Casting | Type | Duration | ||
+ |
Range 24" |
One Turn |
If this spell targets a friendly unit, the target gains +1 Movement.
If this spell targets an enemy unit, the target suffers -1 Movement, to minimum of 3.
A unit cannot be affected by this spell more than twice in the same Magic Phase.
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
5+ [8+]+ |
Range 18" [36"] |
One Turn |
The target suffers a -1 modifier to hit.
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
6+ [9+]+ |
Range 18" |
Instant |
The target may perform a 6"[10"] Flying Magical Move. Both before and after making this move the target is allowed to Reform, which does not prevent the target from Shooting.
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
7+ [10+]+ |
Range 36" [24"] |
One Turn |
All Shooting Attacks made by the target [and all Spells cast by the target] have their Range halved.
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
8++ |
Range 18" |
One Turn |
The target gains Random Movement (2D6).
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
8++ |
Range 24" |
Remains in Play |
The target gains Stupidity. For each Character in the unit, the target suffers -1 Leadership.
Casting | Type | Duration | ||
9+ [11+]+ |
Range 24" |
One Turn |
R&F models in the target unit will successfully roll to hit and to wound on a 4+ with their Close Combat attacks, regardless of Weapon Skill, Strength and Toughness (apply this before any other modifiers).