Orc And Goblin Tribes - Troll Horde

Orc And Goblin Tribes - Troll Horde

Correspondence of translations with another language

Rules and Equipments used by the army

’It & Run
With a barked command from their leader, Kiknik’s riders fall back, ready to charge off in pursuit of new prey. Should they win a round of combat, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined may choose to Fall Back in Good Order rather than making a follow up or pursuit move.
Sur ordre de leur chef, les cavaliers de Kiknik se replient pour charger une nouvelle proie. S'ils gagnent un round de combat, Kiknik et toute Bande de Gobelins sur Loups qu'il a rejoint peuvent choisir de Se Replier en Bon Ordre au lieu de faire un mouvement de suite ou de poursuite.
’It & Run
With a barked command from their leader, Kiknik’s riders fall back, ready to charge off in pursuit of new prey. Should they win a round of combat, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined may choose to Fall Back in Good Order rather than making a follow up or pursuit move.
’It & Run
With a barked command from their leader, Kiknik’s riders fall back, ready to charge off in pursuit of new prey. Should they win a round of combat, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined may choose to Fall Back in Good Order rather than making a follow up or pursuit move.
’It & Run
With a barked command from their leader, Kiknik’s riders fall back, ready to charge off in pursuit of new prey. Should they win a round of combat, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined may choose to Fall Back in Good Order rather than making a follow up or pursuit move.
’It & Run
With a barked command from their leader, Kiknik’s riders fall back, ready to charge off in pursuit of new prey. Should they win a round of combat, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined may choose to Fall Back in Good Order rather than making a follow up or pursuit move.
*Giant Attacks
*Attaques de Géant
Les Géants n'attaquent pas comme les autres créatures. Ils sont bien trop gros et hargneux pour obéir aux ordres, et trop bêtes pour avoir le moindre plan cohérent. Au lieu d'attaquer normalement à la phase de Combat ou d'effectuer une attaque de Ramassage, un Géant peut choisir d'effectuer une Attaque de Géant. Pour ce faire, désignez une unité ennemie avec qui le Géant est engagé en combat comme cible de l'attaque et faites un jet sur le tableau ci-dessous pour déterminer ce qu'il fait : Tableau d'Attaques de Géant DG Résultat 1 Coup d'Boule : Le Géant choisit une adversaire et lui flanque un coup d'boule. Désignez une figurine individuelle dans le rang combattant d'une unité ennemie avec qui le Géant est engagé en combat comme cible de l'attaque. Cette figurine est touchée et subit D3+1 blessures sans sauvegarde d'armure ni de Régénération autorisée (les sauvegardes Invulnérables peuvent être tentées normalement). 2 Plat du Ventre : Le Géant s'écrase de tout son long sur l'ennemi. Placez un petit gabarit d'explosion de sorte que le trou central soit directement sur le centre de l'unité cible. Toute figurine (amie ou ennemie, à l'exception du Géant) dont le socle se trouve sous le gabarit risque d'être touchée et de subir une seule touche, en utilisant la caractéristique de Force de cette figurine, avec une PA de -2. 3 - 4 Balayage : Le Géant balaie les rangs ennemis de sa massue. Pour cette attaque, le Géant est soumis à la règle spéciale Attaques et a une caractéristique d'Attaques de DG+1, et la massue de Géant a une caractéristique de Force de F+1 et une PA de -2. 5 Coup d'Massue : Le Géant empoigne sa massue à deux mains pour taper sur le crâne de son ennemi. Désignez une figurine individuelle ennemie dans le rang combattant d'une unité ennemie avec qui le Géant est engagé en combat comme cible de l'attaque. Pour cette attaque, la massue de Géant a une caractéristique de Force de F+4, une PA de -4 et la règle spéciale Blessures Multiples (DG). 6 Sauter à Pieds Joints : Le Géant saute sur ses ennemis pour les envoyer voler en tous sens et les aplatir. Pour cette attaque, le Géant n'utilise pas sa massue. À la place, l'unité cible subit DG+1 touches, chacune utilisant la caractéristique de Force du Géant, sans sauvegarde d'armure autorisée (les sauvegardes Invulnérables et de Régénération peuvent être tentées normalement).
*Giant Attacks
*Giant Attacks
*Giant Attacks
*Giant Attacks
*Pick Up And
Parfois, les Géants oublient qu'ils se trouvent au beau milieu d'une bataille, et face à des amuse-gueules disposés en rangs, ils préfèrent s'affairer à ramasser des guerriers ennemis par poignées entières. Ce qu'il advient de ces malheureux varie : certains sont fourrés dans un sac (ou, dans le pire des cas, sous les habits du Géant) pour être croqués plus tard, d'autres sont engloutis sur-le-champ, et d'autres encore, les moins appétissants, sont jetés au loin d'un geste dédaigneux. Quoi qu'il en soit, le sort de ces infortunés en-cas est scellé. Au lieu d'attaquer normalement à la phase de Combat ou d'effectuer une Attaque de Géant, un Géant qui est engagé en combat avec au moins une unité dont le type de troupe est "infanterie régulière" ou "infanterie lourde" peut choisir d'effectuer une attaque de "Ramassage". Pour ce faire, désignez une unité ennemie d'infanterie régulière ou lourde avec qui le Géant est engagé en combat. L'unité doit immédiatement effectuer un test d'Initiative : En cas d'échec, le Géant ramasse une victime. Mieux vaut ne pas penser à ce qu'il lui arrive ensuite, mais quoi qu'il en soit, une figurine individuelle de l'unité cible est immédiatement retirée du jeu comme pertes. En cas de réussite, les guerriers parviennent à échapper aux mains du Géant. Personne n'est ramassé et l'attaque n'a aucun effet. Ensuite, jetez un DG : Sur 1-3, le Géant oublie ce qu'il faisait et n'effectue pas d'autres attaques. Sur 4+, le Géant tente de ramasser un autre ennemi. L'unité cible doit effectuer un autre test d'Initiative. Cela continue jusqu'à ce que le Géant oublie ce qu'il faisait et cesse d'effectuer des attaques, ou jusqu'à ce que l'unité cible soit détruite. Les figurines ennemies retirées du jeu sont considérées comme ayant été retirées du rang combattant de l'unité ennemie.
*Pick Up And
*Pick Up And
*Pick Up And
*Pick Up And
All Sneaky Like
Kiknik’s packmates are excellent hunters that encircle the enemy before launching their attacks. 0-1 Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs in the same muster list as Kiknik may have the Ambushers special rule for free. In addition, you may apply a +1 or -1 modifier to the result when rolling to determine if a Goblin Wolf Rider Mob with the Ambushers special rule that is currently held in reserve arrives this turn as reinforcements or is delayed.
En Tapinois
Les gars de la meute de Kiknik sont des chasseurs aguerris qui encerclent l'ennemi avant d'attaquer. 0-1 Bande de Gobelins sur Loups de la même liste de mobilisation que Kiknik peut avoir gratuitement la règle spéciale Embusqueurs. De plus, vous pouvez appliquer un modificateur de +1 ou de -1 au résultat quand vous effectuez un jet pour déterminer si une Bande de Gobelins sur Loups ayant la règle Embusqueurs qui est jusqu'alors gardée en réserve arrive à ce tour en tant que renforts ou si elle est retardée.
All Sneaky Like
Kiknik’s packmates are excellent hunters that encircle the enemy before launching their attacks. 0-1 Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs in the same muster list as Kiknik may have the Ambushers special rule for free. In addition, you may apply a +1 or -1 modifier to the result when rolling to determine if a Goblin Wolf Rider Mob with the Ambushers special rule that is currently held in reserve arrives this turn as reinforcements or is delayed.
All Sneaky Like
Kiknik’s packmates are excellent hunters that encircle the enemy before launching their attacks. 0-1 Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs in the same muster list as Kiknik may have the Ambushers special rule for free. In addition, you may apply a +1 or -1 modifier to the result when rolling to determine if a Goblin Wolf Rider Mob with the Ambushers special rule that is currently held in reserve arrives this turn as reinforcements or is delayed.
All Sneaky Like
Kiknik’s packmates are excellent hunters that encircle the enemy before launching their attacks. 0-1 Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs in the same muster list as Kiknik may have the Ambushers special rule for free. In addition, you may apply a +1 or -1 modifier to the result when rolling to determine if a Goblin Wolf Rider Mob with the Ambushers special rule that is currently held in reserve arrives this turn as reinforcements or is delayed.
All Sneaky Like
Kiknik’s packmates are excellent hunters that encircle the enemy before launching their attacks. 0-1 Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs in the same muster list as Kiknik may have the Ambushers special rule for free. In addition, you may apply a +1 or -1 modifier to the result when rolling to determine if a Goblin Wolf Rider Mob with the Ambushers special rule that is currently held in reserve arrives this turn as reinforcements or is delayed.
Motherly Love
Troll Hags are affectionate creatures, prone to treating enemies as wayward children in need of guidance or affection. Unfortunately, few creatures are able to withstand such treatment for long. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Troll Hag may choose to make a ‘Motherly Love’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Motherly Love table below to determine what the Troll Hag does: Motherly Love Table D6 Result 1-2 Smother: The Troll Hag throws her massive arms around the foe in a terrible embrace. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. 3-4 Mother: The Troll Hag chastises her foe as if it were a wayward offspring. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of the target unit to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). 5-6 Mither: The Troll Hag bombards the enemy with a tirade of slaps and a torrent of unintelligible Trollish invective. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). In addition, so shocked is the target unit that, until the end of this turn, it suffers a -1 modifier to its eadership characteristic.
Amour Maternel
Les Mégères Trollesses ont des créatures affectueuses, qui tendent à traiter leurs ennemis comme des enfants indociles nécessitant éducation et affection. Malheureusement, rares sont ceux qui peuvent endurer un tel traitement bien longtemps. Au lieu d'attaquer normalement à la phase de Combat, une Mégère Trollesse peut choisir d'effectuer une attaque “d'Amour Maternel”. Pour ce faire, désignez une unité ennemie avec qui la Mégère Trollesse est engagée en combat comme cible de l'attaque et faites un jet sur le tableau d'Amour Maternel ci-dessous pour déterminer ce que fait la Mégère Trollesse : Tableau d'Amour Maternel D6 Résultat 1-2 Materner : La Mégère Trollesse entoure l'adversaire de ses énormes bras. Placez un grand (5") gabarit d'explosion de sorte que son trou central soit directement sur le centre de l'unité cible. Toute figurine (amie ou ennemie, cette figurine exceptée) dont le socle est sous le gabarit risque d'être touchée et de subir une seule touche, de la caractéristique de Force de cette figurine, avec une PA de -2. 3-4 Morigéner : La Mégère Trollesse réprimande son adversaire comme si c'était un enfant turbulent. Désignez une seule figurine dans le rang combattant de l'unité cible comme cible de cette attaque. La figurine désignée est touchée et subit D3+1 blessures sans sauvegarde d'armure ni de Régénération autorisée (les sauvegardes Invulnérables peuvent être tentées normalement). 5-6 Mornifler : La Mégère Trollesse fait pleuvoir sur l'ennemi une grêle de gifles et un torrent d'invectives incompréhensibles. L'unité cible subit D6+1 touches, chacune utilisant la caractéristique de Force de cette figurine, sans sauvegarde d'armure autorisée (les sauvegardes Invulnérables et de Régénération peuvent être tentées normalement). En outre, l'unité cible est si choquée que, jusqu'à la fin de ce tour, elle subit un modificateur de -1 à sa caractéristique de Commandement.
Motherly Love
Troll Hags are affectionate creatures, prone to treating enemies as wayward children in need of guidance or affection. Unfortunately, few creatures are able to withstand such treatment for long. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Troll Hag may choose to make a ‘Motherly Love’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Motherly Love table below to determine what the Troll Hag does: Motherly Love Table D6 Result 1-2 Smother: The Troll Hag throws her massive arms around the foe in a terrible embrace. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. 3-4 Mother: The Troll Hag chastises her foe as if it were a wayward offspring. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of the target unit to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). 5-6 Mither: The Troll Hag bombards the enemy with a tirade of slaps and a torrent of unintelligible Trollish invective. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). In addition, so shocked is the target unit that, until the end of this turn, it suffers a -1 modifier to its eadership characteristic.
Motherly Love
Troll Hags are affectionate creatures, prone to treating enemies as wayward children in need of guidance or affection. Unfortunately, few creatures are able to withstand such treatment for long. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Troll Hag may choose to make a ‘Motherly Love’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Motherly Love table below to determine what the Troll Hag does: Motherly Love Table D6 Result 1-2 Smother: The Troll Hag throws her massive arms around the foe in a terrible embrace. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. 3-4 Mother: The Troll Hag chastises her foe as if it were a wayward offspring. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of the target unit to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). 5-6 Mither: The Troll Hag bombards the enemy with a tirade of slaps and a torrent of unintelligible Trollish invective. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). In addition, so shocked is the target unit that, until the end of this turn, it suffers a -1 modifier to its eadership characteristic.
Motherly Love
Troll Hags are affectionate creatures, prone to treating enemies as wayward children in need of guidance or affection. Unfortunately, few creatures are able to withstand such treatment for long. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Troll Hag may choose to make a ‘Motherly Love’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Motherly Love table below to determine what the Troll Hag does: Motherly Love Table D6 Result 1-2 Smother: The Troll Hag throws her massive arms around the foe in a terrible embrace. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. 3-4 Mother: The Troll Hag chastises her foe as if it were a wayward offspring. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of the target unit to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). 5-6 Mither: The Troll Hag bombards the enemy with a tirade of slaps and a torrent of unintelligible Trollish invective. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). In addition, so shocked is the target unit that, until the end of this turn, it suffers a -1 modifier to its eadership characteristic.
Motherly Love
Troll Hags are affectionate creatures, prone to treating enemies as wayward children in need of guidance or affection. Unfortunately, few creatures are able to withstand such treatment for long. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Troll Hag may choose to make a ‘Motherly Love’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Motherly Love table below to determine what the Troll Hag does: Motherly Love Table D6 Result 1-2 Smother: The Troll Hag throws her massive arms around the foe in a terrible embrace. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. 3-4 Mother: The Troll Hag chastises her foe as if it were a wayward offspring. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of the target unit to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). 5-6 Mither: The Troll Hag bombards the enemy with a tirade of slaps and a torrent of unintelligible Trollish invective. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). In addition, so shocked is the target unit that, until the end of this turn, it suffers a -1 modifier to its eadership characteristic.
Arc court
Cambiar escudos por arcos cortos
Hand Weapon
Arme de base
Hand weapon
Hand Weapon
Arma de mano y escudo
Arma a Una Mano
Light armour
Armure légère
Leichte Rüstung
Light armour
Armadura ligera
Armatura Leggera
Armour Bane
Arme Perforante
Armour Bane
Armour Bane
Armour Bane
Armour Bane
Armoured Hide
Peau Blindée
Armoured Hide
Armoured Hide
Armoured Hide
Armoured Hide
Stomp Attacks
Attaques de Piétinement
Stomp Attacks
Attacchi di Calpestamento
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’: - Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’. - Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’. - Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3. ’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them. The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty. - Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.
Attaques de Géant Broyeur d'Os
Les Géants Broyeurs d'Os n'attaquent pas comme les autres créatures. Ils sont bien trop gros et hargneux pour obéir aux ordres, et trop bêtes pour avoir le moindre plan cohérent. Au lieu d'attaquer normalement à la phase de Combat, un Géant Broyeur d'Os doit effectuer une “Attaque de Géant Broyeur d'Os”. Pour ce faire, désignez une unité ennemie avec laquelle le Géant Broyeur d'Os est engagé en combat comme cible de l'attaque et faite un jet sur le Tableau d'Attaques de Géant Broyeur d'Os ci-dessous. Le type de troupe de l'unité cible détermine si c'est un “petit truc”, un “gros truc”, ou un “plus gros truc” : • Petits Trucs : Unités dont le type de troupe est “infanterie régulière”, “infanterie lourde”, “nuées”, “cavalerie légère”, “cavalerie lourde” ou “bêtes de guerre”. • Gros Trucs : Unités dont le type de troupe est “infanterie monstrueuse”, “cavalerie monstrueuse”, “char léger” ou “machine de guerre”. • Plus Gros Trucs : Unités dont le type de troupe est “char lourd”, créature monstrueuse” ou “béhémoth”. Tableau d'Attaques de Géant Broyeur d'Os D6 Petits Trucs Gros Trucs Plus Gros Trucs 1-2 Écraser sous ses Pieds Écraser sous ses Pieds Raclée 3-4 Broyer les Os Vomi Puissant Revers 5-6 Vomi Puissant Revers Coup d'Boule Écraser sous ses Pieds : Le Géant Broyeur d'Os piétine lourdement l'ennemi. Placez un grand (5") gabarit d'explosion de sorte que son trou central soit directement au-dessus du centre de l'unité cible. Toute figurine (amie ou ennemie, cette figurine exceptée) dont le socle se trouve sous le gabarit risque d'être touchée et de subir une seule touche, en utilisant la caractéristique de Force de cette figurine, avec une PA de -3. Coup d'Boule : Le Géant Broyeur d'Os jette un regard noir à son adversaire et lui flanque un magistral coup d'boule. L'unité cible subit une seule touche et subit D3+1 blessures sans sauvegarde d'armure ni de Régénération autorisée (les sauvegardes Invulnérables peuvent être tentées normalement). Broyer les Os : Confronté à des rangs entiers d'amuse-bouches bien alignés, le Géant Broyeur d'Os essaie d'en engloutir autant qu'il peut. Chaque figurine du rang combattant de l'unité cible doit immédiatement effectuer un test d'Initiative : • Celles qui ne parviennent pas à échapper aux mains du Géant Broyeur d'Os sont ramassées et avalées toutes crues. Chaque figurine qui rate ce test est retirée du jeu comme perte. • Celles qui parviennent à esquiver la poigne du Géant Broyeur d'Os échappent à unsort peu enviable. Chaque figurine qui réussit ce test demeure indemne. Notez que tout personnage dans le rang combattant de l'unité cible peut effectuer un jet de “Attention, Messire !”, comme si son unité avait été touchée par une attaque de tir. Puissant Revers : Le Géant Broyeur d'Os assène un revers de sa massue à ses ennemis. L'unité cible subit D6+1 touches de la massue du Géant Broyeur d'Os. Pour cette attaque, la massue du Géant Broyeur d'Os a une caractéristique de F+1 et une PA de -2. Vomi : Baisser le regard vers de si petites créatures donne le vertige au Géant Broyeur d'Os ! Placez un gabarit de souffle de sorte que la pointe touche le bord du socle de cette figurine qui est en contact avec l'unité cible et que l'extrémité la plus large soit sur l'unité cible. Toute figurine (amie ou ennemie, cette figurine exceptée) dont le socle est sous le gabarit risque d'être touchée et de subir une seule touche de Force 5 avec une PA de -2. Raclée : Le Géant Broyeur d'Os saisit sa massue à deux mains et l'abat sur le crâne de l'ennemi. Le Géant Broyeur d'Os effectue une seule attaque contre l'unité cible. Pour cette attaque, la massue du Géant Broyeur d'Os a une caractéristique de Force de F+3, une PA de -4 et la règle spéciale Blessures Multiples (2D3).
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’: - Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’. - Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’. - Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3. ’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them. The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty. - Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’: - Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’. - Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’. - Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3. ’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them. The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty. - Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’: - Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’. - Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’. - Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3. ’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them. The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty. - Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’: - Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’. - Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’. - Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3. ’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them. The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty. - Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.
Poisoned Attacks
Attaques Empoisonnées
Poisoned Attacks
Poisoned Attacks
Poisoned Attacks
Poisoned Attacks
Impact Hits
Touches d'Impact
Impact Hits
Impactos por Carga
Colpi d'Impatto
Bande de Guerre
Motley Crew
Bande Hétéroclite
Motley Crew
Motley Crew
Motley Crew
Motley Crew
Bog-wood Staff
R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands. Notes: For each unsaved Wound inflicted with this weapon, Ogdruz may recover a lost Wound.
Bâton en Morta
P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F+2 -1 Attaques Magiques, Arme à Deux Mains. Notes : Chaque blessure non sauvegardée que cause cette arme permet à Ogdruz de récupérer un Point de Vie perdu.
Bog-wood Staff
R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands. Notes: For each unsaved Wound inflicted with this weapon, Ogdruz may recover a lost Wound.
Bog-wood Staff
R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands. Notes: For each unsaved Wound inflicted with this weapon, Ogdruz may recover a lost Wound.
Bog-wood Staff
R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands. Notes: For each unsaved Wound inflicted with this weapon, Ogdruz may recover a lost Wound.
Bog-wood Staff
R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands. Notes: For each unsaved Wound inflicted with this weapon, Ogdruz may recover a lost Wound.
Bonegrinder Giant's club
R S AP Special Rules Combat * * * Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Massue de Géant Broyeur d'Os
P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat * * * Notes : *Une massue de Géant Broyeur d'Os peut avoir différentes caractéristiques et règles spéciales selon ce que son porteur en fait, comme décrit dans les règles d'attaques de Géant Broyeur d'Os.
Bonegrinder Giant's club
R S AP Special Rules Combat * * * Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Bonegrinder Giant's club
R S AP Special Rules Combat * * * Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Bonegrinder Giant's club
R S AP Special Rules Combat * * * Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Bonegrinder Giant's club
R S AP Special Rules Combat * * * Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Fast Cavalry
Cavalerie Rapide
Fast Cavalry
Fast Cavalry
Fast Cavalry
Cavalry Spear
Lance de cavalerie
Cavalry Spear
Cavalry Spear
Cavalry Spear
Cavalry Spear
Trollhide Shawl
Though it stinks, this bedraggled garment of rotted Trollhide helps keep Ogdruz safe from harm. Ogdruz Swampdigga improves his armour value by 1. In addition, he has the Regeneration (5+) and Flammable special rules.
Châle en Peau de Troll
Malgré l'odeur nauséabonde qu'il dégage, ce vêtement en Peau de Troll protège Ogdruz des coups. Ogdruz Swampdigga améliore sa valeur d'armure de 1. En outre, il a les règles spéciales Régénération (5+) et Inflammable.
Trollhide Shawl
Though it stinks, this bedraggled garment of rotted Trollhide helps keep Ogdruz safe from harm. Ogdruz Swampdigga improves his armour value by 1. In addition, he has the Regeneration (5+) and Flammable special rules.
Trollhide Shawl
Though it stinks, this bedraggled garment of rotted Trollhide helps keep Ogdruz safe from harm. Ogdruz Swampdigga improves his armour value by 1. In addition, he has the Regeneration (5+) and Flammable special rules.
Trollhide Shawl
Though it stinks, this bedraggled garment of rotted Trollhide helps keep Ogdruz safe from harm. Ogdruz Swampdigga improves his armour value by 1. In addition, he has the Regeneration (5+) and Flammable special rules.
Trollhide Shawl
Though it stinks, this bedraggled garment of rotted Trollhide helps keep Ogdruz safe from harm. Ogdruz Swampdigga improves his armour value by 1. In addition, he has the Regeneration (5+) and Flammable special rules.
Tusker Charge
A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude. During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.
Charge de Sangier
Un Sanglier qui charge n'est ni plus ni moins qu'une montagne de muscles dotée de denses pointes et d'un sale caractère. Lors d'un tour où il a chargé, les défenses (arme de base) d'un Sanglier de Guerre ont une caractéristique de Force de F+1 et une caractéristique de PA de -1. Notez que cette règle spéciale s'applique uniquement aux attaques effectuées par un Sanglier de Guerre lui-même, pas à son cavalier, à un char ou à son équipage.
Tusker Charge
A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude. During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.
Tusker Charge
A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude. During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.
Tusker Charge
A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude. During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.
Tusker Charge
A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude. During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.
Ogre Charge
Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
Charge Ogre
Les Ogres se servent de leur masse comme d'une arme, écrasant tout ce qui se dresse sur leur route. La caractéristique de PA de toutes les Touches d'Impact causées par une figurine ayant cette règle spéciale est améliorée par le Bonus de Rang actuel de son unité.
Ogre Charge
Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
Ogre Charge
Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
Ogre Charge
Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
Ogre Charge
Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
Chariot Runners
Escorteurs de Chars
Chariot Runners
Chariot Runners
Chariot Runners
Chariot Runners
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the creatures that wield them! During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the creatures that wield them! During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the creatures that wield them! During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the creatures that wield them! During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the creatures that wield them! During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the creatures that wield them! During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Claws And Fangs
counts as hand weapons
Griffes et crocs
compte comme une arme de base
Claws And Fangs
counts as hand weapons
Claws And Fangs
counts as hand weapons
Claws And Fangs
counts as hand weapons
Claws And Fangs
counts as hand weapons
Close Order
Ordre Serré
Close Order
Close Order
Close Order
Close Order
Counter Charge
Contre Charge
Counter Charge
Counter Charge
Counter Charge
Rallying Cry
Cri de Ralliement
Rallying Cry
Rallying Cry
Rallying Cry
Rallying Cry
Poisonous fangs
counts as hand weapon
Crochets empoisonnés
compte comme une arme de base
Poisonous fangs
counts as hand weapon
Poisonous fangs
counts as hand weapon
Poisonous fangs
counts as hand weapon
Poisonous fangs
counts as hand weapon
Da Boss’s Trophy Rack
Grisly trinkets swing from Kiknik’s trophy rack, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts. During a turn in which he charged, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined cause Fear and receive a bonus of +1 combat result point.
Le Râtelier à Trophées du Chef
Des ornements macabres pendent au râtelier à trophées de Kiknik, frappant l'ennemi d'effroi. À un tour où il a chargé, Kiknik et toute Bande de Gobelins sur Loups qu'il a rejoint causent la Peur et reçoivent un bonus de +1 point de résultat de combat.
Da Boss’s Trophy Rack
Grisly trinkets swing from Kiknik’s trophy rack, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts. During a turn in which he charged, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined cause Fear and receive a bonus of +1 combat result point.
Da Boss’s Trophy Rack
Grisly trinkets swing from Kiknik’s trophy rack, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts. During a turn in which he charged, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined cause Fear and receive a bonus of +1 combat result point.
Da Boss’s Trophy Rack
Grisly trinkets swing from Kiknik’s trophy rack, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts. During a turn in which he charged, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined cause Fear and receive a bonus of +1 combat result point.
Da Boss’s Trophy Rack
Grisly trinkets swing from Kiknik’s trophy rack, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts. During a turn in which he charged, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined cause Fear and receive a bonus of +1 combat result point.
Da Skull Smasha
R S AP Special Rules Hammer Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks Pick Combat S -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2) Notes: Da Skull Smasha has two profiles. You must choose which Kiknik will use at the start of the first round of combat.
Frakass' Crânes
P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F+2 -1 Arme Perforante (2), Attaques Magiques Combat F -2 Arme Perforante (2), Attaques Magiques, Blessures Multiples (2) Notes : Frakass' Crânes a deux profils. Vous devez choisir celui que Kiknik va utiliser au début du premier round de combat.
Da Skull Smasha
R S AP Special Rules Hammer Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks Pick Combat S -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2) Notes: Da Skull Smasha has two profiles. You must choose which Kiknik will use at the start of the first round of combat.
Da Skull Smasha
R S AP Special Rules Hammer Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks Pick Combat S -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2) Notes: Da Skull Smasha has two profiles. You must choose which Kiknik will use at the start of the first round of combat.
Da Skull Smasha
R S AP Special Rules Hammer Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks Pick Combat S -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2) Notes: Da Skull Smasha has two profiles. You must choose which Kiknik will use at the start of the first round of combat.
Da Skull Smasha
R S AP Special Rules Hammer Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks Pick Combat S -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2) Notes: Da Skull Smasha has two profiles. You must choose which Kiknik will use at the start of the first round of combat.
Da Troll Calla
The Trolls that follow Ogdruz do so knowing he leads them to find plenty of fresh meat – even if that meat fights back! Unless he is fleeing, friendly Troll Mobs within Ogdruz’s Command range may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
Eul' Maître des Trolls
Les Trolls qui suivent Ogdruz savent qu'il les mènera immanquablement à des sources de viande fraîche, et tant pis si cette viande se défend ! À moins qu'il ne soit en fuite, les Bandes de Trolls amies qui sont à la Portée de Commandement d'Ogdruz peuvent utiliser sa Caractéristique de Cd à la place de la leur.
Da Troll Calla
The Trolls that follow Ogdruz do so knowing he leads them to find plenty of fresh meat – even if that meat fights back! Unless he is fleeing, friendly Troll Mobs within Ogdruz’s Command range may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
Da Troll Calla
The Trolls that follow Ogdruz do so knowing he leads them to find plenty of fresh meat – even if that meat fights back! Unless he is fleeing, friendly Troll Mobs within Ogdruz’s Command range may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
Da Troll Calla
The Trolls that follow Ogdruz do so knowing he leads them to find plenty of fresh meat – even if that meat fights back! Unless he is fleeing, friendly Troll Mobs within Ogdruz’s Command range may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
Da Troll Calla
The Trolls that follow Ogdruz do so knowing he leads them to find plenty of fresh meat – even if that meat fights back! Unless he is fleeing, friendly Troll Mobs within Ogdruz’s Command range may use his Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
counts as hand weapon
compte comme une arme de base
counts as hand weapon
counts as hand weapon
counts as hand weapon
counts as hand weapon
Lore Of Gork
Surrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.
Domaine de Gork
Les Chamanes Orques puisent dans les croyances des Boyz qui les entourent pour invoquer des sorts qui sont, à l'instar de celles des Chamanes eux-mêmes, spectaculaires et tapageurs, mais brutalement efficaces.
Lore Of Gork
Surrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.
Lore Of Gork
Surrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.
Lore Of Gork
Surrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.
Lore Of Gork
Surrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.
Lore Of Mork
Goblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.
Domaine de Mork
Les Chamanes Gobelins adorent lancer sur leurs ennemis des maléfices mesquins qui visent à perturber et gêner les combattants adverses, pour les rendre vulnérables aux attaques sournoises de leurs compagnons.
Lore Of Mork
Goblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.
Lore Of Mork
Goblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.
Lore Of Mork
Goblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.
Lore Of Mork
Goblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.
Syphoned Strength
Ogdruz has learned to empower his magic by drawing on the physical strength of his Trolls. Whilst Ogdruz Swampdigga is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob with a Unit Strength of 6 or more that is not fleeing, he may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll he makes.
Drain de Force
Ogdruz a appris à accroître la puissance de sa magie en absorbant la force physique de ses Trolls. Tant qu'Ogdruz Swampdigga est à 3" d'une Bande de Trolls amie ayant une Puissance d'Unité de 6 ou plus qui n'est pas en fuite, il peut appliquer un modificateur de +1 à tout jet de Lancement qu'il effectue.
Syphoned Strength
Ogdruz has learned to empower his magic by drawing on the physical strength of his Trolls. Whilst Ogdruz Swampdigga is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob with a Unit Strength of 6 or more that is not fleeing, he may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll he makes.
Syphoned Strength
Ogdruz has learned to empower his magic by drawing on the physical strength of his Trolls. Whilst Ogdruz Swampdigga is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob with a Unit Strength of 6 or more that is not fleeing, he may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll he makes.
Syphoned Strength
Ogdruz has learned to empower his magic by drawing on the physical strength of his Trolls. Whilst Ogdruz Swampdigga is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob with a Unit Strength of 6 or more that is not fleeing, he may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll he makes.
Syphoned Strength
Ogdruz has learned to empower his magic by drawing on the physical strength of his Trolls. Whilst Ogdruz Swampdigga is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob with a Unit Strength of 6 or more that is not fleeing, he may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll he makes.
Indiscriminate Hunger
A Troll Hag’s appetite is both ravenous and indiscriminate. In battle, they will scoop up handfuls of enemy warriors or bite chunks of flesh from hulking monsters. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Troll Hag that is engaged in combat may choose to make an ‘Indiscriminate Hunger’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - If this test is failed, the Troll Hag scoops warriors into her gaping maw or sinks her filthy fangs into the flesh of a monster. The target unit immediately loses a single Wound. - If this test is passed, the enemy manages to avoid the grasping Troll Hag. This attack has no effect. Each time an enemy unit loses a Wound as a result of an Indiscriminate Hunger attack, the Troll Hag recovers a single lost Wound.
Faim Aveugle
L'appétit des Mégères Trollesses est aussi vorace que sans discernement. Au combat, elles engloutissent les guerriers ennemis par poignées et mordent à belles dents les monstres plus gros. À la sous-phase de Commandement de son tour, une Mégère Trollesse engagée en combat peut choisir d'effectuer une attaque de “Faim Aveugle”. Pour ce faire, désignez une unité ennemie avec laquelle la Mégère Trollesse est engagée en combat. L'unité doit immédiatement effectuer un test d'Initiative : • En cas d'échec, la Mégère Trollesse engloutit des guerriers ou plonge ses crocs sales dans la chair d'un monstre. L'unité cible perd immédiatement un seul PV. • En cas de réussite, l'ennemi parvient à esquiver l'étreinte de la Mégère Trollesse. Cette attaque n'a pas d'effet. Chaque fois qu'une unité ennemie perd un Point de Vie à la suite d'une attaque de Faim Aveugle, la Mégère Trollesse récupère un seul Point de Vie perdu.
Indiscriminate Hunger
A Troll Hag’s appetite is both ravenous and indiscriminate. In battle, they will scoop up handfuls of enemy warriors or bite chunks of flesh from hulking monsters. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Troll Hag that is engaged in combat may choose to make an ‘Indiscriminate Hunger’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - If this test is failed, the Troll Hag scoops warriors into her gaping maw or sinks her filthy fangs into the flesh of a monster. The target unit immediately loses a single Wound. - If this test is passed, the enemy manages to avoid the grasping Troll Hag. This attack has no effect. Each time an enemy unit loses a Wound as a result of an Indiscriminate Hunger attack, the Troll Hag recovers a single lost Wound.
Indiscriminate Hunger
A Troll Hag’s appetite is both ravenous and indiscriminate. In battle, they will scoop up handfuls of enemy warriors or bite chunks of flesh from hulking monsters. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Troll Hag that is engaged in combat may choose to make an ‘Indiscriminate Hunger’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - If this test is failed, the Troll Hag scoops warriors into her gaping maw or sinks her filthy fangs into the flesh of a monster. The target unit immediately loses a single Wound. - If this test is passed, the enemy manages to avoid the grasping Troll Hag. This attack has no effect. Each time an enemy unit loses a Wound as a result of an Indiscriminate Hunger attack, the Troll Hag recovers a single lost Wound.
Indiscriminate Hunger
A Troll Hag’s appetite is both ravenous and indiscriminate. In battle, they will scoop up handfuls of enemy warriors or bite chunks of flesh from hulking monsters. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Troll Hag that is engaged in combat may choose to make an ‘Indiscriminate Hunger’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - If this test is failed, the Troll Hag scoops warriors into her gaping maw or sinks her filthy fangs into the flesh of a monster. The target unit immediately loses a single Wound. - If this test is passed, the enemy manages to avoid the grasping Troll Hag. This attack has no effect. Each time an enemy unit loses a Wound as a result of an Indiscriminate Hunger attack, the Troll Hag recovers a single lost Wound.
Indiscriminate Hunger
A Troll Hag’s appetite is both ravenous and indiscriminate. In battle, they will scoop up handfuls of enemy warriors or bite chunks of flesh from hulking monsters. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Troll Hag that is engaged in combat may choose to make an ‘Indiscriminate Hunger’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - If this test is failed, the Troll Hag scoops warriors into her gaping maw or sinks her filthy fangs into the flesh of a monster. The target unit immediately loses a single Wound. - If this test is passed, the enemy manages to avoid the grasping Troll Hag. This attack has no effect. Each time an enemy unit loses a Wound as a result of an Indiscriminate Hunger attack, the Troll Hag recovers a single lost Wound.
Schnelle Bewegung
Zancada Veloz
Falcata Rapida
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Peur des Elfes
Les Gobelins n'aiment pas les Elfes. Ils sentent le propre, ils marchent bizarrement et en plus, ils sont trop grands. Les Elfes de tout type causent la Peur chez les figurines qui ont cette règle spéciale.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Peur des Elfes
Les Gobelins n'aiment pas les Elfes. Ils sentent le propre, ils marchent bizarrement et en plus, ils sont trop grands. Les Elfes de tout type causent la Peur chez les figurines qui ont cette règle spéciale.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fear Of Elves
Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and they’re too tall. Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
Fire & Flee
Fire & Flee
Fire & Flee
Fire & Flee
Fire & Flee
First Charge
Première Charge
First Charge
First Charge
First Charge
First Charge
Strike First
Frappe en Premier
Strike First
Strike First
Strike First
Strike First
Furious Charge
Furious Charge
Furious Charge
Furious Charge
Furious Charge
Furious Charge*
Furious Charge*
Furious Charge*
Furious Charge*
Furious Charge*
Furious Charge*
Giant's club
Massue de Géant
P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat * * * Notes: *Une massue de Géant peut avoir des caraétéristiques et des règles spéciales d!fférentes, selon comme elle est utilisée, comme d écrit dans la règle spéciale Attaques de Géant.
Giant's club
Giant's club
Giant's club
Giant's club
Gnarled Stump
counts as a hand weapon
Souche noueuse
compte comme une arme de base
Gnarled Stump
counts as a hand weapon
Gnarled Stump
counts as a hand weapon
Gnarled Stump
counts as a hand weapon
Gnarled Stump
counts as a hand weapon
Large Target
Grande Cible
Large Target
Large Target
Large Target
Large Target
Wicked Claws
R S AP Special Rules Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Griffes mortelles
P F PA Règles Spéciales Griffes mortelles Combat F -2 -
Wicked Claws
R S AP Special Rules Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Wicked Claws
R S AP Special Rules Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Wicked Claws
R S AP Special Rules Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Wicked Claws
R S AP Special Rules Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Ignore Goblin Panic
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at! This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind, mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.
Ignore la Panique des Gobelins
Les Orques s'attendent à voir les Gobelins détaler. D'après eux, c'est même leur spécialité ! Cette unité n'a pas à effectuer de test de Panique quand une unité Gobelins amie est détruite ou démoralisée et fuit le combat alors qu'elle est à 6'' de cette unité. Cette unité n'a pas non plus à effectuer de test de Panique quand une unité Gobelins amie fuit à travers elle. Notez que, dans le cadre de cette règle, est considérée comme unité Gobelins toute unité constituée entièrement de Gobelins de n'importe quel type, montés ou non. Cela inclut toute machine de guerre dont l'équipe de servants est entièrement constituée de Gobelins. Si une unité de Gobelins est rejointe par un personnage Orque, elle n'est plus considérée comme une unité Gobelins.
Ignore Goblin Panic
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at! This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind, mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.
Ignore Goblin Panic
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at! This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind, mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.
Ignore Goblin Panic
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at! This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind, mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.
Ignore Goblin Panic
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at! This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind, mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.
Immune To Psychology
Immunisé à la Psychologie
Immune To Psychology
Immune To Psychology
Immune To Psychology
Immune To Psychology
Venom Surge
R S AP Special Rules Venom surge Combat S -2 Multiple Wounds (D6), Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Injection de venin
P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F -2 Blessures Multiples (D6), Attaques Empoisonnées, Frappe en Premier Notes : En combat, cette figurine peut choisir d'effectuer 1 de ses attaques avec cette arme à chaque tour.
Venom Surge
R S AP Special Rules Venom surge Combat S -2 Multiple Wounds (D6), Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Venom Surge
R S AP Special Rules Venom surge Combat S -2 Multiple Wounds (D6), Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Venom Surge
R S AP Special Rules Venom surge Combat S -2 Multiple Wounds (D6), Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Venom Surge
R S AP Special Rules Venom surge Combat S -2 Multiple Wounds (D6), Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Slimy Shanks
The thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her exceedingly difficult. Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Jarrets Visqueux
L'épaisse pellicule de vase qui recouvre le corps de la Mégère Trollesse la rend difficile à atteindre pour les coups de l'ennemi. Toute figurine ennemie qui dirige ses attaques contre cette figurine à la phase de Combat subit un modificateur de -1 à ses jets de Touche.
Slimy Shanks
The thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her exceedingly difficult. Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Slimy Shanks
The thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her exceedingly difficult. Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Slimy Shanks
The thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her exceedingly difficult. Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Slimy Shanks
The thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her exceedingly difficult. Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Mob Rule
Surrounded by big mobs of battle-hungry Orcs, Shamans crackle with barely-controlled energy, causing their spells to burst forth with tremendous power. If this character has joined a unit of Orcs with a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a unit of Orcs is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise
La Loi du Nombre
La présence d'autres Orques décuple les pouvoirs des Chamanes. Si ce personnage a rejoint une unité d'Orques ayant une puissance de 10 ou plus, il peut appliquer un modificateur de +1 à tout jet de Lancement qu'il effectue. S'il quitte l'unité pour quelque raison que ce soit, ou si la puissance de l'unité descend en dessous de 10, ce modificateur est perdu. Notez que, dans le cadre de cette règle, on considère que toute unité entièrement composée d'Orques ou d'Orques Noirs, montés ou non, est une unité d'Orques.
Mob Rule
Surrounded by big mobs of battle-hungry Orcs, Shamans crackle with barely-controlled energy, causing their spells to burst forth with tremendous power. If this character has joined a unit of Orcs with a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a unit of Orcs is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise
Mob Rule
Surrounded by big mobs of battle-hungry Orcs, Shamans crackle with barely-controlled energy, causing their spells to burst forth with tremendous power. If this character has joined a unit of Orcs with a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a unit of Orcs is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise
Mob Rule
Surrounded by big mobs of battle-hungry Orcs, Shamans crackle with barely-controlled energy, causing their spells to burst forth with tremendous power. If this character has joined a unit of Orcs with a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a unit of Orcs is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise
Mob Rule
Surrounded by big mobs of battle-hungry Orcs, Shamans crackle with barely-controlled energy, causing their spells to burst forth with tremendous power. If this character has joined a unit of Orcs with a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a unit of Orcs is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise
Lore Familiar
Lore Familiar
Lore Familiar
Lore Familiar
Lore Familiar
Lore Familiar
Magic Resistance
Résistance à la Magie
Magic Resistance
Resistencia a la Magia
Resistenza alla Magia
Skulking Menace
Hiding within Goblin ranks, out of sight of the enemy, Nasty Skulkers await their chance to strike. Nasty Skulkers are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a note of which Goblin Mobs include Nasty Skulkers, and of how many they include. These units are referred to as ‘concealing’ units. At the start of its first round of combat, during Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase, a concealing unit must reveal its Nasty Skulkers – they cannot be revealed at any other time. Position each revealed Nasty Skulker as you would a character that has joined the unit. Once placed, Nasty Skulkers cannot leave their concealing unit. If a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the battlefield before its Nasty Skulkers are revealed, they are removed as casualties.
Menace Dissimulée
Dissimulés parmi les Gobelins, les Zigouillards guettent le moment propice pour frapper. Les Zigouillards ne sont pas placés sur le champ de bataille au début de la partie. À la place, notez quelles unités de Bandes de Gobelins incluent des Zigouillards, et combien elles en incluent. Ces unités sont appelées unités "cachetées". Au début de son premier round de combat, à l'Étape 1.1 de la sous-phase de Choisir & Livrer les Combats, une unité cachetée doit révéler ses Zigouillards, ils ne peuvent être révélés à aucun autre moment. Placez chaque Zigouillard révélé comme vous le feriez pour un personnage qui aurait rejoint l'unité. Une fois placés, les Zigouillards ne peuvent pas quitter leur unité cachetée. Si une unité cachée est détruite ou fuit le champ de bataille avant que ses Zigouillards soient révélés, ceux-ci sont retirés comme pertes.
Skulking Menace
Hiding within Goblin ranks, out of sight of the enemy, Nasty Skulkers await their chance to strike. Nasty Skulkers are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a note of which Goblin Mobs include Nasty Skulkers, and of how many they include. These units are referred to as ‘concealing’ units. At the start of its first round of combat, during Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase, a concealing unit must reveal its Nasty Skulkers – they cannot be revealed at any other time. Position each revealed Nasty Skulker as you would a character that has joined the unit. Once placed, Nasty Skulkers cannot leave their concealing unit. If a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the battlefield before its Nasty Skulkers are revealed, they are removed as casualties.
Skulking Menace
Hiding within Goblin ranks, out of sight of the enemy, Nasty Skulkers await their chance to strike. Nasty Skulkers are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a note of which Goblin Mobs include Nasty Skulkers, and of how many they include. These units are referred to as ‘concealing’ units. At the start of its first round of combat, during Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase, a concealing unit must reveal its Nasty Skulkers – they cannot be revealed at any other time. Position each revealed Nasty Skulker as you would a character that has joined the unit. Once placed, Nasty Skulkers cannot leave their concealing unit. If a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the battlefield before its Nasty Skulkers are revealed, they are removed as casualties.
Skulking Menace
Hiding within Goblin ranks, out of sight of the enemy, Nasty Skulkers await their chance to strike. Nasty Skulkers are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a note of which Goblin Mobs include Nasty Skulkers, and of how many they include. These units are referred to as ‘concealing’ units. At the start of its first round of combat, during Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase, a concealing unit must reveal its Nasty Skulkers – they cannot be revealed at any other time. Position each revealed Nasty Skulker as you would a character that has joined the unit. Once placed, Nasty Skulkers cannot leave their concealing unit. If a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the battlefield before its Nasty Skulkers are revealed, they are removed as casualties.
Skulking Menace
Hiding within Goblin ranks, out of sight of the enemy, Nasty Skulkers await their chance to strike. Nasty Skulkers are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a note of which Goblin Mobs include Nasty Skulkers, and of how many they include. These units are referred to as ‘concealing’ units. At the start of its first round of combat, during Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase, a concealing unit must reveal its Nasty Skulkers – they cannot be revealed at any other time. Position each revealed Nasty Skulker as you would a character that has joined the unit. Once placed, Nasty Skulkers cannot leave their concealing unit. If a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the battlefield before its Nasty Skulkers are revealed, they are removed as casualties.
Move Through Cover
Mouvement à Couvert
Move Through Cover
Move Through Cover
Move Through Cover
Move Through Cover
Open Order
Ordre Dispersé
Open Order
Open Order
Open Order
Open Order
Scaly Skin
counts as Heavy armour
Peau écailleuse
compte comme une armure lourde
Scaly Skin
counts as Heavy armour
Scaly Skin
counts as Heavy armour
Scaly Skin
counts as Heavy armour
Scaly Skin
counts as Heavy armour
Protect Da Boss
The Trolls that accompany Ogdruz will dutifully shield him from harm. This model cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob, unless this model is the closest target.
Protégez l'Chef
Les Trolls qui accompagnent Ogdruz le protégeront sans faille du danger. Cette figurine ne peut pas être ciblée par les tirs ou les sorts ennemis tant qu'elle est à 3" d'une Bande de Trolls amie, à moins que cette figurine ne soit la cible la plus proche.
Protect Da Boss
The Trolls that accompany Ogdruz will dutifully shield him from harm. This model cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob, unless this model is the closest target.
Protect Da Boss
The Trolls that accompany Ogdruz will dutifully shield him from harm. This model cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob, unless this model is the closest target.
Protect Da Boss
The Trolls that accompany Ogdruz will dutifully shield him from harm. This model cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob, unless this model is the closest target.
Protect Da Boss
The Trolls that accompany Ogdruz will dutifully shield him from harm. This model cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob, unless this model is the closest target.
Venomous Tail
R S AP Special Rules Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Queue venimeuse
P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F - Attaques Empoisonnées, Frappe en Premier
Venomous Tail
R S AP Special Rules Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Venomous Tail
R S AP Special Rules Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Venomous Tail
R S AP Special Rules Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Venomous Tail
R S AP Special Rules Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Swamp Breath
R S AP Special Rules N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon Notes: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
Souffle Marécageux
P F PA Règles Spéciales N/A 3 -2 Arme à Souffle Notes : Toute unité qui subit une ou plusieurs blessures non sauvegardées de cette arme doit effectuer un test de Panique comme si elle avait subi de lourdes pertes
Swamp Breath
R S AP Special Rules N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon Notes: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
Swamp Breath
R S AP Special Rules N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon Notes: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
Swamp Breath
R S AP Special Rules N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon Notes: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
Swamp Breath
R S AP Special Rules N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon Notes: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
Troll Vomit
R S AP Special Rules Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - Notes: A Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. Notes: A Troll Hag that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.
Vomi de Troll
P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat 3 -2 - Note : Un Troll en contact socle à socle avec une figurine ennemie peut effectuer une attaque additionnelle à chaque tour avec cette arme. Cette attaque doit être effectuée en dernier, après que toutes les autres attaques ont été effectuées (y compris les Attaques de Piétinement), mais elle est toujours automatiquement réalisée. Notes : Une Mégère Trollesse en contact socle à socle avec une figurine ennemie peut effectuer 1 attaque additionnelle à chaque tour avec cette arme. Cette attaque doit être effectuée en dernier, après que toutes les autres attaques ont été effectuées (y compris les Attaques de Piétinement), mais elle touche automatiquement.
Troll Vomit
R S AP Special Rules Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - Notes: A Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. Notes: A Troll Hag that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.
Troll Vomit
R S AP Special Rules Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - Notes: A Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. Notes: A Troll Hag that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.
Troll Vomit
R S AP Special Rules Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - Notes: A Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. Notes: A Troll Hag that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.
Troll Vomit
R S AP Special Rules Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - Notes: A Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. Notes: A Troll Hag that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.
The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all. Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and, when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character, it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is not cumulative.
Il ne faut jamais sous-estimer le pouvoir revigorant d'un bon cri de guerre, et les Orques sont des spécialistes du cri de guerre. Une fois par partie, pendant la sous-phase de Commandement de son tour, ce personnage peut tenter d'invoquer le pouvoir de la Waaagh! en effectuant un test de Commandement (en utilisant son propre Commandement). En cas de réussite, jusqu'à votre prochaine sous-phase de Début de Tour, ce personnage, sa monture et toute unité Orques qu'il a rejointe peuvent relancer n'importe quel nombre de 1 naturels aux résultats des jets de Touche et, quand on calcule son résultat de combat, peut recevoir un bonus de +1 point de résultat de combat supplémentaire. Notez que, dans le cadre de cette règle, on considère comme unité Orques toute unité constituée entièrement d'Orques ou d'Orques Noirs, montés ou non. Si une unité Orques est rejointe par un personnage Gobelin, elle n'est plus considérée comme étant une unité Orque. Cette règle spéciale n'est pas cumulable.
The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all. Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and, when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character, it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is not cumulative.
The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all. Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and, when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character, it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is not cumulative.
The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all. Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and, when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character, it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is not cumulative.
The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all. Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and, when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character, it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is not cumulative.

Magic Items usable by the army

’Eadbuttin’ contests are popular in Orc culture. Especially cunning (or brutal) participants employ magical means to improve their odds. An ’Eadbuttin’ ’At gives its wearer the Impact Hits (1) special rule. This Impact Hit has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
Cask' à Coup d'Boule
Les concours de coups d'boute sont fréquents chez les Orques. Les participants les plus rusés (ou brutaux) emploient des objets magiques pour améliorer leurs chances de victoire. Un Cask' à Coup d'Boule confère à son porteur la règle spéciale Touches d'Impact (1). Cette Touche d'Impact a une caractéristique de PA de -2.
’Eadbuttin’ contests are popular in Orc culture. Especially cunning (or brutal) participants employ magical means to improve their odds. An ’Eadbuttin’ ’At gives its wearer the Impact Hits (1) special rule. This Impact Hit has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
’Eadbuttin’ contests are popular in Orc culture. Especially cunning (or brutal) participants employ magical means to improve their odds. An ’Eadbuttin’ ’At gives its wearer the Impact Hits (1) special rule. This Impact Hit has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
’Eadbuttin’ contests are popular in Orc culture. Especially cunning (or brutal) participants employ magical means to improve their odds. An ’Eadbuttin’ ’At gives its wearer the Impact Hits (1) special rule. This Impact Hit has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
’Eadbuttin’ contests are popular in Orc culture. Especially cunning (or brutal) participants employ magical means to improve their odds. An ’Eadbuttin’ ’At gives its wearer the Impact Hits (1) special rule. This Impact Hit has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
Glowy Green Amulet
This unimposing green amulet glows ever brighter as it absorbs magic. Sooner or later it is going to explode! If the bearer (and any unit they have joined) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glowy Green Amulet instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the spell is dispelled. However, if a 1 is rolled, the Glowy Green Amulet explodes. The amulet is destroyed and cannot be used again, and its bearer loses a single Wound. Note that the Glowy Green Amulet cannot be used against a perfect invocation.
Amulette Verte Luisante
Cette amulette verte sans fioritures brille de mille feux, d'autant plus fort qu'elle absorbe la magie ambiante. Elle finira par exploser ! Si le porteur (et toute unité qu'il a rejointe) est la cible d'un sort ennemi, il peut utiliser l'Amulette Verte Luisante au lieu de tenter d'effectuer une dissipation Magique. Jetez un DG. Sur 2+, le sort est dissipé. Cependant, si le résultat est un 1, l'Amulette Verte Luisante explose. Elle est alors détruite et ne peut plus être utilisée, et son porteur perd 1 Point de Vie. Notez que l'Amulette Verte Luisante ne peut pas être utilisée contre une invocation parfaite.
Glowy Green Amulet
This unimposing green amulet glows ever brighter as it absorbs magic. Sooner or later it is going to explode! If the bearer (and any unit they have joined) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glowy Green Amulet instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the spell is dispelled. However, if a 1 is rolled, the Glowy Green Amulet explodes. The amulet is destroyed and cannot be used again, and its bearer loses a single Wound. Note that the Glowy Green Amulet cannot be used against a perfect invocation.
Glowy Green Amulet
This unimposing green amulet glows ever brighter as it absorbs magic. Sooner or later it is going to explode! If the bearer (and any unit they have joined) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glowy Green Amulet instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the spell is dispelled. However, if a 1 is rolled, the Glowy Green Amulet explodes. The amulet is destroyed and cannot be used again, and its bearer loses a single Wound. Note that the Glowy Green Amulet cannot be used against a perfect invocation.
Glowy Green Amulet
This unimposing green amulet glows ever brighter as it absorbs magic. Sooner or later it is going to explode! If the bearer (and any unit they have joined) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glowy Green Amulet instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the spell is dispelled. However, if a 1 is rolled, the Glowy Green Amulet explodes. The amulet is destroyed and cannot be used again, and its bearer loses a single Wound. Note that the Glowy Green Amulet cannot be used against a perfect invocation.
Glowy Green Amulet
This unimposing green amulet glows ever brighter as it absorbs magic. Sooner or later it is going to explode! If the bearer (and any unit they have joined) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glowy Green Amulet instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the spell is dispelled. However, if a 1 is rolled, the Glowy Green Amulet explodes. The amulet is destroyed and cannot be used again, and its bearer loses a single Wound. Note that the Glowy Green Amulet cannot be used against a perfect invocation.
Armour of Mork
This old and battered armour offers powerful protection against magic. The Armour of Mork is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has Magic Resistance (-2).
Armure de Mork
Cette armure cabossée octroie une protection remarquablement efficace contre la magie. L'Armure de Mork est une armure lourde. De plus, elle confère à son porteur Résistance à la Magie (-2).
Armour of Mork
This old and battered armour offers powerful protection against magic. The Armour of Mork is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has Magic Resistance (-2).
Armour of Mork
This old and battered armour offers powerful protection against magic. The Armour of Mork is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has Magic Resistance (-2).
Armour of Mork
This old and battered armour offers powerful protection against magic. The Armour of Mork is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has Magic Resistance (-2).
Armour of Mork
This old and battered armour offers powerful protection against magic. The Armour of Mork is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has Magic Resistance (-2).
Dead ’Ard Armour
This battle-scarred armour is made up of thick armour plates capable of turning aside the most telling of blows. Black Orc Bosses and Orc Bosses whose troop type is ‘infantry’, ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ only. The Dead ’Ard Armour is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer improves their Toughness characteristic by 1.
Armure Très Durze
Le métal épais de cette armure cabossée peut détourner les coups les mieux ajustés. Boss Orques Noirs et Boss Orques dont le type de troupe est “infanterie”, “cavalerie” ou “char” uniquement. L'Armure Très Durze est une armure de plates complète. En outre, son porteur améliore sa caractéristique d'Endurance de 1.
Dead ’Ard Armour
This battle-scarred armour is made up of thick armour plates capable of turning aside the most telling of blows. Black Orc Bosses and Orc Bosses whose troop type is ‘infantry’, ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ only. The Dead ’Ard Armour is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer improves their Toughness characteristic by 1.
Dead ’Ard Armour
This battle-scarred armour is made up of thick armour plates capable of turning aside the most telling of blows. Black Orc Bosses and Orc Bosses whose troop type is ‘infantry’, ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ only. The Dead ’Ard Armour is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer improves their Toughness characteristic by 1.
Dead ’Ard Armour
This battle-scarred armour is made up of thick armour plates capable of turning aside the most telling of blows. Black Orc Bosses and Orc Bosses whose troop type is ‘infantry’, ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ only. The Dead ’Ard Armour is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer improves their Toughness characteristic by 1.
Dead ’Ard Armour
This battle-scarred armour is made up of thick armour plates capable of turning aside the most telling of blows. Black Orc Bosses and Orc Bosses whose troop type is ‘infantry’, ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ only. The Dead ’Ard Armour is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer improves their Toughness characteristic by 1.
Glittering Wotnots
Supposedly made from the shards of a shattered magic mirror, these gaudy gems hung from a Shaman’s staff will sometimes reflect hostile magic back upon its caster. If the bearer (or their unit) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glittering Wotnots instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the Glittering Wotnots have no effect and the spell is cast as normal. On a roll of 4+, the spell is reflected back upon the caster and they (and their unit) become the target of the spell. The caster may make a Wizardly dispel attempt.
Babiol' ki Brillent
Soi-disant taillées dans les fragments d'un miroir magique, ces gemmes chamarrées accrochées au bâton d'un Chamane lui permettent parfois de renvoyer la magie hostile sur son lanceur. Si le porteur (ou son unité) est la cible d'un sort ennemi, il peut utiliser les Babiol' ki Brillent au lieu de tenter d'effectuer une dissipation Magique. Jetez un DG. Sur 1-3, les Babiot' ki Brillent n'ont aucun effet et le sort est lancé normalement. Sur 4+, le sort est renvoyé sur le lanceur, et lui-même (ainsi que son unité) devient la cible du sort. Le lanceur peut tenter d'effectuer une dissipation Magique.
Glittering Wotnots
Supposedly made from the shards of a shattered magic mirror, these gaudy gems hung from a Shaman’s staff will sometimes reflect hostile magic back upon its caster. If the bearer (or their unit) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glittering Wotnots instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the Glittering Wotnots have no effect and the spell is cast as normal. On a roll of 4+, the spell is reflected back upon the caster and they (and their unit) become the target of the spell. The caster may make a Wizardly dispel attempt.
Glittering Wotnots
Supposedly made from the shards of a shattered magic mirror, these gaudy gems hung from a Shaman’s staff will sometimes reflect hostile magic back upon its caster. If the bearer (or their unit) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glittering Wotnots instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the Glittering Wotnots have no effect and the spell is cast as normal. On a roll of 4+, the spell is reflected back upon the caster and they (and their unit) become the target of the spell. The caster may make a Wizardly dispel attempt.
Glittering Wotnots
Supposedly made from the shards of a shattered magic mirror, these gaudy gems hung from a Shaman’s staff will sometimes reflect hostile magic back upon its caster. If the bearer (or their unit) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glittering Wotnots instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the Glittering Wotnots have no effect and the spell is cast as normal. On a roll of 4+, the spell is reflected back upon the caster and they (and their unit) become the target of the spell. The caster may make a Wizardly dispel attempt.
Glittering Wotnots
Supposedly made from the shards of a shattered magic mirror, these gaudy gems hung from a Shaman’s staff will sometimes reflect hostile magic back upon its caster. If the bearer (or their unit) is the target of an enemy spell, they may use the Glittering Wotnots instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the Glittering Wotnots have no effect and the spell is cast as normal. On a roll of 4+, the spell is reflected back upon the caster and they (and their unit) become the target of the spell. The caster may make a Wizardly dispel attempt.
Backstabber’s Blade
Being bigger and meaner than most, Orcs are happy to fight anyone, anywhere. Goblins on the other hand, are far happier sticking the pointy end of their blades into their foe’s back. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks Notes: Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s flank arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit and To Wound
Lame du Traître
Comme ils sont plus gros et plus méchants que quiconque, les Orques se battent avec n'importe qui, n'importe où. Les Gobelins, eux, préfèrent planter leurs lames dans le dos de l'adversaire. P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F+1 -1 Attaques Magiques Notes : Chefs Gobelins et Gobelins de la Nuit uniquement. Si le porteur de cette arme est engagé avec l'arc latéral d'un ennemi, il peut relancer tout jet de Blessure raté. Si le porteur de cette arme est engagé avec l'arc arrière d'un ennemi, il peut relancer tout jet de Touche et de Blessure raté.
Backstabber’s Blade
Being bigger and meaner than most, Orcs are happy to fight anyone, anywhere. Goblins on the other hand, are far happier sticking the pointy end of their blades into their foe’s back. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks Notes: Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s flank arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit and To Wound
Backstabber’s Blade
Being bigger and meaner than most, Orcs are happy to fight anyone, anywhere. Goblins on the other hand, are far happier sticking the pointy end of their blades into their foe’s back. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks Notes: Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s flank arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit and To Wound
Backstabber’s Blade
Being bigger and meaner than most, Orcs are happy to fight anyone, anywhere. Goblins on the other hand, are far happier sticking the pointy end of their blades into their foe’s back. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks Notes: Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s flank arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit and To Wound
Backstabber’s Blade
Being bigger and meaner than most, Orcs are happy to fight anyone, anywhere. Goblins on the other hand, are far happier sticking the pointy end of their blades into their foe’s back. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks Notes: Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s flank arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with an enemy’s rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit and To Wound
Staff Of Baduumm
Once carried by the famous Orc Shaman Baduumm, this charred wooden staff still contains large reserves of the raw Waaagh! power that evaporated its namesake. The bearer of the Staff of Baduumm applies a +D3 modifier to the result of any Casting roll they make. However, if they roll a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll, centre a 5" blast template over the bearer. Every model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 6 hit with an AP of -1. The staff is then destroyed and cannot be used again. Note that this item’s effects are in addition to the effects of rolling a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll.
Bâton de Badoumm
Autrefois propriété du célèbre Chamane Orque Badoumm, ce bâton de bois calciné contient encore une grande réserve de l'énergie Waaagh! brute qui désintégra son ancien propriétaire. Le porteur du Bâton de Badoumm applique un modificateur de +D3 au résultat de tout jet de Lancement qu'il effectue. Cependant, s'il obtient un double 1 ou un double 6 naturels en faisant son jet de Lancement, centrez un gabarit d'explosion de 5" sur le porteur. Chaque figurine (amie ou ennemie) dont le socle se trouve sous le gabarit risque d'être touchée et de subir une seule touche de Force 6 avec une PA de -1. Le bâton est alors détruit et ne peut plus être utilisé. Notez que ces effets s'ajoutent à ceux qui surviennent quand on obtient un double 1 ou double 6 naturels à un jet de Lancement.
Staff Of Baduumm
Once carried by the famous Orc Shaman Baduumm, this charred wooden staff still contains large reserves of the raw Waaagh! power that evaporated its namesake. The bearer of the Staff of Baduumm applies a +D3 modifier to the result of any Casting roll they make. However, if they roll a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll, centre a 5" blast template over the bearer. Every model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 6 hit with an AP of -1. The staff is then destroyed and cannot be used again. Note that this item’s effects are in addition to the effects of rolling a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll.
Staff Of Baduumm
Once carried by the famous Orc Shaman Baduumm, this charred wooden staff still contains large reserves of the raw Waaagh! power that evaporated its namesake. The bearer of the Staff of Baduumm applies a +D3 modifier to the result of any Casting roll they make. However, if they roll a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll, centre a 5" blast template over the bearer. Every model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 6 hit with an AP of -1. The staff is then destroyed and cannot be used again. Note that this item’s effects are in addition to the effects of rolling a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll.
Staff Of Baduumm
Once carried by the famous Orc Shaman Baduumm, this charred wooden staff still contains large reserves of the raw Waaagh! power that evaporated its namesake. The bearer of the Staff of Baduumm applies a +D3 modifier to the result of any Casting roll they make. However, if they roll a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll, centre a 5" blast template over the bearer. Every model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 6 hit with an AP of -1. The staff is then destroyed and cannot be used again. Note that this item’s effects are in addition to the effects of rolling a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll.
Staff Of Baduumm
Once carried by the famous Orc Shaman Baduumm, this charred wooden staff still contains large reserves of the raw Waaagh! power that evaporated its namesake. The bearer of the Staff of Baduumm applies a +D3 modifier to the result of any Casting roll they make. However, if they roll a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll, centre a 5" blast template over the bearer. Every model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 6 hit with an AP of -1. The staff is then destroyed and cannot be used again. Note that this item’s effects are in addition to the effects of rolling a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll.
Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff
The famed Great Shaman Buzgob once attempted to channel so much Waaagh! magic that he vanished in a flash of light, leaving behind only his staff and sticky green mist. Once per turn, the bearer of the Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff may re-roll a Casting roll.
Bâton Zarbi de Buzgob
Le célèbre Grand Chamane Buzgob tenta d'emmagasiner tant de magie Waaagh! qu'il disparut dans une déflagration lumineuse, ne laissant derrière lui qu'un nuage de vapeur verte et ce bâton. Une fois par tour, le porteur du Bâton Zarbi de Buzgob peut relancer un jet de Lancement.
Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff
The famed Great Shaman Buzgob once attempted to channel so much Waaagh! magic that he vanished in a flash of light, leaving behind only his staff and sticky green mist. Once per turn, the bearer of the Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff may re-roll a Casting roll.
Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff
The famed Great Shaman Buzgob once attempted to channel so much Waaagh! magic that he vanished in a flash of light, leaving behind only his staff and sticky green mist. Once per turn, the bearer of the Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff may re-roll a Casting roll.
Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff
The famed Great Shaman Buzgob once attempted to channel so much Waaagh! magic that he vanished in a flash of light, leaving behind only his staff and sticky green mist. Once per turn, the bearer of the Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff may re-roll a Casting roll.
Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff
The famed Great Shaman Buzgob once attempted to channel so much Waaagh! magic that he vanished in a flash of light, leaving behind only his staff and sticky green mist. Once per turn, the bearer of the Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff may re-roll a Casting roll.
Battleaxe Of The Last Big Waaagh!
Vague legend tells that this huge, beaten battleaxe once belonged to either Gork or Mork. How true this is, there is no way of knowing, but it certainly is a great tool for hitting things with! R S AP Special Rules Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! Combat S+2 -2 Extra Attacks (+D6), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strike Last. Notes: If a natural 6 is rolled for the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule, the Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! loses the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule at the end of the current Combat phase.
Hache de la Der des Der
Il paraît que cette arme appartenait jadis à Gork. Ou Mork. En tout cas, elle cogne dur ! Combat: F+2, PA: -2, Règles Spéciales: Attaques supplémentaires (+DG), Attaques Magiques, Armes à Deux Mains, Frappe en Dernier. Notes: Si un 6 naturel est obtenu pour la règle spéciale Attaques Supplémentaires (+DG), la Hache de la Der des Der perd la règle spéciale Attaques Supplémentaires (+D6) à la fin de la phase de Combat en cours.
Battleaxe Of The Last Big Waaagh!
Vague legend tells that this huge, beaten battleaxe once belonged to either Gork or Mork. How true this is, there is no way of knowing, but it certainly is a great tool for hitting things with! R S AP Special Rules Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! Combat S+2 -2 Extra Attacks (+D6), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strike Last. Notes: If a natural 6 is rolled for the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule, the Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! loses the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule at the end of the current Combat phase.
Battleaxe Of The Last Big Waaagh!
Vague legend tells that this huge, beaten battleaxe once belonged to either Gork or Mork. How true this is, there is no way of knowing, but it certainly is a great tool for hitting things with! R S AP Special Rules Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! Combat S+2 -2 Extra Attacks (+D6), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strike Last. Notes: If a natural 6 is rolled for the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule, the Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! loses the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule at the end of the current Combat phase.
Battleaxe Of The Last Big Waaagh!
Vague legend tells that this huge, beaten battleaxe once belonged to either Gork or Mork. How true this is, there is no way of knowing, but it certainly is a great tool for hitting things with! R S AP Special Rules Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! Combat S+2 -2 Extra Attacks (+D6), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strike Last. Notes: If a natural 6 is rolled for the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule, the Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! loses the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule at the end of the current Combat phase.
Battleaxe Of The Last Big Waaagh!
Vague legend tells that this huge, beaten battleaxe once belonged to either Gork or Mork. How true this is, there is no way of knowing, but it certainly is a great tool for hitting things with! R S AP Special Rules Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! Combat S+2 -2 Extra Attacks (+D6), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strike Last. Notes: If a natural 6 is rolled for the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule, the Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! loses the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule at the end of the current Combat phase.
Big Boss ’At
Orcs and Goblins are easily impressed, and this ornate helmet is particularly impressive. What’s more, the Boss insists that wearing it makes them braver and cleverer, which must be true. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character wearing the Big Boss ’At that is not engaged in combat may treat their comrades to some inspiring words by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Unbreakable special rule.
Casque eud' Chef
Les Orques et les Gobelins sont très impressionnables, et ce casque orné est très impressionnant. De plus, le Chef affirme que le porter le rend plus valeureux et plus fort, et c'est sans doute vrai. À la sous-phase de Commandement de son tour, un personnage portant le Casque eud' Chef qui n'est pas engagé en combat peut galvaniser ses troupes en effectuant un test de Commandement (en utilisant son propre Commandement). En cas de réussite, jusqu'au début de votre prochaine sous-phase de Début de Tour, ce personnage et toute unité qu'il a rejointe gagnent la règle spéciale Indémoralisable.
Big Boss ’At
Orcs and Goblins are easily impressed, and this ornate helmet is particularly impressive. What’s more, the Boss insists that wearing it makes them braver and cleverer, which must be true. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character wearing the Big Boss ’At that is not engaged in combat may treat their comrades to some inspiring words by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Unbreakable special rule.
Big Boss ’At
Orcs and Goblins are easily impressed, and this ornate helmet is particularly impressive. What’s more, the Boss insists that wearing it makes them braver and cleverer, which must be true. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character wearing the Big Boss ’At that is not engaged in combat may treat their comrades to some inspiring words by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Unbreakable special rule.
Big Boss ’At
Orcs and Goblins are easily impressed, and this ornate helmet is particularly impressive. What’s more, the Boss insists that wearing it makes them braver and cleverer, which must be true. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character wearing the Big Boss ’At that is not engaged in combat may treat their comrades to some inspiring words by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Unbreakable special rule.
Big Boss ’At
Orcs and Goblins are easily impressed, and this ornate helmet is particularly impressive. What’s more, the Boss insists that wearing it makes them braver and cleverer, which must be true. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character wearing the Big Boss ’At that is not engaged in combat may treat their comrades to some inspiring words by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Unbreakable special rule.
Bigger, Choppier Axe
While Warbosses love having a big, choppy axe, there is nothing they love more than a bigger, choppier axe! R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strikes Las
Grosse Hache Ki Koup' Pluss
Il n'y a rien que les Chefs de Guerre aiment davantage que de posséder une grosse hache qui coupe bien, à part avoir une plus grosse hache qui coupe encore mieux ! P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F+2 -2 Coup Fatal, Attaques Magiques, Arme à Deux Mains, Frappe en Dernier
Bigger, Choppier Axe
While Warbosses love having a big, choppy axe, there is nothing they love more than a bigger, choppier axe! R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strikes Las
Bigger, Choppier Axe
While Warbosses love having a big, choppy axe, there is nothing they love more than a bigger, choppier axe! R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strikes Las
Bigger, Choppier Axe
While Warbosses love having a big, choppy axe, there is nothing they love more than a bigger, choppier axe! R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strikes Las
Bigger, Choppier Axe
While Warbosses love having a big, choppy axe, there is nothing they love more than a bigger, choppier axe! R S AP Special Rules Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands, Strikes Las
Spiteful Shield
Possessed by an angry spirit and adorned with an enchanted maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, this shield snaps and snarls at unwary opponents. The Spiteful Shield is a shield. In addition, any enemy model that rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit or To Wound against the wielder of the Spiteful Shield during the Combat phase immediately suffers a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -.
Bouclier Rancunier
Possédé par un esprit revêche et orné d'une gueule enchantée garnie de crocs acérés, ce bouclier grogne et referme ses mâchoires sur les adversaires imprudents. Le Bouclier Rancunier est un bouclier. De plus, toute figurine ennemie qui obtient un 1 naturel en effectuant un jet de Touche ou de Blessure contre le porteur du Bouclier Rancunier à la phase de Combat subit immédiatement une touche de Force 4 PA -.
Spiteful Shield
Possessed by an angry spirit and adorned with an enchanted maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, this shield snaps and snarls at unwary opponents. The Spiteful Shield is a shield. In addition, any enemy model that rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit or To Wound against the wielder of the Spiteful Shield during the Combat phase immediately suffers a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -.
Spiteful Shield
Possessed by an angry spirit and adorned with an enchanted maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, this shield snaps and snarls at unwary opponents. The Spiteful Shield is a shield. In addition, any enemy model that rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit or To Wound against the wielder of the Spiteful Shield during the Combat phase immediately suffers a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -.
Spiteful Shield
Possessed by an angry spirit and adorned with an enchanted maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, this shield snaps and snarls at unwary opponents. The Spiteful Shield is a shield. In addition, any enemy model that rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit or To Wound against the wielder of the Spiteful Shield during the Combat phase immediately suffers a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -.
Spiteful Shield
Possessed by an angry spirit and adorned with an enchanted maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, this shield snaps and snarls at unwary opponents. The Spiteful Shield is a shield. In addition, any enemy model that rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit or To Wound against the wielder of the Spiteful Shield during the Combat phase immediately suffers a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -.
Martog’s Best Basha
Warboss Martog the Mauler was renowned for his vast collection of ‘legitimately acquired’ weapons. The most prized of which was a massive Dwarfen hammer, covered with intricately carved runes and (since Martog’s acquisition of the weapon) plenty of Dwarfen blood. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands Notes: The wielder of this weapon has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics
Cogneur Trop Klass' de Martog
Le Chef de Guerre Martog le Concasseur était célèbre pour sa collection d'armes “acquises honnêtement”. Sa préférée était un énorme marteau de Nain, couvert de runes complexes et (depuis que Martog en avait fait l'acquisition) de grandes quantités de sang de Nain séché. P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F+1 -2 Attaques Magiques, Arme à Deux Mains Notes : Le porteur de cette arme a un modificateur de +1 à ses caractéristiques de Capacité de Combat et d'Initiative.
Martog’s Best Basha
Warboss Martog the Mauler was renowned for his vast collection of ‘legitimately acquired’ weapons. The most prized of which was a massive Dwarfen hammer, covered with intricately carved runes and (since Martog’s acquisition of the weapon) plenty of Dwarfen blood. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands Notes: The wielder of this weapon has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics
Martog’s Best Basha
Warboss Martog the Mauler was renowned for his vast collection of ‘legitimately acquired’ weapons. The most prized of which was a massive Dwarfen hammer, covered with intricately carved runes and (since Martog’s acquisition of the weapon) plenty of Dwarfen blood. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands Notes: The wielder of this weapon has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics
Martog’s Best Basha
Warboss Martog the Mauler was renowned for his vast collection of ‘legitimately acquired’ weapons. The most prized of which was a massive Dwarfen hammer, covered with intricately carved runes and (since Martog’s acquisition of the weapon) plenty of Dwarfen blood. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands Notes: The wielder of this weapon has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics
Martog’s Best Basha
Warboss Martog the Mauler was renowned for his vast collection of ‘legitimately acquired’ weapons. The most prized of which was a massive Dwarfen hammer, covered with intricately carved runes and (since Martog’s acquisition of the weapon) plenty of Dwarfen blood. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands Notes: The wielder of this weapon has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics
Necklace Of Blessed Teef
Plucked from the jaws of enemies and fashioned into crude jewellery, the teef that hang from this necklace have been blessed by Mork (or possibly Gork) to protect the wearer as they thunder into battle. The bearer of the Necklace of Blessed Teef may re-roll any Armour Save roll, Ward Save roll or Regeneration Save roll of a natural 1.
Collier de Dents Bénies
Arrachées aux mâchoires d'ennemis de valeur et rassemblées en un bijou fruste, les dents de ce collier ont été bénies par Mork (à moins que ce ne soit par Gork) pour protéger le porteur au combat. Le porteur du Collier de Dents Bénies peut relancer tout jet de Sauvegarde d'Armure, de Sauvegarde Invulnérable ou de Sauvegarde de Régénération d'un 1 naturel.
Necklace Of Blessed Teef
Plucked from the jaws of enemies and fashioned into crude jewellery, the teef that hang from this necklace have been blessed by Mork (or possibly Gork) to protect the wearer as they thunder into battle. The bearer of the Necklace of Blessed Teef may re-roll any Armour Save roll, Ward Save roll or Regeneration Save roll of a natural 1.
Necklace Of Blessed Teef
Plucked from the jaws of enemies and fashioned into crude jewellery, the teef that hang from this necklace have been blessed by Mork (or possibly Gork) to protect the wearer as they thunder into battle. The bearer of the Necklace of Blessed Teef may re-roll any Armour Save roll, Ward Save roll or Regeneration Save roll of a natural 1.
Necklace Of Blessed Teef
Plucked from the jaws of enemies and fashioned into crude jewellery, the teef that hang from this necklace have been blessed by Mork (or possibly Gork) to protect the wearer as they thunder into battle. The bearer of the Necklace of Blessed Teef may re-roll any Armour Save roll, Ward Save roll or Regeneration Save roll of a natural 1.
Necklace Of Blessed Teef
Plucked from the jaws of enemies and fashioned into crude jewellery, the teef that hang from this necklace have been blessed by Mork (or possibly Gork) to protect the wearer as they thunder into battle. The bearer of the Necklace of Blessed Teef may re-roll any Armour Save roll, Ward Save roll or Regeneration Save roll of a natural 1.
The Collar of Zorga
Zorga was a respected War Boar wrangler. When his magical collar was stolen, he became a snack for his porcine pets. Any enemy ‘beast of burden’ that directs its attacks against the wearer of the Collar of Zorga or their unit during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. For the purposes of this rule, a beast of burden is the mount of any model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, the beast(s) that draw any model whose troop type is ‘chariot’, and the mount of any mounted character whose troop type is ‘monster’.
Collier de Zorga
Zorga était un dompteur de sangliers réputé. Quand quelqu'un lui déroba son collier magique, il fit un en-cas de choix pour ses bêtes. Toute 'bête de somme' ennemie qui dirige ses attaques contre le porteur du Collier de Zorga ou son unité pendant la phase de Combat subit un modificateur de -1 à ses jets de Touche. Dans le cadre de cette règle, une bête de somme est la monture de toute figurine dont le type de troupe est 'cavalerie'; la ou les bêtes qui tractent toute figurine dont le type de troupe est 'char'; et la monture de tout personnage monté dont le type de troupe est 'monstre'.
The Collar of Zorga
Zorga was a respected War Boar wrangler. When his magical collar was stolen, he became a snack for his porcine pets. Any enemy ‘beast of burden’ that directs its attacks against the wearer of the Collar of Zorga or their unit during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. For the purposes of this rule, a beast of burden is the mount of any model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, the beast(s) that draw any model whose troop type is ‘chariot’, and the mount of any mounted character whose troop type is ‘monster’.
The Collar of Zorga
Zorga was a respected War Boar wrangler. When his magical collar was stolen, he became a snack for his porcine pets. Any enemy ‘beast of burden’ that directs its attacks against the wearer of the Collar of Zorga or their unit during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. For the purposes of this rule, a beast of burden is the mount of any model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, the beast(s) that draw any model whose troop type is ‘chariot’, and the mount of any mounted character whose troop type is ‘monster’.
The Collar of Zorga
Zorga was a respected War Boar wrangler. When his magical collar was stolen, he became a snack for his porcine pets. Any enemy ‘beast of burden’ that directs its attacks against the wearer of the Collar of Zorga or their unit during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. For the purposes of this rule, a beast of burden is the mount of any model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, the beast(s) that draw any model whose troop type is ‘chariot’, and the mount of any mounted character whose troop type is ‘monster’.
The Collar of Zorga
Zorga was a respected War Boar wrangler. When his magical collar was stolen, he became a snack for his porcine pets. Any enemy ‘beast of burden’ that directs its attacks against the wearer of the Collar of Zorga or their unit during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. For the purposes of this rule, a beast of burden is the mount of any model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, the beast(s) that draw any model whose troop type is ‘chariot’, and the mount of any mounted character whose troop type is ‘monster’.
Da Akrit Axe
In battle, this weapon seems to writhe in the hands of its wielder, seeking out the enemy’s most vulnerable spots. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks Notes: The wielder of Da Akrit Axe may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made whilst using it. However, this weapon’s Strength modifier only applies during the first round of combat.
La Hache Préciz'
Au combat, cette arme semble bouger dans la main de son porteur pour chercher les points les plus vulnérables e l'ennemi. P F PA Règles Spéciales Combat F+1 - Arme Perforante (1), Attaques Magiques Notes : Le porteur de la Hache Préciz' peut relancer tout jet de Touche raté effectué avec cette arme. Cependant, le modificateur de Force de cette arme ne s'applique qu'au premier round de combat.
Da Akrit Axe
In battle, this weapon seems to writhe in the hands of its wielder, seeking out the enemy’s most vulnerable spots. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks Notes: The wielder of Da Akrit Axe may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made whilst using it. However, this weapon’s Strength modifier only applies during the first round of combat.
Da Akrit Axe
In battle, this weapon seems to writhe in the hands of its wielder, seeking out the enemy’s most vulnerable spots. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks Notes: The wielder of Da Akrit Axe may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made whilst using it. However, this weapon’s Strength modifier only applies during the first round of combat.
Da Akrit Axe
In battle, this weapon seems to writhe in the hands of its wielder, seeking out the enemy’s most vulnerable spots. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks Notes: The wielder of Da Akrit Axe may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made whilst using it. However, this weapon’s Strength modifier only applies during the first round of combat.
Da Akrit Axe
In battle, this weapon seems to writhe in the hands of its wielder, seeking out the enemy’s most vulnerable spots. R S AP Special Rules Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks Notes: The wielder of Da Akrit Axe may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made whilst using it. However, this weapon’s Strength modifier only applies during the first round of combat.
Da Choppiest Choppa
This broad, heavy bladed choppa boasts a wickedly sharp cutting edge. What’s more, no amount of relentless chopping through armour and hacking through bone ever seems to dull it. R S AP Special Rules Da Choppiest Choppa Combat S+1 -3 Magical Attacks.
Kikoup' Ki Koupe
Ce kikoup' est doté d'une lame colossale. En effet, rien ne semble pouvoir émousser son tranchant. Combat: F+1, PA: -3, Règles Spéciales: Attaques Magiques.
Da Choppiest Choppa
This broad, heavy bladed choppa boasts a wickedly sharp cutting edge. What’s more, no amount of relentless chopping through armour and hacking through bone ever seems to dull it. R S AP Special Rules Da Choppiest Choppa Combat S+1 -3 Magical Attacks.
Da Choppiest Choppa
This broad, heavy bladed choppa boasts a wickedly sharp cutting edge. What’s more, no amount of relentless chopping through armour and hacking through bone ever seems to dull it. R S AP Special Rules Da Choppiest Choppa Combat S+1 -3 Magical Attacks.
Da Choppiest Choppa
This broad, heavy bladed choppa boasts a wickedly sharp cutting edge. What’s more, no amount of relentless chopping through armour and hacking through bone ever seems to dull it. R S AP Special Rules Da Choppiest Choppa Combat S+1 -3 Magical Attacks.
Da Choppiest Choppa
This broad, heavy bladed choppa boasts a wickedly sharp cutting edge. What’s more, no amount of relentless chopping through armour and hacking through bone ever seems to dull it. R S AP Special Rules Da Choppiest Choppa Combat S+1 -3 Magical Attacks.
Da Hag’s Brew
Few are sure on exactly what goes into the foetid drink, but its effect is undeniable, imbuing the drinker with the ability to harness the dank magic of the Troll Hags. Orc Shamans, Goblin Shamans and Night Goblin Shamans only. In addition to the Lores of Magic they may normally know spells from, the bearer of Da Hag’s Brew may know spells from the Lore of Troll Magic (see page 44).
L'Breuvage d'la Mégère
Nul ne sait ce qu'il y a dans cette boisson fétide, mais son efficacité est indéniable, le buveur accédant à la magie des Mégères Trollesses. Chamanes Orques, Gobelins et Gobelins de la Nuit uniquement. En plus des Domaines de Magie d'où il tire normalement ses sorts, le porteur du Breuvage d'la Mégère peut connaître des sorts du Domaine de “Magie Troll” (voir p. 14).
Da Hag’s Brew
Few are sure on exactly what goes into the foetid drink, but its effect is undeniable, imbuing the drinker with the ability to harness the dank magic of the Troll Hags. Orc Shamans, Goblin Shamans and Night Goblin Shamans only. In addition to the Lores of Magic they may normally know spells from, the bearer of Da Hag’s Brew may know spells from the Lore of Troll Magic (see page 44).
Da Hag’s Brew
Few are sure on exactly what goes into the foetid drink, but its effect is undeniable, imbuing the drinker with the ability to harness the dank magic of the Troll Hags. Orc Shamans, Goblin Shamans and Night Goblin Shamans only. In addition to the Lores of Magic they may normally know spells from, the bearer of Da Hag’s Brew may know spells from the Lore of Troll Magic (see page 44).
Da Hag’s Brew
Few are sure on exactly what goes into the foetid drink, but its effect is undeniable, imbuing the drinker with the ability to harness the dank magic of the Troll Hags. Orc Shamans, Goblin Shamans and Night Goblin Shamans only. In addition to the Lores of Magic they may normally know spells from, the bearer of Da Hag’s Brew may know spells from the Lore of Troll Magic (see page 44).
Da Hag’s Brew
Few are sure on exactly what goes into the foetid drink, but its effect is undeniable, imbuing the drinker with the ability to harness the dank magic of the Troll Hags. Orc Shamans, Goblin Shamans and Night Goblin Shamans only. In addition to the Lores of Magic they may normally know spells from, the bearer of Da Hag’s Brew may know spells from the Lore of Troll Magic (see page 44).
Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At
With the overpowering need to bash skulls removed from their mind, the wearer might now think twice about charging headlong into an Empire artillery battery! The wearer of Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At improves their Initiative characteristic by 1. In addition, the wearer and any unit they have joined is not subject to the Impetuous special rule.
L'Chapeau d'Intello
Libéré du besoin irrépressible de fracasser des crânes, le porteur peut désormais réfléchir à deux fois avant de charger une batterie d'artillerie de l'Empire ! Le porteur du Chapeau d'Intello améliore sa caractéristique d'Initiative de 1. En outre, le porteur et toute unité qu'il a rejoint ne sont pas sujets à la règle spéciale Impétueux.
Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At
With the overpowering need to bash skulls removed from their mind, the wearer might now think twice about charging headlong into an Empire artillery battery! The wearer of Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At improves their Initiative characteristic by 1. In addition, the wearer and any unit they have joined is not subject to the Impetuous special rule.
Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At
With the overpowering need to bash skulls removed from their mind, the wearer might now think twice about charging headlong into an Empire artillery battery! The wearer of Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At improves their Initiative characteristic by 1. In addition, the wearer and any unit they have joined is not subject to the Impetuous special rule.
Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At
With the overpowering need to bash skulls removed from their mind, the wearer might now think twice about charging headlong into an Empire artillery battery! The wearer of Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At improves their Initiative characteristic by 1. In addition, the wearer and any unit they have joined is not subject to the Impetuous special rule.
Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At
With the overpowering need to bash skulls removed from their mind, the wearer might now think twice about charging headlong into an Empire artillery battery! The wearer of Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At improves their Initiative characteristic by 1. In addition, the wearer and any unit they have joined is not subject to the Impetuous special rule.
Idol of Mork
On the eve of battle, Orc and Goblin Shamans often craft small idols of Mork, hoping that the most cunning (but brutal) of deities will watch over them. The bearer of the Idol of Mork increases their Dispel range by 3". Additionally, once per turn, when attempting a Wizardly dispel, the bearer of the Idol of Mork may re-roll the Dispel roll.
Effigie de Mork
À la veille de la bataille, les Chamanes Orques et Gobelins sculptent souvent de petites effigies de Mork, en espérant que ce dieu rusé (mais brutal) veillera sur eux. Le porteur de l'Idole de Mork augmente sa portée de Dissipation de 3". En outre, une fois par tout, quand il tente une dissipation Magique, le porteur de l'Idole de Mork peut relancer le jet de Dissipation.
Idol of Mork
On the eve of battle, Orc and Goblin Shamans often craft small idols of Mork, hoping that the most cunning (but brutal) of deities will watch over them. The bearer of the Idol of Mork increases their Dispel range by 3". Additionally, once per turn, when attempting a Wizardly dispel, the bearer of the Idol of Mork may re-roll the Dispel roll.
Idol of Mork
On the eve of battle, Orc and Goblin Shamans often craft small idols of Mork, hoping that the most cunning (but brutal) of deities will watch over them. The bearer of the Idol of Mork increases their Dispel range by 3". Additionally, once per turn, when attempting a Wizardly dispel, the bearer of the Idol of Mork may re-roll the Dispel roll.
Idol of Mork
On the eve of battle, Orc and Goblin Shamans often craft small idols of Mork, hoping that the most cunning (but brutal) of deities will watch over them. The bearer of the Idol of Mork increases their Dispel range by 3". Additionally, once per turn, when attempting a Wizardly dispel, the bearer of the Idol of Mork may re-roll the Dispel roll.
Idol of Mork
On the eve of battle, Orc and Goblin Shamans often craft small idols of Mork, hoping that the most cunning (but brutal) of deities will watch over them. The bearer of the Idol of Mork increases their Dispel range by 3". Additionally, once per turn, when attempting a Wizardly dispel, the bearer of the Idol of Mork may re-roll the Dispel roll.
Effigy Of Mork
Be it a string of lucky escapes, arcane enchantment, or perhaps the divine intervention of the cunning (yet brutal) Mork, this small trinket seems to keep the wearer out of danger. Any model that directs its attacks against the bearer of the Effigy of Mork during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Effigie de Mork
Que ce soit grâce à une chance insolente, un enchantement, ou l'intervention opportune du rusé (mais brutal) dieu Mork, ce petit bijou semble garder le porteur à l'abri du danger. Toute figurine qui dirige ses attaques contre le porteur de l'Effigie de Mork à la phase de Combat subit un modificateur de -1 à ses jets de Touche.
Effigy Of Mork
Be it a string of lucky escapes, arcane enchantment, or perhaps the divine intervention of the cunning (yet brutal) Mork, this small trinket seems to keep the wearer out of danger. Any model that directs its attacks against the bearer of the Effigy of Mork during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Effigy Of Mork
Be it a string of lucky escapes, arcane enchantment, or perhaps the divine intervention of the cunning (yet brutal) Mork, this small trinket seems to keep the wearer out of danger. Any model that directs its attacks against the bearer of the Effigy of Mork during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Effigy Of Mork
Be it a string of lucky escapes, arcane enchantment, or perhaps the divine intervention of the cunning (yet brutal) Mork, this small trinket seems to keep the wearer out of danger. Any model that directs its attacks against the bearer of the Effigy of Mork during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Effigy Of Mork
Be it a string of lucky escapes, arcane enchantment, or perhaps the divine intervention of the cunning (yet brutal) Mork, this small trinket seems to keep the wearer out of danger. Any model that directs its attacks against the bearer of the Effigy of Mork during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Fungus Wine
Night Goblins cultivate many strange fungi, the most potent of which are fermented into mind-altering wines. Night Goblin characters only. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may attempt to distribute Fungus Wine to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Vin de Champignon
Les Gobelins cultivent nombre de champignons étranges, qu'ils font parfois fermenter pour obtenir des vins hallucinogènes. Personnages Gobelins de la Nuit uniquement. Pendant la sous-phase de Commandement de son tour, s'il n'est pas engagé en combat, ce personnage peut tenter de partager le Vin de Champignon avec une unité qu'il a rejointe en effectuant un test de Commandement (en utilisant son propre Commandement). En cas de réussite, jusqu'à votre prochaine sous-phase de Début de Tour, ce personnage et toute unité qu'il a rejointe gagnent la règle spéciale Immunité à la Psychologie.
Fungus Wine
Night Goblins cultivate many strange fungi, the most potent of which are fermented into mind-altering wines. Night Goblin characters only. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may attempt to distribute Fungus Wine to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Fungus Wine
Night Goblins cultivate many strange fungi, the most potent of which are fermented into mind-altering wines. Night Goblin characters only. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may attempt to distribute Fungus Wine to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Fungus Wine
Night Goblins cultivate many strange fungi, the most potent of which are fermented into mind-altering wines. Night Goblin characters only. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may attempt to distribute Fungus Wine to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Fungus Wine
Night Goblins cultivate many strange fungi, the most potent of which are fermented into mind-altering wines. Night Goblin characters only. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may attempt to distribute Fungus Wine to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Grisly Trophy Rack
Covered in the decaying scalps and flayed skulls of conquered enemies, this totem is a foul reminder of the fate that awaits those who fall to the boss’ blade. Black Orc Bosses, Orc Bosses, Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. All enemy units within 6" of the bearer of the Grisly Trophy Rack suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
Râtelier à Trophées Macabres
Orné des scalps pourrissants et des crânes blanchis d'ennemis vaincus, ce totem est un funeste rappel du sort qui attend ceux qui périront sous la lame du chef. Chefs Orques Noirs, Chefs Orques, Chefs Gobelins et Chefs Gobelins de la Nuit uniquement. Toutes les unités ennemies à 6" du porteur du Râtelier à Trophées Macabres subissent un modificateur de -1 à leur caractéristique de Commandement (jusqu'à un minimum de 2).
Grisly Trophy Rack
Covered in the decaying scalps and flayed skulls of conquered enemies, this totem is a foul reminder of the fate that awaits those who fall to the boss’ blade. Black Orc Bosses, Orc Bosses, Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. All enemy units within 6" of the bearer of the Grisly Trophy Rack suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
Grisly Trophy Rack
Covered in the decaying scalps and flayed skulls of conquered enemies, this totem is a foul reminder of the fate that awaits those who fall to the boss’ blade. Black Orc Bosses, Orc Bosses, Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. All enemy units within 6" of the bearer of the Grisly Trophy Rack suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
Grisly Trophy Rack
Covered in the decaying scalps and flayed skulls of conquered enemies, this totem is a foul reminder of the fate that awaits those who fall to the boss’ blade. Black Orc Bosses, Orc Bosses, Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. All enemy units within 6" of the bearer of the Grisly Trophy Rack suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
Grisly Trophy Rack
Covered in the decaying scalps and flayed skulls of conquered enemies, this totem is a foul reminder of the fate that awaits those who fall to the boss’ blade. Black Orc Bosses, Orc Bosses, Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. All enemy units within 6" of the bearer of the Grisly Trophy Rack suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
Idol Of Gork
Before heading into a scrap, Orc and Goblin Shamans will craft small idols of Gork, the most brutal (but cunning) of deities to aid them in crumpin’ their enemies and disrupting their magic. The bearer of the Idol of Gork increases the range of all of their spells by 3". Additionally, once per turn, the bearer of the Idol of Gork may re-roll a Casting roll.
Idole de Gork
Avant de se jeter dans la bagarre, les Chamanes Orques et Gobelins sculptent de petites idoles de Gork, le plus brutal (mais rusé) des dieux, pour mieux écrabouiller l'ennemi et perturber sa magie. Le porteur de l'Idole de Gork augmente la portée de tous ses sorts de 3". En outre, une fois par tour, le porteur de l'Idole de Gork peut relancer un jet de Lancement.
Idol Of Gork
Before heading into a scrap, Orc and Goblin Shamans will craft small idols of Gork, the most brutal (but cunning) of deities to aid them in crumpin’ their enemies and disrupting their magic. The bearer of the Idol of Gork increases the range of all of their spells by 3". Additionally, once per turn, the bearer of the Idol of Gork may re-roll a Casting roll.
Idol Of Gork
Before heading into a scrap, Orc and Goblin Shamans will craft small idols of Gork, the most brutal (but cunning) of deities to aid them in crumpin’ their enemies and disrupting their magic. The bearer of the Idol of Gork increases the range of all of their spells by 3". Additionally, once per turn, the bearer of the Idol of Gork may re-roll a Casting roll.
Idol Of Gork
Before heading into a scrap, Orc and Goblin Shamans will craft small idols of Gork, the most brutal (but cunning) of deities to aid them in crumpin’ their enemies and disrupting their magic. The bearer of the Idol of Gork increases the range of all of their spells by 3". Additionally, once per turn, the bearer of the Idol of Gork may re-roll a Casting roll.
Idol Of Gork
Before heading into a scrap, Orc and Goblin Shamans will craft small idols of Gork, the most brutal (but cunning) of deities to aid them in crumpin’ their enemies and disrupting their magic. The bearer of the Idol of Gork increases the range of all of their spells by 3". Additionally, once per turn, the bearer of the Idol of Gork may re-roll a Casting roll.
Trollhide Trousers
Foul smelling and uncomfortable, Trollhide Trousers possess remarkable regenerative properties. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Trollhide Trousers improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, their wearer has the Regeneration (5+) special rule.
Pantalons en Peau d'Troll
Aussi nauséabonds qu'inconfortables, les Pantalons en Peau d'Troll n'en confèrent pas moins de remarquables facultés régénérantes. Peut être porté avec d'autres armures. Le porteur des Pantalons en Peau d'Troll améliore sa valeur d'armure de 1 (jusqu'à un maximum de 2+). En outre, son porteur a la règle spéciale Régénération (5+).
Trollhide Trousers
Foul smelling and uncomfortable, Trollhide Trousers possess remarkable regenerative properties. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Trollhide Trousers improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, their wearer has the Regeneration (5+) special rule.
Trollhide Trousers
Foul smelling and uncomfortable, Trollhide Trousers possess remarkable regenerative properties. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Trollhide Trousers improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, their wearer has the Regeneration (5+) special rule.
Trollhide Trousers
Foul smelling and uncomfortable, Trollhide Trousers possess remarkable regenerative properties. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Trollhide Trousers improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, their wearer has the Regeneration (5+) special rule.
Trollhide Trousers
Foul smelling and uncomfortable, Trollhide Trousers possess remarkable regenerative properties. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Trollhide Trousers improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, their wearer has the Regeneration (5+) special rule.
Porko’s Pigstikka
Most of the many spears wielded by Porko and his famous Boar Boyz lie shattered across a thousand battlefields. But this particular spear is special, having never broken nor lost its perfect point. R S AP Special Rules Porko’s Pigstikka Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks. Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. This weapon’s Strength and Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during the first round of combat. In addition, during a turn in which the wielder charged, Porko’s Pigstikka grants them +1 Attack for each rank the enemy unit has.
Pik'gor et de Porko
Les champs de bataille du Vieux Monde sont jonchés des lances brisées de Porko et ses célèbres boyz. Mais celle-ci est spéciale, car elle n'a jamais été émoussée. Combat: F+1, PA: -1, Règles Spéciales: Arme Perforante (1), Attaques Magiques. Notes: Les figurines dont le type de troupe est 'cavalerie', 'monstre' ou 'char' uniquement. Les modificateurs de Force et de PA de cette arme s'appliquent uniquement au premier round de combat. De plus, lors d'un tour où le porteur a chargé, le Pik'gor et de Porko lui donnent +1 Attaque pour chaque rang de l'unité ennemie.
Porko’s Pigstikka
Most of the many spears wielded by Porko and his famous Boar Boyz lie shattered across a thousand battlefields. But this particular spear is special, having never broken nor lost its perfect point. R S AP Special Rules Porko’s Pigstikka Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks. Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. This weapon’s Strength and Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during the first round of combat. In addition, during a turn in which the wielder charged, Porko’s Pigstikka grants them +1 Attack for each rank the enemy unit has.
Porko’s Pigstikka
Most of the many spears wielded by Porko and his famous Boar Boyz lie shattered across a thousand battlefields. But this particular spear is special, having never broken nor lost its perfect point. R S AP Special Rules Porko’s Pigstikka Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks. Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. This weapon’s Strength and Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during the first round of combat. In addition, during a turn in which the wielder charged, Porko’s Pigstikka grants them +1 Attack for each rank the enemy unit has.
Porko’s Pigstikka
Most of the many spears wielded by Porko and his famous Boar Boyz lie shattered across a thousand battlefields. But this particular spear is special, having never broken nor lost its perfect point. R S AP Special Rules Porko’s Pigstikka Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks. Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. This weapon’s Strength and Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during the first round of combat. In addition, during a turn in which the wielder charged, Porko’s Pigstikka grants them +1 Attack for each rank the enemy unit has.
Porko’s Pigstikka
Most of the many spears wielded by Porko and his famous Boar Boyz lie shattered across a thousand battlefields. But this particular spear is special, having never broken nor lost its perfect point. R S AP Special Rules Porko’s Pigstikka Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks. Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. This weapon’s Strength and Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during the first round of combat. In addition, during a turn in which the wielder charged, Porko’s Pigstikka grants them +1 Attack for each rank the enemy unit has.
Sparkly Wizard Finda
Disappointingly, this arcane gem has never helped find a single sparkly Wizard, though it does shine brightly when used to beat one to a bloody pulp! The bearer of the Sparkly Wizard Finda has the Magic Resistance (-2) and Hatred (enemy Wizards) special rules.
Trouve-Mage Scintillant
Hélas, cette gemme mystique n'a jamais permis de trouver le moindre Mage scintillant, bien qu'elle brille de mille feux quand on s'en sert pour tabasser un sorcier ! Le porteur du Trouve-Mage Scintillant a les règles spéciales Résistance à la Magie (-2) et Haine (Sorciers ennemis).
Sparkly Wizard Finda
Disappointingly, this arcane gem has never helped find a single sparkly Wizard, though it does shine brightly when used to beat one to a bloody pulp! The bearer of the Sparkly Wizard Finda has the Magic Resistance (-2) and Hatred (enemy Wizards) special rules.
Sparkly Wizard Finda
Disappointingly, this arcane gem has never helped find a single sparkly Wizard, though it does shine brightly when used to beat one to a bloody pulp! The bearer of the Sparkly Wizard Finda has the Magic Resistance (-2) and Hatred (enemy Wizards) special rules.
Sparkly Wizard Finda
Disappointingly, this arcane gem has never helped find a single sparkly Wizard, though it does shine brightly when used to beat one to a bloody pulp! The bearer of the Sparkly Wizard Finda has the Magic Resistance (-2) and Hatred (enemy Wizards) special rules.
Sparkly Wizard Finda
Disappointingly, this arcane gem has never helped find a single sparkly Wizard, though it does shine brightly when used to beat one to a bloody pulp! The bearer of the Sparkly Wizard Finda has the Magic Resistance (-2) and Hatred (enemy Wizards) special rules.
Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda
The rebellious Goblin known as Wollopa wielded a wondrous weapon. Yet what he is most remembered for is his turn of speed, being able to easily outpace even the most irate of Orcs. R S AP Special Rules Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda Combat 10 -3 Magical Attacks, Strike First. Notes: Goblin and Night Goblin Bosses only. Single use. Once per game, during the first round of combat, the wielder of this weapon can use it with this profile. At all other times, this weapon counts as a hand weapon with the Magical Attacks special rule.
Tap' K'un Koup de Wollopa
Le Gobelin rebelle Wollopa brandissait une arme fabuleuse. Mais on se souvient surtout de sa capacité d'accélération, qui lui permettait de distancer les Orques les plus irascibles. Combat: 10, PA: -3, Règles Spéciales: Attaques Magiques, Frappe en Premier. Notes: Chefs Gobelins et Gobelins de la Nuit uniquement. Usage unique. Une fois par partie, au premier round de combat, le porteur de cette arme peut l'utiliser avec le profil ci-dessus. Toutes les autres fois, cette arme compte comme une arme de base avec la règle spéciale Attaques Magiques.
Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda
The rebellious Goblin known as Wollopa wielded a wondrous weapon. Yet what he is most remembered for is his turn of speed, being able to easily outpace even the most irate of Orcs. R S AP Special Rules Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda Combat 10 -3 Magical Attacks, Strike First. Notes: Goblin and Night Goblin Bosses only. Single use. Once per game, during the first round of combat, the wielder of this weapon can use it with this profile. At all other times, this weapon counts as a hand weapon with the Magical Attacks special rule.
Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda
The rebellious Goblin known as Wollopa wielded a wondrous weapon. Yet what he is most remembered for is his turn of speed, being able to easily outpace even the most irate of Orcs. R S AP Special Rules Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda Combat 10 -3 Magical Attacks, Strike First. Notes: Goblin and Night Goblin Bosses only. Single use. Once per game, during the first round of combat, the wielder of this weapon can use it with this profile. At all other times, this weapon counts as a hand weapon with the Magical Attacks special rule.
Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda
The rebellious Goblin known as Wollopa wielded a wondrous weapon. Yet what he is most remembered for is his turn of speed, being able to easily outpace even the most irate of Orcs. R S AP Special Rules Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda Combat 10 -3 Magical Attacks, Strike First. Notes: Goblin and Night Goblin Bosses only. Single use. Once per game, during the first round of combat, the wielder of this weapon can use it with this profile. At all other times, this weapon counts as a hand weapon with the Magical Attacks special rule.
Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda
The rebellious Goblin known as Wollopa wielded a wondrous weapon. Yet what he is most remembered for is his turn of speed, being able to easily outpace even the most irate of Orcs. R S AP Special Rules Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda Combat 10 -3 Magical Attacks, Strike First. Notes: Goblin and Night Goblin Bosses only. Single use. Once per game, during the first round of combat, the wielder of this weapon can use it with this profile. At all other times, this weapon counts as a hand weapon with the Magical Attacks special rule.

Magic Standards usable by the army

Banner Of The Wildz
The multitude of natural elements used in the construction of this ramshackle standard seem to possess some minor magical enchantment, allowing those who carry it to traverse through foetid swamps, dense forests and rocky slopes without pause. A unit carrying the Banner of the Wildz gains the Move through Cover special rule.
Bannière des Terres Sauvaj'
La multitude de matériaux naturels employés dans la construction de cet étendard de bric et de broc semble posséder quelque enchantement mineur, permettant à ceux qui le portent de franchir aisément marécages fétides, forêts denses et collines escarpées. Une unité portant la Bannière des Terres Sauvaj' gagne la règle spéciale Mouvement à Couvert.
Banner Of The Wildz
The multitude of natural elements used in the construction of this ramshackle standard seem to possess some minor magical enchantment, allowing those who carry it to traverse through foetid swamps, dense forests and rocky slopes without pause. A unit carrying the Banner of the Wildz gains the Move through Cover special rule.
Banner Of The Wildz
The multitude of natural elements used in the construction of this ramshackle standard seem to possess some minor magical enchantment, allowing those who carry it to traverse through foetid swamps, dense forests and rocky slopes without pause. A unit carrying the Banner of the Wildz gains the Move through Cover special rule.
Banner Of The Wildz
The multitude of natural elements used in the construction of this ramshackle standard seem to possess some minor magical enchantment, allowing those who carry it to traverse through foetid swamps, dense forests and rocky slopes without pause. A unit carrying the Banner of the Wildz gains the Move through Cover special rule.
Banner Of The Wildz
The multitude of natural elements used in the construction of this ramshackle standard seem to possess some minor magical enchantment, allowing those who carry it to traverse through foetid swamps, dense forests and rocky slopes without pause. A unit carrying the Banner of the Wildz gains the Move through Cover special rule.
Guff’s Windy Banner
The banner of Guff’s Garrison eternally flutters in an inexplicable breeze. Those that fight in its shadow display remarkable intestinal fortitude. A unit carrying the Guff’s Windy Banner may re-roll any failed Panic test.
Bannière Venteuse de Guff
La bannière de la Garnison de Gulfflotte en permanence comme sous l'effet de quelque vent invisible. Ceux qui combattent dans son ombre font preuve d'un remarquable contrôle de leurs instincts. Une unité portant la Bannière Venteuse de Guff peut relancer tout test de Panique raté.
Guff’s Windy Banner
The banner of Guff’s Garrison eternally flutters in an inexplicable breeze. Those that fight in its shadow display remarkable intestinal fortitude. A unit carrying the Guff’s Windy Banner may re-roll any failed Panic test.
Guff’s Windy Banner
The banner of Guff’s Garrison eternally flutters in an inexplicable breeze. Those that fight in its shadow display remarkable intestinal fortitude. A unit carrying the Guff’s Windy Banner may re-roll any failed Panic test.
Guff’s Windy Banner
The banner of Guff’s Garrison eternally flutters in an inexplicable breeze. Those that fight in its shadow display remarkable intestinal fortitude. A unit carrying the Guff’s Windy Banner may re-roll any failed Panic test.
Guff’s Windy Banner
The banner of Guff’s Garrison eternally flutters in an inexplicable breeze. Those that fight in its shadow display remarkable intestinal fortitude. A unit carrying the Guff’s Windy Banner may re-roll any failed Panic test.
Waaagh! Banner
Blessed by an Orc Shaman, this banner fills those that march under it with a great sense of urgency. A unit carrying the Waaagh! Banner increases its maximum possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
Bannière Waaagh!
Bénie par un Chamane Orque, cette bannière emplit ceux qui marchent sous sa protection d'un grand sentiment d'urgence. Une unité portant la Bannière Waaagh! augmente sa portée de charge maximale possible de 3''. En outre, quand une unité portant la Bannière Waaagh! effectue un jet de Charge, vous pouvez appliquer un modificateur de +D3 au résultat.
Waaagh! Banner
Blessed by an Orc Shaman, this banner fills those that march under it with a great sense of urgency. A unit carrying the Waaagh! Banner increases its maximum possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
Waaagh! Banner
Blessed by an Orc Shaman, this banner fills those that march under it with a great sense of urgency. A unit carrying the Waaagh! Banner increases its maximum possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
Waaagh! Banner
Blessed by an Orc Shaman, this banner fills those that march under it with a great sense of urgency. A unit carrying the Waaagh! Banner increases its maximum possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
Waaagh! Banner
Blessed by an Orc Shaman, this banner fills those that march under it with a great sense of urgency. A unit carrying the Waaagh! Banner increases its maximum possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
Da Angry Ladz Flag
Those who fight under Da Angry Ladz Flag hurl themselves at the enemy with careless abandon. A unit carrying Da Angry Ladz Flag gains the Frenzy special rule.
L'Drapeau des Gars Zenragés
Ceux qui combattent sous L'Drapeau des Gars Zenragés se jettent sur l'ennemi au mépris de tous les dangers. Une unité portant L'Drapeau des Gars Zenragés gagne la règle spéciale Frénésie.
Da Angry Ladz Flag
Those who fight under Da Angry Ladz Flag hurl themselves at the enemy with careless abandon. A unit carrying Da Angry Ladz Flag gains the Frenzy special rule.
Da Angry Ladz Flag
Those who fight under Da Angry Ladz Flag hurl themselves at the enemy with careless abandon. A unit carrying Da Angry Ladz Flag gains the Frenzy special rule.
Da Angry Ladz Flag
Those who fight under Da Angry Ladz Flag hurl themselves at the enemy with careless abandon. A unit carrying Da Angry Ladz Flag gains the Frenzy special rule.
Da Angry Ladz Flag
Those who fight under Da Angry Ladz Flag hurl themselves at the enemy with careless abandon. A unit carrying Da Angry Ladz Flag gains the Frenzy special rule.
Da Banner of Butchery
This rough-hewn totem has absorbed a great amount of primal Orc fury. All models in a unit carrying Da Banner of Butchery have a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in which they charge.
La Bannière du Karnaj'
Ce totem grossièrement sculpté a absorbé de grandes quantités de fureur primale Orque. Toutes les figurines d'une unité portant La Bannière du Karnaj' ont un modificateur de +1 à leur caractéristique de Force à un tour où elles ont chargé.
Da Banner of Butchery
This rough-hewn totem has absorbed a great amount of primal Orc fury. All models in a unit carrying Da Banner of Butchery have a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in which they charge.
Da Banner of Butchery
This rough-hewn totem has absorbed a great amount of primal Orc fury. All models in a unit carrying Da Banner of Butchery have a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in which they charge.
Da Banner of Butchery
This rough-hewn totem has absorbed a great amount of primal Orc fury. All models in a unit carrying Da Banner of Butchery have a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in which they charge.
Da Banner of Butchery
This rough-hewn totem has absorbed a great amount of primal Orc fury. All models in a unit carrying Da Banner of Butchery have a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in which they charge.
Da Banner Of Da Nomadz
Though their Waaagh! takes them the length and breath of the known world, those who carry this banner seldom seem to tire and are constantly on the move. When a unit carrying Da Banner of Da Nomadz makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.
La Bannière des Nomadz
Bien que leur Waaagh! leur fasse parcourir le monde connu de long en large, ceux qui portent cette bannière semblent infatigables et incapables de tenir en place. Quand une unité portant La Bannière des Nomadz effectue un jet de Charge, de Fuite ou de Poursuite, elle peut relancer tout jet d'un 1 naturel, avant de défausser tout dé censé être défaussé.
Da Banner Of Da Nomadz
Though their Waaagh! takes them the length and breath of the known world, those who carry this banner seldom seem to tire and are constantly on the move. When a unit carrying Da Banner of Da Nomadz makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.
Da Banner Of Da Nomadz
Though their Waaagh! takes them the length and breath of the known world, those who carry this banner seldom seem to tire and are constantly on the move. When a unit carrying Da Banner of Da Nomadz makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.
Da Banner Of Da Nomadz
Though their Waaagh! takes them the length and breath of the known world, those who carry this banner seldom seem to tire and are constantly on the move. When a unit carrying Da Banner of Da Nomadz makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.
Da Banner Of Da Nomadz
Though their Waaagh! takes them the length and breath of the known world, those who carry this banner seldom seem to tire and are constantly on the move. When a unit carrying Da Banner of Da Nomadz makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1, before discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.
Da Spider Banner
Created by the Forest Goblins of the Rootgrubba tribe, this unsettling banner depicts their fearsome arachnid god, whom the tribe reveres alongside Gork and Mork. A unit carrying Da Spider Banner gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule. If the unit already has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, then their attacks will wound automatically on a roll of a natural 5 or 6 To Hit, rather than the usual 6.
La Bannière Araignée
Œuvre des Gobelins des forêts de la tribu des Grip'Racines, cette bannière inquiétante dépeint la déesse araignée que la tribu vénère en plus de Gork et Mork. Une unité portant La Bannière Araignée gagne la règle spéciale Attaques Empoisonnées. Si l'unité a déjà la règle spéciale Attaques Empoisonnées, ses attaques blessent alors automatiquement sur un jet de Touche d'un 5 ou d'un 6 naturel, au lieu du 6 habituel.
Da Spider Banner
Created by the Forest Goblins of the Rootgrubba tribe, this unsettling banner depicts their fearsome arachnid god, whom the tribe reveres alongside Gork and Mork. A unit carrying Da Spider Banner gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule. If the unit already has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, then their attacks will wound automatically on a roll of a natural 5 or 6 To Hit, rather than the usual 6.
Da Spider Banner
Created by the Forest Goblins of the Rootgrubba tribe, this unsettling banner depicts their fearsome arachnid god, whom the tribe reveres alongside Gork and Mork. A unit carrying Da Spider Banner gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule. If the unit already has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, then their attacks will wound automatically on a roll of a natural 5 or 6 To Hit, rather than the usual 6.
Da Spider Banner
Created by the Forest Goblins of the Rootgrubba tribe, this unsettling banner depicts their fearsome arachnid god, whom the tribe reveres alongside Gork and Mork. A unit carrying Da Spider Banner gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule. If the unit already has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, then their attacks will wound automatically on a roll of a natural 5 or 6 To Hit, rather than the usual 6.
Da Spider Banner
Created by the Forest Goblins of the Rootgrubba tribe, this unsettling banner depicts their fearsome arachnid god, whom the tribe reveres alongside Gork and Mork. A unit carrying Da Spider Banner gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule. If the unit already has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, then their attacks will wound automatically on a roll of a natural 5 or 6 To Hit, rather than the usual 6.
The Big Red Raggedy Flag
This tattered banner belonged to the great hero, Rowdy Porker, whose spirit imbues it to this day. A unit carrying the Big Red Raggedy Flag has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). In addition, when calculating its combat result, the unit may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.
Le Grand Drapeau Rouj'
Cette bannière en lambeaux appartenait au grand héros Krapo l'Agitateur, et son esprit l'habite encore. Une unité portant le Grand Drapeau Rouj' a un modificateur de +1 à sa caractéristique de Capacité de Combat (jusqu'à un maximum de 10). En outre, quand on calcule son résultat de combat, l'unité peut recevoir un bonus de +1 point de résultat de combat supplémentaire.
The Big Red Raggedy Flag
This tattered banner belonged to the great hero, Rowdy Porker, whose spirit imbues it to this day. A unit carrying the Big Red Raggedy Flag has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). In addition, when calculating its combat result, the unit may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.
The Big Red Raggedy Flag
This tattered banner belonged to the great hero, Rowdy Porker, whose spirit imbues it to this day. A unit carrying the Big Red Raggedy Flag has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). In addition, when calculating its combat result, the unit may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.
The Big Red Raggedy Flag
This tattered banner belonged to the great hero, Rowdy Porker, whose spirit imbues it to this day. A unit carrying the Big Red Raggedy Flag has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). In addition, when calculating its combat result, the unit may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.
The Big Red Raggedy Flag
This tattered banner belonged to the great hero, Rowdy Porker, whose spirit imbues it to this day. A unit carrying the Big Red Raggedy Flag has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). In addition, when calculating its combat result, the unit may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.

Units od the army

Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Ogdruz Swampdigga
Ogdruz Swampdigga
Ogdruz Swampdigga
Ogdruz Swampdigga
Ogdruz Swampdigga
Ogdruz Swampdigga
War Boar
War Boar
War Boar
War Boar
War Boar
Boar Chariot
Char à Sangliers
Boar Chariot
Boar Chariot
Boar Chariot
Boar Chariot
Orc Warboss
Chef de Guerre Orque
Orc Warboss
Orc Warboss
Orc Warboss
Orc Warboss
Orc Bigboss
Grand Chef Orque
Orc Bigboss
Orc Bigboss
Orc Bigboss
Orc Bigboss
Orc Weirdnob
Bizarnob Orque
Orc Weirdnob
Orc Weirdnob
Orc Weirdnob
Orc Weirdnob
Orc Weirdboy
Bizarboy Orque
Orc Weirdboy
Orc Weirdboy
Orc Weirdboy
Orc Weirdboy
Goblin Warboss
Chef de Guerre Gobelin
Goblin Warboss
Goblin Warboss
Goblin Warboss
Goblin Warboss
Giant Wolf
Loup Géant
Giant Wolf
Giant Wolf
Giant Wolf
Giant Wolf
Gigantic Spider
Araignée Géante
Gigantic Spider
Gigantic Spider
Gigantic Spider
Gigantic Spider
Wolf Chariot
Char à Loups
Wolf Chariot
Wolf Chariot
Wolf Chariot
Wolf Chariot
Goblin Bigboss
Grand Chef Gobelin
Goblin Bigboss
Goblin Bigboss
Goblin Bigboss
Goblin Bigboss
Goblin Oddnob
Zarbnob Gobelin
Goblin Oddnob
Goblin Oddnob
Goblin Oddnob
Goblin Oddnob
Arachnarok Spider
Arachnarok Spider
Arachnarok Spider
Arachnarok Spider
Arachnarok Spider
Arachnarok Spider
Goblin Oddgit
Zarbzig Gobelin
Goblin Oddgit
Goblin Oddgit
Goblin Oddgit
Goblin Oddgit
Troll Hag
Mégères Trollesses
Troll Hag
Troll Hag
Troll Hag
Troll Hag
Orc Mob
Bandes d'Orques
Orc Mob
Orc Mob
Orc Mob
Orc Mob
Goblin Mob
Bandes de Gobelins
Goblin Mob
Goblin Mob
Goblin Mob
Goblin Mob
Goblin Spider Rider Mob
Bandes de Gobelins sur Araignée
Goblin Spider Rider Mob
Goblin Spider Rider Mob
Goblin Spider Rider Mob
Goblin Spider Rider Mob
Goblin Wolf Rider Mob
Bandes de Gobelins sur Loup
Goblin Wolf Rider Mob
Goblin Wolf Rider Mob
Goblin Wolf Rider Mob
Goblin Wolf Rider Mob
Common Troll
Bandes de Trolls
Common Troll
Common Troll
Common Troll
Common Troll
River Troll Mob
Bandes de Trolls d'Eau
River Troll Mob
River Troll Mob
River Troll Mob
River Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Bandes de Trolls de Pierre
Stone Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Orc Boar Boy Mob
Bandes d'Orques sur Sangliers
Orc Boar Boy Mob
Orc Boar Boy Mob
Orc Boar Boy Mob
Orc Boar Boy Mob
Orc Boar Chariots
Chars à Sangliers Orques
Orc Boar Chariots
Orc Boar Chariots
Orc Boar Chariots
Orc Boar Chariots
Common Troll
Bandes de Trolls
Common Troll
Common Troll
Common Troll
Common Troll
River Troll Mob
Bandes de Trolls d'Eau
River Troll Mob
River Troll Mob
River Troll Mob
River Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Bandes de Trolls de Pierre
Stone Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Stone Troll Mob
Goblin Wolf Chariot
Char à Loups Gobelin
Goblin Wolf Chariot
Goblin Wolf Chariot
Goblin Wolf Chariot
Goblin Wolf Chariot
Bonegrinder Giant
Géants Broyeurs d'Os
Bonegrinder Giant
Bonegrinder Giant
Bonegrinder Giant
Bonegrinder Giant
Badlands Ogre Bulls
Buffles Ogres des Terres Arides
Badlands Ogre Bulls
Badlands Ogre Bulls
Badlands Ogre Bulls
Badlands Ogre Bulls
Troll Hag
Troll Hag
Troll Hag
Troll Hag
Troll Hag
Troll Hag