Saurian Ancients

Saurian Ancients

Correspondence of translations with another language

Rules and Equipments used by the army

Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Les Attaques de corps à corps allouées à une figurine avec cette règle subissent une pénalité de −1 pour toucher. Ignorez cette règle si l’attaque est affectée par au moins un autre modificateur négatif sur le jet pour toucher.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Close Combat Attacks allocated towards a model with Distracting suffer a -1 to-hit modifier. This to-hit modifier cannot be combined with any other negative to-hit modifiers.
Ægide est une Sauvegarde spéciale . Les jets de sauvegarde d’Ægide réussis contre des attaques avec la règle Attaque divine doivent être relancés. Pour effectuer un jet de sauvegarde spéciale, lancer autant de dés que de blessures qui n’ont pas été annulées par la sauvegarde d’armure. • Si X est donné comme un jet de dé (par exemple Ægide (4+)), il s’agit de la valeur du jet de dé nécessaire pour annuler la blessure. • Si X est donné comme modificateur et avec une valeur maximum (par exemple Fortitude (+1, max. 3+)), la figurine gagne ceci comme modificateur pour tous ses jets de sauvegarde spéciale du même type, mais sans pouvoir dépasser la valeur maximale indiquée entre parenthèses. Si la figurine n’a pas de sauvegarde spéciale de ce type, elle gagne une sauvegarde spéciale ((7−X) +) à la place (c’est-à-dire une figurine avec Ægide (+2, max 4+) gagnera une Ægide (5+)). Si une figurine a plusieurs instances de sauvegardes spéciales, choisissez laquelle utiliser avant de jeter les dés. Une seule sauvegarde spéciale peut être utilisée pour annuler une blessure.
Les unités avec Embuscade peuvent être déployées en utilisant des règles de Déploiement spécial. Déclarez quelles unités utiliseront cette règle à l’étape 8 de la Séquence de pré-partie (juste après la Sélection des sorts), en commençant par le joueur qui a choisi sa Zone de déploiement. Déployez l’armée normalement, à l’exception des unités désignées qui sont alors dites « en Embuscade ». À partir de votre deuxième Tour de joueur, juste après l’étape 2 de chaque Phase de mouvement alliée (après avoir déplacé les unités avec un Mouvement aléatoire ), lancez un dé pour chacune de vos unités en Embuscade. Une fois tous les dés lancés, chacune de ces unités pour laquelle un 3+ a été obtenu entre sur le champ de bataille depuis n’importe quel bord de table. Positionnez l’unité avec l’intégralité de son dos en contact avec un bord de table et aligné sur celui-ci. Les unités en Embuscade suivent les règles et restrictions suivantes : • Les figurines en Embuscade ne peuvent pas effectuer de Marche forcée pendant la Phase de mouvement pendant laquelle elles sont arrivées, et aucune figurine ne doit finir à une distance supérieure à sa valeur de Marche forcée du bord de table par lequel l’unité est entrée en jeu. • Les figurines en Embuscade comptent comme s’étant déplacées lors du Tour de joueur où elles arrivent sur le champ de bataille en ce qui concerne les règles de tir. • Si une unité en Embuscade n’a pas pu entrer sur le champ de bataille de toute la partie (parce qu’elle a raté tous ses jets à 3+ pour entrer), elle compte comme ayant été détruite. • Une unité en Embuscade qui entre sur le champ de bataille au 4e tour de jeu, ou plus tard, perd la règle Capture pour le restant de la partie. • Un Personnage en Embuscade peut être déployé directement dans une unité en Embuscade qu’il est autorisé à rejoindre. Déclarez-le alors au moment de déterminer quelles unités de l’armée sont en Embuscade. Dans ce cas, ne lancez qu’un seul dé pour l’ensemble de l’unité combinée. • Jusqu’à son arrivée sur le champ de bataille, une unité en Embuscade ne peut accomplir la moindre action ; tous ses Objets spéciaux, règles et capacités sont inactivés tant qu’elle n’est pas sur la table.
Stand Behind
Se tient derrière
La figurine peut être placée n’importe où dans son unité : son front n’a pas besoin d’être placé le plus à l’avant possible, et peut être placé plus en arrière que les figurines sans Au premier rang, même si la figurine a la règle Au premier rang . Son front ne peut être placé plus en avant dans l’unité que toute figurine avec la règle Au premier rang et sans la règle Se tient derrière. Ignorez cette règle en cas de Socles incompatibles.
Im Hintergrund
Stand Behind
En Retaguardia
Al Riparo!
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
À deux mains . Les attaques portées avec une Hallebarde ont +1 en Force et +1 en Pénétration d’armure.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Attacks made with a Halberd gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration. A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks.
Great Weapon
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Arme lourde
À deux mains . Les attaques portées avec une Arme lourde ont +2 en Force, +2 en Pénétration d’armure mais sont résolues au Palier d’initiative 0, quelle que soit l’Agilité du porteur.
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Great Weapon
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Arma a Dos Manos
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Grande Arma
Attacks made with a Great Weapon gain +2 Strength, +2 Armour Penetration and always strike at Initiative Step 0 (regardless of the wielder's Agility). A model using this weapon cannot simultaneously use a Shield against Melee Attacks
Hand Weapon
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Arme de base
Toutes les figurines sont équipées d’une Arme de base. Si une figurine possède n’importe quelle autre Arme de corps à corps, elle ne peut pas choisir d’utiliser son Arme de base, à moins que le contraire ne soit précisé. Une figurine à pied maniant une Arme de base avec un Bouclier gagne la règle Parade .
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Hand Weapon
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Arma de Mano
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Arma a Una Mano
All models come equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a model has any Close Combat Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry
Light Armour
Armor +1
Armure légère
+1 en Armure
Leichte Rüstung
Armor +1
Light Armour
Armor +1
Armadura Ligera
Armor +1
Armatura Leggera
armatura +1
Crush Attack
Attaque écrasante
Corps à corps À la fin de l’étape 4 de la Séquence d’une Manche de combat (juste après avoir provoqué et accepté les Duels), l’élément de figurine peut annoncer qu’il utilisera son Attaque écrasante au cours de cette Manche de combat. S’il le choisit, il effectue une unique Attaque de corps à corps, résolue au Palier d’initiative 0 avec Force 10, Pénétration d’armure 10 (quelles que soient l’Agilité, la Force et la Pénétration d’armure de la figurine) et la règle Blessures multiples (1D3+1) . Les restrictions suivantes s’appliquent aux Attaques écrasantes : • Une Attaque écrasante ne peut pas être faite en tant qu’ Attaque de soutien . • Une Attaque écrasante ne bénéficie jamais des armes et autres Attributs d’attaque de l’élément de figurine. • L’élément de figurine ne peut porter aucune autre Attaque de corps à corps durant cette Manche de combat (y compris d’autres Attaques écrasantes, mais il peut toujours utiliser ses Attaques spéciales telles que Piétinement ou Touches d’impact).
Zerschmet- tern
Crush Attack
Ataque Aplastador
Attacco Distruttivo
Poison Attacks
If the attack successfully hits with a natural to-hit roll of '6', it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks using the Hopeless Shot can only automatically wound if the first to-hit roll is a natural '6'. Note that the second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target. If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Area Attack, Battle Focus, or Penetrating), only a single hit, chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Attaque empoisonnée
Corps à corps, Tir Une attaque avec cette règle blesse automatiquement, sans aucun jet pour blesser nécessaire, si le jet pour toucher est réussi et a donné un résultat non modifié de ‘6’. Une Attaque de tir suivant la règle Tir désespéré ne blesse automatiquement que si le premier jet pour toucher a donné un résultat naturel de ‘6’. Notez que le second jet pour toucher doit encore réussir pour toucher la cible. Si une attaque peut occasionner plusieurs touches (avec les règles Attaque de zone ou Ardeur guerrière par exemple), seule une touche, au choix de l’attaquant, blesse automatiquement. Les autres touches doivent blesser avec un jet normal.
If the attack successfully hits with a natural to-hit roll of '6', it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks using the Hopeless Shot can only automatically wound if the first to-hit roll is a natural '6'. Note that the second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target. If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Area Attack, Battle Focus, or Penetrating), only a single hit, chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Poison Attacks
If the attack successfully hits with a natural to-hit roll of '6', it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks using the Hopeless Shot can only automatically wound if the first to-hit roll is a natural '6'. Note that the second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target. If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Area Attack, Battle Focus, or Penetrating), only a single hit, chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Ataques Envenenados
If the attack successfully hits with a natural to-hit roll of '6', it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks using the Hopeless Shot can only automatically wound if the first to-hit roll is a natural '6'. Note that the second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target. If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Area Attack, Battle Focus, or Penetrating), only a single hit, chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Attacchi Venefici
If the attack successfully hits with a natural to-hit roll of '6', it automatically wounds with no to-wound roll needed. Shooting Attacks using the Hopeless Shot can only automatically wound if the first to-hit roll is a natural '6'. Note that the second to-hit roll must still be successful in order to hit the target. If the attack can be turned into more than one hit (e.g. a hit with Area Attack, Battle Focus, or Penetrating), only a single hit, chosen by the attacker, automatically wounds. All other hits must roll to wound as normal.
Magical Attacks
The attack doesn't have any special effects. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Otherworldly. Model parts with Magical Attacks apply it also to their Special Attacks (such as Stomp Attacks, Impact Hits and Breath Attack).
Attaque magique
Cet Attribut d’attaque ne confère aucun effet particulier, mais peut éventuellement interagir avec d’autres règles comme Ægide (X, contre Attaque magique) .
Magische Attacken
The attack doesn't have any special effects. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Otherworldly. Model parts with Magical Attacks apply it also to their Special Attacks (such as Stomp Attacks, Impact Hits and Breath Attack).
Magical Attacks
The attack doesn't have any special effects. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Otherworldly. Model parts with Magical Attacks apply it also to their Special Attacks (such as Stomp Attacks, Impact Hits and Breath Attack).
Ataques Mágicos
The attack doesn't have any special effects. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Otherworldly. Model parts with Magical Attacks apply it also to their Special Attacks (such as Stomp Attacks, Impact Hits and Breath Attack).
Attacchi Magici
The attack doesn't have any special effects. However, it interacts with other rules, such as Otherworldly. Model parts with Magical Attacks apply it also to their Special Attacks (such as Stomp Attacks, Impact Hits and Breath Attack).
Stomp Attacks
Attaque de piétinement
Au Palier d’initiative 0, un élément de figurine avec Attaque de piétinement doit choisir une figurine ennemie de taille Standard en contact avec elle. L’unité de la figurine choisie subit un nombre de touches égal à la valeur indiquée entre parenthèses (X). Ces touches ne peuvent être réparties que sur des figurines de taille Standard (ignorez les figurines de Taille différente lors de la répartition des touches). Ces touches sont résolues avec la Force et la Pénétration d’armure de l’élément de figurine. Dans le cas de figurines multi-éléments, seuls les éléments de figurine qui ont également la règle Harnaché peuvent utiliser des Attaques de piétinement. Si plusieurs figurines de la même unité ont cette Attaque spéciale et si X est un nombre aléatoire (par exemple, Attaque de piétinement (1D6)), lancez un dé pour déterminer le nombre de touches séparément pour chaque élément de figurine.
Stomp Attacks
Attacchi di Calpestamento
Sweeping Attack
This attack may be used by units containing models with Sweeping Attack. When the unit Advance Moves or March Moves, you may nominate a single unengaged enemy unit that the unit with Sweeping Attack moved through or over during this move (meaning their bases were overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes the Sweeping Attack against the nominated enemy unit, which is resolved when the March or Advance Move is completed. Follow the description in the unit profile. These attacks hit automatically and count as ranged Special Attacks. Each Sweeping Attack can only be performed once per Player Turn.
Attaque au passage
Cette attaque peut être utilisée par les unités contenant des figurines ayant cette règle. Quand l’unité effectue un Mouvement simple ou une Marche forcée , désignez une unité ennemie non engagée au combat à travers ou pardessus laquelle l’unité peut effectuer un déplacement (même si leurs Rectangles limites ne sont que partiellement superposés). L’unité entière effectue une Attaque au passage contre l’unité désignée. Cette attaque est résolue une fois le déplacement de l’unité terminé. Elle touche automatiquement et est résolue suivant la description donnée dans le profil de l’unité (cette attaque est considérée comme une Attaque spéciale à distance ). Chaque Attaque au passage ne peut être effectuée qu’une seule fois par Tour de joueur.
Sweeping Attack
This attack may be used by units containing models with Sweeping Attack. When the unit Advance Moves or March Moves, you may nominate a single unengaged enemy unit that the unit with Sweeping Attack moved through or over during this move (meaning their bases were overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes the Sweeping Attack against the nominated enemy unit, which is resolved when the March or Advance Move is completed. Follow the description in the unit profile. These attacks hit automatically and count as ranged Special Attacks. Each Sweeping Attack can only be performed once per Player Turn.
Sweeping Attack
This attack may be used by units containing models with Sweeping Attack. When the unit Advance Moves or March Moves, you may nominate a single unengaged enemy unit that the unit with Sweeping Attack moved through or over during this move (meaning their bases were overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes the Sweeping Attack against the nominated enemy unit, which is resolved when the March or Advance Move is completed. Follow the description in the unit profile. These attacks hit automatically and count as ranged Special Attacks. Each Sweeping Attack can only be performed once per Player Turn.
Sweeping Attack
This attack may be used by units containing models with Sweeping Attack. When the unit Advance Moves or March Moves, you may nominate a single unengaged enemy unit that the unit with Sweeping Attack moved through or over during this move (meaning their bases were overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes the Sweeping Attack against the nominated enemy unit, which is resolved when the March or Advance Move is completed. Follow the description in the unit profile. These attacks hit automatically and count as ranged Special Attacks. Each Sweeping Attack can only be performed once per Player Turn.
Sweeping Attack
This attack may be used by units containing models with Sweeping Attack. When the unit Advance Moves or March Moves, you may nominate a single unengaged enemy unit that the unit with Sweeping Attack moved through or over during this move (meaning their bases were overlapping, even partially). The whole unit makes the Sweeping Attack against the nominated enemy unit, which is resolved when the March or Advance Move is completed. Follow the description in the unit profile. These attacks hit automatically and count as ranged Special Attacks. Each Sweeping Attack can only be performed once per Player Turn.
Impact Hits
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Touches d'impact
Au Palier d’initiative 10, un élément de figurine en charge avec cette règle doit choisir une unité ennemie en contact sur son front. Cette unité subit un nombre de touches égal à la valeur indiquée entre parenthèses (X). Ces touches sont résolues avec la Force et la Pénétration d’armure de l’élément de figurine attaquant. Si une figurine dispose à la fois d’ Attaque de broyage et de Touches d’impact, elle ne peut utiliser, lors d’une même Manche de combat, qu’une de ces deux règles au choix (ce choix revenant au propriétaire de la figurine). Dans le cas d’une figurine multi-éléments, seuls les éléments de figurine ayant la règle Harnaché ou Inanimé d’une figurine combinée peuvent utiliser leurs Touches d’impact. Si plusieurs figurines d’une même unité utilisent cette règle, et si X est un nombre aléatoire (par exemple, Touches d’impact (1D6)), déterminez séparément le nombre de touches de chaque instance de cette règle.
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Impact Hits
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Impactos por Carga
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
Colpi d'Impatto
At Initiative Step 10, a charging model part with Impact Hits must choose an enemy unit that is in base contact with the attacking model's Front Facing. This unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the attacking model part's Strength and Armour Penetration. If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). In multipart models, only model parts that also have Harnessed or Inanimate can use their Impact Hits. When several models in the same unit have Impact Hits, and when X is a random number (e.g. Impact Hits (D6)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
Après le Déploiement (y compris celui des Éclaireurs), les figurines avec cette règle peuvent effectuer un mouvement de X″. Ce mouvement s’effectue comme une combinaison de Mouvement simple et/ou Reformation réalisés pendant la Phase de mouvement, avec les mêmes restrictions et possibilités d’action qui s’appliquent normalement à cette unité (comme faire des Roues , rejoindre et quitter des unités, etc.). La distance de déplacement est de X″ plutôt que la valeur de Mouvement simple ou de Marche forcée de l’unité. Au cas où aucun chiffre n’est donné entre parenthèses, considérez que la valeur de X est égale à 12″. Une unité ne peut pas se retrouver à moins de 12″ d’un ennemi à lors de ce mouvement. Cette limite est réduite à 6″ si l’ennemi en question a utilisé la règle Avant-garde ou Éclaireur . Si les deux joueurs désirent faire des déplacements d’Avant-garde, ils alternent les déplacements, une unité après l’autre, en commençant par le joueur qui a fini son déploiement normal en dernier (remarque : ceci est une exception à la règle d’ Effets simultanés ). Une unité combinée compte comme une seule unité à cet égard, quand bien même différentes composantes de l’unité décideraient d’effectuer des déplacements d’Avant-garde séparés (par exemple, au cas où deux Personnages avec Avant-garde sortiraient d’une unité combinée en faisant chacun leur propre déplacement d’Avant-garde). Tout effet de jeu qui s’applique à l’unité combinée (tel qu’un Enchantement d’étendard) continue à s’appliquer pour l’ensemble des composantes de cette unité combinée jusqu’à que toutes ces composantes aient terminé leur déplacement d’Avant-garde (même si un Personnage quitte l’unité). Au lieu de déplacer une unité avec la règle Avant-garde, un joueur peut déclarer qu’il cesse d’effectuer tout déplacement d’Avant-garde. Une unité qui a fait un déplacement d’Avant-garde perd la règle Capture jusqu’à la fin du premier Tour de jeu et ne peut pas déclarer de charge lors du premier Tour de joueur si son camp joue en premier.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
After Deployment (including units with Scout), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. The move is performed as an Advance Move in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions the unit would normally have (such as Wheeling, Reforming, joining units, leaving units and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units which have either Scouted or Vanguarded. Units that have moved in this way may not Declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn). If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player that finished deploying last. Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.
Hard Target
Cible difficile
Les Attaques de tir ciblant une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines dispose de cette règle subissent une pénalité de −X sur leurs jets pour toucher. Cette règle est cumulative.
Schwieriges Ziel
Hard Target
Objetivo Difícil
Bersaglio Difficile
Multiple Wounds
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Blessures multiples
Corps à corps Les blessures non sauvegardées causées par des attaques avec cette règle sont multipliées par la valeur entre parenthèses (X). Si la valeur donnée est aléatoire, comme dans Blessures multiples (1D3), lancez un dé pour chaque blessure non sauvegardée concernée. Le nombre de blessures une fois multiplié ne peut jamais être plus grand que la caractéristique de Points de vie de la cible, sans prendre en compte les Points de vie déjà perdus précédemment dans la bataille. Par exemple, si une attaque avec Blessures multiples (1D6) blesse une unité de Trolls (3 PV), et qu’un ‘5’ est obtenu pour le nombre de blessures, alors ce nombre est réduit à 3 blessures, même si cette unité avait déjà perdu un ou deux Points de vie précédemment dans la bataille. Si Ailes mutilées est précisé après la valeur (X), toute blessure non sauvegardée infligée par une attaque avec cette règle contre une figurine avec la règle Vol est multipliée par X+1 plutôt que par X.
Multiple Lebenspunktverluste
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Multiple Wounds
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Heridas Múltiples (X)
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
Ferite Multiple
Attacks & Weapons, Melee Unsaved wounds caused by the attacks are multiplied into the value given in brackets (X). If the value is a dice (e.g. Multiple Wounds (D3)), roll one dice for each unsaved wound with Multiple Wounds. The amount of wounds that the attack is multiplied into can never be higher than the Health Points Characteristic of the target (excluding Health Points lost previously in the battle). For example, if a Multiple Wounds (D6) attack wounds a unit of Trolls (HP 3) and rolls a '5' for the multiplier, the number of unsaved wounds is reduced to 3, even if the Troll unit has already lost one or two Health Points previously in battle. If Clipped Wings is stated after the X value in brackets, any unsaved wound caused by the attack against a model with Fly is multiplied into X+1 instead of X.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
Garde du corps
Un Personnage qui rejoint une unité avec au moins une figurine avec la règle Garde du corps gagne la règle Tenace . Quand un nom ou un type de Personnage est précisé entre parenthèses, la règle ne fonctionne que pour les Personnages qui remplissent cette condition.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
Guardia del Corpo
When a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 en Armure Lorsqu’une arme À deux mains est utilisée, un Bouclier peut uniquement être utilisé contre les Attaques à distance
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
+1 Armour Hand Weapons wielded by models on foot can be used alongside a Shield, then giving Parry.
Universal Rule. Once per Player Turn, at the start of the Shooting Phase (1) or at the start of the Melee Phase (2), you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, models with Cantrips in the unit gain the corresponding effect: 1. Shooting Phase: Throwing Weapons (5+). 2. Melee Phase: Paired Weapons. The effects last until the end of the next Charge Phase.
Universal Rule. Once per Player Turn, at the start of the Shooting Phase (1) or at the start of the Melee Phase (2), you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, models with Cantrips in the unit gain the corresponding effect: 1. Shooting Phase: Throwing Weapons (5+). 2. Melee Phase: Paired Weapons. The effects last until the end of the next Charge Phase.
Universal Rule. Once per Player Turn, at the start of the Shooting Phase (1) or at the start of the Melee Phase (2), you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, models with Cantrips in the unit gain the corresponding effect: 1. Shooting Phase: Throwing Weapons (5+). 2. Melee Phase: Paired Weapons. The effects last until the end of the next Charge Phase.
Universal Rule. Once per Player Turn, at the start of the Shooting Phase (1) or at the start of the Melee Phase (2), you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, models with Cantrips in the unit gain the corresponding effect: 1. Shooting Phase: Throwing Weapons (5+). 2. Melee Phase: Paired Weapons. The effects last until the end of the next Charge Phase.
Universal Rule. Once per Player Turn, at the start of the Shooting Phase (1) or at the start of the Melee Phase (2), you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, models with Cantrips in the unit gain the corresponding effect: 1. Shooting Phase: Throwing Weapons (5+). 2. Melee Phase: Paired Weapons. The effects last until the end of the next Charge Phase.
Universal Rule. Once per Player Turn, at the start of the Shooting Phase (1) or at the start of the Melee Phase (2), you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, models with Cantrips in the unit gain the corresponding effect: 1. Shooting Phase: Throwing Weapons (5+). 2. Melee Phase: Paired Weapons. The effects last until the end of the next Charge Phase.
Lethal Strike
If the attack wounds with a natural to-wound roll of 6+, its Armour Penetration is set to 10 and the target of the attack cannot take a Regeneration save against it.
Coup fatal
Une attaque avec cette règle qui obtient un ‘6’ naturel sur son jet pour blesser voit sa Pénétration d’armure passer à 10 et ignore les sauvegardes de Fortitude .
If the attack wounds with a natural to-wound roll of 6+, its Armour Penetration is set to 10 and the target of the attack cannot take a Regeneration save against it.
Lethal Strike
If the attack wounds with a natural to-wound roll of 6+, its Armour Penetration is set to 10 and the target of the attack cannot take a Regeneration save against it.
Golpe Letal
If the attack wounds with a natural to-wound roll of 6+, its Armour Penetration is set to 10 and the target of the attack cannot take a Regeneration save against it.
Colpo Letale
If the attack wounds with a natural to-wound roll of 6+, its Armour Penetration is set to 10 and the target of the attack cannot take a Regeneration save against it.
Fight in Extra Rank
Combat sur un rang supplémentaire
Corps à corps Un élément de figurine avec cette règle (ou utilisant une arme avec cette règle) peut porter des Attaques de soutien depuis un rang supplémentaire. Cela permet donc généralement aux figurines situées au troisième rang de pouvoir porter des Attaques de soutien. Cette règle est cumulative, permettant à un nouveau rang supplémentaire d’attaquer pour chaque instance de la règle.
Kämpft aus zusätzlichem Glied
Fight in Extra Rank
Luchar con Filas Adicionales
Combattere su Rango Extra
Communal Bond
Units with more than half of their models with Communal Bond are subject to the following rules: • They gain Swift Reform. • Their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll while within range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence. • R&F models with Scoring and R&F models in Compound Units gain Commanding Presence with the following rules and restrictions: its range is set to 8″, and the models may choose to set their Discipline to the highest Discipline value available in the unit for the purpose of this instance of Commanding Presence.
Communal Bond
Units with more than half of their models with Communal Bond are subject to the following rules: • They gain Swift Reform. • Their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll while within range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence. • R&F models with Scoring and R&F models in Compound Units gain Commanding Presence with the following rules and restrictions: its range is set to 8″, and the models may choose to set their Discipline to the highest Discipline value available in the unit for the purpose of this instance of Commanding Presence.
Communal Bond
Units with more than half of their models with Communal Bond are subject to the following rules: • They gain Swift Reform. • Their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll while within range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence. • R&F models with Scoring and R&F models in Compound Units gain Commanding Presence with the following rules and restrictions: its range is set to 8″, and the models may choose to set their Discipline to the highest Discipline value available in the unit for the purpose of this instance of Commanding Presence.
Communal Bond
Units with more than half of their models with Communal Bond are subject to the following rules: • They gain Swift Reform. • Their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll while within range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence. • R&F models with Scoring and R&F models in Compound Units gain Commanding Presence with the following rules and restrictions: its range is set to 8″, and the models may choose to set their Discipline to the highest Discipline value available in the unit for the purpose of this instance of Commanding Presence.
Communal Bond
Units with more than half of their models with Communal Bond are subject to the following rules: • They gain Swift Reform. • Their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll while within range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence. • R&F models with Scoring and R&F models in Compound Units gain Commanding Presence with the following rules and restrictions: its range is set to 8″, and the models may choose to set their Discipline to the highest Discipline value available in the unit for the purpose of this instance of Commanding Presence.
Communal Bond
Units with more than half of their models with Communal Bond are subject to the following rules: • They gain Swift Reform. • Their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll while within range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence. • R&F models with Scoring and R&F models in Compound Units gain Commanding Presence with the following rules and restrictions: its range is set to 8″, and the models may choose to set their Discipline to the highest Discipline value available in the unit for the purpose of this instance of Commanding Presence.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
Sans peur
Si plus de la moitié des figurines d’une unité dispose de cette règle, l’unité réussit automatiquement ses Tests de panique . De plus, elle ne peut pas choisir « Fuir » comme Réaction à une charge (sauf si elle fuit déjà). Les figurines Sans peur sont également immunisées aux effets de la Peur .
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and Decimated Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
Course rapide
Une unité entièrement composée de figurines avec cette règle est soumise à la règle Jet maximisé pour ses jets de Portée de charge, Charge irrésistible, Distance de fuite ou Distance de poursuite.
Schnelle Bewegung
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
Zancada Veloz
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
Falcata Rapida
When a unit composed entirely of models with Swiftstride rolls Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance or Overrun Distance, it rolls an additional D6 (normally this will lead to rolling 3D6) and discards the lowest D6 rolled.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
La figurine réussit automatiquement tout Test de terrain dangereux provoqué par les Décors. Une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines dispose de cette règle ne peut pas perdre la règle Indomptable à cause des Décors. Parfois, cette règle ne fonctionne que pour certains types de Décors, qui sont alors précisés entre parenthèses. Dans ce cas, la règle ne s’applique que lorsque la figurine interagit avec ce ou ces types de Décors.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses their Steadfast or Rank Bonus due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, models with Strider are considered Striders only when interacting with such type of Terrain.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
Une unité dont au moins une figurine dispose de cette règle ignore toute pénalité à sa Discipline liée au Résultat de combat quand elle passe un Test de moral ou un Test de discipline pour faire une Reformation de combat .
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores any Combat Score penalties to its Discipline when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
Une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines a cette règle est immunisée aux effets de la Terreur. Quand une unité avec au moins une figurine avec cette règle déclare une charge, la cible doit immédiatement faire un Test de panique , avant de déclarer sa Réaction à la charge. Si le test est raté, la cible de la charge doit choisir « Fuir » en Réaction à la charge, si elle y est normalement autorisée.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
The model gains Fear and is immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror Declares a Charge, its target must take a Panic Test. If the test is failed, the target of the charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction, if able to do so.
Feigned Flight
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Repli tactique
Si une unité composée uniquement de figurines avec Repli tactique choisit volontairement « Fuir » comme Réaction à une charge et réussit son Test de ralliement lors du Tour de joueur allié suivant, elle ne devient pas Ébranlée . De plus, la Reformation qui est faite après ce Ralliement n’empêche pas l’unité de bouger ni de tirer (mais elle compte quand même comme ayant bougé). Cette règle ne peut pas être appliquée si elle fuit involontairement (par exemple, suite à un Test de panique échoué ou si elle fuyait déjà lorsqu’elle a été chargée).
Vorgetäuschte Flucht
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Feigned Flight
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Huida Simulada
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
Fuga Simulata
A unit consisting solely of models with Feigned Flight that voluntarily chooses to Flee as a Charge Reaction, and subsequently passes a Rally Test in its next Player Turn, doesn't become Shaken. Furthermore, the Reform that is made after Rallying in this case doesn't prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting (but it still counts as having moved for shooting purposes). This rule cannot be applied if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player Turn or involuntarily Flees, such as a result of a failed Panic Test or if it was already Fleeing when being charged.
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
First Strike
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
Une unité composée entièrement de figurines avec cette règle peut effectuer un Mouvement de vol quand elle fait un Mouvement de charge , un Mouvement simple ou une Marche forcée . Quand elle fait un Mouvement de vol, remplacez la valeur de Mouvement simple de la figurine par la première valeur donnée entre parenthèses (X) et la valeur de Marche forcée par la seconde valeur (Y). Une unité qui effectue un Mouvement de vol ignore les Décors et les autres unités pendant son déplacement, sauf l’unité chargée lors d’un Mouvement de charge. Notez que : • Elle doit respecter la Règle du pouce d’écart à la fin du mouvement. • Elle est toujours affectée par les effets des Décors depuis lesquels elle décolle ou dans lesquels elle atterrit. • Tous les modificateurs qui s’appliquent à ses valeurs de mouvement au sol s’appliquent aussi à ces valeurs (sauf indication contraire). • Lorsque vous déclarez une charge avec une unité qui a la règle Vol, vous devez déclarer si l’unité utilisera son Mouvement de vol pour la charge, ou non. • Lorsqu’une unité avec Vol effectue un Mouvement de charge ratée, elle doit utiliser le type de mouvement (au sol ou de vol) qui a été choisi lorsque la charge a été déclarée. Si l’unité devait terminer son Mouvement de charge ratée à l’intérieur du Rectangle limite d’une autre unité ou à l’intérieur d’un Terrain infranchissable, faites-la reculer jusqu’à la dernière position autorisée qui lui permet de respecter la Règle du pouce d’écart.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
The model gains Light Troops and Swiftstride. Units composed entirely of models with Fly may make Flying Movements when performing a Move Chargers move, an Advance Move, or a March Move. When a unit makes a Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). All modifiers to ground movement values are also applied to the flying values of a model. Units using Flying Movement ignore all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement (from their starting to their ending position), but must abide by the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move (unless charging, when the normal exceptions to the Unit Spacing rule apply). They are still affected by the effects of the Terrain Features from which they take off and in which they land.
Fortitude is a Special Save . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with Lethal Strike that rolled a natural 6+ to wound, or against attacks with Flaming Attacks
La Fortitude est une Sauvegarde spéciale . La Fortitude ne peut pas être utilisée contre des Attaques enflammées , ni des attaques avec la règle Coup fatal pour lesquelles un ‘6’ a été obtenu pour blesser.
Fortitude is a Special Save . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with Lethal Strike that rolled a natural 6+ to wound, or against attacks with Flaming Attacks
Fortitude is a Special Save . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with Lethal Strike that rolled a natural 6+ to wound, or against attacks with Flaming Attacks
Fortitude is a Special Save . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with Lethal Strike that rolled a natural 6+ to wound, or against attacks with Flaming Attacks
Fortitude is a Special Save . Fortitude Saves cannot be taken against attacks with Lethal Strike that rolled a natural 6+ to wound, or against attacks with Flaming Attacks
At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your nonFleeing units with at least one model with Frenzy that is unengaged, does not contain any Shaken models, and has an enemy unit inside its Front Arc within the unit’s Advance Rate +7″ must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed, the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible. Frenzy Tests and Restrain Pursuit Tests taken by units with at least one model with Frenzy are subject to Maximised Roll. If there are different Advance Rates available in the unit, the Advance Rate used for the Frenzy Test and for the Charge Range is determined as follows: • If a model has more than one Advance Rate (e.g. due to Fly), the model must use the Advance Rate that has the highest chance of completing the Charge. • If a unit contains models with different Advance Rates, the unit must use the highest Advance Rate that all models in the unit can use (which will usually be the lowest Advance Rate in the unit). For example, a model with Advance Rate 2″ and Fly (8″, 16″) must use the Advance Rate from Fly. And if a Character in a Combined Unit has Advance Rate 4″ while the R&F models have 6″, the Combined Unit must use Advance Rate 4″. Note that when a unit is forced to declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to Charge the enemy unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.
Au début de la Phase de charge, chacune de vos unités incluant au moins une figurine ayant la règle Frénésie qui pourrait déclarer une charge (c’est-à-dire qu’elle n’est pas engagée au combat, ni en fuite et ne contient aucune figurine Ébranlée) et qui a une unité ennemie dans son arc avant se trouvant à une distance inférieure à sa valeur de Mouvement simple +7″ doit passer un Test de discipline , appelé « Test de frénésie ». Si ce test échoue, toute l’unité doit, si possible, déclarer une charge à ce Tour de ce joueur. Au cas où l’unité aurait la possibilité d’utiliser différentes valeurs de Mouvement simple, la valeur utilisée pour le Test de frénésie et pour la Portée de charge est déterminée comme suit : • Si une figurine a plus d’une valeur de Mouvement simple (par ex., du fait de la règle Vol ), elle doit utiliser la valeur qui lui donne le plus de chance de réussir une charge (exemple : une figurine avec une valeur de Mouvement simple de 2″ et Vol (8″, 16″) doit utiliser la valeur de Mouvement simple de la règle Vol, qui est de 8″). • Si une unité contient des figurines avec différentes valeurs de Mouvement simple, l’unité doit utiliser la valeur la plus élevée que l’ensemble des figurines de l’unité peut utiliser, qui est en général la valeur de Mouvement simple la plus petite dans l’unité (exemple : un Personnage dans une unité combinée a une valeur de Mouvement simple de 4″, alors que cette valeur est de 6″ pour les figurines ordinaires de l’unité : l’unité combinée utilise la valeur de Mouvement simple de 4″). Les Tests de frénésie et les Tests de refrènement de poursuite effectués par les unités dont au moins une figurine a la règle Frénésie sont sujets aux règles de Jet maximisé . Remarque : lorsqu’une unité est forcée de déclarer une charge en raison d’un Test de frénésie raté, elle n’est pas forcée de déclarer cette charge sur l’unité ennemie qui a provoqué ce test.
At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your nonFleeing units with at least one model with Frenzy that is unengaged, does not contain any Shaken models, and has an enemy unit inside its Front Arc within the unit’s Advance Rate +7″ must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed, the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible. Frenzy Tests and Restrain Pursuit Tests taken by units with at least one model with Frenzy are subject to Maximised Roll. If there are different Advance Rates available in the unit, the Advance Rate used for the Frenzy Test and for the Charge Range is determined as follows: • If a model has more than one Advance Rate (e.g. due to Fly), the model must use the Advance Rate that has the highest chance of completing the Charge. • If a unit contains models with different Advance Rates, the unit must use the highest Advance Rate that all models in the unit can use (which will usually be the lowest Advance Rate in the unit). For example, a model with Advance Rate 2″ and Fly (8″, 16″) must use the Advance Rate from Fly. And if a Character in a Combined Unit has Advance Rate 4″ while the R&F models have 6″, the Combined Unit must use Advance Rate 4″. Note that when a unit is forced to declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to Charge the enemy unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.
At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your nonFleeing units with at least one model with Frenzy that is unengaged, does not contain any Shaken models, and has an enemy unit inside its Front Arc within the unit’s Advance Rate +7″ must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed, the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible. Frenzy Tests and Restrain Pursuit Tests taken by units with at least one model with Frenzy are subject to Maximised Roll. If there are different Advance Rates available in the unit, the Advance Rate used for the Frenzy Test and for the Charge Range is determined as follows: • If a model has more than one Advance Rate (e.g. due to Fly), the model must use the Advance Rate that has the highest chance of completing the Charge. • If a unit contains models with different Advance Rates, the unit must use the highest Advance Rate that all models in the unit can use (which will usually be the lowest Advance Rate in the unit). For example, a model with Advance Rate 2″ and Fly (8″, 16″) must use the Advance Rate from Fly. And if a Character in a Combined Unit has Advance Rate 4″ while the R&F models have 6″, the Combined Unit must use Advance Rate 4″. Note that when a unit is forced to declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to Charge the enemy unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.
At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your nonFleeing units with at least one model with Frenzy that is unengaged, does not contain any Shaken models, and has an enemy unit inside its Front Arc within the unit’s Advance Rate +7″ must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed, the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible. Frenzy Tests and Restrain Pursuit Tests taken by units with at least one model with Frenzy are subject to Maximised Roll. If there are different Advance Rates available in the unit, the Advance Rate used for the Frenzy Test and for the Charge Range is determined as follows: • If a model has more than one Advance Rate (e.g. due to Fly), the model must use the Advance Rate that has the highest chance of completing the Charge. • If a unit contains models with different Advance Rates, the unit must use the highest Advance Rate that all models in the unit can use (which will usually be the lowest Advance Rate in the unit). For example, a model with Advance Rate 2″ and Fly (8″, 16″) must use the Advance Rate from Fly. And if a Character in a Combined Unit has Advance Rate 4″ while the R&F models have 6″, the Combined Unit must use Advance Rate 4″. Note that when a unit is forced to declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to Charge the enemy unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.
At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your nonFleeing units with at least one model with Frenzy that is unengaged, does not contain any Shaken models, and has an enemy unit inside its Front Arc within the unit’s Advance Rate +7″ must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed, the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible. Frenzy Tests and Restrain Pursuit Tests taken by units with at least one model with Frenzy are subject to Maximised Roll. If there are different Advance Rates available in the unit, the Advance Rate used for the Frenzy Test and for the Charge Range is determined as follows: • If a model has more than one Advance Rate (e.g. due to Fly), the model must use the Advance Rate that has the highest chance of completing the Charge. • If a unit contains models with different Advance Rates, the unit must use the highest Advance Rate that all models in the unit can use (which will usually be the lowest Advance Rate in the unit). For example, a model with Advance Rate 2″ and Fly (8″, 16″) must use the Advance Rate from Fly. And if a Character in a Combined Unit has Advance Rate 4″ while the R&F models have 6″, the Combined Unit must use Advance Rate 4″. Note that when a unit is forced to declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to Charge the enemy unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.
Guardian Patu
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0.
Guardian Patu
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0.
Guardian Patu
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0.
Guardian Patu
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0.
Guardian Patu
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0.
Guardian Patu
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and always strike at Initiative Step 0.
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
Corps à corps Durant la première Manche d’un combat, les jets pour toucher ratés d’attaques avec cette règle doivent être relancés.
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
Une figurine avec Tirailleur peut toujours utiliser ses Attaques de tir depuis n’importe quel rang (les figurines avec Tirailleur ne sont pas limitées au premier et au deuxième rangs). Les unités dont au moins une figurine ordinaire a Tirailleur sont déployées en une Formation de tirailleurs. Les figurines ne sont pas placées au contact les unes des autres mais sont espacées de 12,5 mm (soit à peu près 0,5″) lorsqu’elles forment une unité. On considère que ces espaces font partie intégrante de l’unité pour déterminer les Couverts et qu’ils ont la même Taille que celle des figurines de l’unité. En dehors de cet écart entre les figurines, l’unité suit les règles normales et possède donc un front, deux flancs et un dos, les figurines du second rang peuvent porter des Attaques de soutien, etc. Les unités en Formation de tirailleurs ne bloquent jamais une Ligne de vue (souvenez-vous que cela affecte aussi les Couverts, puisque de ce fait, ces unités ne peuvent jamais donner un Couvert lourd). Une unité en Formation de tirailleurs ne peut être rejointe que par des Personnages ayant le même Type et la même Taille. À moins qu’un Personnage n’ait exactement la même taille de socle que toutes les figurines ordinaires de l’unité, il est considéré comme ayant un Socle incompatible lorsqu’il est placé dans l’unité. L’unité cesse d’être en Formation de tirailleurs lorsque toutes les figurines ordinaires avec la règle Tirailleur ont été retirées comme perte : contractez immédiatement les figurines restantes pour leur faire adopter une formation normale, sans déplacer le centre du premier rang. Le cas échéant, décalez toute unité comme d’habitude pour maintenir le contact si possible.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
The model can draw Lines of Sight in any direction (i.e. it is not limited by the Front Arc) from any point on its base (remember that Charge Moves are limited by a single Wheel of no more than 90°, and that Stand and Shoot Charge Reactions can only be done against enemies in the Front Arc) and can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (they are not limited to shooting from first and second rank). Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base to base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5 mm distance between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Size as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flanks, a Rear, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation gain Hard Target and Light Troops, never block Line of Sight, and when units in skirmish formation would contribute to Hard Cover, they contribute to Soft Cover instead.
Les figurines avec cette règle ne peuvent rejoindre ou être rejointes que par d’autres figurines avec Instable. Les unités incluant au moins une figurine avec cette règle ne font pas de Test de moral lorsqu’elles perdent une Manche de combat. À la place, elles perdent un Point de vie (sans sauvegarde d’aucune sorte possible) pour chaque point de différence entre les Résultats de combat. Les Points de vie perdus sont alloués dans cet ordre : 1. Figurines ordinaires à l’exception des Champions. 2. Champion. 3. Personnages (alloués par le propriétaire et de façon aussi équitable que possible).
Light Lance
Lance légère
Les attaques portées par une Lance légère et allouées contre un ennemi sur le front de l’unité du porteur gagnent Charge dévastatrice (+1 Fo, +1 PA) . L’Infanterie ne peut pas utiliser de Lance légère.
Leichte Lanze
Light Lance
Lanza Ligera
Lancia Leggera
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Troupe légère
Une unité entièrement composée de figurines avec Troupe légère applique les règles suivantes pour ses Mouvements simples et Marches forcées : • L’unité peut effectuer un nombre illimité de Reformations à tout moment pendant son déplacement, et dans n’importe quel ordre. Cela n’empêche pas ces figurines de tirer lors de ce Tour de joueur. • L’unité peut se déplacer en arrière et sur le côté comme si elle se déplaçait vers l’avant (c’est-à-dire, d’une distance égale à sa valeur de Mouvement simple, et l’unité peut combiner des Mouvements simples en avant, en arrière et de côté), mais aucune partie de son Rectangle d’unité ne peut quitter la table. • L’unité ne peut effectuer aucune Roue. De plus, • Une unité entièrement composée de figurines avec Troupe légère gagne Tir en marche forcée . • Une unité dont plus de la moitié des figurines a Troupe légère compte comme ayant toujours 0 Rang complet . • Un Personnage de type Infanterie et de même Taille que les figurines d’une unité d’Infanterie avec Troupe légère gagne cette règle tant qu’il fait partie de cette unité. Cette instance de Troupe légère est perdue immédiatement lorsqu’il quitte l’unité.
Leichte Truppen
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Light Troops
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Tropas Ligeras
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Truppe Leggere
Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops are allowed to make any number of Reforms when performing Advance Moves or March Moves. They are allowed to shoot even if they Marched or Reformed. No model can end its movement with its centre further away than its March Rate from its starting position, around any obstructions (including the Unit Spacing rule). This means that when checking the distance travelled by a model, check the path the model would have taken if it was alone, with the exception that the unit as a whole cannot break the Unit Spacing rule while performing the move. If a model performed any action during the movement (such as a Sweeping Attack), the distance moved is counted from its starting position to the point on the Battlefield where it performed that action and then to its final position. If more than half the models in a unit have Light Troops, the unit always counts as having 0 Full Ranks. Characters with Light Troops that are joined to units with one or more models without Light Troops, lose this rule for as long as they remain with the unit. An Infantry Character joined to an Infantry unit with both Light Troops and the same Size as the Character gains Light Troops for as long as it remains with the unit.
Weapon Master
Maître d'armes
À l’étape 2 de la Séquence d’une Manche de combat (« Choisissez une arme »), les éléments de figurine avec cette règle peuvent choisir quelle arme utiliser (ce qui signifie qu’ils peuvent combattre avec une arme différente à chaque Manche de combat s’ils le souhaitent). Cela leur permet notamment de choisir d’utiliser leur Arme de base quand bien même ils disposeraient également d’autres armes. Un élément de figurine qui possède une arme avec un Enchantement d’arme est cependant toujours obligé de l’utiliser.
Weapon Master
Maestro de Armas
Maestro d'Armi
Wizard Master
- Knows 4 spells. - Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army. The Wizard gains Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection .
Maître magicien
• Connaît 4 sorts différents. • Peut choisir entre les Sorts appris n°1, 2, 3, 4, 5 et 6 de la Voie choisie et le Sort héréditaire de son armée. Le magicien gagne Canalisation (1) et un modificateur de +1 pour ses jets de lancement de sort. Il sélectionne ses sorts comme décrit dans la partie Sélection des sorts . .
- Knows 4 spells. - Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army. The Wizard gains Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection .
Wizard Master
- Knows 4 spells. - Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army. The Wizard gains Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection .
Maestro Hechicero
- Knows 4 spells. - Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army. The Wizard gains Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection .
Mago Maestro
- Knows 4 spells. - Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army. The Wizard gains Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection .
Magic Resistance
Résistance à la magie
Un Sort appris ou un Sort lié qui cible une unité ennemie avec au moins une figurine ou élément de figurine possédant la règle Résistance à la magie subit un modificateur de −X à son jet de lancement (où X est donné entre parenthèses). Ceci est une exception à la règle des Modificateurs magiques. S’il existe différentes valeurs « X » pouvant être utilisées, utilisez la valeur la plus élevée.
Magic Resistance
Resistencia a la Magia
Resistenza alla Magia
Mentor: No more than two models with Mentor can ever be joined to the same unit.
Mentor: No more than two models with Mentor can ever be joined to the same unit.
Mentor: No more than two models with Mentor can ever be joined to the same unit.
Mentor: No more than two models with Mentor can ever be joined to the same unit.
Mentor: No more than two models with Mentor can ever be joined to the same unit.
Mentor: No more than two models with Mentor can ever be joined to the same unit.
Pack Hunter
In the Charge Phase, units with more than half of their models with Pack Hunter may reroll failed Charge Range rolls if their Charge is part of a Combined Charge
Pack Hunter
In the Charge Phase, units with more than half of their models with Pack Hunter may reroll failed Charge Range rolls if their Charge is part of a Combined Charge
Pack Hunter
In the Charge Phase, units with more than half of their models with Pack Hunter may reroll failed Charge Range rolls if their Charge is part of a Combined Charge
Pack Hunter
In the Charge Phase, units with more than half of their models with Pack Hunter may reroll failed Charge Range rolls if their Charge is part of a Combined Charge
Pack Hunter
In the Charge Phase, units with more than half of their models with Pack Hunter may reroll failed Charge Range rolls if their Charge is part of a Combined Charge
Pack Hunter
In the Charge Phase, units with more than half of their models with Pack Hunter may reroll failed Charge Range rolls if their Charge is part of a Combined Charge
Path of Destruction
Special Attack. The number of hits from the model’s Stomp Attacks is set to 4D3. For the purpose of Stomp Attacks, the model ignores Cannot be Stomped and considers all enemy models without Towering Presence to be of Standard Height. If the model’s Stomp Attacks are distributed onto a Large unit, the number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.
Path of Destruction
Special Attack. The number of hits from the model’s Stomp Attacks is set to 4D3. For the purpose of Stomp Attacks, the model ignores Cannot be Stomped and considers all enemy models without Towering Presence to be of Standard Height. If the model’s Stomp Attacks are distributed onto a Large unit, the number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.
Path of Destruction
Special Attack. The number of hits from the model’s Stomp Attacks is set to 4D3. For the purpose of Stomp Attacks, the model ignores Cannot be Stomped and considers all enemy models without Towering Presence to be of Standard Height. If the model’s Stomp Attacks are distributed onto a Large unit, the number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.
Path of Destruction
Special Attack. The number of hits from the model’s Stomp Attacks is set to 4D3. For the purpose of Stomp Attacks, the model ignores Cannot be Stomped and considers all enemy models without Towering Presence to be of Standard Height. If the model’s Stomp Attacks are distributed onto a Large unit, the number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.
Path of Destruction
Special Attack. The number of hits from the model’s Stomp Attacks is set to 4D3. For the purpose of Stomp Attacks, the model ignores Cannot be Stomped and considers all enemy models without Towering Presence to be of Standard Height. If the model’s Stomp Attacks are distributed onto a Large unit, the number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.
Path of Destruction
Special Attack. The number of hits from the model’s Stomp Attacks is set to 4D3. For the purpose of Stomp Attacks, the model ignores Cannot be Stomped and considers all enemy models without Towering Presence to be of Standard Height. If the model’s Stomp Attacks are distributed onto a Large unit, the number of hits is halved, rounding fractions up.
Poisoned Javelin
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire.
Poisoned Javelin
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire.
Poisoned Javelin
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire.
Poisoned Javelin
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire.
Poisoned Javelin
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire.
Poisoned Javelin
Range 12″, Shots 1, Str as user, AP as user, Poison Attacks, Quick to Fire.
Swift Reform
During the Movement Phase, a unit containing one or more models with Swift Reform may execute a Swift Reform instead of a Reform . The unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions: • The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase (but will still suffer the to-hit modifier for moving and shooting). • The unit can perform an Advance Move after the Reform. For the purpose of no model being able to end its movement with its centre farther away than its Advance Rate from its starting position, measure this distance after the Reform. • No model can end its movement (after an Advance Move) with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position before the Reform.
Reformation rapide
Pendant la Phase de mouvement, une unité contenant une ou plusieurs figurines avec Reformation rapide peut faire une Reformation rapide à la place d’une simple Reformation . L’unité effectue une Reformation, à l’exception des points suivants : • L’unité peut tirer pendant la Phase de tir à venir (mais subit tout de même une pénalité de tir de Tir en mouvement ). • L’unité peut faire un Mouvement simple après la Reformation. Pour ce qui est de vérifier qu’aucune figurine n’ait terminé son mouvement avec son centre plus loin que sa valeur de Mouvement simple par rapport à sa position de départ, tenez uniquement compte de la position de cette figurine après la Reformation rapide. • Après la combinaison des deux mouvements, aucune figurine ne peut terminer son mouvement avec son centre plus loin que sa valeur de Marche forcée par rapport à sa position de départ avant la Reformation.
Swift Reform
During the Movement Phase, a unit containing one or more models with Swift Reform may execute a Swift Reform instead of a Reform . The unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions: • The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase (but will still suffer the to-hit modifier for moving and shooting). • The unit can perform an Advance Move after the Reform. For the purpose of no model being able to end its movement with its centre farther away than its Advance Rate from its starting position, measure this distance after the Reform. • No model can end its movement (after an Advance Move) with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position before the Reform.
Swift Reform
During the Movement Phase, a unit containing one or more models with Swift Reform may execute a Swift Reform instead of a Reform . The unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions: • The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase (but will still suffer the to-hit modifier for moving and shooting). • The unit can perform an Advance Move after the Reform. For the purpose of no model being able to end its movement with its centre farther away than its Advance Rate from its starting position, measure this distance after the Reform. • No model can end its movement (after an Advance Move) with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position before the Reform.
Swift Reform
During the Movement Phase, a unit containing one or more models with Swift Reform may execute a Swift Reform instead of a Reform . The unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions: • The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase (but will still suffer the to-hit modifier for moving and shooting). • The unit can perform an Advance Move after the Reform. For the purpose of no model being able to end its movement with its centre farther away than its Advance Rate from its starting position, measure this distance after the Reform. • No model can end its movement (after an Advance Move) with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position before the Reform.
Swift Reform
During the Movement Phase, a unit containing one or more models with Swift Reform may execute a Swift Reform instead of a Reform . The unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions: • The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase (but will still suffer the to-hit modifier for moving and shooting). • The unit can perform an Advance Move after the Reform. For the purpose of no model being able to end its movement with its centre farther away than its Advance Rate from its starting position, measure this distance after the Reform. • No model can end its movement (after an Advance Move) with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position before the Reform.
The model may never join units or be joined by other Characters.
La figurine ne peut [b]jamais[/b] rejoindre une unité ou être rejointe par un Personnage.
The model may never join units or be joined by other Characters.
The model may never join units or be joined by other Characters.
The model may never join units or be joined by other Characters.
The model may never join units or be joined by other Characters.
Tooth and Claw
Two-Handed. Attacks made with this weapon gain Lightning Reflexes and Lethal Strike. This weapon cannot be enchanted.
Tooth and Claw
Two-Handed. Attacks made with this weapon gain Lightning Reflexes and Lethal Strike. This weapon cannot be enchanted.
Tooth and Claw
Two-Handed. Attacks made with this weapon gain Lightning Reflexes and Lethal Strike. This weapon cannot be enchanted.
Tooth and Claw
Two-Handed. Attacks made with this weapon gain Lightning Reflexes and Lethal Strike. This weapon cannot be enchanted.
Tooth and Claw
Two-Handed. Attacks made with this weapon gain Lightning Reflexes and Lethal Strike. This weapon cannot be enchanted.
Tooth and Claw
Two-Handed. Attacks made with this weapon gain Lightning Reflexes and Lethal Strike. This weapon cannot be enchanted.
Walking Mountain
Universal Rule. Enemy units do not gain any Flank or Rear Bonuses for being Engaged in the model’s Flank or Rear Facing. The model never benefits from Cover. In addition, the model always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests, and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.
Walking Mountain
Universal Rule. Enemy units do not gain any Flank or Rear Bonuses for being Engaged in the model’s Flank or Rear Facing. The model never benefits from Cover. In addition, the model always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests, and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.
Walking Mountain
Universal Rule. Enemy units do not gain any Flank or Rear Bonuses for being Engaged in the model’s Flank or Rear Facing. The model never benefits from Cover. In addition, the model always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests, and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.
Walking Mountain
Universal Rule. Enemy units do not gain any Flank or Rear Bonuses for being Engaged in the model’s Flank or Rear Facing. The model never benefits from Cover. In addition, the model always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests, and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.
Walking Mountain
Universal Rule. Enemy units do not gain any Flank or Rear Bonuses for being Engaged in the model’s Flank or Rear Facing. The model never benefits from Cover. In addition, the model always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests, and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.
Walking Mountain
Universal Rule. Enemy units do not gain any Flank or Rear Bonuses for being Engaged in the model’s Flank or Rear Facing. The model never benefits from Cover. In addition, the model always passes Restrain Pursuit Tests, and its Pursuit Distance is always 0″.

Magic Items usable by the army

Alchemical Arrows
Number of Shots is set to 4, and Str is set to 4. If the weapon inflicts one or more hits, all Shooting Attacks with Magnetic Short Bows that are simultaneously made by the bearer’s unit have their Str set to 4.
Flèches alchimiques
Cette arme a Tirs 4, Fo 5, PA 1. Si l'arme inflige au moins une touche, toutes les autres Attaques de tir avec Magnétite portées simultanément par l'unité du porteur gagnent +1 en Force et [b]Attaque magique[/b] pour la durée de la phase.
Alchemical Arrows
Number of Shots is set to 4, and Str is set to 4. If the weapon inflicts one or more hits, all Shooting Attacks with Magnetic Short Bows that are simultaneously made by the bearer’s unit have their Str set to 4.
Alchemical Arrows
Number of Shots is set to 4, and Str is set to 4. If the weapon inflicts one or more hits, all Shooting Attacks with Magnetic Short Bows that are simultaneously made by the bearer’s unit have their Str set to 4.
Flechas Alquímicas
Disparos 4, Fue 5, PA 1. Si el arma inflige uno o más impactos, todos los demás Ataques de Disparo con Calamita de miniaturas en la unidad del portador obtienen +1 Fuerza y son [b]Ataques Mágicos[/b] durante el resto de la fase.
Frecce Alchemiche
Quest'arma ha Colpi 4, For 5, AP 1. Se quest'arma infligge uno o più colpi, tutti gli altri Attacchi da Tiro simultanei con l'attributo Magnetico effettuati dall'unità del portatore ottengono +1 Forza e diventano [b]Attacchi Magici[/b] per la durata della fase.
Ancient Plaque
The first time each Magic Phase that the bearer fails a Casting Roll for a Learned Spell, if no other friendly Wizard has made a Casting Roll this Phase, the bearer may reroll all Magic Dice for this Casting Roll.
Tablette des Anciens
Once per Magic Phase, the bearer may reroll a single Magic Dice when making a casting roll. This ability cannot be used if the spell was Miscast nor for Casting Attempts with only one Magic Dice.
Ancient Plaque
The first time each Magic Phase that the bearer fails a Casting Roll for a Learned Spell, if no other friendly Wizard has made a Casting Roll this Phase, the bearer may reroll all Magic Dice for this Casting Roll.
Ancient Plaque
The first time each Magic Phase that the bearer fails a Casting Roll for a Learned Spell, if no other friendly Wizard has made a Casting Roll this Phase, the bearer may reroll all Magic Dice for this Casting Roll.
Placa Ancestral
Once per Magic Phase, the bearer may reroll a single Magic Dice when making a casting roll. This ability cannot be used if the spell was Miscast nor for Casting Attempts with only one Magic Dice.
Antica Placca
Once per Magic Phase, the bearer may reroll a single Magic Dice when making a casting roll. This ability cannot be used if the spell was Miscast nor for Casting Attempts with only one Magic Dice.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Appel du destin
Ne peut pas être pris par des figurines avec Présence imposante ou étant un Assemblage de Grande taille. Enchantement : Armure portée. Le porteur gagne Ægide (4+). De plus, son armure passe à 3 et ne peut jamais être améliorée au-delà.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Destiny's Call
Aegis (4+), and the wearer’s model’s Arm is set to always 3. Note that this means it cannot be improved beyond 3. It is still affected by AP.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Injection de basalte
Enchantement : Armure portée. Le porteur gagne +1 en Armure et Ægide (3+, contre les Attaques enflammées). Le porteur rate automatiquement tous ses jets de sauvegarde de Fortitude.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Basalt Infusion
+1 Arm, Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks), and the wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Infusione di basalto
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks). The wearer automatically fails all Fortitude Saves.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Parchemin d'entrave
0–2 par armée. Usage unique. Peut être activé après avoir siphonné le Voile (étape 3 de la Séquence de la Phase de magie). Une fois activé, désignez une figurine ennemie et choisissez un de ses sorts (y compris les Sorts liés ou Attributs de la Voie). Cette figurine ne peut lancer ce sort durant cette Phase de magie. Un seul Parchemin d’entrave peut être activé durant une même phase.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Pergamena vincolante
One use only. May be activated after Siphon the Veil (at the end of step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence). When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its Attribute, Bound, or Learned Spells. The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Lodestone Shield
Friendly units within 8″ of the model gain Aegis (5+, against Ranged Attacks).
Bouclier de magnétite
Toutes les unités alliées à 8" ou moins de la figurine gagnent [b]Ægide (5+, contre les Attaques de tir)[/b].
Lodestone Shield
Friendly units within 8″ of the model gain Aegis (5+, against Ranged Attacks).
Lodestone Shield
Friendly units within 8″ of the model gain Aegis (5+, against Ranged Attacks).
Escudo de Calamita
Las unidades amigas en un radio de 8" de la miniatura obtienen [b]Égida (5+, contra Ataques de Disparo)[/b].
Scudo di Magnetite
Le unità amiche entro 8" dal modello ottengono [b]Egida (5+, contro Attacchi da Tiro)[/b].
Shield Breaker
+6 AP.
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Les attaques effectuées avec cette arme gagnent +6 en Pénétration d’armure, Attaque magique et ne peuvent jamais blesser sur un jet pour blesser meilleur que 3+.
Shield Breaker
+6 AP.
Shield Breaker
+6 AP.
Shield Breaker
+6 AP.
Frantuma scudi
Attacks made with this weapon gain +6 Armour Penetration, become Magical Attacks, and can never wound on to-wound rolls better than 3+.
Carved Tablet
When Building your Army, the model must choose one of the spells from Carved Wisdom (see Howdah Devices). The model can cast the chosen spell as a Bound Spell. See Carved Wisdom for Casting Values.
Carved Tablet
When Building your Army, the model must choose one of the spells from Carved Wisdom (see Howdah Devices). The model can cast the chosen spell as a Bound Spell. See Carved Wisdom for Casting Values.
Carved Tablet
When Building your Army, the model must choose one of the spells from Carved Wisdom (see Howdah Devices). The model can cast the chosen spell as a Bound Spell. See Carved Wisdom for Casting Values.
Carved Tablet
When Building your Army, the model must choose one of the spells from Carved Wisdom (see Howdah Devices). The model can cast the chosen spell as a Bound Spell. See Carved Wisdom for Casting Values.
Carved Tablet
When Building your Army, the model must choose one of the spells from Carved Wisdom (see Howdah Devices). The model can cast the chosen spell as a Bound Spell. See Carved Wisdom for Casting Values.
Carved Tablet
When Building your Army, the model must choose one of the spells from Carved Wisdom (see Howdah Devices). The model can cast the chosen spell as a Bound Spell. See Carved Wisdom for Casting Values.
Carved Wisdom
Select one of the following spells as a Bound Spell, and note which on the Army List. • Molten Copper (Alchemy) as Bound Spell (3+) • Fate’s Judgement (Divination) as Bound Spell (3+) • Touch of the Reaper (Evocation) as Bound Spell (3+) • Swarm of Insects (Shamanism) as Bound Spell (5+)
Glyphe de sagesse
La figurine [b]doit[/b] choisir l'un des sorts suivants lors de l'étape de Sélection des sorts. La figurine peut lancer le sort choisi comme un Sort lié avec un Niveau de puissance (4/8) : • Cuivre fondu (Alchimie) • Essaim d'insectes (Chamanisme) • Jugement du destin (Divination) • Maître de la terre (Druidisme) • Baiser de la Faucheuse (Évocation) Chaque sort ne peut être choisi que par une seule figurine dotée de Glyphe de sagesse.
Carved Wisdom
Select one of the following spells as a Bound Spell, and note which on the Army List. • Molten Copper (Alchemy) as Bound Spell (3+) • Fate’s Judgement (Divination) as Bound Spell (3+) • Touch of the Reaper (Evocation) as Bound Spell (3+) • Swarm of Insects (Shamanism) as Bound Spell (5+)
Carved Wisdom
Select one of the following spells as a Bound Spell, and note which on the Army List. • Molten Copper (Alchemy) as Bound Spell (3+) • Fate’s Judgement (Divination) as Bound Spell (3+) • Touch of the Reaper (Evocation) as Bound Spell (3+) • Swarm of Insects (Shamanism) as Bound Spell (5+)
Sabiduría Tallada
Durante la Selección de Hechizos, la miniatura [b]debe[/b] elegir uno de los hechizos a continuación: Juicio del Destino (Adivinación) Señor de la Tierra (Druidismo) Enjambre de Insectos (Chamanismo) Cobre Fundido (Alquimia) Toque de la Muerte (Evocación) La miniatura puede lanzar el hechizo elegido como Hechizo Vinculado con Nivel de Energía (4/8). Cada hechizo solo puede ser elegido por una única miniatura con Sabiduría Tallada.
Saggezza Incisa
Durante la Selezione degli Incantesimi, il modello [b]deve[/b] scegliere uno dei seguenti incantesimi. Il modello può lanciare l'incantesimo selezionato come Incantesimo Infuso con Livello di Potere (4/8): • Giudizio del Fato (Divinazione) • Padrone della Terra (Druidismo) • Rame Fuso (Alchemia) • Sciame d'Insetti (Sciamanesimo) • Tocco del Mietitore (Evocazione) Ogni incantesimo può essere scelto da un unico modello con Saggezza Incisa.
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Charme de chance
Usage unique. Peut être activé lorsque la figurine du porteur rate une Sauvegarde d'armure. Cette Sauvegarde d'armure peut être relancée.
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Mimic Cloak
Stand Behind
Monile portafortuna
One use only. May be activated when the bearer’s model fails an Armour Save. This failed Armour Save may be rerolled.
Serpent's Nest Charm
Att is set to 6. Poison Attacks.
Charme du nid de serpents
Lorsqu'il utilise cette arme, la valeur d'Attaque du porteur [b]passe[/b] à 6 et les attaques portées avec cette arme gagnent [b]Attaque empoisonnée[/b].
Serpent's Nest Charm
Att is set to 6. Poison Attacks.
Serpent's Nest Charm
Att is set to 6. Poison Attacks.
Encantamiento de Nido de Serpiente
Mientras use esta arma, el Valor de Ataques del portador se [b]establece[/b] en 6 y los ataques realizados con esta arma son [b]Ataques Envenenados[/b].
Talismano del Nido di Serpi
Mentre usa quest'arma, il Numero di Attacchi del portatore è [b]fissato[/b] a 6 e gli attacchi effettuati con quest'arma diventano [b]Attacchi Venefici[/b] .
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Héritage magique
Dominant. Magicien uniquement. Le porteur gagne le Sort héréditaire de son armée durant l’étape de Sélection des sorts. Le porteur connaît toujours ce sort en plus de ses autres sorts et ne peut pas le sélectionner de nouveau durant l’étape de Sélection des sorts. De plus, il ne peut pas le remplacer ou le perdre d’une quelconque manière.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Magical Heirloom
The bearer knows the Hereditary Spell of its Army Book in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, and cannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Cimelio magico
The bearer gains the Hereditary Spell during Spell Selection, always knows it in addition to its other spells, cannot select it during Spell Selection, andcannot replace or otherwise lose it.
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Couronne du roi-magicien
Ne peut être prise par un Magicien. Au moment de l’étape de Sélection des sorts, tirez au sort une Voie de magie parmi celles de ce livre. Le porteur devient un Apprenti magicien utilisant cette Voie de magie. Le porteur ne peut choisir le Sort héréditaire de son armée. Le porteur ne peut choisir aucune amélioration (Objet spécial ou autre) réservée aux Magiciens (ou à certains types de Magiciens).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Crown of the Wizard King
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Corona del re mago
During Spell Selection, randomise a Magic Path (from all Paths in this book). The bearer is a Wizard Apprentice using the randomised Path. It cannot select the Hereditary Spell. The bearer cannot take any Special Items nor any other upgrades that are restricted to Wizards (or any types of Wizards).
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Crépuscule forgé
Enchantement : Bouclier. Lorsqu’il utilise ce Bouclier, le porteur peut décider de relancer ses jets de sauvegarde d’armure ratés. Si un jet de sauvegarde relancé grâce à cet enchantement rate, l’éventuel jet de sauvegarde spéciale contre cette blessure rate automatiquement.
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Dusk Forged
The bearer must reroll its failed Armour Saves. The bearer automatically fails any Special Save, regardless if using the Shield or not.
Vespertino (Scudo)
The bearer may choose to reroll its failed Armour Saves while using this Shield. If the reroll from Dusk Forged is failed, the bearer automatically fails any Special Save against that wound.
Suncatcher Crystal
The model gains an additional model part: Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Weapons, Attack Attributes and Properties Suncatcher Crystal 2 3 6 3 2 Flaming Attacks, Construct
Cristal piège-soleil
Au début d'une Manche de combat pendant laquelle l'unité de la figurine est engagée au combat, choisissez l'un des effets suivants, qui s'applique jusqu'à la fin de la Manche de combat : • Toutes les figurines d'Infanterie alliées gagnent [b]Fortitude (+1, max. 3+)[/b] pour chaque Cristal piège-soleil engagé dans le même combat. • La figurine gagne [b]Attaque de broyage (2D3)[/b], qui sont [b]toujours[/b] résolues avec Force 4 et Pénétration d'armure 1.
Suncatcher Crystal
The model gains an additional model part: Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Weapons, Attack Attributes and Properties Suncatcher Crystal 2 3 6 3 2 Flaming Attacks, Construct
Suncatcher Crystal
The model gains an additional model part: Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Weapons, Attack Attributes and Properties Suncatcher Crystal 2 3 6 3 2 Flaming Attacks, Construct
Cristal Atrapasoles
Al inicio de una Ronda de Combate en la que la miniatura esté participando, elige uno de los siguientes efectos, que se aplicará hasta el final de la Ronda de Combate: Todas las miniaturas amigas de Infantería obtienen Fortaleza (+1, máx. 3+) por cada miniatura con Cristal Atrapasoles Trabada en el mismo Combate. La miniatura obtiene Ataques Pulverizadores (2D3) que [b]siempre[/b] se resuelven con Fuerza 4 y Penetración de Armadura 1.
Lente Solare
All'inizio di un Round di Combattimento in cui l'unità del modello sta combattendo, scegli uno dei seguenti effetti da applicare fino alla fine di tale Round: • Tutti i modelli di Fanteria amici ottengono Tempra (+1, massimo +3) per ogni modello con Lente Solare Ingaggiato nello stesso combattimento. • Il modello ottiene Attacchi Stritolanti (2D3) che vengono [b]sempre[/b] risolti a Forza 4 e Penetrazione Armatura 1.
Stampede Resonator Crystal
May be activated at the start of any Charge Phase. Choose one friendly unit containing models with Height 4 or 5 within 18″. The chosen unit loses Stomp Attack and gains Impact Hits (X hits), where “X” is equal to its amount of hits from its Stomp Attack. If a model already had Impact Hits, increase the number of hits by its amount of Stomp Attack instead.
Cristal résonnant de la ruée
Usage unique. Peut être activé au début de n'importe quelle Phase de charge. Choisissez une unité alliée de Cavalerie de Grande taille ou une figurine alliée Gigantesque à 12" de la figurine du porteur, et appliquez tous les effets suivants jusqu'à la fin de la Phase de mêlée : • Chaque figurine gagne [b]Touches d'impact (X)[/b], où "X" est égal à sa quantité d'[b]Attaques de piétinement[/b]. Si la figurine possède déjà des [b]Touches d'impact[/b], augmentez son nombre de [b]Touches d'impact[/b] de sa quantité d'[b]Attaques de piétinement[/b] à la place. • La figurine ne peut pas faire d'[b]Attaques de piétinement[/b].
Stampede Resonator Crystal
May be activated at the start of any Charge Phase. Choose one friendly unit containing models with Height 4 or 5 within 18″. The chosen unit loses Stomp Attack and gains Impact Hits (X hits), where “X” is equal to its amount of hits from its Stomp Attack. If a model already had Impact Hits, increase the number of hits by its amount of Stomp Attack instead.
Stampede Resonator Crystal
May be activated at the start of any Charge Phase. Choose one friendly unit containing models with Height 4 or 5 within 18″. The chosen unit loses Stomp Attack and gains Impact Hits (X hits), where “X” is equal to its amount of hits from its Stomp Attack. If a model already had Impact Hits, increase the number of hits by its amount of Stomp Attack instead.
Cristal de Estampida
Un Solo Uso. Puede activarse al inicio de cualquier Fase de Carga. Elige una unidad de Altura Gigantesca o Caballería Grande amiga en un radio de 12" de la miniatura del portador y aplica los siguientes efectos (todos o ninguno) hasta el final de la Fase de Melé: Cada miniatura obtiene Impactos por Carga (X), donde X es igual al número de impactos por Golpetazo de la miniatura. Si la miniatura ya tenía Impactos por Carga, incrementa el número de estos en (X) en su lugar. La miniatura no puede realizar ningún Golpetazo.
Cristallo della Risonanza Travolgente
Un solo uso. Può essere attivato all'inizio di qualsiasi Fase di Carica. Scegli un'unità amica di Cavalleria Grande o Enorme entro 12" dal modello del portatore ed applica tutti i seguenti effetti (oppure nessuno) fino alla fine della Fase di Mischia: • Ogni modello ottiene Colpi d'Impatto (X), dove X è pari al suo numero di Attacchi di Calpestamento. Se il modello già possedeva Colpi d'Impatto, invece aumenta il numero di Colpi d'Impatto di un valore pari al numero dei suoi Attacchi di Calpestamento. • Il modello non può effettuare Attacchi di Calpestamento.
Death Cheater
+1 Arm and Fortitude (4+).
Enchantement : Armure portée. Le porteur gagne +1 en Armure et Fortitude (4+).
Death Cheater
+1 Arm and Fortitude (4+).
Death Cheater
+1 Arm and Fortitude (4+).
Death Cheater
+1 Arm and Fortitude (4+).
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Fortitude (4+).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Inscriptions Mystérieuses
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Les attaques effectuées avec cette arme doivent relancer leurs jets pour blesser ratés.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Eldritch Inscriptions
Failed to-wound rolls from attacks made with this weapon must be rerolled.
Vital Essence
+1 HP and Fortitude (4+).
Essence vitaliste
Le porteur gagne [b]Fortitude (4+)[/b] et +1 Point de vie.
Vital Essence
+1 HP and Fortitude (4+).
Vital Essence
+1 HP and Fortitude (4+).
Esencia Vital
El portador obtiene Fortaleza (4+) y +1 Puntos de Vida. .
Essenza Vitale
Il portatore ottiene Tempra (4+) e +1 Punti Vita.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essence de libre pensée
Le porteur peut choisir jusqu’à deux Voies de magie sur la Liste d’armée plutôt qu’une, parmi celles qui lui sont normalement accessibles. Sélectionnez laquelle des deux Voies de magie vous comptez utiliser au moment de la Sélection des sorts. Le porteur ne peut choisir les Sorts appris nº5 et 6 de la Voie de magie sélectionnée.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essence of a Free Mind
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). Select spells for both Paths on the Army List as normal. During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select Master Spells.
Essenza di una mente libera
The bearer may choose up to two Paths on the Army List instead of one (from the ones normally available to it). During Spell Selection, choose which one of the two Paths to use. The bearer cannot select from the Learned Spells 5 and 6 of its chosen Path.
Venomous Fortress
The model’s base size is changed to 60×100 mm and it gains 6 additional Skink Riders. If applicable, Exclusive (Tegu Warriors, Tegu Guard) is replaced with Exclusive (Skink Warriors, Skink Hunters). Model parts with Skink and without Mount in the bearer’s unit gain First Strike (Hatred) and Poison Attacks.
Forteresse venimeuse
La taille du socle de la figurine passe à 60×100 mm, et elle gagne 6 Chevaucheurs skinks supplémentaires. Le cas échéant, [b]Exclusif (Gardes tégus, Guerriers tégus)[/b] est remplacé par [b]Exclusif (Chasseurs skinks, Guerriers skinks)[/b]. De plus, les éléments de figurine sans [b]Harnaché[/b] dans l'unité du porteur gagnent [b]Attaque empoisonnée[/b] et [b]Haine[/b].
Venomous Fortress
The model’s base size is changed to 60×100 mm and it gains 6 additional Skink Riders. If applicable, Exclusive (Tegu Warriors, Tegu Guard) is replaced with Exclusive (Skink Warriors, Skink Hunters). Model parts with Skink and without Mount in the bearer’s unit gain First Strike (Hatred) and Poison Attacks.
Venomous Fortress
The model’s base size is changed to 60×100 mm and it gains 6 additional Skink Riders. If applicable, Exclusive (Tegu Warriors, Tegu Guard) is replaced with Exclusive (Skink Warriors, Skink Hunters). Model parts with Skink and without Mount in the bearer’s unit gain First Strike (Hatred) and Poison Attacks.
Fortaleza Venenosa
La peana de la miniatura cambia a 60×100 mm, obtiene 6 Jinetes Eslizón adicionales. Cuando sea aplicable, Exclusivo (Guerreros Tegu, Guardia Tegu) es reemplazado por Exclusivo (Guerreros Eslizón, Cazadores Eslizón). Además, las partes de miniatura sin Contenidos en la unidad del portador obtienen [b]Odio[/b] y [b]Ataques Envenenados[/b].
Fortezza Tossica
La base del modello diventa 60x100mm, ottiene 6 Cavalieri Scinchi addizionali, e, se applicabile, Esclusivo (Coorte Tegu, Custodi Tegu) è sostituito con Esclusivo (Irregolari Scinchi, Scinchi Cacciatori) Inoltre, le parti di modello senza Imbrigliato nell'unità del portatore ottengono [b]Attacchi Venefici[/b] e [b]Odio[/b].
Te Aupouri Smokestone
May be activated when a friendly unit fails a Break Test (after any rerolls). Until the end of the phase, enemy units within 18″ of the bearer have their Charge Range, Pursuit Distance, and Overrun Distance rolls Minimised.
Pierre de fumée de Te-Ahupōri
Usage unique. Peut être activée quand une unité alliée rate un Test de moral (après une éventuelle relance). Jusqu'au début de la prochaine Phase de mouvement alliée, les jets de Portée de charge et de poursuite effectués par les unités ennemies à 18" ou moins de la figurine du porteur obéissent à la règle [b]Jet minimisé[/b].
Te Aupouri Smokestone
May be activated when a friendly unit fails a Break Test (after any rerolls). Until the end of the phase, enemy units within 18″ of the bearer have their Charge Range, Pursuit Distance, and Overrun Distance rolls Minimised.
Te Aupouri Smokestone
May be activated when a friendly unit fails a Break Test (after any rerolls). Until the end of the phase, enemy units within 18″ of the bearer have their Charge Range, Pursuit Distance, and Overrun Distance rolls Minimised.
Piedra de Te Aupouri
Un Solo Uso. Puede activarse cuando una unidad amiga falle un Chequeo de Desmoralización (después de cualquier posible repetición de tirada). Hasta el inicio de la siguiente Fase de Movimiento amiga, las tiradas de Alcance de Carga y Alcance de Persecución realizadas por unidades enemigas en un radio de 18" de la miniatura del portador se ven sujetas a Tirada Minimizada.
Fumogeno di Te Aupouri
Un solo uso. Può essere attivato dopo che un'unità amica fallisce un Test di Rotta (dopo eventuali ripetizioni). Fino all'inizio della prossima Fase di Movimento amica, i tiri per la Distanza di Carica e Distanza di Inseguimento effettuati da unità nemiche entro 18" dal modello del portatore sono soggetti a Tiro Minimizzato.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Protection fantômatique
Enchantement : Armure lourde et Armure de plates. Le porteur gagne +2 en Armure contre les attaques qui ne sont pas des Attaque magique.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Ghostly Guard
+2 Arm against non-Magical Attacks.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Giant Slayer
Crush Attack. This Crush Attack always hits on 4+.
Glory of the Dawn Age
+1 Str and Lethal Strike. Natural to-wound rolls of ‘6’ gain Multiple Wounds (2).
Gloire du Premier Âge
Les attaques portées avec cette arme gagnent +1 en Force et +1 en Pénétration d'armure . De plus, toute attaque portée avec cette arme et dont le jet pour blesser a donné un résultat naturel de '5' ou '6' est soumise aux règles suivantes : • Elle gagne [b]Blessures multiples (2)[/b] • À moins que la cible ait [b]Immunité (Coup fatal)[/b], sa Pénétration d'armure est [b]toujours[/b] égale à 10 et ignore les sauvegardes de Fortitude.
Glory of the Dawn Age
+1 Str and Lethal Strike. Natural to-wound rolls of ‘6’ gain Multiple Wounds (2).
Glory of the Dawn Age
+1 Str and Lethal Strike. Natural to-wound rolls of ‘6’ gain Multiple Wounds (2).
Gloria de la Era del Amanecer
Los ataques realizados con esta arma obtienen +1 Fuerza y +1 Penetración de Armadura. Además, los ataques realizados con esta arma con una tirada para herir exitosa en la que se obtenga un resultado natural de 5+, se ven sujetas a las siguientes reglas: Obtienen [b]Heridas Múltiples (2)[/b] A menos que el objetivo tenga Inmune (Golpe Letal), su Penetración de Armadura se establece [b]siempre[/b] en 10, e ignoran Salvaciones por Fortaleza.
Gloria dell'Era dell'Alba
Gli attacchi effettuati con quest'arma ottengono +1 Forza e +1 Penetrazione Armatura. Inoltre, gli attacchi effettuati con quest'arma che ottengono un risultato naturale di 5+ al tiro per ferire sono soggetti alle seguenti regole: • Ottengono [b]Ferite Multiple (2)[/b] • A meno che il bersaglio non ignori Colpo Letale, ignorano i Tiri Tempra del bersaglio e la loro Penetrazione Armatura è sempre fissata a 10.
Magnetic Great Bow (3+)
Name Aim Range Shots Str AP Attack Attributes Magnetic Great Bow 4+ 18″ 3 6 3 Accurate, Lodestone, March and Shoot, Quick to Fire
Grand arc magnétique (3+)
Arme de tir. Portée 18", Tirs 2, Fo 3 [5], PA 1 [3], [b]Attaque de zone (1×5)[/b], [[b]Blessures multiples (1D3)[/b]], [b]Magnétite[/b], [b]Rechargez![/b], [b]Tir en marche forcée[/b].
Magnetic Great Bow (3+)
Name Aim Range Shots Str AP Attack Attributes Magnetic Great Bow 4+ 18″ 3 6 3 Accurate, Lodestone, March and Shoot, Quick to Fire
Magnetic Great Bow (3+)
Name Aim Range Shots Str AP Attack Attributes Magnetic Great Bow 4+ 18″ 3 6 3 Accurate, Lodestone, March and Shoot, Quick to Fire
Gran Arco Magnético (3+)
Arma de Disparo. Alcance 18", Disparos 2, Fue 3 [5], PA 1 [3], [b]Ataque de Área (1×5)[/b], [[b]Heridas Múltiples (1D3)[/b]], [b]Calamita[/b], [b]Marchar y Disparar[/b], [b]¡Recargad![/b].
Grande Arco di Magnetite(3+)
Arma da Tiro. Gittata 18", Colpi 2, For 3 [5], Pen 1 [3], [b]Attacco ad Area (1×5)[/b], [[b]Ferite Multiple (D3)[/b]], [b]Magnetico[/b], [b]Marciare e Tirare[/b], [b]Ricarica![/b].
Imbued Jade
Cantrips (Preservation & Projection) and Channel (+1). This means that both rules for Cantrips are activated when a Magic Dice is discarded. See Tegu Mystics for rules.
Imbued Jade
Cantrips (Preservation & Projection) and Channel (+1). This means that both rules for Cantrips are activated when a Magic Dice is discarded. See Tegu Mystics for rules.
Imbued Jade
Cantrips (Preservation & Projection) and Channel (+1). This means that both rules for Cantrips are activated when a Magic Dice is discarded. See Tegu Mystics for rules.
Imbued Jade
Cantrips (Preservation & Projection) and Channel (+1). This means that both rules for Cantrips are activated when a Magic Dice is discarded. See Tegu Mystics for rules.
Imbued Jade
Cantrips (Preservation & Projection) and Channel (+1). This means that both rules for Cantrips are activated when a Magic Dice is discarded. See Tegu Mystics for rules.
Imbued Jade
Cantrips (Preservation & Projection) and Channel (+1). This means that both rules for Cantrips are activated when a Magic Dice is discarded. See Tegu Mystics for rules.
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
Tueuse de rois
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Lorsqu’il utilise cette arme, son porteur gagne +X en valeur d’Attaque, et les attaques effectuées avec cette arme gagnent +X en Force, +X en Pénétration d’armure et Attaque magique, où « X » est égal au nombre de Personnages ennemis en contact avec l’unité du porteur. Ce bonus est calculé au Palier d’initiative où ces attaques sont effectuées et ne vaut que pour ce palier.
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
King Slayer
Attached. While there is an enemy Character in contact with the wielder’s unit: +1 Att, +2 Str, and +2 AP
Sterminatrice di re
The wielder gains +X Attack Value while using this weapon, and attacks made with this weapon gain +X Strength, +X Armour Penetration, and Magical Attacks, where X is equal to the number of enemy Characters in base contact with the wielder’s unit. This bonus is calculated at the Initiative Step when the attacks are made.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Vorpal Binding
Successful Armour Saves and Special Saves against attacks made with this weapon have to be rerolled.
Luce purificante
At the start of each Round of Combat, the wielder may choose to have attacks made with this weapon become Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks.
Mask of Mindless Violence
Frenzy and Rage.
Mask of Mindless Violence
Frenzy and Rage.
Mask of Mindless Violence
Frenzy and Rage.
Mask of Mindless Violence
Frenzy and Rage.
Mask of Mindless Violence
Frenzy and Rage.
Mask of Mindless Violence
Frenzy and Rage.
Monolith of Vitalism
The model becomes the Battle Standard Bearer.
Monolithe vitaliste
La figurine devient le Porteur de la grande bannière.
Monolith of Vitalism
The model becomes the Battle Standard Bearer.
Monolith of Vitalism
The model becomes the Battle Standard Bearer.
Monolito del Vitalismo
La miniatura pasa a ser el Portaestandarte de Batalla.
Monolite del Vitalismo
Il modello diventa l'Alfiere da Battaglia.
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Roc d'obsidienne
Le porteur gagne Résistance à la magie (2).
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Obsidian Rock
Magic Resistance (2).
Pietra d'ossidiana
The bearer gains Magic Resistance (2).
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Potion de rapidité
Usage unique. Peut être activée au début de n'importe quelle Phase ou Manche de combat Jusqu'à la fin du Tour de joueur, le porteur gagne +3 Agilité, jusqu'à un maximum de 10.
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Pozione della rapidit
One use only. May be activated at the start of any Round of Combat. Until the end of the Player Turn, the bearer gains +3 Agility.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Starfall Lodestone
The bearer’s model gains Hard Target (1) and Immune (Flaming Attacks).
Starfall Lodestone
The bearer’s model gains Hard Target (1) and Immune (Flaming Attacks).
Starfall Lodestone
The bearer’s model gains Hard Target (1) and Immune (Flaming Attacks).
Starfall Lodestone
The bearer’s model gains Hard Target (1) and Immune (Flaming Attacks).
Starfall Lodestone
The bearer’s model gains Hard Target (1) and Immune (Flaming Attacks).
Starfall Lodestone
The bearer’s model gains Hard Target (1) and Immune (Flaming Attacks).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talisman de protection
Le porteur gagne Ægide (5+).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talisman of Shielding
Aegis (5+).
Talismano di protezione
The bearer gains Aegis (5+).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talisman du Vide
Le porteur gagne Canalisation (1).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talisman of the Void
Channel (1). This item can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Magic Item).
Talismano del vuoto
The bearer gains Channel (1).
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Touché par la grâce
Enchantement : Arme de corps à corps. Les attaques effectuées avec cette arme gagnent +1 en Force, +1 en Pénétration d’armure et Attaque magique. Les modificateurs de Force donnés par cette arme (en combinant les bonus conférés par son type d’arme et ceux de son Enchantement) ne peuvent être supérieurs à +2 (mais peuvent néanmoins dépasser cette valeur en vertu de modificateurs provenant d’autres sources, telles que des sorts).
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Touch of Greatness
+1 Str and +1 AP.
Tocco di grandigia
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and become Magical Attacks. Strength modifiers from this weapon (combining both mundane and Weapon Enchantment modifiers) cannot exceed +2 (but can exceed +2 through modifiers from other sources, such as spells).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Warding of Unity
Attached and Resistance (Melee Attacks).
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.
Wild Warding
+3 Arm. The Armour Value can never be improved beyond 5.

Magic Standards usable by the army

Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Aether Icon
The bearer’s unit gains Magic Resistance (1).
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Banner Of Recruitment
The bearer’s unit gains Exclusive and changes its Maximum Points Cost to max 800 points.
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Flaming Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks (Melee & Shooting).
Koru Stone
The bearer’s unit gains Rally Around the Flag.
Pierre de Koru
L'unité du porteur gagne [b]Ralliement au drapeau[/b], dont la portée [b]passe[/b] à 12".
Koru Stone
The bearer’s unit gains Rally Around the Flag.
Koru Stone
The bearer’s unit gains Rally Around the Flag.
Piedra Koru
La unidad del portador obtiene [b]Reagruparse en Torno a la Bandera[/b] cuyo alcance se [b]establece[/b] en 12".
Pietra Koru
L'unità del portatore ottiene [b]Raccogliersi Sotto lo Stendardo[/b], con gittata [b]fissata[/b] a 12".
Obelisk of Collaboration
The bearer's unit gains [b]Pack Hunter[/b].
Obélisque de collaboration
L'unité du porteur gagne [b]Meute chasseresse[/b].
Obelisk of Collaboration
The bearer's unit gains [b]Pack Hunter[/b].
Obelisk of Collaboration
The bearer's unit gains [b]Pack Hunter[/b].
Obelisco de Colaboración
La unidad del portador obtiene [b]Cazador en Manada[/b].
Obelisco della Collaborazione
L'unità del portatore ottiene [b]Branco Predatorio[/b].
Rending Banner
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat, when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. All models in the unit gain +1 AP until the end of combat.
Rending Banner
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat, when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. All models in the unit gain +1 AP until the end of combat.
Rending Banner
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat, when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. All models in the unit gain +1 AP until the end of combat.
Rending Banner
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat, when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. All models in the unit gain +1 AP until the end of combat.
Rending Banner
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat, when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. All models in the unit gain +1 AP until the end of combat.
Rending Banner
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat, when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. All models in the unit gain +1 AP until the end of combat.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Sheltering Standard
Attacks with AP 3 or less can never reduce the Armour Save roll of the bearer’s unit to worse than 6+.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.
Stalker’s Standard
The bearer’s unit gains Strider.

Units od the army

Anurarch Archmage
Archimage anurarque
Anurarch Archmage
Anurarch Archmage
Archimago Anurarca
Arcimago Anaurarca
Caiman Mentor
Caiman Mentor
Caiman Mentor
Caiman Mentor
Caiman Mentor
Caiman Mentor
Tegu Veteran
Vétéran tégu
Tegu Veteran
Tegu Veteran
Veterano Tegu
Esemplare Tegu
Skink Veteran
Vétéran skink
Skink Veteran
Skink Veteran
Veterano Eslizón
Battipista Scinco
Anurarch Wardens
Gardiens de l'anurarque
Anurarch Wardens
Anurarch Wardens
Guardias del Anurarca
Guardiani dell'Anaurarca
Saurian Raptor
Raptor saurien
Saurian Raptor
Saurian Raptor
Ráptor Saurio
Raptor dei Sauri
Mountain Pteradon
Ptéradon des montagnes
Mountain Pteradon
Mountain Pteradon
Pteradón de Montaña
Pteradonte di Montagna
Pouakai Sky Tyrant
Tyran céleste pohuakaï
Pouakai Sky Tyrant
Pouakai Sky Tyrant
Tirano Celestial Pouakai
Pouakai Tiranno dei Cieli
Alpha Carnosaur
Carnosaure alpha
Alpha Carnosaur
Alpha Carnosaur
Carnosaurio Alfa
Carnosauro Alfa
Tegu Warriors
Guerriers tégus
Tegu Warriors
Tegu Warriors
Guerreros Tegu
Coorte Tegu
Skink Warriors
Guerriers skinks
Skink Warriors
Skink Warriors
Guerreros Eslizón
Irregolari Scinchi
Skink Hunters
Chasseurs skinks
Skink Hunters
Skink Hunters
Cazadores Eslizón
Scinchi Cacciatori
Caiman Warriors
Guerriers caïmans
Caiman Warriors
Caiman Warriors
Guerreros Caimán
Caimani Loricati
Tegu Guards
Gardes tégus
Tegu Guards
Tegu Guards
Guardia Tegu
Custodi Tegu
Tegu Mystics
Moines tégus
Tegu Mystics
Tegu Mystics
Místicos Tegu
Asceti Tegu
Raptor Pack
Meute de raptors
Raptor Pack
Raptor Pack
Manada de Raptores
Branco di Raptor
Raptor Riders
Chevaucheurs de raptor
Raptor Riders
Raptor Riders
Jinetes de Ráptor
Caiman Elders
Caïmans aînés
Caiman Elders
Caiman Elders
Ancianos Caimán
Caimani Venerabili
Thyroscutus Herd
Troupeau de thyroscutus
Thyroscutus Herd
Thyroscutus Herd
Manada de Tiroscutus
Mandria di Tyroscutus
Rhamphodon Riders
Chevaucheurs de rhamphorhyon
Rhamphodon Riders
Rhamphodon Riders
Jinetes de Ranfodón
Incursori su Ranfodonte
Saurian Swarms
Nuées sauriennes
Saurian Swarms
Saurian Swarms
Enjambres Saurios
Sciami di Scaglie
Skink Guerrillas
Tirailleurs skinks
Skink Guerrillas
Skink Guerrillas
Guerrilla Eslizón
Guerriglia di Scinchi
Weapon Beasts
Artillerie bestiale
Weapon Beasts
Weapon Beasts
Bestias Armadas
Bestie Arma
Pteradon Riders
Chevaucheurs de ptéradons
Pteradon Riders
Pteradon Riders
Jinetes de Pteradón
Sentinelle su Pteranodonti
Stygiosaur Pack
Meute de stygiosaures
Stygiosaur Pack
Stygiosaur Pack
Manada de Estigiosaurios
Mandria di Stigiosauri
Saurian Giant
Saurian Giant
Saurian Giant
Saurian Giant
Saurian Giant
Saurian Giant