
(0) Break the Spirit

Gießen Art Dauer

Choose an enemy unit within 18″ of the caster. Each model in the chosen unit has to roll a D6 when they march, charge, flee, pursue or overrun. If a ‘1’ or ‘2’ is rolled, the model suffers a hit that wounds automatically with AP 10. These wounds do not cause Panic Tests. The effects last until the start of your next Magic Phase.

(0) Awaken the Beast

Gießen Art Dauer

Choose a friendly unit within 18″ of the caster. The chosen unit gains +1 Strength and +1 AP. The effects last until the start of your next Magic Phase.

(0) Swarm of Insects

Gießen Art Dauer

Choose an enemy unit within 24″ and within Line of Sight of the caster. Neither the caster nor the target may be Engaged in Combat. The chosen unit suffers 5D6 hits with Strength 1 and AP 0.