri- der. When rolling their Charge Range in the Charge Phase, units consisting entirely of models with Dominion of Lust must reroll failed Charge Range rolls if they are Located in the Charged unit's Flank or Rear Arc .
Units with more than half of their models with this rule may reroll failed Discipline Tests.
The model gains Aegis (+1, against Special Attacks).
The model's attacks ignore Parry.
Units composed entirely of models with Elusive may declare a Flee Charge Reaction despite being Fearless.
The model's base size is changed to 150×100 mm and its Height is changed to Gigantic. Its Health Points are set to 8 and it loses War Platform.
The model gains Fly (6", 18") and Light Troops, and its Height is changed to Gigantic.
The model's Offensive Skill and Defensive Skill are set to twice the model's current number of Health Points. The model counts as a Character for the purpose of issuing, accepting, and refusing Duels. When the model fights a Duel during a Round of Combat, it gains Stubborn until the end of the Round of Combat.
Each time attacks made by the model kill an enemy model in a Duel, the model gains a +1 Combat Score modifier for the rest of the game.
Changes to the model's profile: • Its base size is changed to 100×100 mm. • Its Health Points are set to 6. • It gains 1 additional Tiller. • It gains 1 additional Draft Beast. • It gains Colossal Stature. • The Chassis gains Impact Hits (3D3).
Changes to the model's profile: • Its base size is changed to 100×150 mm. • Its Health Points are set to 8. • It gains 2 additional Tillers. • It gains 2 additional Draft Beasts. • It gains Colossal Stature. • The Chassis gains Impact Hits (4D3).
Can only be taken in an army with Maw of Akaan as the General.
The unit gains Exclusive and may select up to two Manifestations, instead of one.
Can only be taken in an army with Miser of Sugulag as the General.
The unit gains Exclusive and may select up to two Manifestations, instead of one
Can only be taken in an army with Courtesan of Cibaresh as the General.
The unit gains Exclusive and may select up to two Manifestations, instead of one.
Can only be taken in an army with Omen of Savar as the General.
The unit gains Exclusive and may select up to two Manifestations, instead of one.
Can only be taken in an army with Sentinel of Nukuja as the General.
The unit may select up to two Manifestations, instead of one.
Can only be taken in an army with Vanadra’s Scourge as the General.
The unit gains Exclusive and may select up to two Manifestations, instead of one
Can only be taken in an army with Kuulima’s Deceiver as the General.
The unit gains Exclusive and may select up to two Manifestations, instead of one.
The Standard Bearer can cast the spell stated in brackets as a Bound Spell with Power Level (5/8).
Universal Rule.
The model gains Fearless and Supernal. In addition, at the start of each friendly Player Turn, before taking any Frenzy Tests, the model must take a Discipline Test that is modified by −X, where X corresponds to the difference between the number of Health Points that the model started the game with and its current number of Health Points. If failed, the model gains Battle Focus and Frenzy until the end of the game.
One use only; Duration: Until the end of the Phase.
May be activated at the at start of a friendly Charge Phase. When activated, the model gains Horror and its Charge Range rolls gain Maximized.
Casting rolls made by models in a Daemon Legions army with one or two dice gain a +1 Casting Modifier. For casting rolls with a single Magic Dice, a natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ is always a failed Casting Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.
In addition, in a game involving at least one Daemon Legions Army, each player adds +2 Veil Tokens to their Veil Token pool in the Magic Phase during Siphon the Veil when they are the Active Player.
The unit is never considered to have more than one Proper Rank.
During Spell Selection, each unit of Veil Serpents must choose a Manifestation from the list below and apply the effects during the game.
In the owner's Magic Phase, if the model did not March Move or declare a Charge this Player Turn, the cost of converting Veil Tokens into Magic Dice is decreased to 2:1 during this Player Turn (1 Magic Dice per 2 Veil Tokens). In addition, at the end of Siphon the Veil, the owner is allowed to store up to 6 Veil Tokens instead of the normal 3.
This model part can allocate Stomp Attack onto Health Pools of Height 4 or less (rather than 0-1).
If the model part’s Stomp Attack is allocated onto a Health Pool with Height (3–4), the total number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.
Universal Rule.
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains +1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it suffers −1 Attack Value.
The model gains +3 Attack Value while Engaged with one or more Flank or Rear Facings of enemy units. The additional attacks must be allocated towards R&F models in these units. Ignore this effect if the model cannot allocate any Close Combat Attacks towards R&F models.
When determining Combat Score, a side with at least one model with Spell Craving Engaged in Combat adds +X to its side's Combat Score, where X is the number of non-Bound non-Attribute Spells known by enemy Wizards in units in base contact with it (note that multiple instances of the same spell count as 1 each).
Model parts without Mount or Construct gain Grind Attack (D3 hits, Str 5 AP 2, Magical Attacks)
Even if the unit is not on the battlefield. For every successfully cast spell in opponents previous Magic Phase this unit’s Ambush roll gain Maximized.
The model’s Cha and Mob are both Set to 7″ and it gains Fly.