

Deamon of True Chaos

No additional effect

Sword Sworn

A model with this special rule that is both on foot and fighting with a Great Weapon ignores its opponent’s Parry and Distracting special rules.

Volcanic Embrace

All attacks made by a model part with this special rule (even Special Attacks) gain Flaming Attacks. In addition, in each Round of Combat, all enemy models in base contact with one or more models with this rule suffer a Strength 4 hit with Flaming Attacks at Initiative 0. This is a Special Close Combat Attack.

Above the Masses

When a Magister riding the Doom Bell chooses targets for Spells with Type: Direct, it ignores the restriction of only choosing targets in the Front Arc.
When a Magister riding the Doom Bell chooses targets for a Spells with Type: Missile, it can draw Line of Sight in 360o (from any point of the Doom Bell’s base) and may cast Missile Spells even when Engaged in Combat.

Accident Prone

When Accident Prone models contact any terrain feature except open or hills, contact the board edge or stop 1'' away from impassable terrain, they must take a dangerous terrain test which is failed on a 1 and 2. If two Accident Prone units touch each other, they are both removed as casualties.


If a model with this special rule is within 3" of a non-fleeing Rats-at-Arms or Vermin Guard unit, it gains Ward Save (4+) against Ranged Attacks.


Shooting Weapons with this special rule or Shooting Attacks from model parts with this special rule don't suffer the -1 penalty for Shooting at Long Range.


The unit may always perform a Swift Reform as if it had a Musician.


Der Spieler kann sich dafür entscheiden, diese Einheit nicht normal aufzustellen und stattdessen den Schläfer zu Beginn einer seiner Verbleibende Bewegungs-Teilphasen zu erwecken: Platziere das Modell vollständig innerhalb eines Waldes.


Before Deployment, after choosing Deployment Zones, an army that includes units with the Ambush special rule must state which of your units with this special rule will use it (starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone).
Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Ambushing units. Starting from Game Turn 2, roll a dice for each Ambushing unit at the start of each of your Remaining Moves subphases. After you have rolled for all Ambushing units, each unit that rolled 3+, now enters the Battlefield from any table edge. Place the arriving unit with all of its back rank touching the Board Edge. Ambushing models are free to move in the Remaining Moves subphase, except that they may not March Move, and they must end this Movement Phase no more than twice their Movement value from the Board Edge. If an Ambushing unit has not entered the board (due to failing all its 3+ rolls) before the game ends, the unit counts as destroyed. An Ambushing Character may choose to be deployed within an Ambushing unit that it would normally be allowed to join (declare this when declaring which units are Ambushing). In that case the player rolls once for the combined unit. Until arriving on the Battlefield, Ambushing units cannot do any actions at all, and all items, rules, abilities etc. do not work while not on the Battlefield.

Underground Ambush

A unit with this rule follows the rules for Ambush with the following exception: instead of entering the Battlefield from a table edge, the unit enters the board from a location called the Underground Point.
To designate an Underground Point, the owning player selects any point on the Battlefield more than 3" away from enemy units and more than 1/2" away from Impassable Terrain. Roll aD6.On a result of 5+,the point stays where itis.
On any other result, move the point 2D6" in a random direction.
- If the Underground Point is located beneath an enemy unit, place the Ambushing unitin base contact with this enemy’s front facing instead (maximizing contact as normal). The arriving unit counts as having successfully charged, with no charge reaction allowed.
- Otherwise, the Underground Ambush unit is placed with the front of its first rank or back of its rear rank touching the Underground Point.
- If it is not possible to place the Ambushing unit for whatever reason,the Ambush is failed and the player must roll for Ambush again next turn.

Fan the Flames

The Overlord and all model parts in the same unit, except mounts, gain Hatred.


Standard Bearer

Asfad Scholar

The range of spells cast by the Wizard is increased by 6", except for Aura spells which only increase in range by 3". Vortex spells, Bound Spells and spells with the type Caster or Caster’s unit are not affected. The Wizard may cast the Drain Magic Bound Spell.

Drain Magic: Power Level 4. Type: Range: 18", Universal. Duration: Instant.
All spells with Duration: Lasts One Turn or Remains In Play affecting the target immediately come to an end.

High Warden of the Flame

The bearer gains a Ward Save (4+), Immune to Psychology, Magic Resistance (1) and Divine Attacks. The model’s unit gains Magical Attacks.


When a model with this special rule is joined to a unit with at least one Full Rank of models with the Lance Formation, the model cannot be chosen by the enemy as the model that refuses a Challenge, and it can be placed anywhere in the unit, it doesn’t have to be placed as far forward as possible. Other models with the Front Rank rule have priority for being as far forward as possible.

Fleet Officer

The bearer gains Steady Aim (see Sea Guard core unit) and Weapon Master (may buy any number of mundane weapons). If the model is on foot, the model’s unit may perform a Combat Reform whenever it is successfully charged. This Combat Reform is performed after all charges against the model’s unit have been resolved, and follow the normal rules for Combat Reforms.

Ancient Grudge

Dwarven Holds armies have a number of Ancient Grudges which confer certain bonuses when attacking specific enemies. The total number of Grudges held by a Dwarven Holds army is calculated in the following manner:

- One Grudge​ for each Dwarf King in the army.
- D3 Additional Grudges ​for each Dwarf King mounted on a War Throne.
- One Additional Grudge​ when facing opponents who field units from the Orcs and Goblins or The Vermin Swarm Armybooks.

For each Grudge held by a Dwarven Holds army,the player may choose one enemy model or unitto be the target ofthe Grudge;this choice is made after theDeployment Phase, and no enemy model or unit may be chosen more than once.All models in the Dwarven Holds army gain Hatred against a begrudged enemy.

When an enemy unit is begrudged, any model which joins that unit also becomes subjectto the Grudge for as long as it remains a part of the unit. However, if a single model is begrudged and joins a unit, the entire unit does not become subject to the Grudge. Characters (that are notthemselves the target of a Grudge)that have left a begrudged unit are no longer considered begrudged.

Angeborene Abwehr (4+)

Angeborene Abwehr (5+)

Apex Predator

When charging a ​single model with Towering Presence ​or a single model with the Fly special rule, the Apex Predator ​gains a +2” modifier​ to its Charge Range.

Ruf der Jagd

Wenn ein Bestienherrscher mit dieser Aufwertung der Armeegeneral ist, dürfen für Einheiten mit einem oder mehr Modellen mit Rudelverhalten alle misslungenen Hinterhalt-Würfe wiederholt werden.
Außerdem muss für diese Einheiten ab der ersten Runde auf Hinterhalt gewürfelt werden, vorausgesetzt, der kontrollierende Spieler hat nicht den ersten Spielerzug.


Schusswaffe. Reichweite 12”, Stärke 3, Schnell schussbereit, Mehrfachschuss (2).


Schusswaffe. Reichweite 24”, Stärke 3, Rüstungsbrechend (1), Mehrfachschuss (2).


Sacred Ark

Sacred Ark: A Wizard mounted on an Ark of Ages adds 3" to the range of its non-Bound Spells and knows three additional spells:
- Truth of Time from Cosmology,
- Whispers of the Veil from Evocation,
- Hasten the Hour from Evocation
The Wizard gains these spells in addition to its normal spells. Duplicate spells are resolved following the normal rules for duplicate spells. This does not give the Wizard access to the Evocation of Souls.

Arcane Shield

An Arcane Engine with an Arcane Shield grants Distracting to all friendly units within 6".
The Engine can cast Know Thy Enemy from Divination as a Bound Spell (Power Level 4).


Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Strength 5, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire, Multiple Shots (4)

Aspen Bow

Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 3, Volley Fire. This weapon ignores all shooting modifiers to hit.


Area Attack

When an attack with this special rule hits a unit, chose up to X different ranks of this unit, the ranks resulting in the maximum amount of hits. For each rank selected this way: the unit suffers X hits, to a maximum equal to the number of models in this rank.
Some Area Attacks have a higher Strength and/or additional special rules stated in square brackets (such as Strength 3[7], [Multiple Wounds (D3)]). If so, a single hit from this attack uses the Strength value and special rules in brackets. The Bracketed values and special rules are not applied to any other hits.


Volley Gun (4)

Artillery Weapon​ with Range 24", Strength 5, Armour Piercing (1), Quick to Fire

Volley Gun (D6, 2D6 or 3D6)

Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon​ with Range 48”, Strength 3[6], [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Armour Piercing (6)

Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon

As a Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with Range 12 - 60", Strength 3[7] [Multiple Wounds (D3 , Clipped Wings)].
This weapon ignores all shooting modifiers to hit.

Scorpion - Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon

Range 48", Strength 3[6], [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped Wings)], Armour Piercing (6).

Trebuchet - Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon

Range 12-60", Strength 4[8], [Multiple wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)], Armor Piercing (1).

Infernal Weapon

Close Combat Weapon. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks with Infernal Weapons gain +1 Strength and Magical Attacks.

Schwere Rüstung

Jet Waffen


Dragonforged Armour

Type : Heavy Armour. The wearer gains Fireborn and a Ward Save (6+)

Infernal Armour

Plate Armour. The wearer gains a Ward Save (5+) against Flaming Attacks.

Light Armour

Throwing Weapons

Gladiator Weapons

Close Combat Weapon. The bearer gains Weapon Master. This weapon may be used as Hand Weapon & Shield, Flail, Paired Weapons, Spear & Shield, Great Weapon or Halberd.

Armour Piercing

Close Combat Attacks made models with this Special Rule impose a -X penalty on enemy Armour Saves taken
against them (in addition to the normal modifier from the Strength of the attack). When a weapon, spell or
Special Attack has this Special Rule, the rule only applies to Attacks made with that particular weapon, spell or
Special Attack. If an attack has more than one instance of the Armour Piercing Special Rule, do not add the
X-values together, but instead use the highest value available for the attack. If a multipart model has this rule,
then the rule is only applied to the part of the model that has the rule.

Armour Piercing (1)

Attacks made with this special rule and Close Combat Attacks made by parts of models with this special rule impose a -X penalty on the enemy’s Armour Saves taken against them (in addition to the normal modifier from the Strength of the attack). If an attack has more than one instance of the Armour Piercing special rule, use the highest value available for
the attack. If the value within brackets is preceded by a “+” sign, add the existing value to already existing Armour Piercing value instead (if the model already had Armour Piercing). If not, use the value directly.

Armour Piercing (1) (Medusa only)

Armour Piercing (6)

Armour Piercing (X)

Attacks made with this special rule and Close Combat Attacks made by parts of models with this special rule impose a X penalty on the enemy’s Armour Saves taken against them (in addition to the normal modifier from the Strength of the
attack). If an attack has more than one instance of the Armour Piercing special rule, use the highest value available for the attack. If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Armour Piercing value instead (if the model already had Armour Piercing). If not, use the value directly.

Plate Armor

Barbed Claws

Close Combat Weapon. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with Barbed Claws gain a +1 to-wound modifier in Close Combat.

Artisan' s Wrath

At the beginning of the owning player’s Close Combat phase a single friendly nonUndead Construct unit within 6” of a model with this Special Rule may be given the Hatred Special Rule. The Hatred lasts untilthe end of owning player’s turn, or until the Tomb Architect is removed from play, whichever comes first. Ifthe unitis already in second or other subsequent round of combat the unit counts this turn’s close combat round as the first. If the Tomb Architect’s unit is engaged the rule may only be used on his unit. The Hatred Special Rule does notwork on mounts. The Artisans Wrath cannot be used in the same turn as the Master of Stone.

Hell Axe

Close Combat Weapon. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with a Hell Axe always have Strength 5 (regardless of modifiers).

Beast Axe

Close Combat Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and strike at Initiative 0 (regardless of the wielder's Initiative). The wielder gains +1 to its Armour Save, unless using another weapon.

Flintlock Axe

Shooting Weapon. Range 18”. Strength 4. Armour Piercing (1).
Counts as a Halberd in Close Combat.

Ashes to Ashes

At the end of any phase in which the Master is removed as a casualty, every unit in the army with one or more models with Ashes to Ashes must pass a Leadership Test or suffer a number of wounds equal to the amount by which the test was failed, with no saves of any kind allowed. These wounds are distributed following the rules forUnstable, except that they can never be distributed to models that do not have Ashes toAshes. The number of wounds inflicted is reduced by 1 if the unit received Hold Your Ground.

At the end of the Player Turn in which the Master was removed as a casualty, a new Master may be selected.In order to do so, nominate an eligible Character who is a Wizard, either with the Vampiric special rule or using Evocation. This Character is your new Master.

At the start of each friendly Player Turn in which the army's Master has been removed as a casualty (and no new Master has been selected), every unit with the Ashes toAshes rule must once again pass a Leadership Test or suffer wounds as described above.

Aspect of Change

Far Seeing: The bearer’s unit gains an additional 6" range with all Shooting Attacks that roll to hit using Ballistic Skill.

Aspect of Lust

Aspect of Pestilence

Aspect of Wrath

Assassin Throwing Weapon

Range 12". Strength as user, Armour Piercing (1), Quick to Fire, Multiple Shots (3). These attacks are affected by the Poisons of Master Poisoner.

Master of Assassins

Units other than Footpads, Gutter Blades, or a lone Sicarra Assassin cannot use the Sicarra Assassin’s Leadership for Leadership Tests the unit is required to take.


Wenn ein Riese im Nahkampf Attacken durchführt, wähle, anstatt normal zu attackieren, eine feindliche Einheit in Basekontakt und würfle auf der unten stehenden Tabelle entsprechend der Truppen- gattung des Ziels.

Gegen Infanterie, Kriegsbestien, Schwärme, Kriegsmaschinen und Kavallerie:
1:​ Brüllen
2:​ Springen
3:​ Greifen
4-6:​ Schwinger

Gegen Monströse Bestien, Monströse Infanterie, Monströse Kavallerie, Streitwägen, Monster und Gerittene Monster:
1:​ Brüllen
2-3:​ Schlag
4-6:​ Niederschmettern

Brüllen: Weder der Riese noch die ausgewählte Einheit kann in dieser Nahkampfrunde irgendwelche Attacken durchführen. Attacken, die schon durchgeführt wurden oder gleichzeitig mit dieser Attacke stattfinden, sind nicht betroffen. Die Seite des Riesen gewinnt diesenNahkampf automatisch um 2. Wenn in einem Nahkampf zwei(oder mehr) verfeindete Riesen “Brüllen”, zählt der Nahkampf als Unentschieden.

Springen: Die ausgewählte Einheit erleidet W6 Treffer mit der Stärke des Riesen. Der Riese muss einen Testfür Gefährliches Gelände (1) ablegen.

Greifen: Wähle ein einzelnes Modell in Basekontakt mit dem Riesen. Diese Modell muss einen Stärke- und Kampfgeschick-Test ablegen. Für jeden misslungenen Test erhält das Modell einen Treffer mit der Stärke des Riesen und Multiple Lebenspunktverluste (W3).

Schwinger:​ Der Riese führt 2W6 Attacken gegen die Einheit aus.

Schlag: Wähle ein einzelnes Modell in der Einheit, das sich in Basekontakt mit dem Riesen befindet.Dieses Modell muss einen Initiative Test ablegen. Wenn dieser Test missglückt, erhält das Modell 2W6 Verwundungen mit Rüstungsbrechend (6).

Niederschmettern: Wähle ein einzelnes Modell in der Einheit, das sich in Basekontakt mit dem Riesen befindet. Das Modell erleidet 1 Verwundung mit Rüstungsbrechend (6). Wenn das Modell noch keine Attacken durchgeführt hat, kann es in dieser Runde nicht mehr angreifen. Wenn das Modell schon Attacken durchgeführt hat, kann es stattdessen in der nächsten Kampfrunde nicht angreifen.

- Anmerkung -
Riesen Attacken zählen als Nahkampfattacken und sind dementsprechend von allen Regeln betroffen, die Nahkampfattacken betreffen. Nach dem Würfeln auf der Tabelle kann der Riese immer noch Niedertrampeln.

Divine Attacks

Successful Ward Saves taken against attacks with this special rule, or against Close Combat Attacks made by model parts with this special rule must be rerolled.

Divine Attacks (Rider only)

Successful Ward Saves taken against attacks with this Special Rule or against Close Combat attacks made by parts of models with this Special Rule must be rerolled.

Flaming Attacks

This rule is applied to attacks made with this special rule and attacks from model parts with this special rule (both Close Combat and Shooting Attacks). They don't normally have any special effect. However, they interact with other rules
(such as Flammable and Regeneration).

Magical Attacks

Attacks with this special rule or Attacks made by model parts with this special rule normally don’t have any special effect. However, they interact with other rules (such as Ethereal). Models with this special rule apply it to all their attacks, including Special Attacks such as Stomp, Impact Hits, and Breath Attacks (unless stated otherwise).All attacks caused by spells and Magical Items have Magical Attacks .

Magical Attacks (Mount only)

Attacks with this Special Rule or Attacks made by parts of models with this Special Rule don't normally have any special effect. However they interact with other rules (such as Ethereal). Part of Models with this Special Rule apply it to all its attacks, including Stomps, Impact Hits and Breath Attacks (unless otherwise stated). All damage from Spells, Miscast hits and Magic Items cause Magical Attacks.

Magical Attacks (Rider only)

Attacks with this Special Rule or Attacks made by parts of models with this Special Rule don't normally have any special effect. However they interact with other rules (such as Ethereal). Part of Models with this Special Rule apply it to all its attacks, including Stomps, Impact Hits and Breath Attacks (unless otherwise stated). All damage from Spells, Miscast hits and Magic Items cause Magical Attacks.

Toxic Attacks

Attacks with this special rule or Close Combat Attacks made by model parts with this special rule are always Strength 3 and Armour Piercing (6).

Crush Attack

A model part with this rule can exchange all of its normal Close Combat Attacks for a single Special Attack, which cannot be made as a Supporting Attack, is resolved at Initiative 0, has Strength 10 and Multiple Wounds (Ordnance).. The model can still make Special Attacks like Stomp or Impact Hits. ​ Even though this is a Special Attack, the attack is Allocated as if it was a normal Close Combat Attack.

Lightning Attack

Units with the Fly special rule that, suffer one or more hits during a single phase from attacks with this special rule, or attacks from model parts with this special rule, suffer an additional D6 Strength 4 hits at the end of that Phase.

Attention form Beyond


Nahkampfwaffe. Beidhändig. Modelle mit einem Augurenstab dürfen diesen im Nahkampf auf eine von zwei Arten benutzen, die ihr Spieler zu Beginn jeder Nahkampfrunde wählt. Der Stab kann offensiv als Zweihandwaffe oder defensiv als Handwaffe genutzt werden, die einen Bonus von +2 auf den Rüstungswurf des Trägers verleiht.Der Effekt gilt jeweils für diese Nahkampfrunde.

Aura des Wahnsinns

Gegnerische Einheiten im Umkreis von 6” um mindestens ein Modell mit dieser Sonderregel erleiden -1 auf ihren Moralwert.

Aura of Unbinding

Any Magical Weapon wielded by models (friend or foe) in base contact with a Lammasu becomes a mundane weapon of the same type. This effect lasts for as long as models remain in base contact. A Character riding a Lamassu is unaffected.

Aura of Undeath

Keep track of how many unsaved wounds this model has caused during the game. At the end of each Close Combat Phase, compare this number with the chart below to determine the level of Soul Syphon that the Dark Coach has reached. The Dark Coach gains the bonus corresponding to that level as well as the bonuses of all levels that preceded it.

Wounds Caused Bonus

1 - 3 The air shimmers with killing intent. The Dark Coach gains Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, War Beast, Cavalry).
4 - 6 The night is alight with unholy fire. The Dark Coach gains Grinding Attacks (D3) (resolved with the Coachman’s Initiative) and Flaming Attacks.
7 - 9 An ancient evil awakens! The Dark Coach is now also crewed by an Awakened Vampire (1) which has Vampiric (2+).
10 - 12 A dark wind courses through the night and a menacing shape takes to the sky. The Dark Coach gains Fly (8).
13+ The Dark Coach gains Ethereal. Spooky.

Aura of Ecstasy

All friendly models with Daemon of Lust engaged in the same Combat as the model with this rule (including itself) gain Lightning Reflexes.

Freezing Aura

The model can cast Chilling Howl from Shamanism as a Bound Spell (Power Level 3).
Enemy units suffer -3 Initiative for each Frost Mammoth within 6", to a minimum of 1.

Necromantic Aura

All friendly units within 6" of one or more models with this special rule reduce the number of wounds caused by Ashes to Ashes and Unstable by 1. Models with Necromantic Aura cannot benefit from Necromantic Aura themselves.

Aura of Despair

Enemy units in base contact with one or more models with this special rule roll an extra D6 for Leadership Tests, excluding Break Tests, and discard the lowest D6 rolled.


The unit may March even when outside the General's Inspiring Presence range.


After Deployment (including Scouts), units composed entirely of models with this special rule may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as if in the Remaining Moves subphase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would
normally have in the Remaining Moves subphase (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on).
The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Movement Characteristic and no March Moves are allowed. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6” for enemy units which have either Scouted or
Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that
finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vangarding units.

Awaken (X)

Models with this special rule are allowed toRaise Wounds above a unit’s starting size for all the unit types stated within the brackets. However, units can not be increased beyond twice their starting size using any effectthat Raises Wounds.
A unit’s starting size is the size of the unit as written in the Army List (or the size of the unit at the time of its creation).

Awaken (Zombies, Skeletons)

Awaken (Zombies)


The character gains Backstabbers rule (see Hobgoblins core unit). Before the game you may choose a unit of 25 or fewer Hobgoblin Backstabbers. The Character and this unit gain Ambush, and the Character must be deployed with the unit.


Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Strength 5, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire, Multiple Shots (4)

Ogre Crossbow

Shooting Weapon. Range 30", Strength 2[5], Armour Piercing (1), Penetrating.

Elven Bolt Thrower

This weapon can be fired in two ways:
- As a Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon ​with Range 48", Strength 3[6], [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Armour Piercing (6)
- As a Volley Gun (6) Artillery Weapon​ with: Range 48", Strength 4, Armour Piercing (1)


Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon with
Range 48", Strength 3[6], [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Armour Piercing (6)

Blood Feast

Each time you make a successful charge with this model, all friendly units with Daemon of Wrath that are Engaged in the same Combat gain Frenzy until the end of the Combat Phase.



+1 Armour



Each unit of Mercenary Veterans must be given two of the special rules listed below (written on the Army List)
- Poisoned Attacks
- Bodyguard
- Lethal Strike
- Swiftstride
- Vanguard
- Thunderous Charge
- Armour Piercing (1)
- Accurate
Each special rule may only be taken by a single unit of Mercenary Veterans in your army.


Beast Master

Friendly units consisting entirely of mounted models or Monsters that take a Frenzy or a Stupidity Test and are within 12" of a Beast Master roll one additional D6 and remove the highest rolled D6.

At the beginning of each Close Combat Phase, one friendly Monster, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariot or Cavalry unit within 6" of a model with this special rule may gain Hatred for the remainder of that phase, riders are not affected (note that Hatred only allows rerolls to hitin the first Round of Combat and that Ridden Monsters cannot be chosen as targets).

Blessing of Nezibkesh

All Special Close Combat Attacks against models with this special rule are at half Strength (rounding fractions up).


Divine Blessings

At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn and before the battle (after moving Vanguarding units), choose one ofthe following effects. Effects lasts until the start ofthe nextfriendly Player Turn (check and update which friendly units are within range throughout this period).
All friendly units within 12" of the Divine Altar gain Lethal Strike. Any Close Combat Attacks that already had Lethal Strike must reroll failed rolls to wound. Mounts are unaffected.
- All friendly units within 12" of the Divine Altar gain a Ward Save (5+) against Wounds caused by Artillery Weapons. If the opponent has the first Player Turn, apply this effect just before moving Vanguarding units.
- When choosing this effect, nominate an enemy unit on the battlefield. All Friendly units within 12" of the Divine Altar may reroll failed rolls when determining the Charge Range against the nominated unit.
Other models with Towering Presence cannot benefit from Divine Blessings. A single unit cannot be affected by more than one Divine Blessing at any time. If under the influence of more than one, only apply the most recently used one.

Hard Target

Shooting Attacks targeting a unit in which more than half of models have this special rule suffer a -1 penalty when rolling to hit.

Bitter Arrows

When fired from a mundane Bow or Longbow, you may choose to exchange Volley Fire for Poisoned Attacks.

Blood Offering

Units that include at least one Character with this rule may reroll failed Panic Tests at the cost of inflicting one wound with no saves of any kind allowed to a Character with this rule in the unit.

Blood Sword

Close Combat Weapon. Type: Hand Weapon. Attacks made with a Blood Sword gain Lethal Strike.


Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Strength 3, Multiple Shots (2), Poisoned Attacks, +1 to hit against units consisting entirely of Towering Presence.


Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Strength 4, Quick to Fire.


When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has the Bodyguard special rule, that Character gains
Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified
Characters or Character types.

Bodyguard (Beast Lord)

When a Character is joined to an unit with where at least one model has the Bodyguard Special Rule, that Character gains the Stubborn Special Rule. Sometimes this only works with certain Characters. When this is the case, the relevant Characters or Character types will be stated in brackets

Bodyguard (General, Barrow King)

Bodyguard (General, Dwarf King)

When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has the Bodyguard special rule, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.

Bodyguard (General)

Bodyguard (High Prince and Commander)

When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has the Bodyguard special rule, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.

Bodyguard (Iron Orc Warlord, Iron Orc Chief)

When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has the Bodyguard special rule, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.

Bodyguard (Lords of the Forest)

Bodyguard (Thicket Shepherd)

Bodyguard (X)

When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has the Bodyguard special rule, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified
Characters or Character types.


Boing! units may move through friendly units during their move. If a Boing! unit would end its movement inside a friendly unit without also being in contact with an enemy unit, backtrack along its path until it is in a legal position (at least 1’’ away from any units). Boing! units do not count as "contacting" terrain (e.g. for the purposes for Dangerous Terrain tests) unless they begin or end their move on it, but bouncy units are still blocked by impassable terrain.

Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon

Type: Paired Weapons. The wielder gains +1 Armour Save, unless using another weapon. The wielder also gains Parry, and can use it even with a magical Iron Fist, and even when riding a mount that is not a Monster or a Ridden Monster.

Hellish Bombard

Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with Range 12-60", Strength 3[7], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)].

Shrapnel Bombs

Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffersD6*2 Strength 3 hits with Armour Piercing (1).If a natural '6' is rolled for the number of hits, after the attack has been resolved,the Shrapnel Bombs cannot be used anymore this battle

Bombing Run

Bone Engineer

Born Predator

A model part with this special rule may reroll all natural to-hit rolls of ‘1’ in Close Combat.

Born to Fight

Model parts with this special rule gain +1 Strength in the first Round of Combat.

Born to Fight (Crew and Mount only)



May only join units of Gnasher Dashers and other Characters on Cave Gnashers. (Ignore the restrictions under the Oi, it bites! special rules).

Bowman Stakes

When deploying the Bowmen unit, you may place a Wall Terrain Feature in base contact with the front of the Bowmen unit. This Wall is as wide as the unit, to a maximum of 12", up to 20mm deep and follows all the normal rules for Walls with the exception of being Soft Cover instead of Hard Cover.

Brace of Ogre Pistols

Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 4, Quick to Fire, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Shots (2), counts as Paired Weapons in Close Combat.

Brace of Pistols

Shooting Weapon, Range 12", Strength 4, Quick to Fire, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Shots (2) Counts as Paired Weapons in Close Combat.


Before shooting with a unit with Braziers, it may choose to use Braziers to gain Flaming Attacks for its Shooting Attacks. Effects last for the duration of the Phase

Brass Cannon

Cannon Artillery Weapon with Range 48", Strength 3[10], [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped Wings)], Flaming Attacks.
If the Blood Chariot only Pivots (and moves no further) it doesn’t suffer from the Moving and Shooting to-hit modifier.

Breath Weapon

A model with a Breath Weapon can use it once during a game. It can be used either as a Special Close Combat attack or as a Special Shooting attack:
● As a Special Shooting attack (normally in the shooting phase): Choose a target, using the normal rules for shooting attacks. The attack has range 6”. This attack can be used even if the model marched in the previous Movement Phase.
● As a Special Close Combat attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): The attack is made at the model's Initiative (or the Initiative for the relevant part of the model). Declare that you are using the Breath Weapon when allocating attacks, and choose a Unit in base contact to attack with it.

No matter if it is used as a Shooting or Close Combat Attack, a Breath Weapon causes 2D6 automatic hits on its
target. The Strength and the special rules (if any) of these hits are given within brackets, such as “Breath Weapon
(Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)”. When several model parts in the same unit have this special rule, roll for the number
of hits separately.

Breath Weapon (Strength 2, Armour Piercing (3))

Breath Weapon (Strength 3, Armour Piercing (3))

Models parts w ith this special rule can use it only once during the game. If a model has more than one Breath Weapon, it can only use one Breath Weapon in a single phase. It can be used either as a Special Shooting Attack or as a Special Close Combat Attack.

● As a Special Shooting Attack (normally in the Shooting Phase): Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has a Range of 6”. This attack can be used even if the model Marched previously in this turn, as well as for a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction .

● As a Special Close Combat Attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): The attack is made at the model part's Initiative. Declare that you are using the Breath Weapon when allocating attacks, and choose a unit in base contact to attack with it.

No matter if it is used as a Shooting or Close Combat Attack, a Breath Weapon causes 2D6 automatic hits on its target.
The Strength and the special rules (if any) of these hits are given within brackets, such as “Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)”.

Breath Weapon (Strength 4 Flaming Attacks)

Models parts with this special rule can use it only once during the game. If a model has more than one breath Weapon, it can only use one breath weapon in a single phase. It can be used either as a Special Shooting Attack or as a Special Close Combat Attack.
● As a Special Shooting Attack (normally in the Shooting Phase): Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has a Range of 6”. This attack can be used even if the model Marched previously in this turn, as well as for a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction.
● As a Special Close Combat Attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): The attack is made at the model part's Initiative. Declare that you are using the Breath Weapon when allocating attacks, and choose a unit in base contact to attack with it.
No matter if it is used as a Shooting or Close Combat Attack, a Breath Weapon causes 2D6 automatic hits on its target.
The Strength and the special rules (if any) of these hits are givenwithin brackets, such as “Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)”.

Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)

Breath Weapon (Toxic Attacks)

Models parts w ith this special rule can use it only once during the game. If a model has more than one Breath Weapon, it can only use one Breath Weapon in a single phase. It can be used either as a Special Shooting Attack or as a Special Close Combat Attack.

● As a Special Shooting Attack (normally in the Shooting Phase): Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has a Range of 6”. This attack can be used even if the model Marched previously in this turn, as well as for a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction .

● As a Special Close Combat Attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): The attack is made at the model part's Initiative. Declare that you are using the Breath Weapon when allocating attacks, and choose a unit in base contact to attack with it.

No matter if it is used as a Shooting or Close Combat Attack, a Breath Weapon causes 2D6 automatic hits on its target.
The Strength and the special rules (if any) of these hits are given within brackets, such as “Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)”.

Breath Weapon (X)

Models parts w ith this special rule can use it only once during the game. If a model has more than one Breath Weapon, it can only use one Breath Weapon in a single phase. It can be used either as a Special Shooting Attack or as a Special Close Combat Attack.

● As a Special Shooting Attack (normally in the Shooting Phase): Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has a Range of 6”. This attack can be used even if the model Marched previously in this turn, as well as for a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction .

● As a Special Close Combat Attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): The attack is made at the model part's Initiative. Declare that you are using the Breath Weapon when allocating attacks, and choose a unit in base contact to attack with it.

No matter if it is used as a Shooting or Close Combat Attack, a Breath Weapon causes 2D6 automatic hits on its target.
The Strength and the special rules (if any) of these hits are given within brackets, such as “Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)”.

Breath Weapon (X) - Special Attack

Model parts with this special rule can use it only once during the game. If a model has more than one Breath Weapon, it can only use one Breath Weapon in a single phase. It can be used either as a Special Shooting Attack or as a Special Close Combat Attack.

● As a Special Shooting Attack (normally in the Shooting Phase): Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has a Range of 6”. This attack can be used even if the model Marched previously in this turn, as well as for a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction .

● As a Special Close Combat Attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): The attack is made at the model part's Initiative. Declare that you are using the Breath Weapon when allocating attacks, and choose a unit in base contact to attack with it.

No matter if it is used as a Shooting or Close Combat Attack, a Breath Weapon causes 2D6 automatic hits on its target .
The Strength and the special rules (if any) of these hits are given within brackets, such as “Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks)”.
When several model parts in the same unit have this special rule, roll for the number of hits separately.

Bring Out Your Dead

Friendly units targeted by Evocation of Souls cast by a Wizard that is within 6" of one or more Cadaver Wagon with this upgrade increase their Evoked Characteristic based on their Height for this spell:
- Models with Standard Height: +2 Evoked
- Models with Large Height: +1 Evoked
- Models with Gigantic Height, Ethereal or Vampiric are not affected.

Brood’s Courage (Plague Brotherhood)

A unit with this special rule can use the Full Ranks of units of (X) within 6" as their own for the purpose of calculating the Leadership bonus from Safety in Numbers.

Brood’s Courage (Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard)

A unit with this special rule can use the Full Ranks of units of (X) within 6" as their own for the purpose of calculating the Leadership bonus from Safety in Numbers.

Brood’s Courage (X)

A unit with this special rule can use the Full Ranks of units of (X) within 6" as their own for the purpose of calculating the Leadership bonus from Safety in Numbers.

Broods Courage

A unit with this special rule can use the Full Ranks of units of (X) within 6" as their own for the purpose of calculating the Leadership bonus from Safety in Numbers

Witch Hunter

In the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule has successfully charged into combat, models with this rule (Riders only) may replace their normal attacks with the following attacks: 1 attack per model if equipped with a Pistol, or 2 attacks per model if equipped with a Brace of Pistols or a Repeater Pistol. These attacks are resolved at Initiative 10, Strength 4 and Armour Piercing (1).


Grenadiers may reroll dice for Callous (randomizing hits) that resulted in hitting friendly units.


A model with this special rule is allowed to use non-Artillery Shooting Weapons against an enemy unit which is Engaged in Combat with friendly units if all friendly units Engaged in the Combat are Infantry and/or Swarms. All units Engaged in this Combat are ignored for Cover purposes. When shooting at an enemy unit Engaged in Combat with friendly units, roll to hit as normal and then randomize each hit scored. On a 4+ it hits the target, otherwise it hits a friendly unit Engaged in that Combat (randomize if several friendly units are involved in the Combat).

Soul Conduit

If a friendly model with this rule is present on the Battlefield at the beginning of a friendly Magic Phase, the owning player rolls D3+7 instead of 2D6 to determine the effects of the Magic Flux roll. The number of Magic Dice for the opposing player is always 6 plus any generated through Channel and other means.


Each model part with this special rule adds +1 to its side's Channel rolls. All Wizards have this special rule.

Gates of the Netherworld

Whenever the caster successfully casts Evocation of Souls, after resolving the effect ofthe Spell, choose a Friendly unit with an Evoked value and within 12" of the caster. This unit, or a single Character inside the unit, Raises 1 Wound. No unit can be chosen by this special rule more than twice per Magic Phase.

Hand Cannon

Shooting weapon. Range 24", Strength 4, Multiple Shots (D6), Armour Piercing (1). Hand Cannons do not suffer from negative to-hit modifiers due to Moving and Shooting or Multiple Shots.

Steam Powered Cannon

Cannon Artillery Weapon​ with Range: (see Steam Engine), Strength 2[7], [Armour Piercing (2)], [Multiple Wounds (D3)]

Thunder Cannon

This weapon can be fired in two ways:
– As a Cannon Artillery Weapon with
Range 48", Strength 4[10], Armour Piercing (1), [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped Wings)].
– As a Volley Gun (2D6) Artillery Weapon with
Range 12", Strength 5, Armour Piercing (2).
A Thunder Cannon that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner’s Movement Phase ignores the to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.

Cannot March

Units with one or more models with this special rule cannot perform a March Move.

Tree Singing

Bound Spell Power Level 3, Range 24", Duration: Instant. This spell targets a single Forest. It affects any friendly unit completely inside the Forest and all enemy units in contact with the Forest. Enemy units suffer D6 Strength 5 hits. The target Forest and all eligible friendly units (but not the enemy units) are moved D3+3" in a single direction chosen by the caster before rolling for the distance and following the rules for Magical Move. The Forest immediately stops just before moving into contact with enemy units or other Terrain Features.

Pack Leader

Caimans in the same unit as a Caiman Ancient gain Weapon Skill 4. This effect
cannot be combined with the Weapon Skill modifier from a Sun Engine.

Elven Cloak

If combined with Light Armour, the wearer gains Innate Defence (6+).

Repeater Gun

Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 4, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Shots (3), Unwieldy.

Devastating Charge

In the first round of a combat after a model with this rule has successfully charged into combat, model parts with this special rule have +1 Attack.

Devastating Charge (Knight only)

+1 Attack in the first round of combat after charging.

Stärke durch Fleisch

Immer, wenn der Gortach einen Todesstoß erfolgreich durchführt, erhält die AttackeMultiple Lebenspunktverluste (W3). Wenn diese Attacke mindestens einen unverhinderten Lebenspunktverlust erzielt, heilt der Gortach am Ende des Initiativeschritts einen Lebenspunkt.


Despite being a Chariot, a Cadaver Wagon does not have Swiftstride or Cannot March.

Casket of Phatep - Not a character

The Casket of Phatep is not a Character, even though it counts towards the Characters category.

Catapult (6) Artillery Weapon

As a Catapult (6) Artillery Weapon with Range 12 - 48", Strength 3, Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
This weapon ignores all shooting modifiers to hit.
Units that suffer at least one casualty from this weapon must take a Panic Test just as if it had suffered 25%
casualties. Panic Tests caused by a Charnel Catapult are taken at -1 Leadership.

Charnel Catapult

This weapon can be fired in two ways:

– As a Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with
Range 12 - 60", Strength 3[7] [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)].
This weapon ignores all shooting modifiers to hit.

– As a Catapult (6) Artillery Weapon with
Range 12 - 48", Strength 3, Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
This weapon ignores all shooting modifiers to hit.
Units that suffer at least one casualty from this weapon must take a Panic Test just as if it had suffered 25% casualties. Panic Tests caused by a Charnel Catapult are taken at -1 Leadership.

Imperial Cavalry

Cavalry Hammer

Cavalry Support

Mounts cannot make Supporting Attacks.

Giant Blowpipes

This is a Volley Gun (8) Artillery Weapon​ with: Range 12", Strength 3, Quick to Fire, Poisoned Attacks.

Chill Aura

Enemy units in base contact with one or more models with this special rule suffer -3 Initiative and -1 Strength, both to a minimum of 1.

Chilling Shriek

Model parts with this special rule have a Special Shooting Attack and a Special Close Combat Attack as detailed below.
- As a Special Shooting Attack (normally in the Shooting Phase): Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack has a Range of 8". This attack can be used even if the model Marched previously this Player Turn.
- As a Special Close Combat Attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): If used, the attack is made at the model part's Initiative and replaces the model part’s normal non-Special Attacks. Choose a single unit in base contact as the target.
Regardless of whether it is used as a Shooting or Close Combat Attack, the Chilling Shriek causes 1 automatic hit to the target for each Wound the shooting model part currently has. These hits are resolved at Strength 10 and have Armour Piercing (6) and Magical Attacks. When rolling to wound with this attack, use the opponent’s Leadership instead of the opponent’s Toughness.

Chosen of Ashuruk

Models with this special rule will automatically pass all Fear Tests, but still suffer -1 Leadership from Fear. Models with this special rule consider all units without it to have Insignificant and cannot use their Engineer rule on models without Chosen of Ashuruk.

Chosen of Change

Model parts with this special rule gain Wizard Conclave: Hand of Heaven, Cleansing Fire (Thaumaturgy).
All models in a unit with one or more models with Chosen of Change must reroll all Magic Dice that result in ‘1’ and ‘2’ when casting non-Bound Spells from Thaumaturgy.

Chosen of Lust

Models with this special rule gain +2 Movement and Light Troops but cannot add any additional models above their unit’s starting size.

Chosen of Pestilence

Models with this special rule gain Fear.

Chosen of the Gods

Chosen of Wrath

Model parts with this special rule gain Frenzy.


If more than half of a unit’s models has this special rule, when taking Leadership Tests, roll one additional D6 and remove the highest D6 rolled.

Searing Rage

Each time the model fails a Frenzy test it adds +1 Attack to the additional attacks granted by Frenzy. If Frenzy is lost then so are these additional attacks.

Impact Hits

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can only be made in the first round of a combat in which a model has charged. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy Unit in base contact, which must be against the charged enemy Unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1 to Strength for every full rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits Special Rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from Weapon Bonuses or Special Rules. If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Close Combat Phase.

Impact Hits (+1)

Impact Hits (+2)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact Hits (+3)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact Hits (1)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact Hits (2D6)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact Hits (2D6+2)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact Hits (3D3)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact hits (D3)

Impact Hits (D3)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact Hits (D6+1)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact Hits (X)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Tail Weapon

If using a mundane weapon the wielder gains +1A.

Tail Weapon

When using mundane weapons, the wielder gains +1 Attack.

Flaming Shot

All hits caused by the War Machine gain Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.

Lethal Strike

If an Attack with this Special Rule, or a Close Combat Attack from a model with this Special Rule, rolls an
unmodified '6' to wound, this wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration saves cannot be taken against it.
If a multipart model has this rule, then the rule is only applied to the part of the model that has the rule.

Lethal Strike

If an Attack with this special rule, or a Close Combat Attack from a model part with this special rule rolls an unmodified '6' to wound, this Wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration Saves cannot be taken against it.

Lethal Strike (Rider only)

If an Attack with this Special Rule, or a Close Combat Attack from a model with this Special Rule, rolls an
unmodified '6' to wound, this wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration saves cannot be taken against it.
If a multipart model has this rule, then the rule is only applied to the part of the model that has the rule.

Fleet Commander

Models with this special rule gain InnateDefence (5+), but may not take any mount. Enemy units that break from a combat with a Fleet Commander must roll an additional D6 for the fleeing distance roll and discard the highest D6 rolled.
For each Character model with this special rule, a single unit of Corsairs may be upgraded with Vanguard.

Fight in Extra Rank

Models with this special rule can make Supporting Attacks from an additional Rank. (So, normally, this means that models with this special rule will be able to make Supporting Attacks from the 3rd rank). This rule is cumulative, allowing an additional rank to make Supporting Attacks for each instance of this special rule.

Combined Profile

Combined Strength

Skink Braves may add Caimans to their unit. These Caimans are R&F models of a different Troop Type (Monstrous Infantry). Follow the normal rules for determining if the type of the ​unit​ is considered to be an Infantry or Monstrous Infantry unit (See Troop Types). Caimans follow the rules for matching bases (see Front Rank), except that they do not have to be placed as far forward as possible, but can be placed anywhere in the unit. Skink Braves and Caimans in the same unit do not share a common wound pool even though they are both R&F models. Instead each type have their own wound pool (wounds are never passed between the types, any excess wounds are lost)
- Distributing Hits: ​When distributing hits (i.e. for attacks towards the unit as a whole) to the unit, first distribute hits between R&F models, champion and/or character(s). Then randomize all hits distributed onto R&F models. Roll a D6 for each hit:​1-4​: a Skink Brave is hit. ​5-6​: a Caiman is hit.

- Stomps: ​When distributing hits from Stomps, ignore all models in the unit that are not Infantry. Hits distributed onto Skink Braves are not randomized.

- Allocating Attacks: ​In close combat, attacks can be allocated as normal towards different wound pools in base contact; Skink Braves, Caimans, Champion, Character(s).

- Swirling Melee: ​Any enemy allocating attacks using the Swirling Melee rule (i.e. attacking Rank-and-File models not in base contact) may choose to do this either against Skink Braves or against Caimans. If this is used to attack Caimans, the attacks suffer a -1 to-hit modifier.

Wizard Conclave (X)

A Champion of a Unit with the Wizard Conclave Special Rule receives +1 Wound in addition to the normal Characteristics increases associated with being a Champion, and are Wizards of the Wizard Level given within brackets. This Champion knows predetermined spells, which are defined within the brackets. For example, a Champion of a Wizard Conclave (level 1, Blue Fire, Pink Fire) would be a level 1 Wizard with two predetermined spells (Blue Fire and Pink Fire). The Champion has a +1 to cast for each 5 models (excluding other Characters) in the Unit above their minimum starting Unit size, up to a maximum of +4 (including the bonus from their Wizard Level).

Herding the Swarm

A model with this rule increases the range of its Inspiring Presence by 6".

Steam Engine

The Steam Tank’s remaining Wounds dictates the value of its Random Movement and number of Grinding Attacks, as well as the Range ofthe Steam Powered Cannon. ASteam Tank may choose notto move and can never Pursue or Overrun.

Engine of the Ancients

The model gains Telepathic Link. At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn, choose one of the following configurations. The effects last until the beginning of the next friendly Player Turn:
- Choose a Magic Path. Friendly Wizards casting spells from this Path have the casting values decreased by 1.
- During the owner’s Shooting Phase, pick an enemy unit that is not engaged in Close Combat and within 9" of the Engine of the Ancients. That unit suffers D3 Metalshifting hits.
- All friendly units within 6" of the Engine of the Ancients gain a Ward Save (5+), which can only be used against Ranged Attacks.

The last configuration is active starting from before the battle (after moving Vanguarding units) until the first friendly Player Turn.

Engine of the Ancients

The model gains Telepathic Link. At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn choose one of the following
configurations. The effects last until the beginning of the next friendly Player Turn:

- Choose a Magic Path. Friendly Wizards casting spells from this Path have the casting values decreased by 1.

- During the owner’s Shooting Phase, pick an enemy unit that is not Engaged in Close Combat and within 9” of
the Engine of the Ancients. That unit suffers D3 Metalshifting hits.

- All friendly units within 6” of the Engine of the Ancients gain a Ward Save (5+), which can only be used against
Ranged Attacks.

The last configuration is active starting from before the battle (after moving Vanguarding units), till the first friendly Player Turn.

Sharp Horns

The model may reroll the dice for number of impact hits.

Hunting Horn

All friendly units within 6" of one or more models with this special rule gain a +1" modifier to their Charge Range.

Professional Courtesy

Assassins cannot join (nor be deployed in) units that contain another Assassin. Assassins may perform Make Way moves even when they are in base contact with an enemy model.

Counts as Champion

Crush Attack - Special Attack

A model part with this rule can exchange all of its normal Close Combat Attacks for a single Special Attack, which cannot be made as a Supporting Attack, is resolved at Initiative 0, has Strength 10 and Multiple Wounds (Ordnance). Crush Attacks never benefit from any equipment or special rule the model may have (since it is a Special Attack). Even though this is a Special Attack, the attack is Allocated as if it was a normal Close Combat Attack. The model can still make other Special Attacks such as Stomp or Impact Hits.

Geländeerfahren (X)

Models with this special rule automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests taken due to Terrain, cannot be prevented from Marching by the Terrain and never lose their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to the Terrain . Sometimes this special rule is only linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, the Strider rule effect is only applied in relation to the specified Terrain type.

Cuatl Lord Disciplines

Disciplines cannot be duplicated within an army. Maximum 200 pts of Disciplines may be spent per army. In a Grand Army a maximum of 400 pts may be spent instead, but the “Master of Magic” Discipline cannot be combined with “Wellspring of Power” or with “Unconquerable Will”.

Cult of Nabh

Model parts with the Cult of Nabh gain Hatred, and lose Killer Instinct if they had it.

Cult of Yema

Model parts with the Cult of Yema gain Strider and +1. Movement (also affects mounts), and lose Killer Instinct if they had it.

Cult Rivalry

A model can never belong to more than one Cult. Units containing models belonging to a Cult cannot benefitfrom Hold Your Ground or Inspiring Presence from models from the other Cult. Characters belonging to a Cult cannot join units which contain any model from the other Cult.

Cultist General

If the General belongs to a Cult, the Dread Elves army may not include models from the other Cult. All models taken from core, except Blades of Nabh, gain the same Cult rule as the army’s General (at no additional cost), and all units (including Character models) that can optionally be upgraded to the same Cult as the General must do so.

Daemon of (chosen God)

Daemon of Change

The Daemon may gain one of the following special rules: Flaming Attacks, Divine Attacks or Hellfire, which affects both Close Combat Attacks and Shooting Attacks. The effect must be chosen at the start of each Round of Combat and before shooting with a unit. Every model in a unit must choose the same bonus effect. Special Attacks are not affected. Wizards with a Daemon of Change may, directly after generating spells, choose to reroll all dice for spell generation.

Daemon of Lust

The Daemon gains Armour Piercing (+1).

Daemon of Pestilence

The Daemon gains Poisoned Attacks and Regeneration (5+). Toxic Attacks suffer a -1 to-wound modifier against the Daemon.

Daemon of True Chaos

No Additional Effect

Daemon of Wrath

The Daemon gains +1 Strength during the first Round of Combat.

Daemon Weapon

Close Combat Weapon. Attacks with Daemon Weapons gain +1 Strength and Magical Attacks.


Models with this Special Rule have Magical Attacks, are Immune to Psychology and have a Ward Save (5+). Only characters with the Daemonic Special Rule can join a Daemonic Unit. Similarly, Daemonic characters can only join Daemonic Units.

Daemonic Fury

At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn, the Bound Daemon must take a Leadership Test. If the test is failed, the Bound Daemon gains Random Movement (3D6) until the end of the Player Turn, and must move towards the closest enemy unit in the Movement Phase.

Daemonic Infusion

A model part with this special rule gains Magical Attacks (not applicable to crew), and any Panic Test it causes to enemy units through 25% casualties suffers a -1 Leadership modifier.

Daemonic Instability

When a unit with this Special Rule fails a Break Test, it does not flee from combat. Instead, it suffers a number of Wounds equal to the amount by which the test was failed (Simplified formula: 2D6+CSLd), ignoring the usual minimum 0 for its Leadership Characteristic. These Wounds are distributed following the rules for Unstable, with no saves of any kind allowed. Only characters with Daemonic Instability can join units with Daemonic Instability, and Characters with Daemonic Instability cannot join units without Daemonic Instability. If a model has both Daemonic Instability and Unstable, disregard the latter.

Daemonic Possesion

The model gains Frenzy and can never lose it.

Dances of Cenyrn

At the start of each Round of Combat, units consisting entirely of models with this special rule may choose to gain one of the following effects listed below. No model may use the same effect in two consecutive Player Turns. All models in the same unit must choose the same effect. The effects last until the end of the Round of Combat.
- Dance of Whirling Blades: +1 Attack.
- Dance of the Parting Mists: Ward Save (3+), -1 Strength and cannot use the Armour Piercing special rule from their Sylvan Blades.
- Dance of Bedevilments: Fear, enemy units in base contact with the model do not receive any Rank Bonus to their Combat Score.
- Dance of Disarming Delusions: Enemy units in base contact with the model cannot use Parry.


Hellish Bolt

Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon with Range: 48", Strength 3[6], [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Armour Piercing (6).

Dark Shard

One Use Only. The bearer may use a single Dark Shard when casting a non-bound spell (declare usage before rolling any Magic Dice). Any Dispel Attempt this phase against this spell will have its dispel roll reduced by D3. If a natural ‘1’ is rolled, the Wizard using the Dark Shard suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks.

Dark Shard

One use only. When casting a spell but before rolling power dice, the caster may decide to use a single Dark Shard which adds a +D3 casting bonus to the spell. If a natural ‘1’ is rolled on the dice, the caster suffers a hit with a Strength value equal to the number of Power Dice used, with no saves of any kind allowed.

Dark Shard Brew

Before the battle (After deployment, before rolling for first turn), roll a D6 for each unit of Rats-at-Arms or Vermin Guard with one or more Characters with this upgrade, and consult the table below to see what rules the bearer (not any mount) and Rats-at-Arms or Vermin Guard models in the unit gain for the duration of the battle.
1-2: Poisoned Attacks and Stupidity.
3-4: Thunderous Charge.
5-6: Lightning Reflexes. The unit immediately suffers D6 Strength 4 hits with Armour Piercing (6).

Deamon of Change

The Daemon may gain one of the following special rules: Divine Attacks or Hellfire, which affects both Close Combat Attacks and Shooting Attacks. The effect must be chosen at the start of each Round of Combat and before shooting with a unit. Every model in a unit must choose the same bonus effect. Special Attacks are not affected. Wizards with a Daemon of Change may, directly after generating spells, choose to reroll all dice for spell generation.

Deamon of Lust

The Daemon gains Armour Piercing (+1).

Deamon of Pestilence

The Daemon gains Poisoned Attacks and Regeneration (5+). Toxic Attacks suffer a -1 to-wound modifier against the Daemon.

Deamon of Wrath

The Daemon gains +1 Strength during the first Round of Combat.



A unit with at least one model with this special rule ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Leadership when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Leadership Tests.

Innate Defence (2+)

A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence, use the best available Innate Defence. Innate Defence (3+): +2 to Armour Save.

Innate Defence (3+)

A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence, use the best available Innate Defence. Innate Defence (3+): +2 to Armour Save.

Innate Defence (4+)

A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence, use the best available Innate Defence. Innate Defence (4+): +3 to Armour Save.

Innate Defence (5+)

A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence, use the best available Innate Defence. Innate Defence (5+): +4 to Armour Save.

Innate Defence (6+)

A model can only use one instance of Innate Defence, use the best available Innate Defence. Innate Defence (5+): +4 to Armour Save.

Martial Discipline

If more than half of a unit’s models has this special rule, when taking Leadership Tests other than Panic or Break Tests, roll one additional D6 and remove the highest D6 rolled.


Units with this rule that break from combat are immediately destroyed.


Close Combat Attacks allocated at a model with this special rule suffer a 1
penalty when rolling to hit. This to hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to hit modifiers.

Divine Light

The Casket of Phatep adds +1 to Channel rolls in friendly Magic Phases. Enemy Wizards within 36"of one or more Caskets of Phatep suffer a -1 modifier to all of their casting rolls. When a Casket of Phatep is removed from play, all units within 12" suffer 3D3+3, Strength 1, Armour Piercing (6) hits.

Divine Protection

If mounted by Hierophant the model gains Ward Save (4+).

Divine Reservoir

Once per friendly magic phase, after a friendly wizard has rolled on the Miscast Table (but before applying the effects) a Soul Colossus within 12'' of the Wizard may reduce its Wounds (to a minimum of 1), no saves of any kind allowed. For each wound lost this way reduce the PDU of the miscast effect by one, to a minimum of 1.If the Wizard rolled 2-4 for its miscast, the ability may not be used.

Do What You’re Told

All Slave Giants may reroll on the Giant Attacks table, but must accept the second result.

Drop Rocks

​Sweeping Attack which can be used once per game, the enemy unit suffers D3 Strength 4 hits for each Pteradon in the unit.

Dust to Dust

At the end of any phase in which the Hierophant is removed as a casualty, every unit in the army with one or more models with Dust to Dust must pass a Leadership Test or suffer a number of wounds equalto the amount by which the test was failed with no saves of any kind allowed. These wounds are distributed following the rules forUnstable, except that they can never be distributed to models that do not have DusttoDust. The number of wounds inflicted is reduced by 1 if the unit is receiving Hold Your Ground.

At the end of the Player Turn inwhich theHierophant was removed as a casualty, a new Hierophant may be selected.In order to do so, nominate an eligible Character who is a Wizard using Evocation. This Character is your new Hierophant.

At the start of each friendly Player Turn in which the army's Hierophant has been removed as a casualty (and no new Hierophant has been selected), every unit with the Dust to Dust special rule must once again pass a Leadership Test or suffer wounds as described above.

Earthquake Shells

Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from a weapon with this rule will count all Terrain (including Open Terrain) as Dangerous Terrain (1) and must reroll to-hit rolls of '6'. A War Machine within 8" of a unit hit by a Shooting Attack from a model with this special rule must roll a D6 before shooting; on 4+ it cannot shoot. These effects last until the end of the next Player Turn.

Electric Discharge

Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Strength (D6*2), Multiple Shots (3), Multiple Wounds (D3), Lightning Attacks, Magical Attacks, Reload!

During each friendly shooting phase, the Dreadmill must shoot its Electric Discharge (all three shots). The Rakachit Technician can try to prevent it from shooting by taking and passing a Leadership Test. The Dreadmill can shot even if it is Engaged in Combat, is Fleeing or have Rallied in this Player Turn. It must always choose the closest unit as its target (Friend or Foe, the controlling player may choose if several units are equally close) even if it is outside of its Front Arc and/or outside Line of Sight, and even if the target is Engaged in Combat. Each of the three shots are resolved one at a time (measure which unit is the closest, and therefore the target, before resolving each shot).

Electric Discharge shots hit automatically, roll to determine Strength once for all shots in the same phase. If a natural ‘6’ is rolled for Strength the Dreadmill has misfired and must roll on the Volatile Table. However, if the Misfire occurs when the Dreadmill is Engaged in Combat, apply the Malfunction result instead of rolling on the table.


Units entirely composed of models with this special rule may declare a Flee Charge Reaction despite being Immune to Psychology.

Emboldening Boughs

Units with more than half of their models with this special rule have Stubborn while more than half of the unit’s Footprint is within a Forest.


A model with this special rule allows a War Machine within 3" to use the Engineer's Ballistic Skill instead of its own and to reroll any rolls on the Misfire Table. (If there are several War Machines within 3" of the Engineer, declare which one will receive the Engineer's benefits this Player Turn before firing it). If the War Machine uses a Flame Thrower Artillery Weapon, all D3 rolls for the number of hits the Flame Cannon scores on its target may be rerolled.
If this is used, you must either reroll all dice or none.
This rule cannot be used by a model that is Engaged in Combat.

Engineering Rune

A Field Artillery with this Rune adds +4 to any roll on the Misfire Table.


Once deployment has finished but before moving Vanguard and Scout units, a model with this rule may Entrench one
War Machine. The War Machine counts as if in Hard Cover. It loses this rule permanently if it moves.


Before deploying an army that includes units with Scout, you must state which of your units with this special rule will use it, starting with the player that picked the Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without deploying any of the Scouting units. These units are placed after all other non Scouting units have been deployed. They can either be deployed in your Deployment Zone, using the normal rules, or they can be deployed outside the Deployment Zone, but must be more than 18” away from any enemy units . This is decreased to 12” if the Scouting unit is deployed whole within a Forest, Ruin, Building, Field or Water Terrain Feature . Scouting units that are deployed outside their player’s Deployment Zone may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have Scouting units, alternate deploying one unit at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying first .


Models with this special rule treat all Terrain as Open Terrain for movement purposes, but cannot end their
movement inside (or within 1" of) Impassable Terrain. Model parts with Ethereal gain Magical Attacks, and
non-mount model parts with Ethereal gain Ward Save (5+), which is increased to Ward Save (3+) against all attacks that are not Magical Attacks. Units including any non-mount R&F part with Ethereal can only be joined by Characters with Ethereal on a non-mount part.

Ethereal (Ghost Steeds)

Ethereal (Steeds)


Some units’ profiles contain an additional Characteristic: “Evoked”, which determines the number of Wounds Raised with the Evocation of Souls (Evocation) and The Dead Arise (Bound Spell).

Evoked (1)

Some unit profiles contain an additional Characteristic: “Evoked”, which determines the number of wounds Raised with the Evocation of Souls spell.

Evoked (2)

Some unit profiles contain an additional Characteristic: “Evoked”, which determines the number of wounds Raised with the Evocation of Souls spell.

Evoked (3)

Some unit profiles contain an additional Characteristic: “Evoked”, which determines the number of wounds Raised with the Evocation of Souls spell.

Evoked (4)

Some unit profiles contain an additional Characteristic: “Evoked”, which determines the number of wounds Raised with the Evocation of Souls spell.

Evoked (5)

Some unit profiles contain an additional Characteristic: “Evoked”, which determines the number of wounds Raised with the Evocation of Souls spell.

Evoked (6)

Some unit profiles contain an additional Characteristic: “Evoked”, which determines the number of wounds Raised with the Evocation of Souls spell.

Executioner’s Blade

Great Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain Lethal Strike and Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, War Beast, Cavalry).

Eye of the Warp


When a unit composed entirely of models with this special rule rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest dice.


Models with this rule gain Frenzy and can never lose it. Casualties suffered in Close Combat are removed at Initiative 0.

Fast Cavalry

Models with this special rule have Light Troops and Vanguard. If a unit consisting solely of models with Fast Cavalry voluntarily flees as a Charge Reaction and subsequently rallies the next friendly Player Turn, then the unit may move
and shoot during that Player Turn. The rallied unit may not charge and counts as having moved for the purpose of shooting. This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player or involuntarily flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test.


All enemy units in base contact with one or more models with this special rule suffer a 1 Leadership modifier. Models that are Immune to Psychology or that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear. At the start of each
Combat Round, units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear must take a Leadership Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit have their Weapon Skill reduced to 1 for the remainder of the Combat Round.

Multiple Wounds

Unsaved Wounds caused by attacks with this special rule or by Close Combat Attacks from model parts with this
special rule are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a Dice (such as “Multiple Wounds
(D3)"), roll one such Dice for each unsaved Wound with this special rule. The amount of Wounds that the attack is
multiplied into can never be higher than the Wounds Characteristic of the Target (excluding Wounds suffered
previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a Troll (W3) and rolls a ‘5' for the
amount of Wounds, this is reduced to 3 Wounds.

If (Ordnance) is stated after the X value in brackets, an unsaved wound caused by attacks with this special rule to a
model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.

Sometimes this rule is connected to certain Troop Types or special rules. If this is the case, the Troop Type will be
given within brackets (Y), for example Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry). If this is the case, only apply the Multiple
Wounds rule when attacking models of the given Troop Type or possessing the given special rules.

Multiple Wounds (2)

Unsaved Wounds caused by attacks with this special rule or by Close Combat Attacks from model parts with this special rule are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a Dice (such as “Multiple Wounds (D3)”), roll one such Dice for each unsaved Wound with this special rule. The amount of Wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Wounds Characteristic ofthe Target (excluding Wounds suffered previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a Troll (W3) and rolls a ‘5' for the amount of Wounds,this is reduced to 3 Wounds.
If (Ordnance) is stated as the value in brackets, this normally counts as Multiple Wounds (D3+1), but against targets with the Fly special rule this is increased to Multiple Wounds (D3+2).
Sometimes this rule is connected to certain Troop Types or special rules. If this is the case, the Troop Type will be given within brackets (Y), for example Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry). If this is the case, only apply the Multiple Wounds rule when attacking models of the given Troop Type or possessing the given special rules.

Multiple Wounds (D3)

Unsaved Wounds caused by attacks with this special rule or by Close Combat Attacks from model parts with this special rule are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a Dice (such as “Multiple Wounds (D3)”), roll one
such Dice for each unsaved Wound with this special rule. The amount of Wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Wounds Characteristic of the Target (excluding Wounds suffered previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a Troll (W3) and rolls a ‘5' for the amount of Wounds, this is reduced to 3 Wounds.

If (Ordnance) is stated as the value in brackets, this normally counts as Multiple Wounds (D3+1), but against targets with the Fly special rule this is increased to Multiple Wounds (D3+2). Sometimes this rule is connected to certain Troop Types or special rules. If this is the case, the Troop Type will be given within brackets (Y), for example Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry). If this is the case, only apply the Multiple Wounds rule when attacking models of the given Troop Type or possessing the given special rules.

Multiple Wounds (X)

Unsaved Wounds caused by attacks with this special rule or by Close Combat Attacks from model parts with this special rule are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a Dice (such as “Multiple Wounds (D3)"), roll one such Dice for each unsaved Wound with this special rule. The amount of Wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Wounds Characteristic of the Target (excluding Wounds suffered previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a Troll (W3) and rolls a ‘5' for the amount of Wounds, this is reduced to 3 Wounds.
If (Ordnance) is stated after the X value in brackets, an unsaved wound caused by attacks with this special rule to a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Sometimes this rule is connected to certain Troop Types or special rules. If this is the case, the Troop Type will be given within brackets (Y), for example Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry). If this is the case, only apply the Multiple Wounds rule when attacking models of the given Troop Type or possessing the given special rules.

Fey Arrows

There are 6 different types of Fey Arrows and they have different effects when fired from a Longbow. Models equipped with Fey Arrows may always choose between the following effects when shooting (all R&F models in a unit must choose
the same effect):

1) Use the Longbow’s normal rules
2) Ignore penalties for Moving and Shooting, lose Volley Fire, and apply the arrow-specific rules below:

Black Arrow: Strength 4 on Short Range, Armour Piercing (1) on Long Range
Hawthorn Point: Poisoned Attacks
Truemark Arrow: Ignore to-hit modifiers from Cover, Skirmishers and Long Range
Starlight Shaft: Magical Attacks, Flaming Attacks, Divine Attacks
Perforating Tip: Armour Piercing (3)
Jewelweed Shot: Multiple Shots (2)

Fey Arrows

Fey Arrows are found in 6 different variants that have different effects when fired from a Longbow. Models equipped with Fey Arrows may always choose between the following effects when shooting (all R&F models in a unit must choose the same effect):
1) Use the Longbow’s normal rules
2) Ignore penalties for Moving and Shooting, lose Volley Fire, and apply the arrow-specific rules below:
Black Arrow : Strength 4 on Short Range, Armour Piercing (1) on Long Range
Hawthorn Point : Poisoned Attacks
Truemark Arrow : Ignore to-hit modifiers from Cover, Skirmishers and Long Range
Starlight Shaft : Magical Attacks, Flaming Attacks and Divine Attacks
Perforating Tip : Armour Piercing (3)
Jewelweed Shot : Multiple Shots (2)

Fey Arrows (Black Arrow)

Fey Arrows (Black Arrow):
1) Use the Longbow’s normal rules
2) Ignore penalties for Moving and Shooting, lose Volley Fire, and apply the arrow-specific rules below:
Black Arrow : Strength 4 on Short Range, Armour Piercing (1) on Long Range

Fey Arrows (Hawthorn Points)

Fey Arrows (Hawthorn Points):
1) Use the Longbow’s normal rules
2) Ignore penalties for Moving and Shooting, lose Volley Fire, and apply the arrow-specific rules below:
Hawthorn Point : Poisoned Attacks

Sons of the Avalanche

Models on foot with this special rule gain Impact Hits (1). Characters on foot with this special rule gain Impact Hits (D3). All models with Sons of the Avalanche are immune to the effects of Fear.

Rows of Teeth

Gnasher Dashers make Supporting Attacks instead of their Cave Goblin riders.
Gnasher Dashers gain Impact Hits with the following exception from the normal rules: instead of causing one Impact Hit per (charging) Gnasher Dasher model in base contact with an enemy model, the (charging) Gnasher Dasher unit causes D3 Impact Hits for each 5 Gnasher Dashers in the unit, rounding fractions up, to a single enemy unit in base contact with the unit. For example, a unit of 1 to 5 Gnashers Dashers would inflict D3 Impact Hits, while a unit of 6 to 10 Gnasher Dashers would inflict 2D3 Impact Hits.


Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Strength 3, Quick to Fire.

Fire on Impact!


Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 3, Quick to Fire.


Model parts with this special rule have a Ward Save (2+) against Flaming Attacks. While a model has Fireborn, it cannot benefit from Regeneration.


Shooting Weapon, Range 18", Strength 4, Multiple Shots (D3), Quick to Fire

Prey Scent

Before the battle, if you have one or more units of Rhamphodon Riders or a Skink Captain on an Alpha Rhamphodon, you may mark 2 of the enemy’s units with a counter. When attacking a marked unit, Rhamphodons (not their riders) may reroll to hit and gain an additional D3 attacks/model, which must be allocated towards a marked unit.

Plague Flail

Type: Flail. Unless using another weapon, the wielder of a Plague Flail must make a single additional Special Attack with Toxic Attacks against an enemy model in base contact, at Initiative 10. The attack hits automatically.


Flame Swoop

​Sweeping Attack, the enemy unit suffers D6 hits, and an additional D3 hits for each rank after the first rank. These hits are Strength 4 Flaming Attacks.
Sweeping Attack:
Special Ranged Attack. This attack may be used by units consisting of models with this special rule. At the end of the Remaining Moves subphase (or the Magic Phase if this is done as part of a Magical Move), nominate one unengaged enemy unit which the unit Advanced or Marched through this phase (Bases are Overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes an attack against the chosen enemy unit (follow the description in the unit profile). These attacks hit automatically.


Attacks with the Flaming Attacks special rule must reroll failed to wound
rolls against models with this special rule.


Units composed entirely of models with this Special Rule can make Flying Movements in the Moving Chargers and Remaining Moves sub-phases. When a Unit makes a Flying Movement, t, substitute the model's Movement Characteristic as the value given in brackets (X) and can move over Units and Terrain. However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a Unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the 1” rule kick in). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or Units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the terrain from which they take of and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly Special Rule also always have the Swiftstride and Free Reform Special Rules.

Fly (10)

Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.

Fly (6)

Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.

Fly (7)

Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.

Fly (8)

Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.

Fly (9)

Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements in the Move Chargers and Remaining Moves sub‐phases. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). However, they cannot end their Movement inside or within 1” of a unit or Impassable Terrain (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). Units using Flying Movement ignore any Terrain or units they fly over from their starting to their ending position, but they are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Flying Movement can be used to March. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.

Fly (X)

Units composed entirely of models with this special rule can make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move or in the Remaining Moves subphase.
When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute the models’ Movement Characteristic with the value given in brackets (X). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying value of a model. Flying Movement can be used to March. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain from which they take off and in which they land. Models with the Fly special rule also always have Swiftstride and Light Troops.


An Arcane Engine with Foresight grants Lighting Reflexes to all friendly units within 6".
The Engine can cast Fate’s Judgement from Divination as a Bound Spell (Power Level 4).

Forest Walker

Models with this special rule have Strider (Forest). If a unit comprised entirely of models with this special rule starts the Close Combat Phase with the more than half of its footprint in a Forest, then all model parts with this special rule may reroll to-wound rolls of ‘1’ in Close Combat for the duration of that phase. If the army has one or more models with Channel and Forest Walker within a Forest, add an additional +1 to friendly Channel Attempts.

Forge Gun

Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Strength 5, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire

Forge Repeater

Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Strength 5, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire, Multiple Shots (4)

Lance Formation

Models with this special rule gain Monstrous Ranks and Fight in Extra Rank. When charging and with a unit that has ranks 3 models wide, models with this special rule gain an additional instance of Fight in Extra Rank.

Forrest Walker

Parts of models with this special rule have Strider (Forest). Close Combat Attacks from models with this rule have Armour Piercing (1). Furthermore, a unit comprised entirely of models with this rule has has Fight in Extra Rank and Poisoned Attacks in close combat while the majority of the unit's footprint is within a Forest.

Moonlight Arrows

When fired from a mundane Bow or Longbow, Moonlight Arrows gain Strength 4, Magical Attacks and Flaming Attacks.

Free Reform

Units composed entirely of models with this Special Rule are allowed to make any number of Reforms when moving in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, and they may still Advance or March. They are even allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model may move more than its movement allowance (or twice that number if marching), from its starting position to its final position, around any obstructions (including the 1” rule). If the model performed any action during the movement (such as releasing Doom Twirlers or attacking an enemy with Slashing attacks), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the battlefield where they performed that action and then to their final position. If at least half of the models in a unit have the Free Reform Special Rule, the Unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks


Model parts with Frenzy have +1 Attack and are Immune to Psychology. After all charges have been declared, each of your units with one or more models (or model parts) with Frenzy must take a Frenzy Test (Leadership Test) if it did not
declare a charge. If the test is failed, the unit must declare a charge against the closest viable enemy unit, if there is one.
Characters are never forced to charge out of units. Units with one or more model parts with Frenzy must always pursue and overrun whenever possible. If a model part with Frenzy is ever on the losing side of a Combat Round, it immediately loses this special rule.

Frenzy (Riders only)

Long Rifle

Shooting Weapon. Range 48", Strength 5, Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, Cavalry, War Beast), Unwieldy, Armour Piercing (1), Accurate.

Full Steam Ahead!

During the Compulsory Moves sub-phase,the Infernal Engine may optto engage its boiler.If it does so, for until the end of this Player Turn the unit may not shoot and gains Random Movement(3D6), with the following exception: it cannot move into base contact with a unit that was not within the Infernal Engine’s Front Arc before the initial pivot.


At the end of a phase in which a unit has suffered one or more unsaved Wounds from a model part or an Attack with this rule, the unit suffers an additional D3 Strength 3 hits.

Running Amok!!

Shambolic units with Running Amok!! always move in a random direction during their Random Movement.


Shady Gits count as Champions and are automatically deployed in the unit that purchased this upgrade. On the first round of combat, Shady Gits gain +3 Initiative and Lightning Reflexes until the end of the Round of Combat. Shady Gits do not gain First Among Equals or Order the Charge.

Gas Globes

Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Quick to Fire, Volley Fire, Magical Attacks, Armour Piercing (6). Attacks made with this weapon ignore the target's Toughness and instead wound on 4+. On a natural to-hit roll of ‘1’, the wielder suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks.

Rotary Gun

Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 4, Multiple Shots (2D6*2) or Multiple Shots (3D6*2) (the owner chooses which to use). Reload!, Magical Attacks, Volatile.
This weapon never suffers from negative to-hit modifiers due to Moving and Shooting or Multiple Shots. If a double is obtained when rolling for the number of shots, the weapon misfires.

Gaze of the Gods

A model with this rule cannot refuse a Challenge and mustissue one if no other model does so.If a model with this rule kills an enemy Character in a Challenge or slays a Monster, then the model part with Gaze of the Gods may reroll all to-hit and to-wound rolls until the end of the current player’s next Magic phase. If two or more models with this rule slay a Monster at the same Initiative, only one model (chosen by the owner) can benefit from Gaze of Gods.


Naphtha Thrower

Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Strength 5, Multiple Shots (2D6), Multiple Wounds (D3), Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Volatile, Reload!.
This weapon never suffers from negative to-hit modifiers due to Moving and Shooting, Multiple Shots, Cover or shooting at skirmishers . If a double is obtained when rolling for the number of shots, the weapon misfires.

Poisoned Javelin

Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Strength as user, Poisoned Attacks, Quick to Fire.


A model with this special rule may use a Lance when charging even when armed with a Magical Weapon.Ifthe model uses a mundane Lance when charging it may switch its weapon at the start of the next Round of Combat.

Globe Launcher

Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Toxic Attacks, Multiple Shots (2D6*2), Reload!, Magical Attacks, Volley Fire, Volatile.
This weapon never suffers from negative to-hit modifiers due to Moving and Shooting or Multiple Shots. If a double is obtained when rolling for the number of shots, the weapon misfires.

God's Blessing

Grail Code

Models with this Special Rule have the Inspiring, Immune to psychology, Magical attacks, Holy attacks and Ward save (5+) Special Rules.

Grail Oath

Model parts with this special rule gain Immune to Psychology, a Ward Save (5+) and Magical Attacks.
Characters with this special rule also gain +1 Weapon Skill.

Shrapnel Grenades

Sweeping Attack which can be used once per game, the enemy unit suffers D3 Strength 3 hits for each Steam Copter in the unit. One Use Only.

Great Bow

This is a Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon​ with: Range 36", Strength 3[5], [Multiple Wounds (D3)], Armour Piercing (6), Quick to fire

Great Aspen Bow

Shooting Weapon. Range 36", Strength 5, Volley Fire; This weapon ignores all shooting modifiers to hit.
During the Close Combat Phase, this weapon counts as a Close Combat Weapon, and attacks made with it suffer a -1 Strength modifier when the enemy rolls for Armour Saves (this does not affect to-wound rolls).

Green Tide

Once per game, if the Goblin General has this special rule, it may declare a Green Tide at the start of any Player Turn.
All model parts in the army belonging to any Goblin Greenhide Race gain Fight in Extra Rank until the end of the next Player Turn.

Greenhide Catapults - Git Launcher

Catapult Artillery Weapon with Range 12-60", Strength 5, Armour Piercing (2).
This weapon follows the rules for Catapults Artillery Weapons with the following exceptions: if the weapon hits (including with a Partial Hit), instead of causing an Area Attacks hit, the unit suffers D3+1 hits with the weapon’s Strength and Special Rules, which are not reduced or lost in case of Partial Hit.

Greenhide Catapults - Splatterer

Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with Range 12-60", Strength 3[7], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]

Greenhide Races - Cave Goblin

Hatred (Armybook: Dwarven Holds)

Greenhide Races - Common Goblin


Greenhide Races - Common Orc

Born to Fight

Greenhide Races - Feral Orc

Born to Fight,
Ward Save (6+)

Greenhide Races - Forest Goblin

Strider (Forest)

Greenhide Races - Iron Orc

Born to Fight
Weapon Master
Immune to Psychology

Grim Resolve

The model gains +1 Attack for each enemy model in Base Contact with it.

Grinding Attacks

Models with this Special Rule can make a Special Close Combat Attack at its own Initiative against a single enemy Unit in base contact. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X). These automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Grinding Attacks never benefit from any Equipment or Special Rules the model may have (since they are Special Attacks). If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same combat phase (you are free to choose which). If a multipart model has this rule, then the rule is only applied to the part of the model that has the rule.

Grinding Attacks (3D3)

Grinding Attacks (D3)

Grinding Attacks (D3)

Close Combat Attack at its own Initiative against a single enemy Unit in base contact. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (D3). These automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Can never benefit from equipment or Special Ruls. If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same combat phase.

Grinding Attacks (D3+1)

Close Combat Attack at its own Initiative against a single enemy Unit in base contact. This attack deals D3+1 automatic hits with Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Can never benefit from equipment or Special Ruls. If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same combat phase.

Grinding Attacks (D3+2)

Close Combat Attack at its own Initiative against a single enemy Unit in base contact. This attack deals D3+2 number of hits. These automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Can never benefit from equipment or Special Ruls. If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same combat phase.

Grinding Attacks (D6+2)

Close Combat Attack at its own Initiative against a single enemy Unit in base contact. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (D3). These automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Can never benefit from equipment or Special Ruls. If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same combat phase.

Grinding Attacks (see Steam Engine)

Grinding Attacks (X)

Close Combat Attack at its own Initiative against a single enemy Unit in base contact. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X). These automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Can never benefit from equipment or Special Ruls. If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same combat phase.

Grinding Attacks (X) - Special Attack

Model parts with this special rule must make a Special Close Combat Attack at their own Initiative against a single enemy unit in base contact. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X). These attacks automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Grinding Attacks never benefit from any equipment or special rule the model may have (since they are Special Attacks). If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (you may choose which). When several model parts in the same unit have this special rule, and when X is a random number (for example Grinding Attacks(2D3)), roll for the number of hits separately.


Royal Guard

Should a Pharaoh or Nomarch in the same unit as a Tomb Harbinger be attacked in Close Combat, before rolling to wound, one hit may be transferred onto a Tomb Harbinger in the same unit instead. A Tomb Harbinger may intervene against only a single attack in each Round of Combat and cannot intervene against hits suffered during a Challenge.

Guardian's Wrath

The Tomb Harbinger and all model parts in the same unit, except mounts , gain Hatred.

Guild-Crafted Handguns

Shooting Weapon. Type: Handgun. Accurate
A unit with this weapon cannot be armed with Great Weapons and cannot be the Veteran Standard Bearer.

Half Bull

Stomp hits can never be distributed onto a model with this special rule.

Harmony with the Land

Harpoon Launcher

Shooting Weapon with Range 24", Strength 7, Reload!, Quick to Fire and Multiple Wounds (D3).


Model parts with this special rule may reroll failed to hit rolls during the first Round of Combat. Sometimes this rule may only work against certain enemies, which are then stated in brackets. For example, “Hatred (Army Book: Empire of Sonnstahl)” means that Hatred only applies when attacking models from the Empire of Sonnstahl Army Book.

Hatred (Armybook: Dwarven Holds)

Hedge Knights

​Models with this upgrade gain Scout and Vanguard

Hellish Breath

Flame Thrower Artillery Weapon with Range 8", Strength 5, Flaming Attacks. Ignore the -1 modifier on the Misfire Table.

Hellish Reaper

Volley Gun (2D6) Artillery Weapon with Range 12", Strength 4, Armour Piercing (3).

Hellish Whip

Shooting Weapon, Range 6", Strength as user, Quick to Fire.
Units that suffer one or more hits from this weapon reduce their Initiative value to 1 during the Combat Phase and gain Stupidity. The effect lasts until the start of the Hell Rider’s next Shooting Phase.

Hellscream Cannon

This weapon can be fired in two ways:
– As a Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon
with the Move or Fire special rule and:

Range 12-60", Strength 4[7],
Armour Piercing (1), [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)]
A unit which suffers 1 or more casualties from this attack must immediately take a Panic Test, just as if it had suffered 25% casualties.

– As a Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with:

Range 6-24", Strength 3,
Armour Piercing (1)
A unit which suffers 1 or more casualties from this attack must immediately take a Panic Test, just as if it had suffered 25% casualties.

Hewn out of Mountains

As long as at least one friendly model from a Dwarven Holds army is on the Battlefield, all spells cast by enemy models have their Casting Values (or Power Levels) increased by +1. This does not increase the casting value of “Remains in Play” spells for purposes of dispelling.


A model with the Hidden Special rule can choose to be deployed “Hidden”. If so, secretly note in which friendly (non-character) unit it is hiding in. This unit must already have been deployed, and must have the same Troop Type as the model with Hidden. Furthermore, the model must be allowed to join it normally. If the hiding model is a unit champion, it must hide in its own unit. While hidden, the model cannot be harmed or otherwise affected. Unless the unit that the character is hiding in
is fleeing, the model can be revealed at the start or end of any Player Turn or at the start of any Round of Combat that its unit is participating in. Place the model inside the unit as if it just joined the unit, placing it as far forward as possible (First in Rank), except that it cannot move other models with the First in Rank rule. Once revealed, the model functions as normal and this rule has no effect anymore. If the model is never removed during the game (for example, because its unit was destroyed), the hiding model counts as killed.

Seen It All

Friendly units within 6" of a Greybeards unit may reroll failed Panic Tests.

Hold Your Ground

All units within 12" of a friendly non-fleeing model with this special rule may receive the ability to reroll failed
Leadership Tests.


At the start of any Round of Combat, a model carrying aHoldstone may declare to use it. The model’s unit willtreat its flanks and rear as front for the purposes of Parry and Shield Wall and may even make Supporting Attacks to their flanks and rear. The unit may still be Disrupted as normal. Once a Holdstone has been activated, the bearer must always accept and issue Challenges, unless another model does so first. The unit cannot pursue any enemies in the same Combat in which the Holdstone was used. The effects of theHoldstone end once the Combatis over or at the end of the phase in which the bearer is removed as a casualty.
As long as the bearer is alive, the Holdstone may be activated again in later Combats.

Holy Fervor

All friendly models with Insignificant in units within 6" gain The Blessing. All friendly Insignificant Infantry and Insignificant Cavalry models in units within 6" gain Fight in Extra Rank and may reroll all natural to-wound rolls of ‘1’.

Holy Relic

The Altar of Battle grants Hatred to all friendly units within 6", excluding mounts. All Blessings Bound Spells cast by the rider have the type Aura and Range 6" (replaces type Caster’s Unit).
A Prelate that rides an Altar of Battle can cast Unerring Strike from Divination as a Bound Spell (Power Level 4).


Characters that are Honorless do not receive the usual penalties from refusing a challenge.


A Character with Honourless cannot be chosen by the enemy as the model that refuses a Challenge.

Huge Impaler

Unit with at least one Full rank on charge inflicts Impact Hits (D3) with a Strength 5, Multiple Wounds (Ordnance; Large Targets)


At the end of the close combat phase, roll a D6 for each unit with this Special Rule that caused at least one wound during the phase. On the roll of X+ a single wound is Raised to the unit, where X is the number stated within the brackets. Characters must cause wounds and roll for Raised wounds separately from any unit they are joined to.

Hunting Spear

Shooting Weapon. Range 12", User Strength +1, Quick to Fire, Multiple Wounds (D3, Monsters, Ridden Monsters).

Hurl Attack

Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with: Range 6-36", Strength 3[7], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)], Magical Attacks, Divine Attacks. A Cyclops that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner's Movement Phase ignores the to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.

The Dead Arise

Bound Spell Power Level 4, Range 12", Ground, Duration: Instant.
Summon a unit from the ones with the Awaken (X) special rule of the caster (choose before casting) with as many Wounds as given by the Evoked characteristic ofthe unit. The unit must be placed with atleast one model on the target point and all models within the range. All upgrades except Command Group are allowed.
The unit loses Scoring (if it had it).

Icon of the Waaargh!

The Great Green Idol benefits from Waaargh! as if it had a Greenhide Race.

Immune to Psychology

If half or more of a unit's models are Immune to Psychology, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and cannot declare a Flee reaction (unless already fleeing). Models that are Immune to Psychology are also immune to the effects of Fear.

Immune to Psycology

If more than half of a unit's models are Immune to Psychology, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and cannot declare a Flee reaction (unless already fleeing). Models that are Immune to Psychology are also immune to the effects of Fear.

Impact Hits (see Rows of Teeth)

Impact Hits are Special Close Combat Attacks which can ( and must) only be made in the first Round of Combat after a model with this rule successfully charged into combat. Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to a single enemy unit in base contact, which must be the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model's own Strength, with +1
Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules. I f a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly.
In Chariots, only a Chariot itself can use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models only the mounts can use it.

Impact hits (X) - Special Attack

Model parts with this special rule in base contact with an enemy unit can (and must) make a Special Close Combat Attack in the first Round of Combat after successfully charg ing . Impact Hits are resolved at Initiative 10 and inflict a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X) to the charged enemy unit. Impact Hits automatically hit and have a Strength value equal to the model part 's own Strength, with +1 Strength for every Full Rank after the first in the unit, provided that those ranks are comprised entirely of models with the Impact Hits special rule. Due to being Special Attacks, Impact Hits do not benefit from weapon bonuses or special rules.
If a model has both Grinding Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rule in the same Combat Round (you may choose which). If the value within brackets is preceded by a ‘+’ sign, add the value to the already existing Impact Hits instead (if the model part already had Impact Hits). If not, use the value directly. When several model s in the same unit have this special rule, and when X is a random number (for example Impact Hits(D6)), roll for the number of hits separately.
In Chariots models , only the Chariot model part itself use this Special Attack. In the other multipart models, only the mount part s can use it.

Impaling Roots

Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Multiple Shots (D6+1), Strength 4 (Strength 5 if its target is in contact with a Forest), Quick to Fire, may March and Shoot, ignores to-hit modifiers from Cover.


When declaring a charge, a model with this special rule gains Frenzy (Knight only) until the end of the Player Turn. A unit which consists entirely of models with this rule may reroll failed Charge Range rolls .

Runic Anvil

Innate Defense

Innate Defense (3+)

Innate Defense (4+)

Innate Defense (5+)

Innate Defense (6+)

Innate Protection (3+)


Units consisting entirely of models with this special rule do not cause Panic Tests on friendly units without this special rule. Only Insignificant Characters can join units with Insignificant R&F models.

Inspire Barbarians

Barbarians and Barbarian Horsemen in the same unit as a Barbarian Chief gain Fight in Extra Ranks.


Models with this Special Rule have the Inspiring Presence rule even if not the General, but only models with the Insignificant Special Rule may receive this Inspiring Presence and it’s range is only 6”. Units that do not accept challenges and are able to lose The Blessing special rule -Beloved models are exempt from triggering this effect.

Inspiring Presence

All units within 12" of a friendly non-fleeing model with this special rule may receive the ability to use the
Leadership of the model with Inspiring Presence, instead of their own Leadership. This ability follows all the normal rules for using a Borrowed Characteristic, meaning that effects modifying the Leadership of the model with Inspiring Presence are applied before borrowing the model ’s Leadership. This borrowed Leadership may then be further modified.


Unstable units can only be joined by Unstable Characters.
Units with this special rule automatically pass all Break Tests. When a unit with this special rule loses a combat, it suffers a Wound (without any saves allowed) for each point of Combat Score by which it lost the combat.

The number of lost wounds is reduced in some situations. Apply the modifiers in the following order:
1. If the unit is Stubborn , halve the number of lost wounds (round fractions up).
2. If the unit is Steadfast , reduce all lost wounds above 12 to 12.
3. If the unit receives Hold Your Ground, reduce the number of lost wounds with the unit’s current Rank Bonus. Units with no Rank Bonus reduce the number of wounds lost by 1 instead.
Apply all other modifiers (from items/special rules/spells etc) afterward.

The Wounds are distributed in the following order:
1. R&F models (excluding Champions)
2. Champion
3. Characters (distributed by the owner of the unit, as evenly as possible)


Models with this special rule can heal wounds back with Invocation of the Undead equal to the amount stated in brackets (Note: A unit cannot be increased above its starting size unless affected by a caster with the corresponding Awaken special rule).

Iron Fist

Type: Paired Weapons. The wielder gains +1 Armour Save, unless using another weapon. The wielder also gains Parry, and can use it even with a magical Iron Fist, and even when riding a mount that is not a Monster or a Ridden Monster.


Units with this special rule are Immune to Psychology and automatically pass all Break Tests. Characters with the Unbreakable special rule can only join Unbreakable units. Unbreakable units can only be joined by Unbreakable

It’s A Trap!

Any Forests, Fields or Ruins Terrain Feature becomesDangerous Terrain (1)for the remainder of the game if at the time of deployment or at the end of any movement phase a non-fleeing unit of Scrapling Trappers is in contact with it. Models that normally treat these Features as Dangerous Terrain (1) treat them as Dangerous Terrain (2) instead. Scrapling Trappers do not test for Dangerous Terrain when moving in or out of a modified Feature.


Shooting Weapon. Range 36", Strength 6, Armour Piercing(1), Unwieldy, Magical Attacks, Accurate.
If rolling a natural ‘1’ when rolling to hit the bearer suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks.


Killer Habits

Killer Habits (Crew only)

Killing Blow

Unmodified '6' to wound: this wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration saves cannot be taken against it.

Killing Blow (Crew only)

Unmodified '6' to wound: this wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration saves cannot be taken against it.

Killing Blow (Mount only)

Unmodified '6' to wound: this wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration saves cannot be taken against it.

Killing Blow (Riders only)

Unmodified '6' to wound: this wound has Armour Piercing (6) and Regeneration saves cannot be taken against it.

Safety in Numbers

Non-fleeing units comprised solely of models with this special rule add their number of Full Ranks after the first one to their Leadership (up to a maximum of +3). This rule cannot be used to modify the Leadership that is distributed by models with Inspiring Presence (but the received Inspiring Presence can be modified by Safety in Numbers).
Furthermore, if all models in a unit have this special rule, this unit gains a +1 modifier to its Flee Distance rolls.

The Blessing

The Forest Follows

After both players have selected their respective deployment zones but before any models are deployed, you may place a single Forest entirely within your half of the Battlefield, not contacting any other Terrain Feature and more than 6" away from any Objective. If both players are using Sylvan Elves, the army that selected itsDeployment Zone places its Forest first. This Terrain Feature may not be larger than 27 cm in length and 19 cm in width. All Forests on the Battlefield are considered Dangerous Terrain (1) for all units except those with Strider or Strider (Forest).

Sylvan Blades

Close Combat Weapon. Type: Paired Weapons. Attacks made by Sylvan Blades gain Armour Piercing (1).

Wail of Woe

Model parts with this special rule have the Special Shooting Attack and Special Close Combat Attack detailed below.

- As a Special Shooting Attack (normally in the Shooting Phase): Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The attack hits automatically and has the following profile: Range 8", Strength 4, Multiple Shots (D6+2), Magical Attacks. This attack can be used even if the model Marched previously this Player Turn.

- As a Special Close Combat Attack (normally in the Close Combat Phase): If used,the attack is made atthe model part's Initiative and replaces the model part’s non-Special Attacks. Choose a single unit in base contact as the target. The target unit suffers D3+1 Strength 4 Hits with Magical Attacks.


Leichte Lanze

Sylvan Lance

Close Combat Weapon. Type: Light Lance. Attacks made by a Sylvan Lance gain Armour Piercing (1).

Large Target

A model with Large Target is of Large Height. A Large Target can never be joined or join a unit (unless it is a War Platform). A Large Target increases its Hold Your Ground or Inspiring Presence Range by 6”.

Last of Their Kind

Highborn Elves armies may include a maximum of two of the following: Young Dragons, Dragons, Fire Phoenixes and Frost Phoenixes. This includes models taken as mounts. This limit is increased to 4 for Grand Armies and reduced to 1 for Warbands.

Leaders of the Undead

Telepathic Link

A Cuatl Lord may cast spells oftype “Damage”through a model with this special rule if itis within 24" ofthe Cuatl Lord.
When casting through the Telepathic Link, measure the Range for the spell from the Telepathic Link and use its Front Arc and Line of Sight. The Range ofthe spell is reduced by half. The Cuatl Lord may cast spells oftype “Missile” even if it is Engaged in Combat as long as the Telepathic Link is not. If the spell is miscast, the Cuatl Lord rolls on the Miscast Table as normal and the Telepathic Link suffers a Strength MDU+1 hit. If the Cuatl Lord casts a spell through a Telepathic Link, the attribute gets cast through it as well (measure Range and use Front Arc and Line of Sightfrom the Telepathic Link ). The “caster” is still considered to be Cuatl Lord.

Light Troops

Units composed entirely of models with this special rule are allowed to make any number of Reforms when moving in the Remaining Moves subphase, while they may still Advance or March. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model may move more than its Movement allowance (or twice that number if Marching), from its starting position to its final position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). If a model performed any action during the movement (such as Sweeping attacks), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position.If more than half the models in a unit have the Light Troops special rule, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as it remains with the unit .

Lightning Cannon - Cannon

Cannon Artillery Weapon with Range 60", Strength D6+4, Armour Piercing (6), Magical Attacks, Lightning Attacks, [Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Clipped Wings)].

Lightning Rage

The model gains a Ward Save (2+) against attacks with the Lightning Attack special rule. If the model is hit by a
Lightning Attack it gains Frenzy.

Lightning Reflexes (Rider only)

Model parts with this special rule have +1 to hit with their Close Combat Attacks. This does not apply if the model part would be striking at initiative 0 (for example due to a Great Weapon or the Mesmeric Allure spell). If this is the case, it strikes at its own Initiative instead.

Lightning Resistance

Lion’s Fur

The wearer gains Innate Defence (6+), which is improved to Innate Defence (5+) against Shooting Attacks.


Mammoth Hunters on foot may only join units of Yetis and Sabretooth Tigers, and only as long as no other characters form part of the unit already. Other Characters cannot join Yetis and Sabretooth Tigers with a Mammoth Hunter joined to it.
Mounted Mammoth Hunters may not join any units at all

Look At ‘Em Go!

After contacting a unit for the first time, the Gnasher Wrecking Team gains Running Amok!! for the remainder of the game.

Lord of Flame

The model gains Divine Attacks against models with Fireborn.


A Castellan may only join units comprised entirely of models with Insignificant.
A Castellan gains the following special rules while joined to the following units:
Yeomen Outriders - Fast Cavalry.
Peasant Crusaders - Hatred and Frenzy.

Majesty of High Kings

A General mounted on a War Throne increases the range of its Inspiring Presence to 18". All friendly units within 6" of a War Throne gain Swiftstride. If a Character mounted on a War Throne joins a unit and is subsequently slain, the unit gains Frenzy.

Rune Craft Mastery

An Anvil of Power can make Dispel Attempts as if it were a Wizard Apprentice. An Anvil of Power may choose up to three different Bound Spells from among the Battle Runes (free) and the Anvil Runes below. All Battle andAnvil Bound Spells cast by the Anvil of Power have a 36" range. Battle Runes are cast with a Power Level of 4, while Anvil Runes are cast with a Power Level of 5.

Weapon Master

At the beginning of each Round of Combat, model parts with this special rule may choose which weapon they fight with. This includes selecting to use a Hand Weapon even if they have other weapons. If armed with a Magical Weapon, the
model must still use it.

Master of Stone

During the Deployment Phase after Scouts are set up, and at the beginning of each friendly Player Turn, choose a friendly unit consisting entirely of models with Undead Construct, within 18" of the Tomb Architect. This unit gains Regeneration (5+) until the end of the next Player Turn or until the Tomb Architect is removed from play, whichever comes first.

Master of Canreig Tower

The model gains Sword Sworn (see Sword Masters special unit), Master of Balance, becomes a Wizard Apprentice that generates spells from Druidism, Alchemy and/or Cosmology and knows 1 Learned Spell from a chosen Path. It always knows the Trait Spell from Druidism, and may choose to generate spells from more than one path. The chosen paths and how many spells from each path must be noted in the Army List.

Magic Attacks

Magic Resistance

All models in a Unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance add the value within brackets (X) to any Ward Save rolls (using the same rules as for adding to Armour Saves) when rolling Ward Saves against wounds caused by spell effects. Remember that Magic Resistance, like most Special Rules, is not cumulative.

Magic Resistance (1)

All models in a unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance add the value within brackets (X) to any Ward Save rolls (using the same rules as for adding to Armour Saves) when rolling Ward Saves against Wounds caused by spell effects. Magic Resistance, like most special rules, is not cumulative.

Magic Resistance (2)

All models in a unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance add the value within brackets (X) to any Ward Save rolls (using the same rules as for adding to Armour Saves) when rolling Ward Saves against Wounds caused by spell effects. Magic Resistance, like most special rules, is not cumulative.

Magic Resistance (3)

All models in a unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance add the value within brackets (3) to any Ward Save rolls (using the same rules as for adding to Armour Saves) when rolling Ward Saves against Wounds directly caused by
spell effects. Magic Resistance, like most special rules, is not cumulative. Note that Magic Resistance does not grant Ward Saves for wounds caused indirectly by Spells, such as granting models rules, where this later causes damage.

Magic Resistance (X)

All models in a unit with one or more models with Magic Resistance add the value within brackets (X) to any Ward Save rolls (using the same rules as for adding to Armour Saves) when rolling Ward Saves against Wounds directly caused by
spell effects. Magic Resistance, like most special rules, is not cumulative. Note that Magic Resistance does not grant Ward Saves for wounds caused indirectly by Spells, such as granting models rules, where this later causes damage.

Wizard Apprentice

Wizard Apprentices add +1 to their casting and dispelling rolls.

Wizard Master

Wizard Masters add +2 to their casting and dispelling rolls.

Mummy's Curse

When a model with this rule is removed from play, the model which caused the final wound automatically suffers a Strength 6 hit with Armour Piercing (6). If more than one model was part of the action which brought the downfall of the character, the hit is randomly distributed like shooting.

Phatep's Curse

Unless the Casket of Phatep moved earlier in this Player Turn, it can cast the following Bound Spell: Power Level 4, Range 36", Hex, Damage. Duration: Instant. The target must take a Leadership Test with an additional D6. If failed, for each point the test is failed, the target suffers 1 wound with Armour Piercing (6).

Mammoth Stabber

Units with this upgrade and with at least one Full Rank count as having Impact Hits (D3) with Strength 5 and Multiple Wounds ( D3+1 , Towering Presence ). These Impact Hits are applied by the unit, not by individual models in the unit (the Impact Hits do not gain additional Strength from more additional Ranks)

Mammoth Stabber

Units with this upgrade and with at least one Full Rank count as having Impact Hits (D3) with Strength 5 and Multiple Wounds (D3+1, Towering Presence). These ImpactHits are applied by the unit, not by individual models in the unit (the Impact Hits do not gain additional Strength from more additional Ranks).

Mark of Change

The bearer may gain one of the following effects: Divine Attacks, Magical Attacks or Hellfire, which affects both Close Combat Attacks and Shooting Attacks. The effect must be chosen at the start of each Round of Combat and before shooting with a unit. Every model in a unit must choose the same bonus effect. Special Attacks such as Stomps or Impact Hits are not affected. Characters with this Mark add a +1 modifier to their casting roll.

Mark of da Boss

Up to one unit with this Special Rule in the army, that has the same Greenhide Race as the General, may take a Magical Banner worth 25 pts more than they otherwise would.

Mark of Lust

Units with a more than half oftheir models with the Mark of Lust may reroll Charge Ranges, Pursuits, Overruns and Random Movement rolls, and automatically pass all Panic Tests.

Mark of Pestilence

Close Combat Attacks against model parts with the Mark of Pestilence from opponents in front of them suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This modifier can never result in a to-hit roll worse than a 5+. Model parts with this Mark have -1 Initiative (to a minimum of 1).

Mark of True Chaos

Units with more than half of their models with the Mark of True Chaos may reroll failed Panic tests.

Mark of Wrath

Model parts with the Mark of Wrath gain a +1 to-hit modifier in Close Combat when attacking enemies in front of them, and cannot declare ‘Flee’ as a Charge Reaction.
Wizards cannot gain the Mark of Wrath in any way nor can Models with Mark of Wrath become Wizards in any way.

Mason’s Menagerie

If a Tomb Architect is your army General one unit of Shabties may be taken as a Core rather than a Special choice.

Master Archers

Models with this special rule count as being equipped with the following Fey Arrows (see Armoury): Truemark Arrow, Starlight Shaft, Perforating Tip and Jewelweed Shot.

Master Artificer

Master at Arms

The Castellan and its unit gain Weapon Master.

Master Mason

The range on the Master of Stone special rule is increased by 6’’.

Master of all Paths

Master of Balance

Any Highborn Elves army thatincludes one or more models with this rule add an additional +1 to Channel Attempts in the opponent’s Magic Phase.

Master of the Dark Arts

If your army includes one or more models with this rule, add +1 to Channel Attempts in your Magic Phase.

Master of Undeath

One Character in the Vampire Covenant army must be nominated to be the Master​.At the start ofthe game, the General is always the Master.

Master Poisoner​

Meat Grinder

Type: Hand Weapon. The wielder gains Impact Hits (2D6) and Grinding Attacks (2D6) when using this weapon.
These Impact Hits and Grinding Attacks are resolved at Strength 4 with Armour Piercing (1).


Attacks with this special rule or Close Combat Attacks made by model parts with this special rule don't roll to wound as normal. Instead, they always wound on a roll equal to or greater than the target's Armour Save. An unmodified '6' always wounds and an unmodified '1' always fails to wound. These attacks have Armour Piercing (6) and Flaming Attacks.


Any unit consisting entirely of models with this special rule may ignore all Terrain and units during the Remaining Moves sub-phase (from its starting position to its ending position) but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule upon the completion of its move. The unit may perform a Sweeping Attack. The enemy suffers 1 hit for each model with the Reaper special rule that moved through the target. These hits use the Reaper model’s Strength, including weapon modifiers and special rules affecting Close Combat Attacks (such as Armour Piercing or Flaming Attacks).


Impact Hits inflicted by a Carnal Chariot gain Armour Piercing (6) and the Oracle gains +1 Attack for each unsaved wound caused by the Chariot’s Impact Hits. This Attacks modifier is lost at the end of the Round of Combat.


Models with this rule ignore friendly units when moving in the Movement Phase, but must abide the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move, unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply.

Steady Aim

Models with this special rule always count as not having moved for the purpose of Volley Fire. This special rule cannot be used together with Quick to Fire (if a model has both, choose which to use before shooting).

Pursuit Mode

When moving in the Movement Phase, roll an additional D6 for Random Movement and remove the lowest D6 rolled.

Thunder Hulks

In each Player Turn, a single model in the unit may choose to use one of its weapons. The other models must use their normal Hand Weapons. If a Misfire is rolled when shooting, instead of using the Volatile special rule, no shots are fired and the unit suffers D3 wounds with no saves of any kind allowed.

Monster Ranks

Monster Seeker

The model gains Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beast, Monstrous Cavalry, Monster and Ridden Monster).

Monstrous Ranks

Monstrous Support

May make up to 3 supporting attacks in all ranks

Mother's Kiss

At the start of each Round of Combat, roll a D6 for each unit with this upgrade.
On 2+ that unit gains Poisoned Attacks for the remainder of the Round of Combat.
On a roll of ‘1’, one random enemy unit in base contact with Mother’s Kiss unit gains Poisoned Attacks for the remainder of the Round of Combat when attacking this Forest Goblin unit.

Mount's Protection

Mount's Protection (5+)

No matter how many mounts a model has, it still only gains the largest bonus once.

Mount's Protection (6+)

No matter how many mounts a model has, it still only gains the largest bonus once.

Schutz des Reittieres (5+)

Schutz des Reittieres (6+)

Move or Fire

Shooting Weapons or model parts with this special rule may not shoot if they moved during the current Player Turn.

Random Movement

Units with this Special Rule cannot Declare Charges and cannot move in the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Instead, they move in the Compulsory Movements sub-phase. Models with this Special Rule always Charge, Flee, Pursue and Overrun the distance stated in brackets, and can never benefit from Swiftstride. During the Compulsory Movements sub-phase, Units with this Special Rule move using the rules for pursuing Units, except that they can freely choose which direction to rotate towards before rolling the Pursuit Distance, cannot move off the Board Edge and only take dangerous terrain tests if they actually charge an enemy unit. If a Unit with this Special Rule is garrisoning a building, it must leave it by placing the Unit 1” away from the building (or as close as possible) during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase, and then move, using the normal rules for Random Movement. (It may not charge in the same turn. If it would, it stops 1” before the enemy Unit instead). Characters with Random Movement can only join Units with the same Special Rule (by moving into contact with them during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase), and Units with this rule can only be joined by Random Movement Characters. If a Unit has several sets of Random Movement, use the lowest one.

Random Movement (2D6)

Moves in Compulsory Movements subphase. Always charge, flee, pursue and overrun 2D6.

Random Movement (3D6)

Moves in Compulsory Movements subphase. Always charge, flee, pursue and overrun 3D6.

Random Movement (X)

Units with this special rule cannot Declare Charges and cannot move in the Remaining Moves subphase (which also means they cannot perform Magical Moves). Instead, they move in the Compulsory Moves subphase. Models with this special rule lose Swiftstride (and can never gain it), but always Charge, Flee, Pursue and Overrun the distance stated in brackets.

During the Compulsory Moves subphase, units with this special rule move using the rules for pursuing units, except that they can freely choose which direction to rotate towards before rolling the Pursuit distance, cannot move off the
Board Edge and only take Dangerous Terrain tests if they actually charge an enemy unit (they still test as normal when fleeing, pursuing a broken enemy or Overrunning).

Characters with Random Movement can only join units with the same special rule (by moving into contact with them during the Compulsory Moves subphase), and units with this rule can only be joined by Random Movement Characters. If a unit has several sets of Random Movement, use the lowest one.

Multiple Shots

Shooting Weapons or models with this Special Rule may choose to fire multiple times instead of a single time, in each Shooting Phase. How many times they can shoot is stated in brackets, although using this Special Rule imposes a -1 To Hit modifier on all shots fired. All R&F models in a single Unit must use the Multiple Shots rule if at least one of them uses this rule. If a multipart model has this rule, then the rule is only applied to the part of the model that has the rule.

Multiple Shots (2)

Shooting Weapons or model parts with this special rule may choose to fire multiple times instead of a single time, in each Shooting Phase. How many times they can shoot is stated in brackets. However, using this special rule imposes a -1 to hit modifier on all shots fired. All R&F models in a single unit must use the Multiple Shots rule if at least one of them uses this rule (if possible).

Multiple Shots (3)

Shooting Weapons or model parts with this special rule may choose to fire multiple times instead of a single time, in each Shooting Phase. How many times they can shoot is stated in brackets. However, using this special rule imposes a -1 to hit modifier on all shots fired. All R&F models in a single unit must use the Multiple Shots rule if at least one of them uses this rule.

Multiple Shots (X)

Shooting Weapons or model parts with this special rule may choose to fire multiple times instead of a single time, in each Shooting Phase. How many times they can shoot is stated in brackets. However, using this special rule imposes a -1 to hit modifier on all shots fired. All R&F models in a single unit must use the Multiple Shots rule if at least one of them uses this rule (if possible).

Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry, War beast, Cavalry)

Multiple Wounds (2, Monsters and Ridden Monsters)

Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts and Monsters)

Unsaved wounds are multiplied into 2 wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Wounds Characteristics of the Target (excluding already suffered wounds previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a Troll (W:3) and rolls a ‘5' for the amout of wounds, this is reduced to 3 wounds.
If (Ordnance) is stated as the value in brackets, this counts as Multiple Wounds (D3+1) normally, but against targets with the Fly Special Rule this is increased to Multiple Wounds (D3+2).

Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts, Monsters, & Ridden Monster)​

Unsaved Wounds caused by attacks with this special rule or by Close Combat Attacks from model parts with this special rule are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a Dice (such as “Multiple Wounds (D3)”), roll one such Dice for each unsaved Wound with this special rule. The amount of Wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Wounds Characteristic ofthe Target (excluding Wounds suffered previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a Troll (W3) and rolls a ‘5' for the amount of Wounds,this is reduced to 3 Wounds.
If (Ordnance) is stated as the value in brackets, this normally counts as Multiple Wounds (D3+1), but against targets with the Fly special rule this is increased to Multiple Wounds (D3+2).
Sometimes this rule is connected to certain Troop Types or special rules. If this is the case, the Troop Type will be given within brackets (Y), for example Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry). If this is the case, only apply the Multiple Wounds rule when attacking models of the given Troop Type or possessing the given special rules.

Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts, Monsters, & Ridden Monster)​(Crew only),

Unsaved Wounds caused by attacks with this special rule or by Close Combat Attacks from model parts with this special rule are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a Dice (such as “Multiple Wounds (D3)”), roll one such Dice for each unsaved Wound with this special rule. The amount of Wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Wounds Characteristic ofthe Target (excluding Wounds suffered previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a Troll (W3) and rolls a ‘5' for the amount of Wounds,this is reduced to 3 Wounds.
If (Ordnance) is stated as the value in brackets, this normally counts as Multiple Wounds (D3+1), but against targets with the Fly special rule this is increased to Multiple Wounds (D3+2).
Sometimes this rule is connected to certain Troop Types or special rules. If this is the case, the Troop Type will be given within brackets (Y), for example Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry). If this is the case, only apply the Multiple Wounds rule when attacking models of the given Troop Type or possessing the given special rules.

Wall of Iron

The Ward Save (6+) from the Shield. Wall special rule is increased to (5+)


Swift Reform
A unit with a Musician can make a Swift Reform: the unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions:
- The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase.
- The unit can perform an Advance Move after the Reform.
March to the Beat
March Tests taken by units within 8" of an enemy unit with a Musician are taken at -1 Leadership, unless the unit that wishes to March also has a Musician.


Not a Leader

Models with this rule can never be the General.


Units with this special rule gain Unstable and Immune to Psychology. Undead units cannot March, unless they start their move within the range of a friendly model’s Inspiring Presence . The only Charge Reaction an Undead unit can make is Hold.

Oath of Fealty

Models with this special rule gain Inspiring Presence with the following exceptions: it has a range of 6" and may only benefit units with more than half of their models with Serf.

Petrifying Stare

Nominate one normal Close Combat Attack from a model part with this special rule before rolling to hit. This attack gains Strength 4 with Armour Piercing (6). When rolling to wound with this attack, use the opponent’s Initiative instead of the opponent’s Toughness. This cannot be done as a Supporting Attack.

Ogre Slave

The model treats the roll of Jammed (3-4) on the Misfire Table as Malfunction (5+).

Oi, it bites!

This unit cannot be joined by Characters.

Venomous Tide

If an enemy unit is in base contact with a model with this rule, all attacks made against that unit gain Poisoned Attacks.

One with the Swarm

Meat Grinders can only join units of Rats-at-Arms, and loses Insignificant when it does so.


When fighting an enemy unit in the enemy’s flank or rear, model parts on foot with this special rule gain a +1 to-hit modifier as long as their unit is not also attacked in the flank or rear.

Order of the Fiery Heart

The Wizard must generate spells from Pyromancy and always knows the spell Flaming Swords in addition to its normal spells. If Flaming Swords is rolled while generating spells, reroll this dice (it can be rerolled more than once if needed). This does not prevent other Wizards from knowing this spell.
The model ignores the Missile and Damage keywords for spells if targeting units with which it is Engaged in Combat with.

Ordering the Charge

When a unit with a Champion rolls for their Charge Range, they always count as rolling at least a ‘4’. If the Charge is still failed, ignore this rule and use the rolled dice to determine the Failed Charge Move.


A character with this special may give a single Order to a Parent or SupportUnit within 6".AGeneral with this special rule may instead give a singleOrder to a friendly Parent or SupportUnit within 12".Orders are given atthe start of each friendly Player Turn. The effects of Orders apply immediately to the target unit and last untilthe end ofthe next Player Turn. A unit cannot receive the same order more than once during the same turn. Only Infantry models are affected. The available Orders are listed below:

On The Double! - The target unit gains +2 Movement. If it declares a Charge this turn, it gains +1 Movement instead.

Steady, Men! - The target unit may roll an additional D6 when taking Leadership Tests and discard the highest roll. A unit that receives this Order and passes a Rally test may move and shoot in the same turn, but will always count as having moved, cannot March, and cannot declare Charges.

Ready! Aim! Fire! - The target unit gains +6" range with mundane Shooting Weapons.

Brace For Impact! - The target unit gains Fight In Extra Rank.


Models with this special rule have Magical Attacks, are Immune to Psychology and have a Ward Save (5+). Units with the Otherworldly special rule can only be joined by Otherworldly Characters. Similarly, Otherworldly Characters can only join Otherworldly units.

Otherworldly Scream

Part of a model with this Special Rule may perform a shooting attack with range 8”. It can be used after marching and hits automatically. The target suffers X hits with strength equal to Y plus the current number of Wounds of the shooting part of model, where X and Y are the number within the brackets. When rolling to wound, compare the Strength with the target’s Leadership instead of Toughness. Wounds caused are Armour Piercing (6) and Magical Attacks. In the combat phase the model may replace its normal attacks to instead scream at one unit that it is in base contact with it.


When a Cuatl Lord is in a unit with 5 or more models with the Bodyguard special rule, it can be placed anywhere in its unit, it doesn’t have to be placed as far forward as possible. Other models with the Front Rank rule have priority for being as far forward as possible. A model with this special rule can be the General even if it is also the Battle Standard Bearer and it cannot be chosen by the enemy as the model that refuses a Challenge.

Skink Palanquin

A model with this special rule loses the Front Rank rule when it is in a unit of Saurian Warriors or Skink Braves that does not contain any Caiman model.


Close Combat Attacks from opponents in the front of a model with Parry can never score successful hits on to-hit rolls of better than 4+. This is not considered a to-hit modifier. Apply this before applying any to-hit modifiers.

Parent Unit

Parent Units And Support Units

Certain units in this Army Book are designated as either Parent Units or Support Units. Support Units are considered Insignificant by Parent Units and may perform Supporting Actions as detailed below.

Path Master

Wizards with this Special Rule do not randomly select spells as usual. Instead, they can freely choose their spells from the Path stated in brackets (but they still cannot duplicate non-Signature spells)


Wizards with this special rule do not randomly select spells as usual. Instead, they can freely choose their spells from their Path, or if there is a Path stated in brackets, they must use this Path.


The wearer gains a 4+ Armour Save against Ranged Attacks.

Stone Skin

If a model with this special rule suffers a wound with the Multiple Wounds special rule, the number of wounds suffered is halved, rounded up.


When a weapon with this special rule hits, check in which arc of the target the shooter is in. The weapon causes a number of hits equal to the number of ranks of its target if the shooter is in the front or the rear arc, or a number hits equal to the number of files of its target if the shooter is in either flank arc. In either case, the number of hits cannot exceed 5.
Some Penetrating attacks have a higher Strength and/or additional special rules stated in square brackets (such as Strength 3[6], [Multiple Wounds (D3)]). If so, a single hit from this attack uses the Strength value and special rules in brackets. The Bracketed values and special rules are not applied to any other hits.


The Infernal Engine may not Declare Charges, Pursuit or Overrun.

Petrifying Gaze

Models with this rule may perform a special shooting attack with the following profile: Range 12”, Strength 2, Armour Piercing (6), Multiple Shots (D6+1), Quick to Fire. When rolling To Wound, use the highest Initiative of the model as its Toughness.

The bigger they are...

Close Combat Attacks made by models with this special rule always wound on to-wound rolls of 4+ (or better if the model’s Strength allows it). When rolling for Charge Range, if the charged unit contains one or more models of the following Troop Types: Ridden Monsters, Monsters, Monstrous Beast, Monstrous Cavalry or Monstrous Infantry, models with this rule gain Swiftstride for this Charge Range roll. This does not apply to Pursuit moves.

War Platform

Models with this special rule may join units as if they were Characters, even if they are not Characters and even if they are Large Targets, and follow the rules for Characters with regards to distributing hits. While joined to and moving with a unit consisting of 5 or more models (besides the War Platform itself) a model with the War Platform special rule may March even though its Troop Type would normally forbid it, for example if it is a Chariot. When joined to a unit, it must always be placed in the centre of the front rank, possibly pushing back models with the Front Rank rule, and must keep its position in the centre of the front rank at all times. If two positions are equally central (this is the case in a unit with an even number of models in the first rank), the War Platform can be placed in either of these positions. If the War Plattform cannot be placed in the centre of the the front rank (for example due to Mismatching bases or the front rank being too narrow), the model cannot join the unit. This means that a War Platform can never join a unit with Mismatching bases and that only a single War Platform can ever be in the same unit. Models with this rule lose Swiftstride.



Shooting Weapon. Range 18", Strength 5, Flaming Attacks, Quick to Fire, Multiple Shots (4)

Repeater Pistol

Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Strength 4, Armour Piercing (1), Multiple Shots (3), Quick to Fire. When combined with a Pistol, it gains Multiple Shots (4).

Plague Catapult - Catapult

Catapult (4) Artillery Weapon with Range 12-48", Toxic Attacks, Magical Attacks

Plague Ridden

Enemy units in base contact with one or more units with Plague-Ridden reduce their Weapon Skill by 1,to a minimum of1

Pointed Sticks

The Scrap Wagon’s Impact Hits gain Armour Piercing (2).

Poison Bloodroot

Attacks made with this Poison gain a +1 to-wound modifier and Multiple Wounds (2, Characters, Ridden Monsters).

Poison Nightshade​

Attacks made with this Poison are not resolved with wearer’s Strength, but instead at a Strength equal to the target's Toughness +1, up to a maximum of Strength 6. If the Strength would be higher without this rule, ignore it.

Poison Wolfsbane​

Attacks made with this Poison gain Lethal Strike and may reroll failed to-wound rolls.

Poisoned Attacks

If an attack with this special rule, or an attack from a model part with this special rule (both Shooting and Close Combat Attacks), rolls a successful hit with a tohit
roll of an unmodified '6', this hit automatically wounds with no to wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks that need a 7+ to hit (or more) can never benefit from Poisoned Attacks. If the Attack can be turned into more than one hit (such as for a hit with Penetrating or Area Attack), only a single hit (of attacker’s choice)
automatically wounds, all other hits must roll to wound as normal.

Poisoned Attacks

Poisoned Attacks (Amuut only)

Automatically wounds on an unmodified to-hit roll of '6'.

Poisoned Attacks (Close combat only)

Poisoned Attacks (Crew only)

Poisoned Attacks (Mount only)

Poisoned Attacks (Riders only)

Poisoned Attacks (Shooting only)

If an attack with this special rule, or an attack from a model partwith this special rule (both Shooting and Close Combat Attacks), rolls an unmodified '6' to hit, it automatically wounds with no to‐wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks that need a 7+ to hit (or more) can never benefit from Poisoned Attacks.

Poisoned Thorn

This is a Shooting Weapon with the following profile: Range 12", Strength 3, Quick to Fire, Armour Piercing (1), Poisoned Attacks

Power ‘Shroom

One Use Only. The bearer may use a single Power ‘Shroom when casting a non-bound spell (declare usage before rolling any Magic Dice). Any Dispel Attempt this phase against this spell will have its dispel roll reduced by D3. If a natural ‘1’ is rolled, the wizard using the Power ‘Shroom suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks.

Power ‘Shrooms

One Use Only. The bearer may use a single Power ‘Shroom when casting a non-bound spell (declare usage before rolling any Magic Dice). Any Dispel Attempt this phase against this spell will have its dispel roll reduced by D3. If a natural ‘1’ is rolled, the wizard using the Power ‘Shroom suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks.

Predatory Roar

One use only. Activate this at the start of any Close Combat Phase. When activated
choose one friendly unit within 12” of the Stygiosaur. All model parts with Born Predator gain Hatred for the duration of the phase.

Towering Presence

A model with Towering Presence is of Gigantic Height and can never be joined or join a unit (unless it is a War Platform). A model with Towering Presence increases its Hold Your Ground or Inspiring Presence Range by 6".


Units with at least one model with the Scoring special rule are considered Scoring Units and are used for capturing Secondary Objectives. Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with the Scoring special rule are marked in the Armybooks with a special pennant icon:

The Scoring special rule can be lost during the game:
● One or more models in the unit are Light Troops.
● A unit that is Fleeing loses its Scoring special rule for as long as it if Fleeing.
● An Ambushing unit that entered the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses its Scoring Special rule.
● A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses its Scoring special rule until the end of the current
Player Turn.

Prince of Ryma

May only be taken by a High Prince. The bearer gains Devastating Charge and increases the limit for the Tamed Forces Category by 5%.

Pure of Heart

Only Characters with Beloved or Grail Oath may join a unit with this special rule.
If there are Siege War Machines in the Army, Knights of the Grail become 0-1 Unit per Army.

Questing Code

Models with this special rule cannot wield Lances and have the Weapon Masters, Strider (Forest), Immune to Psychology and Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Cavalry, Ridden Monsters, Monsters), Special Rules.

Questing Oath

Model parts with this special rule ignore the effects of opponent's Fear. They must be equipped with Great Weapons and may never use or otherwise benefit from other weapons, but may use Great Weapons and Shields at the same time.
Attacks by model parts with this special rule made with Great Weapons gain Multiple Wounds (2) against models with Towering Presence.
Models with this special rule gain Strider (Forests).

Quick to Fire

Rabble Rouser

The Castellan gains +2 Leadership and may be the Battle Standard Bearer for 50 pts. This upgrade can only be taken if all models in the army are Insignificant.

Random Attacks

A model part with this rule has a random number of Attacks equal to the value between brackets, before adding any modifier to it. For example, a model with Random Attacks (D3+2) can have between 3 and 5 Attacks. These attacks ignore the limit which states that a model may have a maximum of 10 attacks.

Random Attacks (1D6+1)

A model part with this rule has a random number of Attacks equal to the value between brackets (before adding possible modifier to it). For example, a model with Random Attacks (D3+2) can have between 3 and 5 Attacks. These attacks ignore the limit which states that a model may have a maximum of 10 attacks.

Random Attacks (2D6)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to 2D6, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (2D6) (Ghost Steeds)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to 2D6, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (2D6) (Shambling Horde)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to 2D6, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (3D3)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to 2D6, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (3D6)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to 2D6, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (D3)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to 2D6, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (D3+1)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to D3+1, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (D6+1)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to D6+1, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (D6+2)

Each time a part of a model with this Special Rule has to attack in Close Combat, it will have a number of Attacks equal to D6+2, disregarding its Attacks Characteristic (and any modifier to it).

Random Attacks (X)

A model part with this rule has a random number of Attacks equal to the value between brackets (before adding possible modifier to it). For example, a model with Random Attacks (D3+2) can have between 3 and 5 Attacks. These attacks ignore the limit which states that a model may have a maximum of 10 attacks.

Ratlock Pistol

Shooting Weapon. Range 12", Strength 5, Quick to Fire, Armour Piercing (1), Magical Attacks.
In Close Combat a Ratlock Pistol counts as Paired Weapons.

Wyrm-Slayer Rocket

Shooting Weapon. Range 24", Strength 6, Multiple Wounds (D3), Flaming Attacks, Reload!


The first time a Fire Phoenix loses its last wound, the owner must roll a D6. On a roll of 5+ (or 3+ if this model is a Ridden Monster) place a marker centered on the centre of the model’s final position. If the roll fails then the model counts as a casualty. Otherwise, at the start of the remaining moves sub-phase in the next Player Turn, the owner places the Fire Phoenix model (including its rider if it had one) back onto the table. The center of the model must be placed within 3" of its marker and more than 1" away from other models and impassable terrain, facing any direction (if this is not possible, the Fire Phoenix cannot be returned and counts as a casualty). The returned model is the same model that left the game, including any and all ongoing effects (such as Remains in Play spells affecting the model), with the exception that it always returns with only 1 Wound left.


A model with this special rule is allowed to use non-template shooting weapons against an enemy unit in close combat with friendly units, of infantry, warbeasts or swarms, not containing any characters. When firing at an enemy unit in close combat with friendly units, roll to hit as normal and then randomize each hit scored. On a 4+ direct it against the target. On 1-3 direct it against a friendly unit in that combat (randomize if several friendly units are involved in the combat).


Regeneration is a special save, taken after a failed Armour Save. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Regeneration saves cannot be taken alongside Ward Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use) and cannot be taken against Flaming Attacks or Lethal Strike Blows that rolled '6' To Wound.

Regeneration (4+)

4+ save, taken after failed armour saves. Cannot be combined with Ward Save (if a model has both, it must chose which one to use), taken against Flaming Attacks or Killing Blows that rolled a '6' to wound.

Regeneration (5+)

5+ save, taken after failed armour saves. Cannot be combined with Ward Save (if a model has both, it must chose which one to use), taken against Flaming Attacks or Killing Blows that rolled a '6' to wound.

Regeneration (6+)

Save with value stated in brackets, taken after failed armour saves. Cannot be combined with Ward Save (if a model has both, it must chose which one to use), taken against Flaming Attacks or Killing Blows that rolled a '6' to wound.

Regeneration (X)

Regeneration is a special save, taken after a failed Armour Save. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Regeneration Saves cannot be taken alongside Ward Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use) and cannot be taken against Flaming Attacks or Lethal Strike blows that rolled '6' to wound . While a model has Fireborn, it cannot benefit from Regeneration.

Release Rocks

Sweeping Attack which can be used once per game. The enemy unit suffers D3 Strength 4 hits for each Pteradon in the unit.

Release Rocks (see Pteradon Sentries unit entry)


Shooting Weapons with this special rule or Shooting Attacks from model parts with this special rule can never Stand and Shoot as a Charge Reaction.

Requires Two Hands

A model wielding a Weapon with this special rule cannot simultaneously use a Shield.


Toxic Attacks suffer a -2 to-wound modifier against models with this special rule.


Toxic attacks have -2 to wound against models with this special rule

Ricochet (2D)

Models with Ricochet ignore the 1" Unit Spacing rule to other units.If aRicochet model contacts another unit(friend or foe), instead of charging, it continues to move in the same direction until it is 1" clear of this unit (and has reached at least its move distance). If this would cause it to contact or be within 1" of another unit, the Ricochet model keeps moving in the same direction, until it can be placed 1" away from all other units (and has reached at least its move distance). If a Ricochet model moved in this way ends its move within 1" of Impassable Terrain or outside the board edge, remove it as a casualty.

Any unit passed through by a Ricochet model and within the movement distance it rolled is hit by a Special Ranged Attack: it suffers X hits, where X is given in brackets. Units engaged in the same Combat are treated as a single unit for hit purposes. The owner of the Ricochet model distributes hits as evenly as possible between all units in the combat, then follows normal rules for distributing hits to models within each unit.
Other units cannot charge Ricochet models, but may charge, flee, pursue or move through them. Units that do so take X hits plus an additional D6 hits, and the Ricochet model is removed as a casualty.
All hits inflicted by Ricochet models are at the Strength of the model and gain Armour Piercing (1).

a) The Ricochet model cannot be placed 1" behind the pink unit, because the green unitistoo close. The model is thus moved through both unitsfollowing its original direction. Only the pink unit suffers the Ricochet hits asthe green unitis not within the rolled move distance.

b) After moving through units, the Ricochetmodel is placed within 1" of Impassable Terrain, and is thus removed as a casualty. The Ricochet model moves through at least one unit engaged in the Close Combat, inflicting X hits in total, which have to be evenly distributed among all units taking part in it.

Ricochet (2D6)

Models with Ricochet ignore the 1" Unit Spacing rule to other units.If aRicochet model contacts another unit(friend or foe), instead of charging, it continues to move in the same direction until it is 1" clear of this unit (and has reached at least its move distance). If this would cause it to contact or be within 1" of another unit, the Ricochet model keeps moving in the same direction, until it can be placed 1" away from all other units (and has reached at least its move distance). If a Ricochet model moved in this way ends its move within 1" of Impassable Terrain or outside the board edge, remove it as a casualty.

Any unit passed through by a Ricochet model and within the movement distance it rolled is hit by a Special Ranged Attack: it suffers X hits, where X is given in brackets. Units engaged in the same Combat are treated as a single unit for hit purposes. The owner of the Ricochet model distributes hits as evenly as possible between all units in the combat, then follows normal rules for distributing hits to models within each unit.
Other units cannot charge Ricochet models, but may charge, flee, pursue or move through them. Units that do so take X hits plus an additional D6 hits, and the Ricochet model is removed as a casualty.
All hits inflicted by Ricochet models are at the Strength of the model and gain Armour Piercing (1).

a) The Ricochet model cannot be placed 1" behind the pink unit, because the green unitistoo close. The model is thus moved through both unitsfollowing its original direction. Only the pink unit suffers the Ricochet hits asthe green unitis not within the rolled move distance.

b) After moving through units, the Ricochetmodel is placed within 1" of Impassable Terrain, and is thus removed as a casualty. The Ricochet model moves through at least one unit engaged in the Close Combat, inflicting X hits in total, which have to be evenly distributed among all units taking part in it.

Ricochet (X)

Models with Ricochet ignore the 1" Unit Spacing rule to other units.If aRicochet model contacts another unit(friend or foe), instead of charging, it continues to move in the same direction until it is 1" clear of this unit (and has reached at least its move distance). If this would cause it to contact or be within 1" of another unit, the Ricochet model keeps moving in the same direction, until it can be placed 1" away from all other units (and has reached at least its move distance). If a Ricochet model moved in this way ends its move within 1" of Impassable Terrain or outside the board edge, remove it as a casualty.

Any unit passed through by a Ricochet model and within the movement distance it rolled is hit by a Special Ranged Attack: it suffers X hits, where X is given in brackets. Units engaged in the same Combat are treated as a single unit for hit purposes. The owner of the Ricochet model distributes hits as evenly as possible between all units in the combat, then follows normal rules for distributing hits to models within each unit.
Other units cannot charge Ricochet models, but may charge, flee, pursue or move through them. Units that do so take X hits plus an additional D6 hits, and the Ricochet model is removed as a casualty.
All hits inflicted by Ricochet models are at the Strength of the model and gain Armour Piercing (1).

a) The Ricochet model cannot be placed 1" behind the pink unit, because the green unitistoo close. The model is thus moved through both unitsfollowing its original direction. Only the pink unit suffers the Ricochet hits asthe green unitis not within the rolled move distance.

b) After moving through units, the Ricochetmodel is placed within 1" of Impassable Terrain, and is thus removed as a casualty. The Ricochet model moves through at least one unit engaged in the Close Combat, inflicting X hits in total, which have to be evenly distributed among all units taking part in it.

Ridden Monster's Profile

Risen (1)

Some unit's profile contains an additional characteristic: “Risen”, that determines the number of Wounds Raised with No Rest in Death spell.

Risen (D3+1)

Some unit's profile contains an additional characteristic: “Risen”, that determines the number of Wounds Raised with No Rest in Death spell.

Risen (D3+2)

Some unit's profile contains an additional characteristic: “Risen”, that determines the number of Wounds Raised with No Rest in Death spell.

Risen (D3+3)

Some unit's profile contains an additional characteristic: “Risen”, that determines the number of Wounds Raised with No Rest in Death spell.

Rites of Binding

When deploying a Bloodbeast, the player must nominate one Character in the army to be its Master. For as long as the Bloodbeast’s Master lives, the Bloodbeast may use the Weapon Skill and Leadership of its Master instead of its own. A Character cannot be the Master of more than one Bloodbeast and a Bloodbeast cannot receive Inspiring Presence.

Rousing Orator

The Castellan and its unit gain Devastating Charge.

Rulers of the Dead

An Undying Dynasties army requires the player to field a special model called the Hierophant​. The Hierophant of the army must be a Wizard thatis generating spells from Evocation, and must be designated as theHierophant on the Army List. The Hierophant and all models in the same unit as the Hierophant gain Regeneration (6+).

Whenever the Hierophant successfully casts Evocation of Souls, after resolving the effect ofthe Spell, choose a Friendly unit with an Evoked value and within 12" of the caster. This unit, or a single Character inside the unit, Raises 1 Wound.

Rune Crafted - Cannon

All hits caused by the Cannon gain +1 Strength (up to a maximum of 10) and Magical Attacks.

Rune Crafted - Catapult

All hits caused by the Catapult gain +1 Strength, Armour Piercing (1) and Magical Attacks.

Rune Crafted - Dwarf Ballista

All hits caused by the Ballista gain Magical Attacks and a +1 to-hit modifier against Flying units.

Rune Crafted - Flame Cannon

The Flame Cannon gains +6" range and Magical Attacks.

Rune Crafted - Organ Gun

All hits caused by the Cannon gain +1 Strength (up to a maximum of 10) and Magical Attacks.

Troll Belch

Instead of making its normal Close Combat Attacks, any Troll model may choose to make a single special Close Combat Attack instead . This attack hits automatically and has Strength 5 and Armour Piercing (6).

Sacred Guardian

Models with this Special Rule may march if within 12" of the Hierophant.

Volley Fire

Shooting Weapons with this special rule or Shooting Attacks from model parts with this special rule ignore intervening models for Cover purposes when shooting. (However, they don't ignore Terrain and must still be able to draw a Line of
Sight to their target). Furthermore, (unless making a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction) if the unit hasn't moved in this Player Turn, all models with a Volley Fire Shooting Weapon may shoot (even if they are further back than the usual first
two ranks allowed to shoot).

Shoot Spikes

Shooting Weapon with:
Range 18", Strength 4, Multiple Shots (2D6), Armour Piercing (1) , Quick to Fire.

This weapon may not be used if the model performed a March Move in this Player Turn. Spearbacks must declare Stand & Shoot as a Charge Reaction if possible, but they do not suffer the -1 to-hit modifier for it.

Scaly Skin (X)

A model can only have one instance of Scaly Skin, use the best available Scaly Skin.
- Scaly Skin (6+): +1 to Armour Save
- Scaly Skin (5+): +2 to Armour Save
- Scaly Skin (4+): +3 to Armour Save
and so on.


At the end of any phase, if there are no models with the Chosen of Ashuruk or Opportunist special rules on the Battlefield, immediately remove all Orc Slaves units from the game as casualties.

If there are no units with the Chosen of Ashuruk or Opportunist special rules within 6” of the Orc Slaves unit at the start of a friendly Player Turn, and the Orc Slaves unit is not Engaged in Combat or Fleeing, roll a D6:
1-2: The Orc Slaves unit immediately flees towards the nearest table edge.
3-4: The Orc Slaves unit cannot move in this Player Turn’s Movement phase.
5-6: The Orc Slaves unit behaves normally.

Shambolic (2D)

Units with this special rule follow the Random Movement (2D) special rule. Shambolic units are Immune to Psychology and cannot be joined by Characters. If this unit rolls for its Random Movement and allthe dice show the same result, it suffers D3 wounds with no saves of any kind allowed and then moves in a random direction. When units with this special rule come into contact with any Terrain Feature except Open Terrain or Hills, touch the board edge or stop 1" away from Impassable Terrain, they must take a Dangerous Terrain (2) Test.

Shambolic (3D6)

Units with this special rule follow the Random Movement (2D) special rule. Shambolic units are Immune to Psychology and cannot be joined by Characters. If this unit rolls for its Random Movement and allthe dice show the same result, it suffers D3 wounds with no saves of any kind allowed and then moves in a random direction. When units with this special rule come into contact with any Terrain Feature except Open Terrain or Hills, touch the board edge or stop 1" away from Impassable Terrain, they must take a Dangerous Terrain (2) Test.

Shambolic (X)

Units with this special rule follow the Random Movement (X) special rule. Shambolic units are Immune to Psychology and cannot be joined by Characters. If this unit rolls for its Random Movement and allthe dice show the same result, it suffers D3 wounds with no saves of any kind allowed and then moves in a random direction. When units with this special rule come into contact with any Terrain Feature except Open Terrain or Hills, touch the board edge or stop 1" away from Impassable Terrain, they must take a Dangerous Terrain (2) Test.

Scrapling Lookout

All units in the army that carry a standard have the Scrapling Lookout special rule (including the Battle Standard Bearer but excluding standards on Scrapling units). Rank and File models in the unit must be fewer than 3 before hits can be distributed onto Characters with the same Troop Type as the unit.


Catapult (6) Artillery Weapon with Range 12-48", Strength 3, Lethal Strike.
A Scratapult that only Pivots (and moves no further) during its owner’s Movement Phase ignores the to-hit modifier from Moving and Shooting in the next Shooting Phase.

Unliving Shield

Enemy models cannot allocate Close Combat attacks to a Necromancer as long as they can allocate attacks to a Barrow King. This rule cannot be used if there are models with Vampiric in the same unit.


Models with Scythes add +1 to the number of Impact Hits they make.

Searing Firestorm

This weapon can be fired in one of two ways;
- As a Bolt Thrower Artillery Weapon with Range 24", Strength 1+D3* [4+D3*] , [ Multiple Wounds (D3) ] , Armour Piercing (6)
*Roll the D3 once and apply this Strength (with modifier) to hits all hits with this weapon. Roll this before distributing hits.

- As a Volley Gun (6) Artillery Weapon with Range 24", Strength 2+D3*
*Roll the D3 once and apply this Strength (with modifier) to hits all hits with this weapon. Roll this before distributing hits.


If more than half of a unit's models have this special rule, and if the unit is under the effect ofInspiring Presence from one or more models with Oath of Fealty then the unit gains +1 Movement when Marching.

Shackles of Fire

At the start of the second friendly Player Turn, and all subsequent friendly Player Turns, a unit with one or more models with this rule must take a Leadership Test. If it is failed, the unit suffers a wound with no save of any kind allowed. If there are no friendly Wizard on the battlefield, the unit suffers D3 wounds instead.


Shrine of Aracne


Models with this special rule always gain Light Troops. Shooting at Skirmishers suffers a -1 to-hit modifier.
Skirmishing models are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Line of Sight purposes, and will have the same Height as the largest fraction of the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units of Skirmishers follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a front, two flanks, a rear, can perform Supporting Attacks from the second rank, and so on . Skirmishing units can only be joined by Characters that have the same Troop Type as the unit. A Character which joins a unit of Skirmishers gains Skirmishers for as long as it remains with the unit. The unit ceases to be Skirmishers if all models with Skirmishers are wiped out, immediately contracting their loose formation into a normal formation, without moving the centre of the front rank. Nudge any unit as normal to maintain base contact when possible . The Character is always considered Mismatched for the purpose of placement within the unit unless it has the exact same base size as the other Skirmisher models.



Sweeping Attack, the enemy unit suffers D3 Strength 3 hits for each Sky Serpent in the unit.

Slow to Fire

Shooting Weapons with this Special Rule or Shooting Attacks from models with this Special Rule can never Stand and Shoot as a Charge Reaction. If a multipart model has this rule, then the rule is only applied to the part of the model that has the rule.

Smash ‘Em Flat

At the start of each Round of Combat, if the Great Green Idol is engaged in Combat, all friendly units within 8" of one or more Great Green Idols may gain either Devastating Charge or a +1 to-wound modifier to Close Combat Attacks. Each unit may choose a different bonus. The bonus lasts until the end of the Round of Combat or until the Great Green Idol is no longer engaged in Combat, whichever comes first.

Well of Power

The Weaver of Change gains a +1 modifier to casting rolls.


Mad Gits are not deployed, but must be concealed inside their Cave Goblin unit. They are unit upgrades, and as such they are ignored when calculating Victory Points (their points are already included in the Goblin unit concealing them, and victory points are awarded for destroying the Goblin unit concealing them). Until released and moved out of their units, Mad Gits cannot be harmed or otherwise affected, or affect the game in any way. When Mad Gits are removed as casualties they do not cause Panic tests. They still move, act and are influenced by special rules independently like normal units (once released) and do not count towards the model count of the unit concealing them.

Soul Syphon

At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn , choose one of the following effects. For both effects, X is equal to the current Turn number.

❖ All enemy units within 12" suffer D6 hits with Strength X.
❖ All friendly units within 6+X" gain Regeneration (6+), which lasts until the beginning of the next friendly Player Turn. If a unit already has Regeneration then it is increased by +1, up to maximum of 4+. The effect continues even after leaving the area of effect (you may use counters to mark the affected units)

The last effect is automatically activated before the battle (after moving Vanguarding units) with X equal to 0.

Sounding The Bell

At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn, the owning player may choose to roll D6 or 2D6 and apply the effects from the table below. All affected units within the range (when rolling on the table) gain the bonuses from the table until the end of the next Player Turn.
1 No effect.
2-4 All friendly units within 12" of the Doom Bell gain Lightning Reflexes. Models that already had Lightning Reflexes gain +1 Attack instead.
5-6 All friendly units within 12" of the Doom Bell may reroll Charge Ranges, Pursuits, Overruns and Random Movement rolls.
7-8 All friendly units within 12" of the Doom Bell gain Frenzy. Models that already had Frenzy may reroll to-hit rolls while Engaged in Combat instead.
9-10 All friendly units within 12" of the Doom Bell gain Distracting and Hard Target.
11-12 When rolling for Magic Flux in the following friendly Magic Phase, roll an additional D6 and discard the lowest D6 rolled.
If a double is obtained when rolling for Sounding The Bell, all units in base contact with the Doom Bell suffer D6 Strength 4 hits with Armour Piercing (6).

Spell Power

Spider-Mother Shrine

A Wizard mounted on the Gargantula gains Pathmaster. All friendly models within 12" with the ability to Channel may add +2 instead of +1 to the Channel Attempt.


Spout Flames

Flame Thrower Artillery Weapon with
Range 12", Strength 4, Flaming Attacks.

This weapon may not be used if the model performed a March Move in this Player Turn. If a Misfire is rolled, the Salamander always counts as rolling the 5+ Malfunction result.

State of Trance

The war platform and the unit it has joined gains the Immune To Psychology special rule. The war platform may only join units of (x). Disregard other characters.

State of Trance (Plague Brotherhood)

The War Platform and the unit it has joined gain Immune to Psychology. The War Platform may only join units of(X).
The War Platform must be deployed in a unit of (X) type, and can never leave that unit.

State of Trance (Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard)

The War Platform and the unit it has joined gain Immune to Psychology. The War Platform may only join units of(X).
The War Platform must be deployed in a unit of (X) type, and can never leave that unit.

State of Trance (X)

The War Platform and the unit it has joined gain Immune to Psychology. The War Platform may only join units of(X).
The War Platform must be deployed in a unit of (X) type, and can never leave that unit.


A model with this special rule ​ must make a Special Attack in the Close Combat Phase at Initiative 0 against a single enemy unit in base contact, provided that the Troop Type of the target unit is Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or ​ War Machine​ . This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X), which automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Hits caused by Stomp can only be allocated onto models with Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine Troop Type (ignore models of different Troop Type when distributing hits).

Stomp (1D3)

A model with this special rule must make a Special Attack in the Close Combat Phase at Initiative 0 against a single enemy unit in base contact, provided that the Troop Type of the target unit is Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X), which automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Hits caused by Stomp can only be allocated onto models with Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine Troop Type (ignore models of different Troop Type when distributing hits).
In multipart models, riders can never Stomp. Stomp attacks can only ever be allocated to models that can normally be stomped. Being a Special Attack, Stomp never benefits from any equipment or special rule the model has.

Stomp (2)

A model with this special rule must make a Special Attack in the Close Combat Phase at Initiative 0 against a single enemy unit in base contact, provided that the Troop Type of the target unit is Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X), which automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Hits caused by Stomp can only be allocated onto models with Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine Troop Type (ignore models of different Troop Type when distributing
In multipart models, riders can never Stomp. S tomp attacks can only ever be allocated to models that can normally be stomped. Being a Special Attack, Stomp never benefits from any equipment or special rule the model has.

Stomp (D3)

A model with this special rule must make a Special Attack in the Close Combat Phase at Initiative 0 against a single enemy unit in base contact, provided that the Troop Type of the target unit is Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X), which automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Hits caused by Stomp can only be allocated onto models with Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine Troop Type (ignore models of different Troop Type when distributing
In multipart models, riders can never Stomp. S tomp attacks can only ever be allocated to models that can normally be stomped. Being a Special Attack, Stomp never benefits from any equipment or special rule the model has.

Stomp (D6)

A model with this special rule must make a Special Attack in the Close Combat Phase at Initiative 0 against a single enemy unit in base contact, provided that the Troop Type of the target unit is Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X), which automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Hits caused by Stomp can only be allocated onto models with Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine Troop Type (ignore models of different Troop Type when distributing
In multipart models, riders can never Stomp. S tomp attacks can only ever be allocated to models that can normally be stomped. Being a Special Attack, Stomp never benefits from any equipment or special rule the model has.

Stomp (X)

A model with this special rule must make a Special Attack in the Close Combat Phase at Initiative 0 against a single enemy unit in base contact, provided that the Troop Type of the target unit is Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine. This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X), which automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Hits caused by Stomp can only be allocated onto models with Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine Troop Type (ignore models of different Troop Type when distributing
In multipart models, riders can never Stomp. S tomp attacks can only ever be allocated to models that can normally be stomped. Being a Special Attack, Stomp never benefits from any equipment or special rule the model has.

Stomp (X) - Special Attack

A model with this special rule must make a Special Close Combat Attack in the Close Combat Phase at Initiative 0 against a single enemy unit in base contact, provided that the Troop Type of the target unit is Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or
War Machine . This attack deals a number of hits equal to the value stated within brackets (X), which automatically hit and have a Strength equal to the model's own Strength. Hits caused by Stomp can only be allocated onto models with Infantry, War Beast, Swarm or War Machine Troop Type (ignore models of different Troop Type when distributing hits).
When several models in the same unit have this special rule, and when X is a random number (for example Stomp (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately.

In multipart models, riders can never Stomp. Stomp attacks can only ever be allocated to models that can normally be stomped. Being a Special Attack, Stomp never benefits from any equipment or special rule the model has.

Storm of Wings

Enemy units in base contact with one or more Bat Swarm suffer -1 Weapon Skill, to a minimum of 1.


Models with this special rule may ignore any movement effect caused by Terrain except Impassable Terrain and Buildings and never lose their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes this special rule is only linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, the Strider rule effectis only applied in relation to the specified Terrain type.

Strider (Water)

May ignore any movement effect caused by the terrain type "Water". The unit can never lose their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to the terrain type "Water".

Stunty and Grumpy


At the start of a Player Turn, each of the Active Player’s unengaged nonfleeing
units with one or more models (or a part of them) with this special rule must take a Leadership Test. If the test is failed, the unit must move D6” directly forward
(stopping 1” before Impassible Terrain or other units) in the Compulsory Moves subphase and may not perform any other voluntary actions this Player Turn (such as charging, moving, shooting, casting spells and so on). If the model has no front (i.e. the model is on a round base), randomize which direction to move in. All models with the Stupidity special rule are also Immune to Psychology.

Stupidity (Mount only)

At the start of a Player Turn, each of the Active Player’s unengaged nonfleeing units with one or more models (or a part of them) with this special rule must take a Leadership Test. If the test is failed, the unit must move D6” directly forward (stopping 1” before Impassible Terrain or other units) in the Compulsory Moves subphase and may not perform any other voluntary actions this Player Turn (such as charging, moving, shooting, casting spells and so on). If the model has no front (i.e. the model is on a round base), randomize which direction to move in. All models with the Stupidity special rule are also Immune to Psychology.

Sunna’s Blessing

A model part with this rule and all model parts in the same unit, except mounts, gainHatred. A model with this rule can cast the following three Bound Spells (Power Level 3), each once per magic phase. These Bound Spells are type: Caster’sUnit and Augment, and duration: Lasts One Turn.
The target unit gains Flaming Attacks. All enemy units in base contact with one or more targets of this spell, when the spell is cast, suffer D6 Strength 4 hits with Flaming Attacks.

Superior Skill

Supernatural Aura

Each time after an Augment spell from Path of Necromancy (including the Curse of Undeath) is resolved against a model with this rule, you may select a single unit within 6” of it. Until the end of the following player turn, all undead models in the chosen units have the Supernatural Reflexes special rule.

Support Unit

Support Units within 6" of a Parent Unit may perform one of the following actions each phase:

1. When a Charge is declared against a Parent unit within 6", the Support Unit may Stand and Shoot as if it were the target of the Charge. Apply all usual restrictions for a Stand and Shoot reaction.

2. When a Parent Unit within 6" is successfully charged, or rolls a successful Charge Range roll (against a non-fleeing enemy), the Support Unit may declare a Charge upon the enemy unit which successfully charged the Parent Unit or that is about to be Charged by the Parent Unit. Apply all usual rules under Move Chargers for this out of sequence Charge (such as Line of Sight, Front Arc, must roll Charge Range, max one Wheel, etc...), with the exception that the enemy cannot chose a Charge Reaction other than Hold. If done in a friendly Player Turn, treat this as a normal Multiple Charge. If this is done in the opponent's Player Turn, this Charge Move is performed after all other units have completed their Charge Moves. When calculating Combat Score in a combat where this Support Action was used in the same Player Turn (and both Charges were successful), combine the Rank Bonus of both the Parent Unit and the Support Unit (following all normal restrictions), up to maximum of +6.

3. If the Supporting Unit has at least one Full Rank, it counts as having the same number of Full Ranks as a Parent Unit within 6" for Steadfast purposes.

Supporting Actions

Support Units within 6" of a Parent Unit may perform one of the following actions each phase:

1. When a Charge is declared against a Parent unit within 6", the Support Unit may Stand and Shoot as if it were the target of the Charge. Apply all usual restrictions for a Stand and Shoot reaction.

2. When a Parent Unit within 6" is successfully charged, or rolls a successful Charge Range roll(against a non-fleeing enemy), the Support Unit may declare a Charge upon the enemy unit which successfully charged the ParentUnit or that is about to be Charged by the Parent Unit. Apply all usual rules under Move Chargers for this out of sequence Charge (such as Line of Sight, Front Arc, must roll Charge Range, max one Wheel, etc...), with the exception thatthe enemy cannot chose a Charge Reaction other than Hold. If done in a friendly Player Turn, treat this as a normal Multiple Charge. If this is done in the opponent's Player Turn, this Charge Move is performed after all other units have completed their Charge Moves. When calculating Combat Score in a combat where this Support Action was used in the same Player Turn (and both Charges were successful), combine the Rank Bonus of both the Parent Unit and the Support Unit (following all normal restrictions), up to maximum of +6.

3. If the SupportingUnit has atleast one Full Rank, it counts as having the same number of Full Ranks as a ParentUnit within 6" for Steadfast purposes.

Supreme Aspect of Change

Supreme Aspect of Lust

Supreme Aspect of Pestilence

Supreme Aspect of Wrath

Swap Shield for Halberd

Sweeping Attack - Special Attack

Special Ranged Attack. This attack may be used by units consisting of models with this special rule. At the end of the Remaining Moves subphase (or the Magic Phase if this is done as part of a Magical Move), nominate one unengaged enemy unit which the unit Advanced or Marched through this phase (Bases are Overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes an attack against the chosen enemy unit ( follow the description in the unit profile). These attacks hit automatically. When a model performs a Sweeping attack, the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed the attack, and then to its final position.

Tags along

A model with this special rule must be deployed within 3" of the unit they are a part of. The model is free to wander away in subsequent game turns after deployment. When within 3" of their unit, and if said unit is not fleeing, the Warp Tech Team counts as being in Hard Cover and may use the unit’s Leadership when taking tests.


When a unit with one or more models with this special rule declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the Charge must declare a Flee reaction, if able to do so. All models with Terror also have the
Fear special rule and are immune to Fear and Terror.

The Blessing - Favour of the Grail

Models with this special rule gain a Ward Save (6+). One of the three following options may be chosen for the army (which option has been chosen must be indicated in the Army List) and affects all models in the army with the Blessing:
The Blessing is increased to a Ward Save (5+) against attacks with the Armour Piercing special rule.
The army gains no bonus to the dice roll for first turn.

The Blessing - Favour of the King

Models with this special rule gain a Ward Save (6+). One of the three following options may be chosen for the army (which option has been chosen must be indicated in the Army List) and affects all models in the army with the Blessing:
The Blessing is increased to a Ward Save (5+) against attacks with Strength 5 or greater.
The army gains no bonus to the dice roll for first turn.

The Blessing - No Option

Models with this special rule gain a Ward Save (6+). One of the three following options may be chosen for the army (which option has been chosen must be indicated in the Army List) and affects all models in the army with the Blessing:
No additional rules

The Dark Gods Are Watching

This model grants Hard Target to all friendly units without Towering Presence within 6". The Battle Shrine gains an additional benefit depending on its Mark:

True Chaos Bound Spell (Power Level 5): Break the Spirit from the Shamanism.
Change Bound Spell (Power Level 5): Fate’s Judgment from Divination.
Lust Bound Spell (Power Level 5): Spectral Blades from Evocation.
Pestilence Bound Spell (Power Level 5): Ancestral Aid from Evocation.
Wrath The model grants Magic Resistance (2) to all friendly units within 6" where more than half of their models have the Mark of True Chaos or the Mark of Wrath.

If the Battle Shrine gains an Augment spell it may only target units where more than half of the models have the same Mark as the Battle Shrine or the Mark of True Chaos.

The General

In every army one model must play the role of the General. This model must be the Character with the highest Leadership in your army, excluding the Battle Standard Bearer and Characters with the special rule "Not A Leader". If two (or more) eligible Characters are tied for highest Leadership, you are free to choose which Character is your General. This must be noted in the Army List. The General has the rule Inspiring Presence.

The Lance

This rule can only be used when mounted has the cavalry type. Models with this rule gain Monstrous Rank and their mount gain Impact hits (1). Additionally when charging, units with a frontage 3 models wide and models with this Special Rule can make Supporting Attacks from any rank within the unit.

They’re Everywhere!

When a Gnasher Herd breaks from Combat, it is immediately removed as a casualty, and all units within 6’’ suffer 1 Strength 5 hit for every 5 Gnashers in the Gnasher Herd.

Thunderous Charge

In the first round of a combat after a model with this rule has successfully charged, model parts with this special rule receive a +1 Strength bonus to their normal Close Combat Attacks. This Strength bonus can only be used for Attacks directed against the charged enemies.

Thunderous Charge (Mount Only)

In the first round of combat after charging, parts of models with this Special Rule receive a +1 Strength bonus.

Touch of Frost

Enemy units suffer -1 Initiative (to a minimum of 1) for each unit of Yetis in base contact with them.


Totems sind spezielle Aufwertungen für bestimmte Charaktermodelle oder Champions der Bestienhorden. Jedes Totem beinhaltet einen oder mehr Gebundene Totemzauber (Zauberstufe 3) mitDauer:Überdauert einen Zug, die von seinem Träger gezaubert werden können.
Liste der Totems :
Totem der Vernarbung : Die Einheit erhält Angeborene Abwehr (6+) und Ablenkend.
Bluthorn-Totem : Die Einheit erhält +1 Attacke und Rüstungsbrechend (2).
Totem des Trüben Auges : Die Einheit erhält Schwieriges Ziel und Magieresistenz (3).
Schwarzschwingen-Totem : Die Einheit erhält +3 Initiative und addiert W3+1” zu ihrer Angriffsdistanz.

Eine Armee kann nicht versuchen, denselben Gebundenen Totemzauber mehr als zweimal in der gleichen Magiephase zu zaubern, unabhängig davon, welches Modell den Zauber zaubert. Eine Einheit kann nur von einem einzigen Gebundenen Totemzauber profitieren (und zwar von dem, der als letztes erfolgreich gezaubert wurde).

Champions und Charaktermodelle tragen unterschiedliche Arten von Totems:

Totemträger :
Totems, die von Champions getragen werden, enthalten einen einzelnen Gebundenen Totemzauber aus der Liste der Totems, der in der Armeeliste vermerkt werden muss und vom Typ Einheit des Wirkenden ist.

Große Totemträger:
Von Charaktermodellen getragene Große Totems enthalten alle vier der Gebundenen Totemzauber. Diese haben den Typ Unterstützung und Reichweite 18”.

Trail of Mucus

Enemy units cannot claim Flank or Rear Combat Score bonuses against a unit containing one or more models with this special rule.

Whirling Chains of Doom

Close Combat Weapon. Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and strikes at Initiative 10, and the wielder gains Random Attacks (3D3). A model with this weapon cannot be joined by Characters.

Ullor’s Blessing

A model part with this rule and all model parts in the same unit, except mounts, gainHatred. A model with this rule can cast the following three Bound Spells (Power Level 3), each once per magic phase. These Bound Spells are type: Caster’sUnit and Augment, and duration: Lasts One Turn.
The target unit gains a Ward Save (5+) against Close Combat Attacks.

Undead Construct

Models with the Undead Construct special rule have both Undead andDusttoDust.If more than half ofthe models in a unit has this special rule, reduce the number of wounds caused to this unit by Dust to Dust and Unstable by 1.

Undead Constructs

Models with this special rule have Innate Defence (5+). They suffer one less wound from the Unstable and Ashes to Ashes special rules.

Undying Will

A Pharaoh with this rule may grant Weapon Skill 6 to all Undead models in its unit. A Nomarch may instead grant Weapon Skill 5 to all Undead models in its unit. The owning player may chose to do so at the start of any Round of Combat .
If the Character is mounted on a Towering Presence , it may instead choose to confer this bonus to a friendly Undead unit within 6", or if it is Engaged in Combat, to one friendly Undead unit Engaged with the same enemy unit as the
Character. In either case, the effect lasts until the end of the phase.

Unholy Dominion

Friendly R&F Infantry models of units within 6" of one or more model with Unholy Dominion gain +1 Weapon Skill. Enemy units within 6" of one or more models with Unholy Dominion suffer -2 Initiative (up to a minimum of 1).


Models withUnruly suffer -1 Leadership when rolling to restrain Pursuit moves and Frenzy Tests.In addition, if a unitis in Horde formation and has more than half of its models Unruly, when taking Panic Tests, roll one additional D6 and remove the highest D6 rolled.


Shooting Weapons with this special rule or Shooting Attacks from model parts with this special rule suffer an additional -1 to hit (for a total of 2) for Moving and Shooting. If combined with Quick to Fire, the model can only ignore the normal
-1 to hit from Moving and Shooting, not the additional -1 to hit from this rule..


Additional -1 to hit (for a total of -2) for moving and shooting.


Models with this special rule gain Stubborn when in base contact with an enemy model with Fear. R&F models with this rule gain Bodyguard (Lord of the Seas). Bodyguard only applies to specified Characters without a Honour, unless that Honour is Royal Huntsman.


Models with this rule can make march moves as normal even when outside the General Inspiring Presence range. They still have to test Leadership if they are within 8” of enemy units.

Vampiric (2+)

Vampiric (3+)

Vampiric (5+)

Vampiric (6+)

Vampiric (X)

Undead units consisting entirely of models with this special rule may perform a March Move as normal even when outside range of friendly models’ Inspiring Presence. The unit must still pass a Leadership Test in order to do so if within 8" of enemy units.
At the end of each Close Combat Phase, units with this special rule can make Vampiric rolls. Roll aD6 for each Vampiric Character that caused at least one unsaved wound during this Close Combat Phase, and roll one D6 if one or more Vampiric R&F models caused at least one unsaved wound during this Close Combat Phase. A Vampiric roll is successful if the D6 scores X+ (where X is the number stated within brackets). Aroll of ‘1’ on a Vampiric roll is always a failure and a ‘6’ is always a success. Models with the Towering Presence special rule suffer a -2 modifier to their Vampiric rolls. A Character that makes a successful Vampiric roll recovers 1 Wound. A successful Vampiric roll for R&F models Raises 1 Wound to the unit.

Venemous Fangs

Nominate one non-special Close Combat Attack from a model part with this special rule before rolling to hit. This attack has Multiple Wounds (D3+1) .

Venomous Fangs

Nominate one non-special Close Combat Attack from a model part with this special rule before rolling to hit. This attack has Multiple Wounds (D3+1).



When a model with this rule rolls a Misfire, roll a D6 and consult the table below instead of the normal Misfire Table.
1 (or less) Explosion! :
No shots are fired. Move the model D6" in a random direction. If it contacts any unit on its path, that unit suffers D6 Strength 5 hits. Then remove the model as a casualty.
2-3 Malfunction :
No shots are fired. The model suffers 1 wound with no saves of any kind allowed.
4-5 Overcharged :
Pivot the unit to a random direction and draw a straight line from the centre of the model in the randomized direction. If the shooting model is a:
- Weapon Team, the shooting is resolved against the first other unit (friend or foe) on this line, that is also within Range and Line of Sight. Roll to hit and resolve the attack as normal.
- Lightning cannon or Dreadmill, replace the model's shooting attack with the following: All models under the line and within 6D6" line suffer 1 Strength 10 hit with Magical Attacks and Lightning Attacks.
6 Spent : The Shooting Attack is resolved as normal (a Dreadmill will fire at Strength 10, while a Lightning Cannon will count as having scored a hit). The weapon is then considered broken and can’t be used anymore for the rest of the game. If the model is a Weapon Team, remove it as casualty

Volund’s Blessing

A model part with this rule and all model parts in the same unit, except mounts, gainHatred. A model with this rule can cast the following three Bound Spells (Power Level 3), each once per magic phase. These Bound Spells are type: Caster’sUnit and Augment, and duration: Lasts One Turn.
The target unit may reroll failed to-wound rolls in Close Combat.


Once per game, if the Orc General has this special rule, it may declare a Waaargh! at the start of any Player Turn.
All models with model parts belonging to any Greenhide Race gain +1 Movement and Swiftstride until the end of the Player Turn.

Wake the Dead

Whenever a spell from Evocation is successful cast by a friendly wizard within 12" from a Cadaver Wagon, you may select a single unit within 6" of the Cadaver Wagon. Until the end of the following Player Turn, all models in the chosen unit gain Lightning Reflexes.

Wall of Lead

When firing this weapon in the Shooting Phase, the player may choose to use it in the following way instead of firing normally: Range 8”, Strength 4, Reload!
Do not calculate the number of shots nor rollto hit as normal.Instead, any modelthatis straightin front of one or more models with this weapon, within the weapon’s range and within Line of Sight ofthe unitis a potentialtarget(see figure below). Roll a D6 for each potentialtarget model(this is not a to-hit roll, disregard any “to-hit” modifier).On a roll of 6+ the model suffers a hit. Add a +1 modifier for each Full Rank in the shooting unit after the first.If any friendly unit or a unit Engaged in Combat is a potential target, then the ability cannot be used. This Shooting Attack may be used even if the unit has Marched.

Wall of Lead

When firing this weapon in the Shooting Phase, the player may choose to use it in the following way
instead of firing normally: Range 8”, Strength 4, Reload!
Do not calculate the number of sho'ts nor roll to hit as normal. Instead, any model that is straight in front of one or more models with this weapon, within the weapon’s range and within Line of Sight of the unit is a potential target (see figure in army book). Roll a D6 for each potential target model (this is not a to-hit roll, disregard any “to-hit” modifier). On a roll of 6+ the model suffers a hit. Add a +1 modifier for each Full Rank in the shooting unit after the first. If any friendly unit or a unit Engaged in Combat is a potential target, then the ability cannot be used. This Shooting Attack may be used even if the unit has Marched.

War Machine Profile

A War Machine is considered to be a single model with a single set of characteristics, defined as the following:
Toughness Use the machine’s Toughness against ranged attacks and crew’s Toughness against Close Combat attacks.

Wounds Use the machine’s Wounds.

Other characteristics and Armour and Saves Use the crew's Characteristics, Armour and other Saves.

War Machines have separate profiles for the machine and its crew members. Use the machine's Wound Characteristic in all cases. Use the machine's Toughness against ranged attacks. Use the crew's Characteristics for all other purposes. War Machines automatically fail any Characteristic tests except Leadership tests and cannot march or declare charges. If a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of fleeing it cannot shoot in its next Shooting Phase. When the model reaches zero Wounds, remove all parts of the combined model as a casualty. Characters can never join units of War Machines. When a unit charges a War Machine, follow the same rules as for normal Charge Moves, except that the charging unit can move into base contact anywhere (since all War Machines have round bases and thus don't have facings). War Machines, and units Engaged in combat with them, cannot make combat reforms. When fighting a War Machine in combat, do not allocate attacks as normal. Instead, at the start of each Round of Combat choose up to 6 models that are not in base contact with other enemies to fight (you must choose as many as possible). Chariots, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Infantry and Monstrous Beasts count as 3 models each, while Monsters and Ridden Monsters count as 6 models each. The chosen models may then attack the War Machine as if they were in base contact, but no other attack can be directed at it, nor can the War Machine attack models outside the chosen party. Casualties among the chosen models are removed from the back of the unit as normal. Therefore if R&F models die before striking, the chosen party size does not reduce in size. Break tests are taken as normal. War Machines that break from combat are automatically destroyed.

Ward Save

Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use).

Ward Save (4+)

Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use).

Ward Save (4+) - Combat

Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use). *Can only be used against Close Combat Attacks.

Ward Save (5+)

Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use).

Ward Save (5+) (Only versus Flaming Attacks)

5+ save, taken after failed armour saves, against Fleming Attacks only. Cannot be combined with a Regeneration Save (if a model has both, it must chose which one to use).

Ward Save (6+)

Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use).

Ward Save (X)

Ward Saves are special saves, taken after failed Armour Saves. The value of the save will be stated in brackets. Ward Saves cannot be taken alongside Regeneration Saves (if a model has both, it must choose which one to use).

Wasteland Wanderer

A Fallen Beast gains Ambush. When entering the Battlefield, the Fallen Beast may perform a 2D6 Random move as if in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase but treating all friendly and enemy units as Impassable Terrain.

Waves of Change

Enemy units within 6" of a Vortex Fiend are affected by Fear as if they were in base contact. Friendly units within 6" of a Vortex Fiend are immune to Fear.

Friendly Wizards within 24" of a Vortex Fiend may cast spells with the Type: Damage through this model. When using this ability, the spell range is measured using the Vortex Fiend model using its forward arc and Line of sight. Wizards may cast spells with the Type: Missile through a Vortex Fiend even when Engaged in Combat as long as the Vortex Fiend isn’t. If a spell cast through a Vortex Fiend causes a Miscast, the casting Wizard rolls on the Miscast Table as normal and the Vortex Fiend suffers 1 Strength MDU+2 hit.

Wizard Apprentice - Generates spells from Occultism

Wizard Apprentice with 1 learned spell

Wizard Conclave​​​​ (Altered Sight and Ice and Fire (Cosmology))

Altered Sight and Ice and Fire (Cosmology).
If the unit has joined the Cult of Yema, they instead have Wizard Conclave: Breath of Corruption and The Grave Calls (Occultism).

Wizard Conclave (Altered Sight, Touch the Heart [Cosmology])

Wizard Conclave (Level 1: Blue Fire, Pink Fire)

Wizard Conclave (Level 2: Soul Blight, Bolt of Darkness)

Wizard Conclave (Spells)

The Champion of a unit with the Wizard Conclave special rule gains +1 Wound in addition to the normal
Characteristics increases associated with being a Champion and is a Wizard Apprentice. This Champion knows predetermined spells, defined in the Armybook. A Wizard Conclave Champion will also know all Trait Spells and Attribute Spells from Paths which its predetermined spells are taken from.

Wizard Conclave (Swarm of Insects, Awaken the Beast. Shamanism)

Wizard Master with 4 learned spells

Words of Scorn

The Wrath Priest can make Dispel Attempts as if it was a Wizard Master.

Yer comin’ with me!

Any model with this rule thatis removed as a casualty during the Close Combat Phase due to a Close Combat Attack may immediately, before removal, make a Close Combat Attack with the weapon of its choice for this Round of Combat. This attack must be allocated either to the model that caused the casualty or its unit(in this case,the hits are distributed to the unit), applying all special rules and bonuses. It may, however, never exceed 1 attack or Strength 5. This rule cannot be used against casualties caused by Impact Hits. A Seekers unit must be atleast as wide as itis deep atthe start of the Round of Combat in order to use this rule.


Prelate Characters may join this unit. Joined Characters gain Unbreakable while remaining in the unit.