

Evocation is the Path of Souls. It focuses on the spiritual essence of living creatures – calling forth, strengthening and weakening souls in the Mortal Realm, or even summoning them from beyond the Veil. It bypasses the physical might of a being, interacting directly with the psyche to devastating effect, sometimes leaving nothing but a lifeless body. Evokers carry their power as an eerie aura, with disembodied souls drawn to those who can offer them a voice – or a release.

(1) Whispers of the Veil

Casting Type Duration
7+ Hex Replicable
Range 18"
One Turn

The target suffers −1 Res.

No model or unit can be affected by more than one instance of this spell simultaneously.

(2) Touch of the Reaper

Casting Type Duration
7+ Hex Damage
Range 24"

The target suffers D3+1 hits with Str 9, AP 10, and Magical Attacks.

When rolling to wound with this attack, substitute the target’s Res with its Cou.

(3) Danse Macabre

Casting Type Duration
9+ Augment Aura
Range 8"
One Turn

The target may immediately perform a 4″ Magical Move.

In addition, it gains Dying Blow and Ghost Step.

(4) Chorus of the Damned

Casting Type Duration
10+ Augment
Range 18"
One Turn

The target gains Distracting (1) and Horror.

(5) Spectral Blades

Casting Type Duration
11+ Augment
Range 18"
One Turn

Standard Melee Attacks from Rank-andFile models in the target have their Str always set to 4, AP always set to 4, and gain Magical Attacks.

(6) Soul Blight

Casting Type Duration
11+ Hex Missile Damage
Range 24"

The target takes a Courage Test:
• If passed it suffers D6 hits.
• If failed it suffers 2D6 hits.
Hits are with Str 9, AP 10, and Magical Attacks.
When rolling to wound with this attack, substitute the target’s Res with its Cou.